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单词 Physics
1. He's very interested in nuclear physics.
2. This physics book breaks fresh ground.
3. Chris is a physics graduate.
4. Physics deals with the forces acting on concrete objects.
5. She did maths, physics and chemistry at school.
6. She was professor of physics at Chicago University.
7. I have an elementary knowledge of physics.
8. The course will encompass physics, chemistry and biology.
9. She studied chemistry and physics at college.
10. He majors in physics.
11. He taught physics to the students at a college ten years ago.
12. The chief sciences are chemistry, physics and biology.
13. It was reassembled in the physics lab.
14. He was a Nobel laureate in physics.
15. He studied chemistry in preference to physics at university.
16. Physics and maths are my favourite subjects.
17. I have only a rudimentary grasp of physics.
18. I took maths,(/physics.html) physics and chemistry at A level.
19. He is digging at physics.
20. He is very interested in plasma physics.
21. The universe is governed by the laws of physics.
22. She majored in Maths and Physics at university.
23. Physics has made enormous progress in this century.
24. These findings appear to violate the laws of physics.
25. I'm finding the advanced physics a bit heavy going.
26. I have to swot up my physics now.
27. Sometimes physics and chemistry overlap.
28. His scientific discoveries are amenable to the laws of physics.
29. The man standing before the blackboard is our teacher of physics.
30. He has a complete mental block when it comes to physics.
1. He's very interested in nuclear physics.
2. This physics book breaks fresh ground.
3. Chris is a physics graduate.
4. She did maths, physics and chemistry at school.
5. She was professor of physics at Chicago University.
6. I have an elementary knowledge of physics.
7. The course will encompass physics, chemistry and biology.
8. She studied chemistry and physics at college.
9. He majors in physics.
10. His scientific discoveries are amenable to the laws of physics.
11. The man standing before the blackboard is our teacher of physics.
12. He has a complete mental block when it comes to physics.
13. It was reassembled in the physics lab.
14. He was a Nobel laureate in physics.
15. He is digging at physics.
16. He is very interested in plasma physics.
17. She has a degree in physics.
18. He is credited with great achievements in physics.
19. Physics and astronomy are cognate sciences.
20. He distinguished himself in physics.
21. The elements of physics are difficult to grasp.
22. It is called series circuits in physics.
23. The study of physics takes in many difficult subjects.
24. The quiz showed up Cane's weak points in physics.
25. The scientist broke fresh ground in his recent book about physics.
26. Analogue computers are generalpurpose devices which employ laws of physics for performing mathematical operations.
31. She has a degree in physics.
32. I'm afraid physics is completely beyond me.
33. He is credited with great achievements in physics.
34. She majored in maths and physics .
35. I got B for physics last term.
36. I failed my physics exam, but I passed chemistry.
37. He graduated in physics from Cambridge University.
38. He claims that modern physics affirms his Christian beliefs.
39. Mr X, the sometime professor of physics.
40. He tested high in English, but low in Physics.
41. She got C / 'C' in / for Physics.
42. He is reading electron physics at Qinghua University.
43. She has a doctorate in physics from Norwich.
43. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
44. The physics teacher couldn't keep order in any class.
45. Dan found biology difficult, and physics harder still.
46. Physics and astronomy are cognate sciences.
47. He distinguished himself in physics.
48. Physics is governed by cosmic laws.
49. The elements of physics are difficult to grasp.
50. He studied Physics at university.
51. He wanted to change from Physics to Chemistry.
52. Mathematical physics is an almost impossibly difficult subject.
53. I have physics class at 9:30 on Tuesdays.
54. She seems to have an inborn talent for physics.
55. It is called series circuits in physics.
56. Mathematics and physics are related disciplines.
57. He graduated with a second-class honours degree in physics.
58. They are digging at physics.
59. Fiona is very clever at physics.
60. The study of physics takes in many difficult subjects.
61. I'm doing physics, biology and chemistry.
62. The quiz showed up Cane's weak points in physics.
63. Physics used to be very much a male domain.
64. She likes Biology, but she's not too keen on Physics.
65. Physics isn't just about pure science with no immediate applications.
66. On balance, the book is a friendly, down-to-earth introduction to physics.
67. The structure of the universe may not be reducible to a problem in physics.
68. Analog computers are generalpurpose devices which employ laws of physics for performing mathematical operations.
69. Does your interest in nuclear physics extend to nuclear weaponry?
70. Newton's discoveries revolutionized physics.
71. I'm afraid physics will always be a closed book to me.
72. This book opens the door to some of the most exciting findings in solid-state physics.
73. Descartes received his stimulus from the new physics and astronomy of Copernicus, Galileo, and others.
73. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
74. In the new timetable, there's a clash between history and physics.
75. He taught us that the laws of physics were absolute.
76. Nuclear physics is a closed book to most of us.
77. Physics is the best example of a science which has developed strong, abstract theories.
78. Einstein's ideas on physics have held the field for years.
79. In her will, she endowed a scholarship in the physics department.
80. She is reading for a degree in physics in Beijing University.
81. He finds physics far/much more difficult than other science subjects.
82. The laws of physics dictate that what goes up must come down.
83. Cuvier wanted to turn natural history into a science that would rank with physics and chemistry.
84. I'm hopeless at physics, and it's the same with chemistry - I get it all wrong.
85. How do we situate Christianity in the context of modern physics and psychology?
86. The scientist broke fresh ground in his recent book about physics.
87. This problem should be easy enough for someone who's done physics at A level.
88. Analogue computers are generalpurpose devices which employ laws of physics for performing mathematical operations.
89. I have to take a physics course/class. This is called a module in Britain, especially in a college or university.
90. The only cloud on the horizon is the physics exam in June.
91. The book is a good introduction to the strange, Alice-in-Wonderland world of theoretical physics.
92. One moment the professor is working hard on a problem in physics, the next he's gone off at a tangent and he's talking about bees.
93. She's got a physics degree/a degree in physics from Oxford.
94. The award of the Nobel Prize has crowned a glorious career in physics.
95. It is possible to combine Computer Science with other subjects, for example Physics.
96. The scientists' work will push back the frontiers of physics.
97. She was good at physics despite the fact that she found it boring.
98. I might have failed a physics exam.
99. There is a complementarity between life and atomic physics.
100. Why do physics lessons always seem to drag?
101. The study concentrated on physics, not biology, Adams emphasized.
102. Apparently it defies the laws of physics.
103. It's a branch of physics now basically.
103. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
104. Politics is more difficult than physics. Albert Einstein 
105. For energy, the winners are physics, fusion and the breeder reactor.
106. Laing rejected classical psychoanalysis just as quantum theory rejected classical physics.
107. It is only in certain subjects - notably mathematics, technical subjects and physics - that boys do better than girls.
108. Quantum mechanical states, however, differ in two important respects from those of classical physics.
109. We used to have long discussions and arguments about everything from radio-controlled models to religion, and from parapsychology to physics.
110. Might not some essential aspects of quantum theory also be playing crucial roles in the physics that underlies our thought processes?
111. He identified pharmacy, high energy physics and architecture as being over-represented in the universities.
112. He sees the new blood scheme as one way to redress the balance against over-represented subjects like particle physics.
113. The quantum challenge is probably the last of Einstein's contributions to fundamental physics that has enduring value.
114. Physics also tells us that there is a logical answer to the seeming conundrum of the diversity of species.
115. In my case, before becoming a Snavely winner, I was but crabgrass in the Garden of Physics.
116. Such people often see their lives more effectively framed by the reality metaphors that modern quantum physics and chaos theory provide.
117. Chu received his doctorate in physics in 1976 from UC-Berkeley.
118. There he worked on the unfashionable inorganic chemistry; his science was always to be on the boundary of physics and chemistry.
119. Physics may tell us how to build a nuclear bomb but not whether it should be built.
120. Examples include physics and electronics problems in basic mathematics classes.
121. The objects and phenomena that a physics book describes are simpler than a single cell in the body of its author.
122. Girls are sometimes discouraged from studying subjects like engineering and physics.
123. Computational Physics students take a first-level course in Computer Science.
124. Others again, such as physics, chemistry or history, have important professional associations or societies without being full-blown professions.
125. The laws of physics seem to be the same for particles and antiparticles.
126. In the past, Livermore scientists studied those mini-explosions to better understand the physics of nuclear weapons blasts.
127. These are followed up by a short course on computer simulation in Physics for all students in third year.
128. Genetics is to biology what atomic theory is to physics.
129. On a calm day, it can register a pressure difference across the thickness of the Handbook of Chemistry and Physics.
130. So, too, may seem my characterization of physics as the study of simplicity.
131. How is it, then, that the correspondence with the angular momentum of classical physics is to be made?
132. It's a subject whose passion for diagrams and abbreviations and formulae can give nuclear physics a run for its money.
133. Deterministic laws of atomic arrangements in the triumphant years of classical physics seemed to lie behind the phenomena of life.
134. It is not only biology, but cosmology, physics and astronomy that presuppose a general evolutionary account of the cosmos.
135. Similarly, students interested in technical fields would be well advised to take physics.
136. The theist does not see this as a chance consequence of the working out of blind laws of physics.
137. We no more understand how biology emerges from physics than we understand how classical measuring apparatus emerges from quantum mechanics.
138. The Puritans had no more interest in astronomy or physics than in the fine points of Catholic theology.
139. You run the risk of upsetting the balance of nature, or physics, or whatever.
140. Too negligible to have practical effect in classical physics, it adds up over trillions of years.
141. Siemens worked with teachers at the school to develop a curriculum that combines physics and electronics.
142. The ideal candidate will hold a good degree in theoretical physics or physical chemistry and have strong mathematical and computing skills.
143. The hard core of Newtonian physics is comprised of Newton's laws of motion plus his law of gravitational attraction.
144. These will include basic skills as well as specialised competences in areas of applied physics.
145. This is what classical physics has taught us about the nature of physical reality.
146. Perhaps the most bizarre example involves Bill Hoskins, a masters student in exploratory physics.
147. Most students, as we have already seen, were very enthusiastic about physics.
148. He conceptualizes a network in terms of its energy and the physics of dynamic systems.
149. In theoretical physics, the search for logical self-consistency has always been more important in making advances than experimental results.
150. In addition, he was aware of the Scholastics' critical appraisal of Aristotelian physics.
151. Its real importance lies in the drive to refine the whole of physics into a single question.
152. Even physics does not understand the nature of an electron and electrical charge.
153. It also required a feat of imagination that was exceedingly difficult for those imbued with Aristotelian physics.
154. Physics and physical science students had a strong sense of the hierarchy of different disciplines.
155. The reason is that the laws of physics are not quite the same for particles and antiparticles.
156. Problems with classical theory How do we know that classical physics is not actually true of our world?
157. How much physics at key stage 3 is taught by biologists?
158. On top of our better understanding of plasma physics, we also had a wide range of new diagnostic techniques.
159. One physics task involves pupils examining which laws of physics apply to packages dropping down a parcels chute.
160. Waldegrave threw out the challenge to the physics community last week at the annual conference of the Institute of Physics in Brighton.
161. His mind was alerted to the excitement and importance of mathematics applied to practical problems, that is in effect, physics.
162. Instead of learning physics I wrote essays on the Rolling Stones and the Band.
163. Prospective physical geographers should take basic courses in calculus, physics, chemistry, engineering, modern biology, and computer programming.
164. Many physics students, and almost all physical science students, had an instrumental attitude towards their degree courses.
165. In atomic physics they are represented as Proton, Neutron, Electron, the three elements of all structure throughout nature.
166. Scientists were deeply split on the uses to which the discoveries of atomic physics were being put.
167. Because the particle and antiparticle in effect cancel each other out, their appearance together does not violate the laws of physics.
168. Bartholomew's work in the field of physics has been highly commended.
169. Now it has just been seen that the laws of physics are efficiently ordered so as to produce highly desirable states.
170. In an attempt to get data from this natural laboratory, particle physics has become ever more entwined with cosmology.
171. Suppose the basic laws of physics popped into existence for no reason at all.
172. Jack said he had no wish to study physics and chemistry.
173. Other western sciences exclude difficult aspects of subjectivity from their portraits of themselves, as in classical physics.
174. The problem involves classical physics, as opposed to quantum physics.
175. Red has four finals in four days: physics, chemistry, organic chemistry and calculus.
176. Recent developments in particle physics suggest that every nucleon may itself have a nucleus.
177. Indeed, he has continued to play an active role in Bristol Physics since his formal retirement.
178. The problem of the observer is as crucial in biology as it is in physics.
179. The radiation is a by-product of particle accelerators use in high-energy physics.
180. Matthew took exams in maths, further maths, economics, chemistry, physics and general studies.
181. Continuing developments in physics can lead to the establishment of newly-defined areas of investigation.
182. This sub-atomic medium has been defined as an energy-rich substrate, the common denominator in all particle reactions in nuclear physics.
183. First, there is space-time, playing a primary role as the arena for all the varied activity of physics.
184. Their approach is informal and Physics of Stellar Evolution and Cosmology reads like a scientific detective story.
185. You have been doubtful about all of this new physics, Watson.
186. However, it seems to me that there are also other important underlying factors, coming more from the direction of physics.
187. Children begin secondary school with high expectations of science, but become disillusioned and uninterested, especially in physics.
188. Physics explains the "how" of fire walking.
189. Gratifyingly, people are interested in physics and this is a proper story.
190. This article discussed some basic conceptions and approaches of systematic science under the background of statistical physics system, evolutional biosystem and economic system.
191. Courses of study include technical physics, technical mathematics, nuclear reactor theory, nuclear criticality training, and reactor simulator training.
192. Moonlights is a tower building physics puzzler, that will challenge the brain and the physics skills of the whole family. As is, the game is g...
193. Narasimhan received a BS in physics and mathematics from Williams College, Williamstown, Massachusetts.
194. The orders need amusive products to adapt their physics and psychology really , but this kind of need has not been satisfied .
195. Physics laureates Basile Audoly and Sebastien Neukirch of Paris University were honoured for their insights into why dry spaghetti tends to break into more than two pieces.
195. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
196. In physics it is better to think of interdependent quantities.
197. Or they may move into the area of health physics to help physicians to find new ways to use atomic isotopes to diagnose and treat disease.
198. He had spoken slightingly of women's education in general, and had said that Hannah, Anna's English protegee, had not the slightest need to know anything of physics.
199. The works is significant and valuable to the study of underwater welding arc physics and welding metallurgic.
200. To discuss the physics course and mechanism of Dadianzi well' s barometric effect in static state obturation response.




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