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单词 Conducting
1, He appeared hardly capable of conducting a coherent conversation.
2, The astronauts are conducting a series of experiments to learn more about how the body adapts to weightlessness.
3, UN mediators are conducting shuttle diplomacy between the two sides.
4, We are conducting a survey of consumer attitudes towards organic food.
5, We are conducting a survey to find out what our customers think of their local bus service.
6, We're carrying out/conducting a poll to find out what people think about abortion.
7, They are carrying out/conducting/doing some fascinating research into/on the language of dolphins.
8, We're conducting very delicate negotiations.
9, Who's conducting at tonight's concert?
10, We're conducting a poll among school leavers.
11, He has insisted on conducting his own defence.
12, My father will be conducting the auction tomorrow.
13, They had been conducting a casual affair for years.
14, Sir Neville's conducting is precise and delicate, never overblown.
15, They took the lead in conducting the experiments.
16, Who is conducting this evening?
17, He is conducting a point-by-point rebuttal of charges from former colleagues.
18, Who will be conducting?
19, Scientists are conducting an investigation into the causes of the accident.
20, The police are conducting a safety awareness programme in local schools.
21, The purpose of conducting a business is to make money.
22, The prisoner's family is conducting a tireless campaign for his release.
23, He said they were conducting a campaign against democrats across the country.
24, Dennis had recently begun a successful career conducting opera in Europe.
25, Conducting business with her is fine but I find that actually conversing with her is quite difficult.
26, By conducting the world's first airborne auction sale.
27, Scientists around the world have been conducting similar experiments.
28, He was conducting yet another search of the quarter.
29, You will receive a follow-up visit from the person conducting the assessment.
30, The company was hamstrung by traditional but inefficient ways of conducting business.
1, He appeared hardly capable of conducting a coherent conversation.
2, The astronauts are conducting a series of experiments to learn more about how the body adapts to weightlessness.
3, UN mediators are conducting shuttle diplomacy between the two sides.
4, We are conducting a survey of consumer attitudes towards organic food.
5, We are conducting a survey to find out what our customers think of their local bus service.
6, We're carrying out/conducting a poll to find out what people think about abortion.
7, They are carrying out/conducting/doing some fascinating research into/on the language of dolphins.
31, The conducting properties of solids vary widely.
32, I was a great admirer of his conducting.
33, We are conducting detailed trials on those farms.
34, In my opinion, Don Quixote was conducting an experiment.
35, The deputy head normally conducting the job analysis.
36, We are simply conducting a holding operation.
37, But cluster sampling does have value when distance may provide real obstacles to conducting enquiries.
38, At this very moment,() other hoteliers no doubt are busy conducting surveys designed to pinpoint our newest whims.
39, One student had actually been conducting a water test while other students were presenting.
40, Shine, who distrusts photographs, has been conducting environmental studies at the lake for 20 years.
41, The Department of Elections also is conducting its own inquiry.
42, The singer and actress admits that conducting any romance has become almost impossible due to the jibes about her taste in younger men.
43, Ever since then, people have been conducting tests upon different generations of sound recording systems.
44, To the consternation of his cabinet colleagues, he is currently conducting a wide-ranging review of public spending.
45, He has a several years of experience of conducting interviews on national identity.
46, Bethel indicated that all institutions conducting courses at degree level in all countries except the United Kingdom conferred their own awards.
47, Someone is conducting a vicious campaign of false rumours against the Royal Family.
48, Sergei Solov'ev was wrong, however,() to accuse the tsar of conducting the war with a lack of resolution.
49, The biggest single contribution to the raised level of this production comes from the conducting of Michel Plasson.
50, Finally, task descriptions differ with the personal biases of analysts and the reasons why they are conducting the analysis.
51, They have been conducting a series of experiments and observations on the topic of nutrition.
52, It has been conducting intense, entertaining world championships nearly as long.
53, Perhaps the practitioner conducting the trial should not be the patient's own doctor.
54, A newspaper reports breathlessly of producers conducting rapturous relationships with PowerBooks, of screenwriters sleeping with them.
55, So does Mr Burgreen, who asked Mr Miller's office to start conducting independent investigations into all future police shootings.
56, Brief your participants that you will be conducting the meeting this way and expect their co-operation.
57, What I admired most about him was not his piano playing, his conducting or his composing, but his mind.
58, Textbooks on research methods rarely mention the problems that arise when undertaking research on controversial topics or conducting it in sensitive locations.
59, Pearce reached his conclusions after conducting a review of detailed studies into the impact of environmental taxes.
60, Carry out those activities involved when conducting the comprehensive assessment of a person's nursing requirements.
61, The port is conducting studies in hopes of proving the point.
62, The three Skylab crews spent a combined time of over 3000 hours conducting scientific experiments in Earth orbit.
63, This conversation led to-her discussions about how I could work with this organization by conducting career change seminars.
64, Security forces were reportedly conducting a search operation to find the attackers.
65, Inefficiencies due to human error in conducting these laborious scans for potential applicants was another source for concern regarding the operation.
66, They offered me a job conducting classes in thirteen of their stores.
67, And still larger sums have been expended in conducting a campaign against us outside of Ontario.
68, And because they were civilian-manned, they would be able to spend more time conducting operations and less time making liberty calls.
69, He has a genius for conducting but he doesn't enjoy doing it.
70, In conducting their pioneering survey, Abel-Smith, Zander and Brooke were faced with this problem.
71, Elgar's conducting of the Gerontius Prelude had particular beauty and depth of feeling.
72, Here familiarization can be partially achieved by conducting a reference interview with the end user.
73, The procedure to be adopted should be left to the discretion of the person conducting the reference.
74, Imagine fans and athletes honoring their sport by conducting themselves with class.
75, While conducting interviews for this book, I sometimes posed the chameleon riddle to my interviewees.
76, The priest was shot dead as he drove back to his parish after conducting a wedding ceremony, but nothing was stolen.
77, Then he stood aside again, still conducting, urging her to move faster.
77, Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
78, Others are conducting their discussions on World Wide Web sites devoted to particular topics.
79, The national Perinatal Epidemiology Unit in Oxford is conducting a nation-wide study into the subject.
80, He has accused Starr, the independent Whitewater counsel, of conducting a partisan witch hunt.
81, Rather, both sides were conducting a war in the imagination.
82, Any company or bank conducting business outside of its domestic currency zone must have access to international capital.
83, He is also concerned about the low take-up of conducting case conferences by telephone.
84, Thirdly, the skills required for conducting negotiations-among them intelligence, tact, patience and empathy.
85, This does not detract, however, from the general value of conducting the type of analysis suggested by Hayzen.
86, His style of conducting is very clear, yet also spontaneous.
87, They also had to let go of the relative safety of conducting such discussions privately.
88, But when the Bush administration took office, it suspended negotiations while conducting the policy review.
89, Working Conditions Accountants and auditors work in offices, but public accountants may frequently visit the offices of clients while conducting audits.
90, Supervisors take on increased responsibility for conducting team meetings. 2.
91, I also had the opportunity of conducting a number of interviews with Idi Amin, at his own behest.
92, Forms are necessary for gathering user information, conducting surveys, or even providing interactive services.
93, Conducting relations across an ideological divide is quite unlike dealing with a country broadly well-disposed towards one's own.
94, In reality they were conducting a unilateral war, or rather an endless pattern of continuing three-day wars.
95, Make a list of the different methods you could use in conducting a survey.
96, The campaigns that we have been conducting are moving in that direction because special constables have a particularly valuable part to play.
97, In any event, the prime minister, Felipe Gonzalez, is conducting an impressive campaign.
98, Conductors and hospital administrators come out of courses in conducting or schools of hospital administration respectively.
99, Decision support systems, providing computer-based facilities for conducting analyses, simulations etc. 9.
100, The department has well-equipped laboratory facilities and houses the most advanced parallel computers as well as conducting research at national and international institutions.
101, In conducting this review the University has taken into account the feasibility of raising the necessary funding from outside sources.
102, Both printed and online forms of the bibliography are exact equivalents when conducting author searches.
103, Article 20 gives the government responsibility for determining and conducting national policy.
104, Last June a judge dismissed the fine, declaring that the village must obtain search warrants before conducting the inspections.
105, Was this a normal or reasonable way of conducting murder investigations?
106, Ligand is also conducting phase three trials on Targretin for a form of lymphoma and is looking at it for other cancers.
107, The company that sent in the bailiffs, Bristow and Sutor(), say they're conducting an enquiry.
108, The vicar conducting the service, who's also a family friend, read out part of the coroner's judgement.
109, The issue of conducting basic research at Carville remained unresolved.
110, She and Implexion had been conducting a casual affair for years; she knew him better than anyone.
111, During or after such courses they may have acquired some additional external diplomas in organ-playing conducting, harmony and counterpoint.
112, The aim of the present research is to develop this framework by deriving testable propositions and conducting appropriate experiments.
113, Police conducting surveillance of a stolen Honda Accord that was parked, saw two males getting into the car.
114, It appeared to Nizan as the only realistic method of conducting human affairs in a civilised manner.
115, He travels the country conducting workshops and has published eight pieces of Classical music for students.
116, There is a sense in which the greatest art in conducting is to know when one should not conduct.
117, He may have been conducting a formal press conference in very informal dress at a most abnormal time.
118, Jeffries queried blandly, as if he were conducting a job interview.
119, Publicly available data will be used rather than, at this stage, conducting interviews with business owners.
120, The Royal Society is also conducting research on the effect of depleted uranium on health.
121, The new Act removes the monopoly on starting and conducting litigation.
122, The Special Investigation Branch of the military police is conducting more than 30 investigations into allegations of brutality.
123, Just as important, it was a piece of indiscipline that illustrated the almost casual way Labour is conducting this campaign.
124, From 1950-2 he studied composition and conducting at the Juilliard School in New York.
125, It was in a sense the just reward of his method of conducting foreign policy.
126, Experience of conducting high level negotiations, contract and royalty management.
127, Grice suggests that the maxims are in fact not arbitrary conventions, but rather describe rational means for conducting cooperative exchanges.
128, Conducting investment business without authorisation could lead to criminal prosecution.
129, With Bley conducting and Paul Haines, the original librettist, as narrator, the opera was revived to ecstatic reviews.
130, We shall be conducting a series of in-depth interviews with economic experts.
131, Meanwhile, the Science and Engineering Council is conducting its own robot research programme.
132, Gatling has become a relentless court jester, mugging, leading cheers and conducting interviews.
133, To go to war in order to change the way another country was conducting its affairs was obviously illegal.
134, As an adult, he was so terrified of conducting his music that he feared his head would fall off.
135, For the most part Kilwardby lavished his attention on his clerical subjects, conducting visitations of suffragans' dioceses and holding frequent clerical synods.
136, The group has 10 paid organizers conducting a citywide registration and awareness campaign.
137, You had organized it yourself shortly after graduating from the conducting class at the Musikhochschule in Vienna?
138, Issues considered include conducting supplier audits and launching greener products.
139, Now,(http:///conducting.html) the police and trading standards are conducting an investigation into the matter.
140, During the past year we have been conducting a magnetic survey of the region, from a low-level satellite.
141, She is conducting a survey to see what new activities the center should offer.
142, At the Irving Plaza, a gaggle of girls are wandering around conducting a poll.
143, Emphasis should be placed on strict adherence to a policy of changing into protective clothing before conducting a post-mortem examination.
144, Mitch Miller always had a very characteristic conducting style, with his hand in the 0.
145, Secondly, this form of research endeavour can all too easily produce a state of alienation in those conducting the research.
146, The following month Roosevelt and Churchill tried to prevent de Gaulle from conducting legal proceedings against former Vichy officials.
147, Many organists nevertheless continue to fulfil the additional and varied roles of performing or conducting, and of private teaching.
148, Gratuities formed part of the old, traditional and accepted way of conducting business: set charges were the innovation.
149, We are conducting a search warrant.
150, Conducting businesses within residence hall rooms is also prohibited.
151, Conducting functional tests of PT builds.
152, We are conducting an emergency rescue operation.
153, Beijing is conducting modern traffic control system development.
154, Dennis had recently begun a successful career conducting opera.
155, Studies include the history of Christian worship, hymnody, composing, arranging, conducting, choral leadership, and training in instrumental playing.
156, When Stephen Davis, ghostwriter of Jackson memoir "Moon Walk," was at Jackson's Encino, Calif. home in 1987 conducting interviews, a succession of preteen boys visited constantly.
157, But none of these tools can replace old-fashioned methods such as making phone calls, conducting in-person interviews and visiting libraries.
158, The carbon cord of 2 is specialized in iso - ionic discharge conducting wire.
159, Results: The obvious amitotic phases and cellular senescent characteristics were observed in adult goat ventricular muscle cells including working and conducting cardiac muscle cells.
160, A photographic camera flash can instantaneously triggers the de-oxygenation reaction of graphite oxide by photothermal heating. The product is conducting, graphene-like material as...
161, Conducting a thorough job analysis . What are the job's essential functions and key performance criteria?
162, Small took a sabbatical and spent the 2002 - 2003 school year conducting her research.
163, Dux completed this study while conducting post - doctoral research at Vanderbilt.
164, Application of Delphi method to environmental impact prediction on telpher engineering in scenic spot for conducting environmental impact assessment was presented.
165, In 17 patients with birth injury of plexus ? electromyogrph and conducting velocity of motor nerve were measured.
166, Development of studies on the preparations and properties of conducting polymers ( CPs ) with different wettability are reviewed.
167, You might find these scenarios useful when conducting capacity planning for an MDM Server system based on the chosen features and for ensuring the required performance level during initial load.
168, Authenticity is the heart's-blood of the news report. This is a basic criteria and the universal rule which can not be abandoned when conducting news reporting work at any moment.
169, Section four suggests the introduction of the conciliation proceedings(), which will be helpful to improve the efficiency of the conducting the lawsuits.
170, The state attorney general's office is conducting its own investigation and could bring additional state charges.
171, All this provides science and technical workers with scientific basis and methods for conducting appropriate subject indexing.
172, When Mazer was conducting the Taipei Sinfonietta this September, he became so excited the baton snapped in two and stabbed his finger.
173, In some cases, architects provide various predesign services, such as conducting feasibility and environmental impact studies, selecting a site or specifying the design's requirements.
174, In his room are photographs of his life before he became an amnesiac -- Clive conducting an orchestra, his wedding.
175, The personal data provided by means of this form will be used by the Social Welfare Department for assessing your application for Lotteries Fund and conducting of research and surveys.
176, Although Situational Service ...Beyond Basic Training is a highly structured program, your facilitator has considerable flexibility in conducting the sessions.
177, And when the mixture is used for semiconducting, as in a transistor, the excess current from the conducting nanotubes will short the device.
178, Conducting wire core adopting soft structure, ensure good performance of soft cable. Flat cable sino-australian every day.
179, Article 6 In conducting special audit investigations, auditors shall safeguard state secrets and trade secrets of the investigated bodies in accordance with the law.
180, To take safety precautions when conducting air - conditioning works and other.
181, The Hopkins group is conducting a clinical trial of xenograft model.
182, It has becomes the main reason for making interest-rate management mechanism rigescent, conducting the mechanism weakened and the interest rate structure contorted.
183, As a source of funds for conducting securities margin purchase and short sale business.
184, A work song is a piece of music closely connected to a specific form of work, either sung while conducting a task (often to coordinate timing).
185, This document describes a procedure for conducting a project retrospective.
186, In the early 1850s, Angstrom, up at the University of Uppsala in Sweden was conducting experiments on atomic hydrogen.
187, The importation of technology is a complicated systems engineering and concerns many factors including conducting principal, information transfer and capital input , etc.
188, This paper mainly discusses music composition and conducting art of Boulez, which might be important for the studies on contemporary conductors...
189, A fundamental method which is utilized to solve the electromagnetic scattering(TE and TM wave)from a conducting cylinder covered by lossy dielectrics is investigated by using the lattice theory.
190, In this paper , the synthesis of soluble conducting polymers was reviewed with emphasis on polyacetylene and its derivates. Their structure, property and recent development are also described.
191, The shield is attached to chassis ground through the case of the XLR, providing extremely effective shielding without contaminating the quality of the negative conducting path.
192,'s Tor software protects users' anonymity by preventing those watching from conducting traffic analysis.
193, Academic exchanges: conducting design - related academic exchanges, invigorating academic ideas and raising the academic level of design.
194, And this spring Congress has been conducting hearings on Superfund.
195, By conducting stress controlled cyclic triaxial test, in this paper, the behavior of saturated soft clay under the action of undrained cyclic load being studied.
196, [ZOMBA, MALAWI] The trial of a hospital technician accused of conducting unauthorised drug trials has highlighted a host of ethical issues surrounding research on patients, say commentators.
197, The lead free graphite conducting pastes were prepared by using conductive graphite powder,() lead free low-melting glass and terpineol ethyl cellulose solution.
198, For example, if your accountant becomes a shareowner, he or she will be prohibited from conducting future audits.
199, The intermediate-acid volcanic rock is the main metallogenic mother rock. the ductile-brittle shear zone is the important ore conducting structure for the formation of gold deposit.
200, Afterdesigning and conducting correlative dynamic analog experiment, we prove the correctness of above theories.
201, By conducting site curtain grouting test, curtain grouting method, technical parameters and resource allocation are studied for this kind of geological formation.
202, The controllable silicon circuit controlled by monolithic microcomputer is introduced, which adopts external interrupt to obtain sync signals and controls conducting angel with a timer.
203, This paper is meant to confirm the philosophical implications of Zhuang Zi's ideal of "making all things equal" through conducting a contextual analysis of the text of Zhuang Zi.
204, Many valuable conclusions can be reached by adopting inframarginal analysis, introducing transaction efficiency, and conducting new analysis of Heckscher-Ohlin factor endowment theorem.
205, EDM is a form of mental removal in which pulsating direct current is applied to a shaped tool and a work piece, both of which are capable of conducting electricity.
206, They'd met in the psychology department at U.C.L.A., where Gonzaga was conducting a study on married couples.
207, As for the methodology, we should focus mainly on establishing joint ventures as well as conducting compensatory trade and allowing foreign entrepreneurs to set up factories in China.
208, This is also because of the contradiction between the commanding revenue tax plan and the system of conducting tax by law.
209, Advanced Study of the psalmody, hymnody, and worship traditions of the Church, practical exercises in the use of the hymn, planning and conducting various types of services, and field trips.
210, Many years ago I was a graduate student conducting research in one of the top biopsychology laboratories in the country.
211, Conducting social-welfare donative sports contests must be approved by the civil affairs department.
212, The EM response function from a conducting (both electric and magnetic) sphere in a dipole field is calculated by using the continued fraction technique, and the resultant data and diagram are given.
213, In Basrah, Red Cross instructor was conducting mine and unexploded ordnance awareness activities with schoolchildren.
214, The mixture of nanotubes created in Tour's lab includes both semiconducting nanotubes and conducting nanotubes.
215, Conducting trials in global settings could save time and money.
216, A circuit element , typically a conducting coil, in which electromotive force is generated by induction.
217, PhD candidates from all disciplines conducting research at an Utrecht University Partner (UUP) and who are in the research phase of their PhD project are considered eligible candidates.
218, Again, however, we should not underestimate the technical and information requirements of conducting such exercises effectively.
219, Conducting socioeconomic studies is the focal point of the DDR team's efforts.
220, The Government is conducting and reviewing another seven studies to identify potential sites for housing development.
221, Conducting polymer as a new material has shown a prefect application in shielding electromagnetic wave.
222, China's Navy has begun conducting its annual ammunition drill in the East China Sea. "
223, Likewise , C1 must have a large capacitance value is order to provide operating current for the load when D1 and D2 are not conducting.
224, This article is conducting a study on the credit loan business for small and medium-size enterprise under such circumstances.
225, The earth is a connection between any electrical device and the conducting body.
226, Electron mirror phenomenon in scanning electron microscopy ( SEM ), resulting from non - conducting samples, was observed.
227, Thus, the information requirements for conducting truly comprehensive macroprudential surveillance could be daunting indeed.
228, The coherent noise is main obstacle for improving S/N ratio, correctly conducting the velocity analysis and migration in 3D seismic exploration of complex areas.
229, Extreme patriots fighting for the freedom of children who are conducting a " mission impossible. "
230, The assessment of risk level is based on clinical judgment after reviewing the risk and protective factors and conducting a direct inquiry of suicidal thoughts and actions.
231, There exits bed separation zone above water - conducting crack zone overburden after coal mining.
232, Tracheids form the only xylem conducting tissue of vascular plants other than angiosperms, some Gnetales, and a few ferns such as bracken. Compare vessel.
233, According to the model of PPD as a conducting polymer, the kinetics of benzoquinone reduction was analyzed and the influencing factors were discussed.
234, The sporangium dehisces longitudinally. Centrarch xylem consists of G-type conducting tracheids bearing annular secondary thickenings, between which are irregular simple perforations.
235, Then on top of that goes another layer of the carbon-coated nylon conducting mesh.
236, Organic electronic materials are also called organic semiconductors, conducting polymers, conducting plastic, conjugated polymers al.
237, Therefore, dibenzyltoluene used as heat - conducting oil either solo or after being mixed with hydrogenated triphenyl.
238, Training was provided equip bureaux and departments with the skill and knowledge of conducting sustainability assessments.
239, The conducting wire inside the disk should not have connectors and without damage.
240, Scott Sandford, a research astrophysicist at the NASA Ames Research Center in California who has experience conducting spectroscopy in meteorites, disagrees.
241, The heat analysis of binary current leads which consist of copper current lead and high temperature super conducting was made on condition that the lead was cooled by two-stage refrigerator.
242, Do selling agent of conducting electricity the words card, obtained a quite good accomplishment.
243, The Hopkins group is conducting a clinical trial of the xenograft model in 40 patients undergoing surgery at Johns Hopkins for non-metastatic pancreas cancer.http:///conducting.html
244, The welding quality of the solder joint on the conducting wire connected with the soldering cover and the PCB.
245, He Xuntian distinguished composer, professor, doctorial tutor and dean of the department of composing and conducting of Shanghai Conservatory of Music.
246, And common pantograph slider prepared by powder metallurgy technology usually causes serious abrasion of the conducting wire.
247, This thesis selects kitchen appliance, which is a special kind of product closely linked to people's daily life, as a carrier for conducting the thought of emotional design.
248, Public security fire control institutions, when conducting fire control examination and approval and acceptance check, shall not collect fees.
249, When conducting numerical analysis of plastic cracking zone of rock mass subjected to underground excavation, its results mainly depend on the adopted plastic flow criterion.
250, Mr. Ralph Allwood, an internationally famous conductor, is using his masterful skills in conducting the boys, who are singing an almost perfect chorale.
251, At the Curtis Institute he studied conducting with Fritz Reiner.
252, A new material electric conducting magnesia carbon brick used for DC furnace bottom anode is briefly described.
253, Article 22 Donation Management When conducting donative sports contests, the sponsor must report the revenue and expenditure budget of contest funds to the MPCSC for approval.
254, The article analyses the features of college girl students' body and mind and psychology conducting in physical lessons.




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