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单词 death wish
释义  ˈdeath wish noun [singular]  DIEa desire to die 死亡愿望 Before I did the jump, people would ask if I had a death wish. 在我跳之前,人们会问我是否有想死的念头。Examples from the Corpusdeath wish• All she could think, she told me, was that I must have had a death wish.• Another way to have a death wish associated with the road; crossing it.• You don't use your seatbelt? What do you have, a death wish?• They deny the possibility of a death wish lurking amidst the gardens of lust.• And it came to the crunch in April, I was on a death wish.• This amounts to a death wish as it is generally only the evangelical wing of the church that is growing.• It really seems as if some drivers fall prey to a death wish when freezing fog descends.had a death wish• All she could think, she told me, was that I must have had a death wish.ˈdeath wish nounChineseSyllable  desire die to a Corpus




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