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单词 Debt ceiling
1. When November came, and the debt ceiling had not moved, Rubin postponed catastrophe by borrowing from two government pension funds.
2. Congress was once again considering raising the federal debt ceiling.
3. Congressional Republicans have made an increase in the debt ceiling contingent on a balanced budget agreement to their liking.
4. However, Clinton has disregarded the debt ceiling law, allowing the nation to spiral further into debt.
5. "Failing to raise the debt ceiling would do irreparable harm to our credit standing, would undermine our ability to lead on global economic issues and would damage our economy," he said.
6. Agreeing to raise the debt ceiling would avoid the immediate risk of default, but not address the underlying weaknesses in America's economy.
7. But in all the to-and-fro over raising the debt ceiling, little sensible has been said about lowering spending in the long term.
8. They are demanding that Clinton accept much of their proposal before they will increase the debt ceiling limit.
9. Congress was frantically trying to complete a bill raising the federal debt ceiling in time for President Bush to sign today.
10. No sooner had the new deadline been announced than Newt Gingrich suggested lifting the debt ceiling.
11. If the assessed valuation of Los Angeles could be rapidly increased, its debt ceiling would be that much higher.
12. Some Republican leaders have suggested attaching welfare, and possibly Medicaid reform, to legislation extending the federal debt ceiling.
13. Leaders on Capitol Hill virtually put all other business on hold as it sought to hammer out a debt ceiling increase.
14. Millions of federal employees may not receive paychecks unless Congress raises the debt ceiling.
15. Xinhua News: 31, according to local media reports, the U. S. Congress raise the debt ceiling of the two parties have reached a preliminary agreement.
16. The crisis has been caused because the Republicans, who control the House of Representatives, insist that the debt ceiling should not be raised without dealing with the national debt.
17. The political wrangling in the United States over the national debt ceiling has helped push the dollar to record lows, and the price of gold above $1,600 an ounce, double where it was two years ago.
18. If they did, they would not play politics with the vote to raise the country's debt ceiling; they would also agree to raise taxes or just repeal the Bush-era tax cuts.
19. The nightmare shutdown scenario, still a few weeks away, would involve Congress failing to raise the national debt ceiling and possibly an unprecedented government debt default.
20. Bond markets remain sanguine about a possible failure to raise America's debt ceiling by August 2nd, and the subsequent potential for a technical default.
21. Many Republicans say they will only vote to raise the debt ceiling if they are satisfied that budget talks are yielding real deficit reduction.
22. Ryan, the incoming House budget chief, said he will seek spending concessions from the Obama administration in exchange for any increase in the national debt ceiling.
23. The outcome of the next election will depend more on unemployment than on Mr Obama's handling of the past month's comic opera on the debt ceiling.
24. You'd be hard-pressed to identify their positions on any relevant issue -- whether it is raising the debt ceiling or just the gasoline tax.
25. The deficit issue has become entangled with a vote Congress will soon consider on raising the nation's $14.3 trillion debt ceiling.
26. But it is still a problem, as was seen in the disastrous wrangle over raising the national debt ceiling—an argument which ended in the downgrade of American sovereign debt.
27. In part because, fifth,(Sentence dictionary) the theory assumes that voters understand what the debt ceiling is.
28. Global markets barely moved following the release of the Chinese data, with the focus still squarely on Greece's fiscal woes and the looming battle over the debt ceiling in the US.
29. Remember how the experts said we had to raise the debt ceiling or the market would crash?
30. Thus, an apparently benign market environment can darken quite suddenly as a country approaches debt ceiling.
31. For example, the debt ceiling has been raised by enough to see the country through the far side of the coming election, without another nail-biting stand-off in between.
32. Whether for this reason or from conviction, most profess themselves unfazed by the prospect of a failure to raise the debt ceiling.
33. Many of these do not want the debt ceiling to rise.
34. So is a failure to raise the debt ceiling unthinkable? Not at all.
35. For if we hit the debt ceiling, the government will be forced to stop paying roughly a third of its bills, because that’s the share of spending currently financed by borrowing.
36. "Unless we do those things I don't think many people on my side of the aisle are going to have an appetite for increasing the debt ceiling," he said in a speech on the Senate floor.
37. Opposition Republicans in Congress refuse to increase the debt ceiling unless the government budget deficit is reduced significantly.
38. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner has warned the United States could face a catastrophic default that would roil global markets if Congress does not raise the debt ceiling by then.
39. There is no reason to have a national debt ceiling if every time we reach it, Congress raises it.
40. Obama had said he strongly opposes any bill that doesn't raise the debt ceiling through the 2012 election -- something, he said,[] that would not happen under the compromise agreement.
41. The two parties also disagree on the time and quantum of raising the debt ceiling.
42. They also ask about our legislative debates, on issues like the debt ceiling.
43. It was a wild ride today in Asia as the Dollar continued to be on the receiving end of a beating due to the continued stalemate in debt ceiling talks in the US Government.
44. In U.S. politics, much of the next month in Washington will be spent in a polarized debate over whether to raise the national debt ceiling in order to avoid default.
45. By the time a vote on raising the national debt ceiling was required, Republicans had gotten control of the House of Representatives.




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更新时间:2024/10/5 5:51:17