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单词 airily
释义  air·i·ly /ˈeərəli $ ˈer-/ adverb  DON'T CAREin a way that shows you are not worried about something or do not think it is serious 轻松地;不在乎地 ‘I don’t really care, ’ he replied airily. “我不是很在意。”他漫不经心地回答。Examples from the Corpusairily• "I don't really care, " he said airily.• I wave airily and the face moves away.• It was all right, maybe, for Stephen Hawking to airily dismiss time as a human construct.• Certainly, he seem airily exotic with his cropped hair and face like an oriental cherub.air·i·ly adverbChineseSyllable  that worried a way about you not shows Corpus in something are




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