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单词 crisis
释义  cri·sis /ˈkraɪsɪs/ ●●○ S3 W3 noun (plural crises /-siːz/) [countable, uncountable]  1  SERIOUS SITUATIONa situation in which there are a lot of problems that must be dealt with quickly so that the situation does not get worse or more dangerous 危机;紧要关头 → emergency The country now faces an economic crisis. 该国目前正面临一场经济危机。 The prime minister was criticized for the way in which he handled the crisis. 首相处理危机的方式遭到了批评。 the current debt crisis 当前的债务危机 a major political crisis 重大的政治危机 I was relieved that we had averted yet another financial crisis. 我如释重负,我们又避免了一场财政危机。 Oil companies were heavily criticized when they made large profits during the oil crisis of the 1970s. 石油公司因在20世纪70年代的石油危机中赚取了丰厚利润而受到严厉抨击。 The car industry is now in crisis. 汽车工业现在正处于危机之中。 He doesn’t seem to be very good at crisis management. 他好像不大擅长处理危机。2  SERIOUS SITUATIONa time when a personal emotional problem or situation has reached its worst point 〔个人的〕危急关头,危难时刻 an emotional crisis 情感危机 In times of crisis, you find out who your real friends are. 在危难时刻就会看出谁是你真正的朋友。 He seems to be going through a crisis. 他好像遇到了困难。 She has reached a crisis point in her career. 她的事业已经到了危急关头。 Both parties experienced an identity crisis (=feeling of uncertainty about their purpose) at the end of the '90s. 90年代末,两个政党都遭遇了认同危机。3  crisis of confidence BELIEVEa situation in which people no longer believe that a government or an economic system is working properly, and will no longer support it or work with it 信任危机 There seems to be a crisis of confidence in the economy. 对经济似乎出现了信任危机。4. crisis of conscience a situation in which someone feels worried or uncomfortable because they have done something which they think is wrong or immoral 良心的责备,良知的考验 → midlife crisisn COLLOCATIONSadjectivesan economic/political/financial etc crisisThe country was headed into an economic crisis.a constitutional crisis (=relating to the way a country is governed)The scandal caused the greatest constitutional crisis of modern times.a major/serious/deep/severe crisisOur farming industry has been hit by a serious crisis.a worsening/deepening crisisThe strikes came during a worsening economic crisis.verbscreate/cause/provoke a crisisThe people fled the country, creating a huge refugee crisis.precipitate a crisis formal (=start one)The rising oil prices precipitated an energy crisis.face a crisisMany families are facing a debt crisis.resolve/overcome a crisis (=deal with it so that it no longer exists)We still hope that the hostage crisis can be resolved by negotiation.handle a crisis (=deal with one)Can he handle the crisis in our prisons?defuse a crisis (=stop it developing further)Diplomatic efforts to defuse the crisis have failed.avert a crisis (=stop it happening)More talks were proposed in an attempt to avert the crisis.NOUN + crisisa debt/food/housing etc crisisThe failure of the crop this year will create a food crisis.a cash crisis (=a lack of money)In April the company sold another 30% of its stock to ease its cash energy/oil/fuel crisisThere is an energy crisis here, with power cuts happening daily.crisis + NOUNcrisis management (=dealing with a crisis)Most of my job consists of crisis management.crisis point (=the point at which a problem becomes a crisis)Events were now reaching crisis point.a crisis situationEmergency powers were needed to deal with the crisis situation.crisis talks (=discussions about a crisis)The Prime Minister went back to London for crisis talks.Examples from the Corpuscrisis• We need someone who can stay calm in a crisis.• The President announced his resignation, sparking a crisis in the government.• Their marriage was going through a crisis which almost ended in divorce.• When a crisis or dilemma arises, such an organization will resort under duress to its customary self-defeating practices.• In recent years, the country has suffered a profound political and economic crisis, and depravation is acute.• Cars lined up for gas during the energy crisis of 1972.• a charity set up to help families in crisis• The Health Service is in crisis.• She's written a book about the Cuban missile crisis.• The Cuban missile crisis in 1960 was probably the closest we have been to nuclear war.• In times of crisis you find out who your real friends are.• Gold and cash reserves fell by around £2 billion as a result of the sterling crisis.• At the airport, crews from many nations prepare to fly to the crisis centre.• Babcock countered that the plant's operators had all the information that they needed to cope with the crisis.• The crisis became a pretext for advocating cuts in public spending of every kind.economic crisis• Another consequence of the war and economic crisis has been an increasing dependence on external aid.• He had only a tiny parliamentary majority, and Britain was in the grip of another economic crisis.• Others fret that the system might not provide enough help in times of rural economic crisis.• The devaluation or revaluation of a currency against the dollar was permitted only when a country faced a severe economic crisis.• This is the last thing President Mikhail Gorbachev needs, as he tries to contain a staggering economic crisis.• The Rao government moved swiftly to try and tackle the economic crisis.• When economic crisis and agricultural crisis coincide labor really gets squeezed.crisis point• When these conflicts reach a crisis point, existing dominant groups always fight to maintain the anachronistic form of social organization.• I came to a crisis point and knew I had to do something to sort myself out.• Michael Lynagh - below his best, but hits the mark on crisis point.• Now the process has reached crisis point: the organization is about to go bust.• Recent employee relations surveys had reached an all-time low-significantly below the crisis point in practically every area.• Events were now reaching the crisis point.• It was at this crisis point in his career, now aged 32, that Gallacher signed for Derby County.From Longman Business Dictionarycrisiscri‧sis /ˈkraɪsɪs/ noun (plural crises /-siːz/) [countable, uncountable]1a period of great difficulty, danger, or uncertainty, especially in politics or economicsOpposition leaders accused the president of ignoring the country’s growing economic crisis.Many Americans still remember the long lines at gas stations during the energy crisis of 1972.2crisis of confidence a time when people no longer have confidence in something and no longer support itThere seems to be a crisis of confidence in the economy.Origin crisis (1400-1500) Latin Greek krisis “decision”, from krinein; → CRITERIONcri·sis noun →n COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  there which lot a in Business are Corpus a situation




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