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单词 Recognition
1 The scientist deserves recognition for his talent.
2 Her unusual talent gained her worldwide recognition.
3 He has changed beyond recognition.
4 Her body had been mutilated beyond recognition.
5 His body was crushed and mangled beyond recognition.
6 There is increasing recognition of the complexity of the causes of poverty.
7 There is general recognition that the study techniques of many students are weak.
8 This might be interpreted as a de facto recognition of the republic's independence.
9 He searched for a sign of recognition on her face, but there was none.
10 She hoped she would avoid recognition by wearing dark glasses and a hat.
11 He has won wide recognition in the field of tropical medicine.
12 He has achieved recognition and respect as a scientist.
13 She gave me a faint smile of recognition.
14 She gained only minimal recognition for her work.
15 The city centre has altered beyond recognition .
16 There was no recognition in his eyes .
17 Capitalism has been reformed almost out of all recognition.
18 The old hat was battered beyond recognition.
19 A glance of recognition passed between them.
20 He rose from relative obscurity to worldwide recognition.
21 The monitoring system allows recognition of pollution hot spots.
22 The bodies were mutilated beyond recognition.
23 He pulled the hood of his cloak over his head to avoid recognition.
24 She received an honorary doctorate from Oxford University in recognition of her work for the homeless.
25 She stared directly at the witness but he did not show a flicker of recognition .
26 He glanced briefly towards her but there was no sign of recognition.
27 This is Teachers' Day and a time to be grateful to all teachers. This profession deserves the special recognition and respect. There is no more appropriate time than this to honour you and others in your chosen field. You have my eternal gratefulness. Have a happy Teachers' Day.
28 He wept for the loss of his mother and his tardy recognition of her affection.
29 After twelve or thirteen centuries of unbroken continuity the landscape was being changed out of all recognition.
30 A person in the world must have his own business , no matter big or small . Only with recognition from the society can your life is meaningful.
1 Her unusual talent gained her worldwide recognition.
2 He has changed beyond recognition.
3 Her body had been mutilated beyond recognition.
4 His body was crushed and mangled beyond recognition.
5 He pulled the hood of his cloak over his head to avoid recognition.
6 There is increasing recognition of the complexity of the causes of poverty.
7 She received an honorary doctorate from Oxford University in recognition of her work for the homeless.
8 There is general recognition that the study techniques of many students are weak.
9 He glanced briefly towards her but there was no sign of recognition.
10 This might be interpreted as a de facto recognition of the republic's independence.
11 He searched for a sign of recognition on her face, but there was none.
12 He wept for the loss of his mother and his tardy recognition of her affection.
13 After twelve or thirteen centuries of unbroken continuity the landscape was being changed out of all recognition.
14 A sudden smile of recognition flashed across his face.
15 Their recognition of the new law is unlikely.
16 She passed close by me without a sign of recognition.
17 His recitals have earned him recognition as a talented performer.
31 A sudden smile of recognition flashed across his face.
32 She has worked actively but without recognition.
33 The government granted full diplomatic recognition to the republics.
34 The town centre had changed beyond all recognition.
35 Beijing has altered almost beyond recognition.
36 John kept pegging away, and finally recognition came.
37 The town had changed out of all recognition.
38 Official recognition of the change came fast.
39 Their recognition of the new law is unlikely.
40 Recognition is a prerequisite to understanding.
41 Degree qualifications carry international recognition.
42 The young talent at the club deserves wider recognition.
43 This play was her last bid for recognition.
44 The body had putrefied beyond recognition.
45 His poetry was slow in achieving recognition.
45 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
46 At last, her father's work has received popular recognition.
47 Both of these perspectives are valid and require recognition.
48 He was promoted to the rank of major in recognition of his valour during the battle.
49 The plaque awarded to Grant is a mark of recognition for his years of service.
50 She passed close by me without a sign of recognition.
51 It's a new country, hoping for diplomatic recognition from the international community.
52 The editor in chief embroidered the original story beyond recognition.
53 The CBI welcomed the Chancellor's recognition of the recession and hoped for a reduction in interest rates.
54 The bakery business has changed beyond all recognition in the last 10 years.
55 His recitals have earned him recognition as a talented performer.
56 He looked up, glanced at them without recognition, and went on his way.
57 They received recognition for their 20-year commitment to safety at sea.
58 She finally obtained the recognition which she so richly deserved.
59 The witness stared at the accused but she showed not a flicker of recognition.
60 He received the award in recognition of his success over the past year.
61 He stared at her, but there was no sign of recognition .
62 The importance of voluntary organizations in the economy still needs to be given recognition .
63 In the recognition and support of the government, apiculture had a great development in China in recent years.
64 When she looked at me, I caught a flash of recognition in her eyes.
65 Ella complained that the company never gave her any recognition for her work.
66 They claim that signature of the peace accord did not imply recognition of the state's sovereignty.
67 I was delighted to be a nominee and to receive such a prestigious award in recognition of our company's achievements.
68 The award is being made in belated recognition of her services to the industry.
69 Chen gave her a nod of recognition across the crowded room.
70 Brazil normalised its diplomatic relations with South Africa in recognition of the steps taken to end apartheid.
71 The equipment and methods of production have improved out of all recognition .
72 Recognition by this organization can make or break a career.
73 Many of those interviewed said their job had changed beyond recognition over the past five years.
74 Twelve states have accorded de facto recognition to the new regime.
75 He finally received the recognition that he so richly deserved.
76 After 25 years the town centre had changed beyond recognition.
77 His government did not receive full recognition by Britain until July.
78 The town has altered out of all recognition since I was last here.
79 He was presented with a gold watch in recognition of his service to the company.
80 The town has changed beyond recognition since I was last here.
81 There needs to be a greater recognition of corporate crime as a social problem.
82 There is a general recognition of the urgent need for reform.
83 Aboriginal art has finally gained recognition and broken away from being labelled as "primitive" or "exotic".
84 The situation in Eastern Europe has changed out of all recognition.
85 They were the only country to argue for even token recognition of the Baltic states' independence.
86 I went back to Birmingham after 20 years and it had changed beyond all recognition.
87 You matter now - you're getting attention and recognition.
88 Laser sailing's on course for Olympic recognition.
89 But few others cry out for recognition.
90 This chapter has considered the two most natural methods of recognition used by humans - speech and writing.
91 We then went on to describe the Johnston-McClelland model of visual word recognition and the Cohort model of auditory word recognition.
92 Dictionaries differ widely in their style and content, and this has been shown to affect recognition performance.
93 The result, again, was a recognition of cognitive dissonance between internal stakeholder groups.
94 The celebration marks a recognition by leaders here that the Navy is an important part of the community, said Rear Adm.
95 It is rarely the case that the correct word is always amongst the alternatives suggested by the lower recognition levels.
96 Pattern Recognition Many different types of networks are under consideration for various research and application projects.
97 The entire white watch crew at Wallasey fire station received a prestigious award in recognition of their bravery at the triple rescue.
98 Marx's recognition of the specificity of motives under capitalism should have alerted us to this problem.
99 Clearly the whole game has a dimension of linear extension which enables a continual process of growth in recognition.
100 He was awarded several honorary degrees in recognition of this intellectual and institutional contribution.
101 By 1920 she had written two novels, and had succeeded in winning recognition in literary circles.
102 Possible applications are continuous speech recognition and commands to robot arms.
103 The older brokers want my support getting recognition and resources.
104 This could include word processing, a database, case management and optical character recognition.
105 We have to judge whether recognition of two republics now would increase the very real danger of civil war in other republics.
105 try its best to collect and build good sentences.
106 Of course, the recognition of cognitive dissonance still does not solve the problem.
107 She was convinced of her own artistic genius and perpetually dissatisfied with the quality of recognition she received.
108 Do you get more recognition or coverage than you would have working by yourselves?
109 Council leaders want to bestow the highest honour they can in recognition of Clough's achievements with Nottingham Forest.
110 This project originated from a recognition that a major concern in early childhood education in Britain at present is the role of parents.
111 Most psychologists are agreed that recognition and approval can be powerful motivators.
112 Conclusions A probabilistic syntax processor has been developed to assist in the selection of the correct words for a text recognition system.
113 They had to achieve managerial recognition that accountability to colleagues in the team was important alongside accountability to individual agencies.
114 You have the advantage of being able to raise money, to create news, of having a high level of recognition.
115 While I did not begrudge the President his due recognition, this was a trifle fulsome.
116 Huckle and Lowly must do chores, in the form of reading, letter recognition and alphabet problems.
117 The techniques are more generally applicable to all areas of text recognition.
118 First, there is the establishment of goals in the light of available data and with the recognition of economic, political and administrative constraints.
119 Plain radiographs of the cervical spine in flexion and extension will allow recognition of atlantoaxial subluxation and subaxial subluxation.
120 Perception is biased towards recognition and each successful achievement reduces uncertainty.
121 The layout of documents can provide additional information which also places constraints on the recognition process.
122 Clustering applications would include things like character recognition, sonar / radar signal classification, and robotic control.
123 The only major obstacle remaining, mutual recognition, has clinched the deal.
124 Not to have achieved recognition as a failure, felt Dyson, was almost worse than the failing itself.
125 And character recognition is relatively slow and prone to errors even on powerful computers.
126 The methods described and implemented are not only applicable to on-line cursive script recognition.
127 Access to the compound tree is achieved through the word recognition tree.
128 Models of face processing Finally, I want to move from cognitive models of word recognition to cognitive models of face recognition.
129 Certainly there are commercially available recognition units which can be plugged into home computers but they are very unsophisticated.
130 Such a belated recognition is likely to strike a reader as old news.
131 Perhaps the only firm conclusion to emerge from this continuing debate is the recognition that the literary scene has become pluralistic.
132 The greatest barrier to full voice operation is the difficulty of achieving voice recognition.
133 Conclusions To conclude, a basic script recognition system has been demonstrated.
134 It is my strong belief that reward and recognition go hand in hand.
135 There is recognition of the political resistance at home to waging wars against the colonial revolution in the name of anticommunism.
136 In reality it was simply a recognition that the government had abandoned any serious attempt to keep monetary growth within targets.
137 In the reward area(/recognition.html), I believe public recognition is almost as important as financial reward.
138 Proposed changes in the clinical career structure should make clinical nursing less of a poor relation in terms of financial recognition and status.
139 If this were not so, contextual facilitation of auditory word recognition would occur only for words at the end of clauses.
140 So far they have gained little official recognition and therefore do not automatically qualify for government grants to students.
141 In the imagination, of course, there is an added pleasure from recognition of the resemblance between the imitation and the original.
142 The training to achieve a recognition speed of 6o characters per second was accomplished in 3 1 / 2 hours.
143 The mutual recognition of ministers and members that is inherent in all union schemes plays a crucial role here.
144 Areas such as vision, continuous speech recognition and synthesis, and machine learning have been hard.
145 Such tablets first became available in the late 1950's and precipitated considerable activity in on-line handwriting recognition.
146 The 1890s and early 1900s saw a series of bitter conflicts associated with drives for union recognition.
147 The ability of speech recognition systems to discriminate words from acoustic information alone is not encouraging.
148 There were no real by-lines on the Bideford Gazette, no printed recognition of who had written the story.
149 This is another area which is changing out of all recognition since closure of the colliery and removal of sidings etc.
150 This is best illustrated by considering the flow of information through the various stages of recognition, as shown in Figure 3.1.
151 The pattern recognition technique enables the computer to cope with a certain amount of operator error, minor misspellings make no difference.
152 In 1987 an even bigger slice of the budget was apportioned to training, in recognition of its importance.
153 There were a few Commandos resting in the barn, they looked up as I entered but showed no recognition.
154 Thereafter, if I passed him in the corridor or on the staircase, those eyes registered no recognition.
155 It should be noted however, that many computer applications may not require recognition of pen input.
156 Then, in a moment of appalled recognition, she saw the lie for what it was.
157 The same half-hearted recognition of the concept of human capital can be detected in government education policies during the nineteenth century.
158 In recognition for her endeavours on behalf of women, she was granted a civil list pension of £75 a year in 1913.
159 Exchanges found themselves having to make material amendments to their rules and practices, in order to secure recognition.
160 Analogously, computerised text recognition needs to use higher level knowledge to achieve comparable levels of performance.
161 The results can be seen in Appendix C which shows the improved recognition when using information about compounds and phrases.
162 Mike Leavitt has signed into law a bill banning public schools from granting recognition or access to gay or lesbian student groups.
163 Margaret was commended for her work in the community and her invitation was in recognition of this.
164 Millions of carers argue that they bear the brunt of the job ... without recognition, or proper payment.
165 The importance of early recognition of Crohn's disease before it has such an adverse impact on linear growth is highlighted.
166 Mr. Evans Did the Minister discuss with the unions concerned the maintenance of free collective bargaining and union recognition in the agencies?
167 Other agreements were concluded concerning border crossings, agricultural, scientific and cultural co-operation, recognition of educational qualifications and road transport.
168 Each employee has a code word, which the computer's voice recognition chip checks.
169 What is ultimately of most significance in Foucault's work is this recognition of the constant struggles within the definitions of sexuality.
170 The only way for correct recognition to be achieved in such situations is by the use of additional contextual information.
171 Three approaches are generally considered for the application of contextual information in the field of text recognition.
172 The policy of the United Kingdom is now not to confer recognition on governments as opposed to on states.
173 The two are aiming to develop three demonstrators for advanced pattern recognition systems that could be used for data analysis.
174 Products are available that do character recognition and handwriting analysis, including analysis of complex characters.
175 Its recognition of the significance of the motor car and its removal to the edge of the main city area was ominous.
176 In research into effective managers it is this background theme which correlates positively with success, not the recognition theme.
177 The output from a character recogniser requires further processing to reduce the ambiguity and hence increase the accuracy of recognition.
178 There is a need to go on being touched, to receive affection and recognition in this way all through life.
179 On the contrary, it involves a recognition of its central mediating role in the use and learning of language.
180 The review gave Picasso a taste of the recognition he craved.
181 It was meant to convey that they had no recognition of the young men in the car, and therefore no interest.
182 It is a stylised drama with understated dialogue that depends on recognition of key words and concepts.
183 Using both experimental studies and computer simulation, existing theories of face recognition and learning in general will be evaluated and developed.
184 For example: Handwriting contains many similarly shaped characters which must be distinguished from each other to achieve effective recognition.
185 Thus the recognition occurs one step earlier than under cash accounting.
186 In the living interface section we discussed how tone recognition opens emotional channels.
187 The casual wink from you, the cheery salute from your buddy, the you-rascal-you smiles of recognition from your workmates.
188 There's a dance culture and lifestyle in Swindon bubbling under the surface just waiting for recognition.
189 What is missing from the various reform proposals is any recognition of the importance of investing in human capital as well.
190 Parsytec plans to release an entire family of character recognition systems with prices starting at £15,000.
191 So the first need is to create awareness and recognition of a building's historical and architectural worth.
192 This myth has persistently mitigated against a recognition of other centres of cultural activity.
193 Cultural predisposition Recognition that cultural pressures on women to diet contribute to anorexia nervosa has had a fairly recent history.
194 Each nominee received a certificate from academy president Arthur Hiller in recognition of his or her artistic achievements.
195 All of these situations produce character-level ambiguity which must be reduced to achieve good recognition performance.
195 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
196 The Ni1000 can be combined with a personal computer for fast character recognition, Intel says.
197 Further details of printed character recognition systems are not included here in order to concentrate on cursive handwriting systems.
198 For speech recognition the principal operational difficulty to be faced is the interference to the acoustic signal from background noise.
199 Results showing improved recognition rates after further analysis are presented.
200 He has given the nurses every support in their efforts to gain recognition, and will speak at their conference.
201 When Bernard went to the canteen there was a stir, a breath of recognition.
202 School meals have changed out of recognition within a generation.
203 Members of those groups which had been left out of broadcasting altogether felt aggrieved and often campaigned vigorously for recognition.
204 This can be on-line or off-line recognition of hand-printed characters, or of machine-printed characters using optical character recognition.
205 Fischler and Bloom conclude from these results that in visual word recognition the effect of context is essentially inhibitory rather than facilitatory.
206 Most importantly it is a belated recognition that imperialism offers a fantastically huge and barely mined seam of stories.
207 It is impossible to exaggerate the revolutionary significance of the recognition of a binding judicial tribunal external to the realm.
208 A later recognition of the relic occurred on July 23, 1894, which was celebrated by many festivals.
209 Typically context is used only in the form of spelling correction information to compensate for errors in character recognition.
210 The stigmata on this foot was carefully examined during its official recognition in 1597.
211 Providing a sense of accomplishment and recognition to those achieving standards of performance 5.
212 In principle therefore payment of an Affiliation Fee would be an overt recognition of this vital link and mutual benefit. 5.
213 There were even several geographical areas named after him in recognition of his oceanographic studies.
214 Two universities have made awards to him in recognition of his scientific distinction.
215 The translation to a more portable programming language is also important for compatibility with the other modules of the recognition system.
216 There was insufficient recognition that some of the voluntary organisations who helped with the plans do not adequately consult disabled people.
217 By 1920 she had proved herself by earning a living in a difficult world, and by winning recognition in literary circles.
218 A face recognition code, very useful.
219 Handwritten numeral recognition is applied broadly in given environment.
220 The evaluation of facial recognition focuses on several testing parameters.
221 Neural network has been nicely applied in pattern recognition and hydrocarbon prediction in applied geophysics.
222 Facial recognition has the potential to be the next privacy flashpoint.
223 Scientists hope that the simple bee brain could be a model for automated facial recognition.
224 The recognition of fallibility is simply an acknowledgment of our humanity.
225 In that case, one could argue that this glitch in our patter - recognition system is helpful.
225 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
226 Yet Los Angeles receives only grudging recognition as a creative center.
227 This thesis presents and implements a kind of floatation controlling technology based on image recognition.
228 A method of applying Non - negative Matrix Factorization ( NMF ) group strategy for face recognition is put forward.
229 Money and adulation are rightly due to high achievers but the very worst garner recognition too.
230 VISUAL C ++ - handwritten numeral recognition, a very good, strong recommendation!
231 After Ship Inspection Bureau national and state fishing vessel inspection by the type of recognition.
232 The model is effective when applied to the off - line handwritten recognition algorithm.
233 Feature extraction is the key part of handwritten chinese character recognition.
234 A Chinese speech recognition method based on character - based N - gram model is proposed in this thesis.
235 The gas range of Bao - 1 block is also predicted by using the seismic pattern recognition.
236 A knowledge - based recognition system of unconstrained handwritten numerals is proposed.
237 Immunological recognition of pregnancy is important for the maintenance of gestation.
238 According to Google executives, facial recognition is one of the key topics of internal debate.
239 The system will later be enhanced, possibly to include iris scans or facial recognition technology.
240 Nursing gained recognition in the 19 th century with the activities of Florence Nightingale.
241 Development of new projects are: facial recognition systems, voice recognition systems and iris recognition systems.




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