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单词 Continental
1 A continental climate is different from an insular one.
2 The climate here is typically continental.
3 She preferred the continental way of life.
4 Continental airlines ply for trade in the UK.
5 Housing finance is less developed in continental Europe.
6 Both sides adopted the Continental style of play.
7 The most ancient parts of the continental crust are 4000 million years old.
8 Lowered sea levels exposed the shallow continental shelf beneath the Bering Sea.
9 Shipping is included on orders sent within the continental U.S.
10 Continental breakfast weekdays; candlelight brunch weekends.
11 Wide range of wines, whiskies and continental bottled beers.
12 The cafe serves continental style cuisine.
13 Continental gives several reasons for rejecting Pirelli's advances.
14 These continental roasts often have chicory added to them.
15 Price includes full english(), vegetarian or continental style breakfast.
16 Plate tectonics is not the same as continental drift.
17 The group will oversee the Continental operations.
18 The southern component spreads over the continental shelf.
19 He did not like the continental breakfasts on offer.
20 Hoffman possesses an encyclopedic knowledge of Precambrian continental geology.
21 The store is trying to expand into continental Europe.
22 Continental lithosphere stands higher than oceanic lithosphere because continental crust is both of greater thickness and lower density than oceanic crust.
23 But you will find it easier using the Continental metric system of measures.
24 Thus Britain was isolated from Continental thought and evolved national characteristics in architecture as in other fields.
25 Yet a walk into any delicatessen or a continental charcuterie will prove the enormous potential of this vastly underrated animal.
26 He sees no signs of improvement in the UK and continental economy.
27 Prices are often higher in Hawaii than in the continental United States.
28 The quota system was modelled on those operated in America and continental Europe.
29 The shutters and the balconies make the street look almost continental.
30 The Euro Cup competition links together a series of Continental races, with a points-scoring system producing an overall winner.
1 A continental climate is different from an insular one.
2 The climate here is typically continental.
3 He sees no signs of improvement in the UK and continental economy.
31 Except where subduction zones lie adjacent to mountain belts on continental margins, plate boundaries do not coincide with continental coastlines.
32 The hardy pioneers were prospectors, crossing the rugged Continental Divide in their search for gold.
33 But the deepening recession in most continental countries is hitting sales across the Channel.
34 The extent of subduction of continental crust below the Himalayas is also in dispute.
35 The first sections of the converging continental margins to collide suffer the most intense deformation.
36 Subduction of oceanic lithosphere beneath a plate carrying continental crust gives rise to a continental-margin orogen.
37 Both men wore garlands of wild jasmine, sold to them by child hawkers who worked the front of the Continental.
38 Moreover, continental experience of a national curriculum suggests that once it is in place, achieving change is extremely difficult.
39 This would be expected from differences in the density and thickness of continental and oceanic crust.
40 Seattle sits on a fault caused by a plate sliding under the continental United States.
41 A lively tour of continental culture, seeking for signs of unity and predicting a grim future.
42 Breakfast is continental, whilst dinner is three courses from a set menu.
43 They ended with loss-making Continental involvement and directors said to be drawing two lots of salaries and dividends for the same service.
44 She is a Continental Airlines B747 first officer, based in Hawaii, with more than 20,000 hours.
45 But it seems it will take more than 1992 to set the Continental palate tingling to the tune of mushy peas.
46 Sumatra is composed of old, thick continental crust comprising volcanic rocks of Permian(), Cretaceous and Cenozoic age.
47 The earlier notion that the lower continental crust is largely basaltic in composition has received little support from more recent studies.
48 Wide range of wines, whiskies and continental bottled beers. Real ale.
49 Pollution is no longer simply a product of local industry; it often moves in continental drifts as weather patterns change.
50 Extensive areas within continental platforms are formed of basement, a complex of metamorphic and igneous rocks of Palaeozic or Precambrian age.
51 The sequence of continental-margin orogen development begins with the subduction of oceanic lithosphere at, or close to, a continental margin.
52 In continental plate tectonics what seems static, the surface of the earth, is in reality in constant flux.
53 In just the past few weeks, Continental started offering double miles on flights to Florida.
54 Telling people that we met at the Continental has never seemed right, either.
55 Continental Assurance Company went into liquidation last month with estimated debts of £6.8m.
56 The two peaks in the distribution represent the continental platforms and the ocean basins.
57 Room service is available for continental breakfast and daytime drinks and snacks.
58 Above all, how would I learn to cope with the sub continental stare?
59 The upper layer of a plate is composed of either oceanic or continental crust or both.
60 Historically, she has laid much greater stress than her continental neighbours on sophisticated external examinations at the end of compulsory schooling.
61 Her population, geographical position, army and industrial strength made her the leading continental nation.
62 One means suggested for transfer of moisture into the interior of Pangaea has been monsoonal circulation created by the Permian continental configuration.
63 So long as no viable cause for continental drift could be demonstrated, however, belief in it remained an act of faith.
64 Southern delegates to the Continental Congress expressed unwillingness to use their militias outside their own borders.
65 The resulting orogen would be a modified continental margin type.
66 She cast a regretful look at the big double bed with its luxurious continental quilt.
67 It is possible that a similar flexural effect is associated with great escarpments along passive continental margins.
68 The attic rooms are especially spacious and comfortable. Full continental breakfast.
69 He waxed vehement about dinosaurs and extinction, about continental drift and the good old Galapagos finch.
70 The Supercontinent Cycle alone has left the continental crust riddled with the scars of former rifts and mergers.
71 First, it is linked with the East by a broadening continental land mass.
72 After yet another continental tour Couper returned to Berlin in 1855, determined to study chemistry.
73 Once viewed as a relic, continental drift and seafloor spreading evolved into the modern concept of plate tectonics.
74 Continental Freedom and Global Passports are special Continental programs for seniors who fly frequently.
75 Many continental fresh cheeses have now found their way to the supermarket shelves and to the specialist delicatessen.
76 Continental Railways(), was the front-runner in a four-way contest for the contract.
77 It's a focal point for people from miles around and has a really continental flavour.
78 If 5 percent of the continental United States is covered by water, the rest might be covered by Willow Bay.
79 An individual using and being buried with an artefact of, ultimately, Continental type was a person of Germanic origin.
80 They believe that our forces must be so trained and equipped that they can play both a Continental and Maritime role.
81 The shallow drilling programme is central to the systematic survey of the continental shelf.
82 If these researchers are right, the ramifications of this continental shifting may also extend beyond the oceans and solid ground.
83 Most species of marine organism live on the continental shelf.
84 He saw her gesture with her hand toward the moneychangers and the arcade and the terrasse of the Continental Hotel.
85 Breakfast is continental style and dinners are tasty home cooking with a choice of menu.
86 Geophysicists have examined these continental scars to tell the story of cataclysms that struck the earth long ago.
87 Alternatively, subducted oceanic crust may be able to pull adjacent continental crust down into the asthenosphere.
88 The earthquake triggered submarine landslides that dislodged hundreds of cubic kilometers of sediment on the continental slope.
89 Continental has 346, 000 subscribers throughout the region and is the largest cable operator in Los Angeles.
90 Black walls and a white carpet and a racing car continental quilt.
91 The crust can be divided into two types, oceanic and continental.
92 The submarine extension of a continent is called the continental shelf.
93 Ocean island and continental flood basalt occurrences represent different expressions of plume activity.
94 Eating out is convenient and economical. Continental style breakfast from any cafe just over £1; try yoghurt and honey too.
95 Each of these areas of continental lithosphere are thought to have overridden regions of hot asthenosphere associated with former mid-oceanic spreading ridges.
96 The continental breakfast is supplemented by cheese and ham, and dinner is three courses.
97 Reliable walking guidebooks cover many of the most popular continental routes.
98 HingeIt comes in several configurations and the Eurorack version is heated, like those lovely accessories in Continental baths.
99 Adding a decorative touch to the plain brick wall, they also give the room quite a Continental feel.
100 Step ashore to a world of pavement cafes, boutiques and the continental charm of Port Solent's fashionable shopping mall.
101 A continental breakfast, with cheeses and meats, is served and dinner is four courses and consists of good home cooking.
102 Reserves under the continental slopes are not included in these recent estimates.
103 Such detachment models predict that two types of passive margin will be produced by continental rupture.
104 At the same time he established important links with the continental book trade.
105 It is considerably worse than that in other continental countries.
106 An earth science example is the publication of Wegener's theory of continental drift in 1912.
107 Continental is expected to try and increase its stake - or bid.
108 Noise might prove to be a nuisance. Continental breakfast is included in the price.
109 Continental begins service to Lima on March 14 with an introductory offer of $ 558 for a round-trip ticket.
110 Continental bureaucracies were formed and conditioned before the arrival of parliament.
111 Each voucher pays for a room with private bath or shower, continental breakfast, hotel service charges and taxes.
112 Hot magma bubbled up through the older parts of Laurentia west of Hudson Bay, signaling the start of continental rifting.
113 On his return, he borrowed money from Harriet to settle debts from his continental fling.
113 try its best to collect and build good sentences.
114 They also argued that their place in the world economy entitled them to special and separate treatment from the continental states.
115 In past centuries, shortages of military manpower used to force us into alliances with continental powers.
116 Now, here he sat on the Continental Shelf, shaved and showered and ready for a good dinner.
117 We learn, too, that the great geophysicist, Sir Harold Jeffreys, refused to accept the evidence for continental drift.
118 Planners hope that fashionable street furniture will lend Continental glamour to our city centres.
119 Choose from seafood platters or Oriental-style selections, country meat platters or a Continental selection, antipasto and cocktail kebabs.
120 Isotopic compositions of continental intraplate mantle-derived magmas commonly vary as a function of lithospheric age.
121 The government has announced the opening of the first tender for exploration on its continental shelf.
122 He minted coins and his patronage of continental missionary activity is a noticeable feature of his reign.
123 The composition of displaced terranes ranges from that of typical oceanic crust to significantly less dense granitic rock with clear continental affinities.
124 It is very continental and it gives a great feel to the place.
125 Prices range from $ 59 MondayThursday to $ 179 weekends and holidays. Continental breakfast weekdays; candlelight brunch weekends.
126 Like a cracked china cup, the continental crust is still fragile where it has been damaged in the past.
127 Most continental high mountain areas are well served by networks of mountain huts and refuges, usually offering dormitory accommodation.
128 Five more oilfields were producing oil from the North Sea continental shelf in 1976, including the massive Brent and Alpha fields.
129 The Continental Divide runs along the length of the Rocky Mountains.
130 On Thursday evening a Continental Airlines jet from Newark, went into a snowbank after turning on to a hard-packed taxiway.
131 Standard is selling most of its continental commercial banking operations to WestLB for £100m.
132 In this respect we compare very unfavourably with our continental neighbours.
133 Continental use Your policy covers you while you are using your car in any country defined in the territorial limits.
134 He may have seen the continental ice cap(), raised by mirage.
135 The geophysicist must probe deeper to look at the forces generated below the surface of the earth by the continental plates.
136 An and Ganschow have also added items to their already intriguing continental menu.
137 The heavy oceanic lithosphere descends into the mantle, beneath the lighter continental lithosphere.
138 For instance, the company is attempting to bring Internet access to a mass consumer audience through an agreement with Continental Cablevision.
139 Child care vouchers Britain seriously lags behind its continental neighbours in provision for child care for working parents.
140 The Hanoverian monarchs were great patrons of the arts, and actively promoted the music of both native-born and Continental musicians.
141 The trains were fitted throughout with the Westinghouse brake, in accordance with Continental practice, and with steam-heating apparatus.
142 Oceanic lithosphere, however, is young and effectively of uniform age relative to continental lithosphere.
143 This basin, called the Chicxulub crater(Sentencedict), formed on the continental shelf in shallow water.
144 On the back wall of the produce shed hangs a schoolroom map of the continental United States.
145 It is just the sort of Continental charter that was despised by Dicey.
146 Although they are now inactive, these old regions of continental flood basalts are impressive because of the sheer quantity of lavas involved.
147 You have to keep in mind the trains here are descending from the Continental Divide and move quickly and quietly.
148 Interdependence was to be found at global, continental, regional or local levels.
149 Now with the introduction of a new continental landbridge fare Sealink anticipate a steady growth in freight carryings during 1991.
150 Many continental margins are not separated by subduction zones from the divergent boundaries marked by mid-oceanic ridges.
151 On each occasion, however, the currents flowing in world affairs swung Defence policy back to a more balanced Maritime/Continental course.
152 Since building up a 10 percent stake Continental has tried to arrange trading pacts.
153 a popular continental holiday resort.
154 In the east, they have a dry continental climate with severe winters.
155 Torquay is undeniably continental.
156 El Salvador has earned the dubious distinction of having the worst soil erosion in continental America.
157 The Continental Congress called upon the 13 states to draft new constitutions establishing governments more conducive to "republican" principles.
158 Brazil's endowment of natural resources matches its " Continental " dimensions .
159 The continental beds are as thick as their marine time equivalents.
160 Since these substances are not licensed, they cannot be sold in the continental United States.
161 Chains of saline lakes are found in places in continental interiors.
162 The coarse sediments have generally accumulated along the continental margins.
163 The crests of the Rocky Mountains are known as the Continental Divide.




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