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单词 Perigee
1. A spacecraft passing through its perigee point is moving faster than an equivalent craft on a circular orbit of the same radius.
2. Consequently the force of gravity at perigee is not enough to hold it in a circular orbit.
3. This phenomenon is called "lunar perigee", or "SuperMoon".
4. The Moon reaches its absolute perigee once a year.
5. This phenomenon of extreme proximity, known as 'maximal perigee, ' only occurs once every 18 years.
6. You now have the ecliptic longitude of perigee of the sun for the mean summer solstice of your chosen year (and effectively for the entire year) .
7. The time between two passages at the perigee ( of the Moon ).
8. The shape and perigee of artificial satellite orbits shall continually variate due to caused by the atmospherical drag and the earth gravity.
9. He also stressed that the upcoming maximal perigee had nothing to do with the events in Japan.
10. The average full moon at perigee appears around 12 percent larger than an average non-perigee full moon. Supermoons, even more so.
11. If M were the Earth, capital M, then we would call the point of closest approach "perigee," and the point farthest away from the Earth, we would call that "apogee."
12. Since the average lunar perigee is 364,397 km (226,432 mi), on March 19 the moon was about 7,820 km (4,860 mi) closer to the earth.
13. An anomalistic month refers to successive returns to perigee, a period of 27.55455 days.
14. The lowest point (perigee) of the ISS was 347 kilometers and the highest point (apogee) of the SH-7 orbit was 336 kilometers.
15. The greater the distance between the foci the more eccentric the orbit and the greater the difference between apogee and perigee.
16. Decreasing the velocity will mean that the spacecraft moves away from perigee less quickly.
17. At any point on the ellipse between apogee and perigee a spacecraft will have both a horizontal and a radial velocity.
18. For example, consider a spacecraft flying in an elliptical orbit and burning its engines at the moment it reaches perigee.
19. The spacecraft enters into a more eccentric orbit, however the height and position of perigee remains the same.
19. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
20. Your next chance to see the Moon this large and bright, this time at full phase within only a few minutes of lunar perigee, will be next year on May 6.
21. It gets even better. Supermoons are most notable when they occur at what astronomers call "perigee-syzygy": a full or new moon that coincides with lunar perigee.
22. In order to guarantee the characteristics of frozen orbit, in-plane orbit control needs to adjust the semi-major axis, eccentricity, argument of perigee simultaneously.
23. Mistakenly believe that doing elliptical motion of the satellite perigee and apogee of the orbit radius of curvature different.
24. If this is an ellipse around the Earth, then this would be perigee and this would be apogee.
25. Scientists call these perigean tides, because the moon's closest point to Earth is called perigee.
26. Saturday night (Jan. 10) the moon will be at perigee, the closest point to us on this orbit.
27. Rising on March 19, its exact full phase occurred within an hour of perigee, the closest point in the Moon's orbit to Earth.
28. The length of anomalistic month is related to the moon's phase at the perigee.
29. A The ellipse has a semimajor axis A, -2a perigee to apogee-- is 2a.
30. Now we want to know what the situation is with perigee and with apogee.
31. We know the period, we know where apogee is, we know where perigee is, - we know the orbital period-- anything we want to know.
32. When perigee and perihelion coincide tidal range is at its greatest.




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