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单词 Tragically
1. Her father died tragically in a car crash.
2. She was tragically killed in a car accident.
3. Tragically her dancing career ended only six months later.
4. He died when a parachute jump went tragically wrong.
5. Their daughter was tragically killed in a road accident.
6. Tragically, she bled to death .
7. Tragically, his wife was killed in a car accident.
8. Tragically, the graves were plundered and the grave-goods scattered.
9. She died tragically young.
10. He died tragically young.
11. His career was tragically cut short when, at the age of 42, he died of a heart attack.
12. Tragically, the side-effects of the drug were not discovered until many people had been seriously damaged by it.
13. Tragically, she never saw the completed building because she died before it was finished.
14. And tragically, both killed themselves.
15. Tragically, it could well be the last of all.
16. The Bengal Government proved tragically unequal to the task.
17. Nerds, oddballs and the tragically under-medicated.
18. Tragically, the mouth she is kissing isn't mine.
19. The evidence that they can go tragically wrong came in Liverpool crown court this week when two teenagers were jailed for manslaughter.
20. Tragically he lost an arm through an accident at work many years ago.
21. Alan died tragically young but my wife and I have remained friends with Diana and family of three girls ever since.
22. Tragically his promising career was cut short when he died in a plane crash during a freak snowstorm.
23. This is our answer to the tragically high divorce rate twenty-five years ago.
24. The Schism, we may say,[/tragically.html] tragically helped to polarise increasingly strong nationalist attitudes towards the war.
25. And, tragically, A-T is - as yet - an incurable disease.
26. Children who leave school unable to read and write properly are being tragically short-changed.
27. Mama Cass had done better than any of them with her solo career, but then tragically died so soon afterwards.
28. During that time, another generation of schoolchildren has been tragically shortchanged.
29. He pointed out that a young officer's life had been tragically taken while doing his duty, protecting others.
30. After the final game there was a moving tribute to one of the players, who died tragically during the season.
1. Her father died tragically in a car crash.
2. She was tragically killed in a car accident.
3. Their daughter was tragically killed in a road accident.
31. The Gamester also ended tragically when Beverly, a gambler, falsely accused of murder, committed suicide by taking poison.
32. Detectives believe the pair were murdered when a drugs deal which Mr Pettitt was involved in went tragically wrong.
33. Then their five year old daughter Sarah tragically died after contracting the illness.
34. Tragically, or perhaps fortunately, the hunt was aborted by Gaitskell's untimely death in January 1963.
35. The Balkans have a long and tragically deserved reputation as a political tinderbox.
36. While never lovers, Joe and Mary are star-crossed, as tragically as Romeo and Juliet.
37. The number of patients with access to the drugs is tragically low.
38. Tragically many trees have been removed from the valley in recent years by people who cleared land to grow tobacco.
39. In the following spring he was tragically killed in a motorcycle accident.
40. Pain of a rather more tangible nature brought about Ricky Ellcock's tragically premature retirement.
41. Tragically, it seems a deadly certainty that the region will dissolve into war.
42. Trading Standards officers say the case tragically illustrates the dangers of buying second hand electrical goods.
43. Yet, tragically, the marriage which had promised so much became empty and joyless in later years.
44. The marriage ended tragically when Norman caught her with another man.
45. Tragically, the attempt resulted in heavy casualties.
46. Liu Hulan died tragically and heroically.
47. My father died very suddenly and very tragically.
48. Even our defensive record was tragically draped in defeats.
49. Tragically, their daughter Carol was born in 1920 with a genetic birth defect called phenylketonuria, which led to mental impairment.
50. In the southernmost part of Africa progress towards human equality and self - determination has tragically, been halted.
51. Tragically one night in September 1917 when in the morass in the Ypres Salient a German shrapnel shell burst overhead badly wounding Harry and killing three of his closest friends.
52. Melville allegorically and vividly depicts the cruel killing of whales by Captain Ahab and the sailors on the whaling ship, and their tragically being drowned in the sea.
52. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
53. Tragically, the heavily traveled tourist route became the site of the worst natural disaster in Colorado's history during a catastrophic flash flood in July 1976.
54. Finally, and most tragically, Caliban becomes a parody of himself.
55. Tragically, since the end of apartheid inequality in South Africa has grown.
56. Most tragically, infectious diseases such as measles or whooping cough can kill undernourished children more readily than well-fed ones.
57. Communications can be precise and exacting while still being tragically wrong.
58. The true quality of fighting will and his poetic mood were sublimated movingly and tragically.
59. Buck Mulligan sighed tragically and laid his hand on Stephen's arm.
60. Tragically, the odds finally caught up with the space program.
61. But most tragically, you have nothing to show for the thousands more you now owe on your home.
62. He was tragically killed in an accident earlier this year.
63. Tragically, she contracted Aids.
64. The adventure ended tragically.
65. Like Cagney, the couple also adopted their four children: three daughters and a son, who tragically died just a year after his father.
66. Her voice shook tragically.
67. Maybe the trendy messaging website coaxes contributors into feeling anonymous and uninhibited. Perhaps its short-burst format encourages streams of consciousness that go tragically unedited.
68. He represents all the people that proceed from glory to decline and symbolizes all the heroes that tragically sink into obscurity, thus embodying much of the soul in him.
69. " How much longer must I go on like this?'she asked herself tragically.
69. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
70. She cried so tragically that she was unable to speak.
71. Tragically, women are most often the ones whose human are violated.
72. Tragically, his beloved's coach was struck by lightning and she died.
73. Phil O'Donnell, Motherwell FC's captain, tragically died after collapsing on the pitch during Motherwell's fixture against Dundee United.




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