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单词 Backyard
1) He trundled a wheelbarrow to the backyard.
2) He stacked the firewood in the backyard.
3) The old man grew vegetables in his backyard.
4) They have a nice pool in their backyard.
5) They decided to revegetate in the backyard.
6) Joel steered Don and Louise towards the backyard.
7) The boys buried the dead bird in the backyard.
8) The kids were blowing bubbles in the backyard.
9) Jim and Karl were playing ball in the backyard.
10) We planted a peach tree in the backyard.
11) The boys were playing a game in the backyard.
12) We found a man nosing around in our backyard.
13) Farmers usually keep chickens in their backyard.
14) The rabbits in our backyard were a magnet that attracted all the children in the neighbourhood.
15) In the backyard there was a large receptacle for catching rainwater.
16) The defence party divided his backyard from that of his sister's.
17) The house has a small backyard,[http:///backyard.html] surrounded by a high brick wall.
18) My house had a small backyard, the paradise of children.
19) They have a big stockmarket in their own backyard.
20) The men came to remove the rubbish from the backyard.
21) How would you feel about them building a nuclear power station in your backyard?
22) I saw a spider the size of my hand in the backyard.
23) He had an assemblage of old junk cars filling the backyard.
24) Come on, I'll give you the grand tour of the backyard.
25) We should take a look at what is happening in our own backyard before criticizing what is taking place in other countries.
26) Our house is on an acre of land which gives us a nice big backyard for our garden.
27) Economics will not stop Europe's politicians complaining when jobs are lost in their own backyard.
28) The residents didn't want a new factory in their backyard.
29) I'm trying to make room for a vegetable garden in the backyard.
30) The party leader is facing opposition in his own backyard.
1) He stacked the firewood in the backyard.
2) The old man grew vegetables in his backyard.
3) They have a nice pool in their backyard.
4) The men came to remove the rubbish from the backyard.
5) How would you feel about them building a nuclear power station in your backyard?
6) The boys buried the dead bird in the backyard.
7) The rabbits in our backyard were a magnet that attracted all the children in the neighbourhood.
8) The defence party divided his backyard from that of his sister's.
9) Come on, I'll give you the grand tour of the backyard.
10) Our house is on an acre of land which gives us a nice big backyard for our garden.
11) The residents didn't want a new factory in their backyard.
12) The party leader is facing opposition in his own backyard.
13) My house had a small backyard, the paradise of children.
31) The Kohlers' have a pool in their backyard.
32) Get the fuck out of my backyard!
33) Make it in your own backyard.
34) Keep the kids corralled safely in the backyard.
35) One mature backyard lemon tree can produce 300 lemons.
36) Grandma was blowing bubbles with us in the backyard.
37) We were in the backyard, in the big bare place Lincoln had worn in the grass.
38) It will be easier to find a soul mate elsewhere than in one's own backyard.
39) Canoeists should be looking to their own backyard to promote an anti racist approach within the sport.
40) The sun setting over the maple tree in the backyard seems to confirm it.
40) try its best to gather and make good sentences.
41) Of course, every fly-blown congressman is keen to install fresh weapons of death in his own backyard.
42) And as they were fretting about it being nicked, it turned up in their own backyard.
43) The Jorgensens bake lasagne in a solar oven, keep their showers short and cultivate an organic garden in their backyard.
44) It was the closest he could come to religion: this sense of something in the backyard at night.
45) A large tree in our backyard fell down during the storm.
46) Except for the time I scored 84 points in a backyard basketball game.
47) One of my great-est joys was to climb as high as I could in our old backyard elm tree.
48) Rabbits got into the backyard through a hole in the fence.
49) Officers found used hypodermic needles in a trailer in the backyard next to an infant car seat.
50) On my way home I saw three ravens in a backyard at a house along the roadside.
51) Similarly, Jane wrote a little book about what she saw in her backyard.
52) Many people think of herbs primarily as something you; find in a small tin rather than in the backyard garden..
53) Tiffany Ball kept shooting Saturday afternoon on the little backyard court, shooting long after her hot streak had ended.
54) You may be dreaming of barbecues and planter boxes, but even a backyard deck starts with a good foundation.
55) Cindy said one day pointing to a bunny hopping around the backyard.
56) Barton are gathered in a gritty city backyard in the black Hill District of Pittsburgh to mourn his passing.
57) He could see a tiny backyard with a scrap of lawn and a few flowers.
58) In the boarding house he had lived in there was a privy in the backyard.
59) Moe is a 32 year old privately-owned chimp kept in a backyard in Los Angeles.
60) After that I was forbidden the sidewalk without supervision and sentenced to confinement in the backyard with Dons.
61) In the film, transferred to video by my technologically excitable family, Poppa is walking in his backyard garden.
62) He was in the backyard hanging the dripping wash on the sagging clothesline.
63) SchultzeAllen markets a kind of worm condo, a multilevel plastic container system about the size of a backyard grill.
64) The second time she disappeared, we found her sleeping in the coach house in her backyard.
65) They went out in the backyard and necked with us.
66) The tree in the backyard measures 30 feet in height.
67) The children played quietly in the backyard as Frances looked on with approval.
68) I moved over and peered out of one, catching a glimpse of backyard through screens rusted into the old wooden frames.
69) The dog buried one of my slippers in the backyard.
70) We left Lincoln tied to a water pipe in the concrete emptiness of the backyard.
70) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
71) When he got home, he went to the kitchen looking for Puny and saw instead an unusual sight in his backyard.
72) Backyard birders may want to hover about the Birding option for starters.
73) The cat was hiding in the tall grass in the backyard.
74) Now those efforts can begin right in your own backyard, when the Gardens' devotees host their annual fall plant sale.
75) The Krugers threw an impromptu cocktail party for him in the backyard.
76) The Hmong were a tough, unsophisticated tribal society whose own backyard grievances made them perfect recruits for this brutal clandestine war.
77) You could walk in and through a tiny pantry to the backyard and to four one-room rentals.
78) He got up and left the terrace, walked right out of the backyard, turned left.
79) Pete came in filthy dirty from playing in the backyard.
80) It's not every day that a helicopter sits down in your backyard.
81) After last season's playoff loss to the Pacers, vandals spray-painted racial epithets in Iverson's backyard.
82) A nosy neighbor actually videotaped them in their own backyard.
83) Don't be afraid to challenge the pros, even in their own backyard. Colin Powell 
84) Noise from the passing traffic could be heard from the backyard.
85) Many of the tenants lived in substandard adobe apartments, some with backyard outhouses.
86) I saw a hare in my backyard this morning.
87) I composed this photo in my backyard birdbath.
88) Backyard barbecue grills could be proscribed.
89) Aaron and Spook, to camp out in his backyard.
90) We released the racoon from our backyard!
91) I saw a man bolt out of our backyard.
92) Marvin likes to run after balls in the backyard.
93) The children were playing about in the backyard.
94) I was told to play out in the backyard.
95) I parked the car in the backyard.
96) We dug up a time capsule in our backyard.
97) An arctic fox is running in my backyard?
98) He was 44, divorced, his backyard overrun with crabgrass.
99) The willow in the backyard is gone, but a small tree has grown up on the fence line east of the garden plot of corn.
100) The moon lay on the glazed snow of the backyard.
100) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
101) The Europeans are ready to criticise the Americans for what they do in their own backyard.
102) We idolized guys like Magic and Larry, trying to be like them in our backyard.
103) A four-year-old Catholic boy was playing with a four-year-old Protestant girl in a children's pool in the backyard.
104) One world rain, his nephew saw him sitting outside smoking compartment backyard, all wet.
105) When I was young, I would twirl aroundaroundthe fields of wildflowers that grew in my backyard.
106) The person announced on 23 January to have tested positive for ERV antibodies is reported to be a backyard pig farmer from Valenzuela City - a neighbourhood within Metro Manila.
107) This is the easiest type of birder to be, because birding in the backyard does not necessarily require specialized equipment beyond a general field guide and a basic set of binoculars.
108) I saw a man bolt out of [ into ] our backyard.
109) He grew up in a well-appointed brick home with a wooden swing set in the backyard.
110) So to make up the difference during cold, dark winters and rainy spells, I'm turning to another eco-friendly energy source: my backyard.
111) The scraggly relative making its home in my father's backyard pales38) in comparison, but its symbolic value is far greater.
112) A recording studio, hidden away in a backyard in Berlin - Sch ? nefeld.
113) At issue is what regards as the west's creeping encroachment into Russia's backyard.
114) Many simply churn out official propaganda, and few look far beyond their own backyard.
115) The scraggly relative making its home in my father's backyard pales in comparison, but its symbolic value is far greater.
116) Air-Cool is suitable for backyard BBQ party, outdoor events, exhibition, garden restaurant, and sports activities.
117) Putin's efforts at a Eurasian Union thus appear to be a rearguard action to stem the tide of increasing Chinese omnipotence in Russia's backyard.
118) The kids were hurling snowballs at each other the backyard.
119) When I looked out into the backyard, I could see a spotlight hanging down from a tree. Under the light, I could see that my husband had set up a table saw.
120) A man in northern Illinois found a valuable surprise in his backyard Tuesday afternoon: A duffle bag filled with stacks of $20 bills.
121) However, tending window boxes isn't the same as being an amateur gardener and growing peas, tomatoes and salad greens in a backyard garden.
122) Gardening? whether backyard or balcony? fills a heretofore unmet need.
123) If you observe from your backyard your neighbor's dog will have a sleep disorder.
124) WILTON, CT—Michael Chandler looks out the windows of his sun room, past the swimming pool and guest cottage, to the wide backyard where his two children are playing with their pet dalmatian, Scotty.
125) They have sole use of the ice rink because it's in their backyard.
126) One day, a little boy was all kit out to play baseball in backyard.
127) Pink - fleshed Pomelos from my friend Brian's Hawaiian backyard. Sweet and succulent!
128) It opens with the father, Chef Chu, plucking a live chicken from his backyard coop and minutes later turning it into a steaming, mouth-watering casserole dish.
129) For those who can yet recall the backyard blast furnaces of Mao's China in the 1950s and the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution to re-instill peasant values in the 1970s, the news was jarring.
130) Feeling sad,[http:///backyard.html] she saw a grey cat walking on the fence in the fogged backyard.
131) Garrido and his wife Nancy, who kept Dugard and her children in a makeshift hut in their backyard, face charges of kidnapping, false imprisonment and rape.
132) Backyard farmers account for 60 percent of all poultry producers; commercial farmers, 25 percent; and semicommercial farmers, 15 percent.
133) Whizzing past the floating dock, the X-treme Daredevils and the Backyard Blasters almost knock the World Racers official off into the hungry crocodile in their race to get the trophy!
134) They dug holes in the backyard, pored over heaps and used a chainsaw to clear vegetation.
135) This morning as I write, the stark gnarl and tangle of winter is sugared with snow, deer tracks stipple the backyard and the pale yolk of the sun is oozing through the thick clouds.
136) A casual backyard barbecue is going to be much less stressful than a more formal sit-down meal.
137) Familiarizing yourself with your local birds – those that are easily seen in your backyard, neighborhood or nearby park – can help you learn about your regular feathered visitors.
138) It was a mind-blowing development for sports fans — and young athletes — who had previously been able to imagine themselves as their favorite players only during backyard pickup games.
139) Their world was the fruit trees, the cornfield and the backyard with its pigs and chickens.
140) Photo taken in fall 2007. Chipmunk co - worker's backyard. My favorite chipmunk picture.
141) Welcome ladies and gentlemen came to the backyard, Bon voyage!
142) In recent years astronomy enthusiasts have even been able to track and photograph the orbiting laboratory using larger backyard telescopes.
143) They treat the plaza like their own backyard. Some weave in and out of tables playing hide and seek. Others are involved in a game of soccer between the newspaper stand and the tobacco shop.
144) I was sitting around the fire pit in my backyard with a handful of straight male friends when drunken conversation inevitably turned to sex.
145) I wanted another Irish Setter , but we didn't have a backyard.
146) To grow vegetables in our backyard, we have to fence out the dog.
147) Some day in October, the spring in Australia, the afternoon warm sunshine shined on the abandoned chair in the backyard. Let the homemade orange incense taking a nap in the warm, sluggardly afternoon.
148) To grow vegetables in out backyard, we have to fence out the chickens.
149) The daughter served tea by large windows looking out on the vest-pocket backyard gardens, some green and colorful and some merely collections of trash.
150) Says one senior FORTUNE 500 executive: "In the U.S., NIMBY [not in my backyard] is still the order of the day, whereas in China it's more like IMBY. They build where they want, when they want.
151) You will wake to find film crews camped in your backyard.
152) So it responded by grouping items in its stores that would turn any den into an at-home movie theater or transform a backyard into a slice of the Catskills.
153) In a tiny backyard, they find two dozen chickens, five children and one Afghan war widow.
154) There was even a fenced - in backyard for our cocker spaniel.
155) Can be used as mosquito net for kids in beach, park and backyard.
156) Therefore, when we think of the mourning dove we must remember that they are considered to be the traditional bird of peace and a beloved backyard songbird.
157) And the carbon footprint of the hybrid-driving country dweller with her triple-paned windows, backyard composter and geothermal heat pump?
158) When I was young, I twirl in the fields of wildflowers that grew in my backyard.
159) A little boy DaiQiu hat in hand, head of bat, armed to go to their backyard.
160) Here the woman who wrangled with truck drivers over motel bills wore a turquoise bathing cap and bright red lipstick to swim in the backyard pool.
161) Tom is hedged in today. He can only play in the backyard.
162) Bogy was the next-door neighbors' English bulldog. Normally he was linked by a chain to a wire that stretched about 100 feet across their backyard.
163) The real money maker , it turns out, was always our backyard.
164) A jumper vaults out of frame on a backyard trampoline in Dayton, Tennessee.
165) The mayor of the Mexican capital is expanding a "backyard agriculture programme" as a solution to soaring food costs, the Financial Times reported on Saturday.
166) American artist Stephen Heigh sought to create a "universal image" with Backyard Jedi , he says.
167) In Oakland , where backyard menageries and D. I. Y. charcuterie are the new garage band, the term "urban homesteading" doesn't need an explanation.
168) Very close to Colima Road and shopping centers with golf course right in the backyard.
169) Photo taken in fall 2007. Chipmunk in co - worker's backyard. We fed him almond and peanuts.
170) Inside the pagoda in the backyard of the temple,[] there lay the remains of the dignitary.
171) Dogs are far less persnickety about where they relieve themselves, but do them the favor of regularly picking up the poop in the backyard.
172) I remember as a child seeing them through my small backyard refractor and it was unmistakable.
173) Mom always conserved the strawberries we grew in the backyard.
174) Researchers had known the cluster was encountering a gas cloud, because off striking nebulosity that envelopes the cluster?s brightest stars and is visible through backyard telescopes.
175) Learn about gardening with backyard soil from an award-winning horticulturist in this free home landscaping video.
176) Coal and kindling all in the shed in the backyard.
177) The boys made a shack out of the old boards in the backyard.
178) We usually think of evolution as something that happens over eons, in remote places where people rarely venture. Not something that happens around the backyard birdfeeder in just a few decades.
179) Aleko denied taking it and led Dimitri into his backyard.
180) Cuba is the largest island in the Caribbean, an area that the United States has long regarded as its own backyard.
181) Today, a compost pile is just as likely to be associated with a suburban backyard as it is with an organic farm.
182) Just go to your backyard with your reusable grocery bag and fill it up with fresh produce.
183) Most human cases have occurred in rural or peri-urban areas where households keep small backyard flocks, allowing close and continuing human exposure to virus from infected birds.
184) There was a lovely little wild plum tree in the backyard.
185) Larry's plan was to float about 10 meters above his backyard, enjoy a few hours in the air, and then pop some balloons with his gun to get back down.




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