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单词 Shades
1. The walls were painted in two shades of green.
2. The varnish comes in six natural wood shades.
3. The lamps all had matching purple shades.
4. Lighter shades suit you best.
5. The word can have many shades of meaning.
6. This hair colouring comes in several shades.
7. A big hat shades the eyes.
8. Cool pastel shades are just right for summer.
9. Choose shades which tone in with your natural colouring.
10. The houses were painted various shades of rose.
11. These two shades do not agree.
12. The sea glistened in shades of blue and emerald.
13. The lake sparkled with shades of blue and silver.
14. The walls were painted in pastel shades.
15. This wool is available in 18 stunning shades.
16. There are several shades of meaning in that sentence.
17. Towels in warm shades can soften the room.
18. She was dressed in muted shades of blue.
19. She was wearing a black leather jacket and shades.
19. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
20. Nancy left the shades down and the lights off.
21. The rooms were decorated in delicate pastel shades.
22. On fair skin, pale shades are delicate enough not to overpower your colouring.
23. The scarlet of the wings shades into pink at the tips.
24. The room was decorated in warm shades of red and orange.
25. I fancied there were shades of socialism in the way the school was run.
26. The living room was painted in pastel shades of pink and blue.
27. He threw out his old suits, all in shades of grey and brown.
28. Because false eyelashes come in various lengths and shades, it's so easy to match them up with your own.
29. He threw out his old suits, all in shades of grey and reddish - brown .
30. There is room in the Democratic party for many shades of opinion.
1. The walls were painted in two shades of green.
2. The varnish comes in six natural wood shades.
3. This wool is available in 18 stunning shades.
4. The rooms were decorated in delicate pastel shades.
31. In the afternoon the sun bathes the city in shades of pink and gold.
32. Wallpapers for children too often come only in sickly pastel shades.
33. In some modern fashions we can see shades of the 1930s.
34. The film presents a straightforward choice between good and evil, with no shades of grey.
35. They are hoping to satisfy all shades of public opinion.
36. In his speech he said - shades of Martin Luther King Jr. - that he had a dream.
37. All shades of mauve, lilac, lavender and purple were fashionable.
38. No problem. Subtle shades continue to be in vogue.
39. Shades of the christening party in Sleeping Beauty.
40. The room was decorated in pastel shades.
41. Shades of Manchester United and that elusive league title?
42. The pickpocket himself wore dark shades.
43. We went for the mid-tones and pastel shades.
44. Subtle shades continue to be in vogue.
45. Later, a symposium on lipstick shades.
46. There are no hidden depths or subtle shades here.
47. Stick to very pale or clear shades.
48. The numerous shades were indicated by numbers.
49. They had painted the house in shades of orange, blue, and tan.
50. He examined several photographs in shades of green, obviously taken after nightfall with a light intensifying lens.
51. Her body looked like dark mahogany, and the lights and shades created by the dim bulbs were silver and sludge-green.
52. The countryside had put on its summer dress, so many shades of green and everything fresh and clean.
53. Colour the remaining sugar paste icing different shades of brown and model a house with door, shutters and chimney.
54. The patio gets a southern exposure, and a pergola shades about 75 percent of the midday sun.
55. The screen is capable of 64 shades of grey, and resolutions of up to 640 by 480 pixels.
56. Prepare your eye for the return of the dark, vampy mouth painted in deep shades of burgundy, violet and rose-brown.
57. Until the early 1960s these beliefs were not seriously tested and differences of theory appear as shades of a fairly narrow spectrum.
58. BEACH-COMBER Enliven an autumn palette with shades of citrus and spice, then indulge yourself in cashmere.
59. The wall lights in the great stone walls were bedecked with pink silk shades.
60. A broken toaster and sev-eral ripped window shades were crammed in near a cracked welding gun and a rotting fence post.
61. Cool, refreshing pastel shades are just right for a long hot summer!
62. The dark galaxy spiralled around her, each constellation pricked out in delicate shades of fragrance.
63. Shades of religious or ideological belief mean that a rhetorical justification is always to hand.
64. From day to day the dark shades of his shirts, ties, and high-buttoning suits subtly changed.
65. Sweep a brush across the four shades, from lightest sand to tawny terracotta, and dust over your face.
66. To teach me to perceive the shades of beauty and the shades of meaning ....
67. It looked like a blaze photographed with a filter that transformed everything into shades of the same colour.
68. Which shades of green blend best with each other, with pale colours, with vivid colours?
69. But Dot saw plenty of coal heaped up beside the tracks in so many different shades of black.
70. Basically, there are lipstick testers in six different colours and each contains 40 shades within that colour spectrum.
71. In this more tolerant environment several newspapers representing different shades of opinion have already sprung up, especially in the urban areas.
72. Different shades of superfine, 22 carat gold leaf are painted on to the hair during the highlighting process.
73. The old ones, too tight and all in various shades of grey and brown, had been discarded.
74. Operation Condor contains shades of the Indiana Jones movies, westerns and B-grade adventures.
75. Fore those who aren't colour-shy, Fired Earth has more than 100 shades in its Haute Provence range of clay tiles.
76. But there are actually quite a few shades of blue.
77. But juicy fruit-punch shades like orange and lime to be mixed and matched are equally hot.
78. Individual Refined Lip Colour, a unique new made-to-measure lipstick service, offers a choice of over 28,000 shades.
79. My poor creature, you see, is not like all the other grim shades who have preceded him.
79. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
80. Soft pinks and browns are the summery eyeshadow shades that suit every woman, regardless of colouring.
81. But whereas caricature depends on paring down character to exaggerated essentials, acting conveys shades, nuances and inconsistencies.
82. Lacy white curtains fluttered at open windows, and washable slipcovers in white or pale shades covered the upholstery.
83. Highly polished floorboards peeped around the white carpets, the curtains were ruffled and there were white shades with bobbles.
84. The flowers bloom in several shades, especially blue, pink and white.
85. It looks really special thanks to a superb print in shades of blue, apple and black on white.
86. This term is now commonly applied to a number of items, particularly from Anatolia, which have light pastel shades.
87. Many took time to sleep, while others applied greasepaint in shades of green, brown and black for camouflage.
88. The carpets, furniture, and walls are in muted shades of tan and green.
89. The steep, shingled roof shone in varying shades of grey, and there was the terrace in front.
90. The familiar tweed jackets appeared in fresh fruit pastel shades enlivened with a spattering of matched sequins.
91. Even in his bluest period, Picasso blended enough colors to make various shades seem like an entire palette.
92. All shades of political opinion on the committee worked well together elucidating the policies of the industries.
93. Bamboo pieces also suit rooms painted white and in shades of green, browns and neutrals.
94. Jumble up the shades cottage-garden style or choose a cool colour such as cream that will show up on dark wintry days.
95. It was very still, with the landscape painted in shades of smoke.
96. Colour the remaining fondant icing three different shades of green.
97. South facing rooms which already appear to be warmer due to the extra light can more easily accommodate cooler shades such as pale blue.
98. Notice what shades of colour there are on the water and look at your wake as it shoots from under the board.
99. It represented all shades of opinion, but it was dominated by Sukarno.
100. Its simple architectural design features a blue corrugated metal exterior that changes shades and textures with the changing light of the day.
101. The sky was turning several shades of blue as night gave way to day.
102. Colors of the hybrids now on the market include shades of red and pink in addition to white.
103. And advances in computer screens mean many can display as many as 64 million shades of color.
104. There are 14 different shades which can be inter-mixed by your colourist to achieve any colour.
105. White illuminates dark corners and enmasse provides a still breathing space among more lively shades.
106. Life has positive and negative shades. When I look at my life, I see more negatives than positives. I can be honest enough to admit that I have done quite some not-so-great things but I won’t reveal what I have been up to! Jeetendra 
107. They are produced in a multiple of shades which allow the greatest scope for individual expression.
108. The result is that we encounter unsuspected shades of gray, with solo flute and bassoon weaving ironic commentaries.
109. For the deeper shades of blue in the sea I mixed ultramarine with anthracite black to give an approximation to Paynes grey.
110. Adobe have worked with Pantone to provide over 700 colour shades and combinations that are provided in a reference library on disk.
111. Dressed in town clothes and wraparound shades,(http:///shades.html) they stand out from the throng of tribal dress and ochre bodies.
112. Sahara hats are popular -- white, Lawrence of Arabia headgear that shades the neck and cheeks.
113. Clarins makes three of the best new shades: as deeply hued as a candy apple is Russet, a gorgeous yellow-red.
114. Prices start at $ 20 for acetate shades and go up to several hundred dollars for pure silk.
115. I can never read all the books I want; I can never be all the people I want and live all the lives I want. I can never train myself in all the skills I want. And why do I want? I want to live and feel all the shades, tones and variations of mental and physical experience possible in my life. And I am horribly limited. Sylvia Plath 
116. Do wear darker shades to disguise the bits you'd rather hide and highlight good points with detail.
117. Exposed the original brick walls, hung lamps with straw bonnets for shades, put in a small mahogany bar.
118. If you prefer silver, stick with bluish pinks and deeper shades.
119. Whoever was responsible for the interior decoration of Hummingbird House had subtly co-ordinated paler, more restful shades of sun-gold and sea-blue.
120. Inside, a subtle colour scheme of white or light pastel shades is complemented by cool tiled floors and modern facilities.
121. From 17 comes Colourmania, a bold collection of shimmering shades and bright ideas - great fun for the young.
122. Colours were brutal and depressing; dank shades like dung and army-blanket fawn.
123. Its craftsman made upholstery is from the Allied classic range of sculptured moquette in a subtle blend of fresh shades.
124. Not simple sheer see-through curtains and ordinary white pull-down light-blocking shades.
125. He's an educated, ambitious young politician from the South - shades of Bill Clinton.
126. Be bold with strong shades - that's the key to this fabulous face!
127. Her own stand is dominated by a burst of swansdown in shades of pink ranging from cerise to baby blush.
128. The outsized buildings march into infinity in shades of grey to mauve, blurred by a haze of fumes.
129. There were peaches, and bunches of grapes, entwined with leaves of varying shades and textures.
130. The dim glow of passing headlights makes his shaved head and the shades propped on top of it shine.
131. On one side of Color Bars the shades are marked with even numbers.
132. The landscape turned two shades darker, richer, and the air in the car cooled off even more.
133. I could unquestionably get him several different shades of hairs from this house.
134. Her favorites are a pale cocoa-colored lamb and another whose coat is different shades of gray.
135. Although most mosaics comprise three to six basic colours, a work of good quality will include many subtle shades.
136. These consist of pale neutral shades of blue, green and brown with some definite greys included.
137. Don't paint short nails with dark colours. Stick to very pale or clear shades.
138. Now, it is permissible to wear all kinds of shades, according to your clothes as well as your personal colouring.
139. Actually, of course, the only time wearing shades is anonymous is in bright sunlight.
139. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
140. Salads splash across the plates in a sea of green shades.
141. The Freemans man wears pastels in up-to-date shades of blush pink, powder green and pale cream.
142. They come in nine shades and give a short-lived burst of colour which fades over three to four shampoos.
143. In the window the Durex poster, the one with the motorbike, has faded to pale northern shades of sea.
144. As with the Hebrew prophets, there were no greys, no subtle shades.
145. B Pure cotton vests proved very popular last summer, so here they are again in a new range of seasonal shades.
146. Around them were several old electric lamps, a couple with ornate glass shades, and chimneys.
147. Look out, too, for a brand new baby quality called Bobtail in six pastel shades.
148. One colour with white will give different shades of the one colour.
149. The rhetorical question rightly goes unanswered, and the following paragraph consigns the missio unmourned to the shades.
150. Eyes, hair, skin: all different shades of grey and white.
151. In four natural shades it costs around £29.95 per metre.
152. There was in most works an allowance for shades of feeling and meaning, and for the existence of doubt.
153. He hangs in shades the orange bright Like golden lamps in a green night.
154. Three narrow windows were locked on the inside, shades drawn.
155. A large, empty room with high, narrow windows through which the bright day filtered slowly on to various shades of brown.
156. Opt for ivory and pretty pastel shades and mix subtle patterns and textures together.
157. The brightest areas are those of intensive cultivation, and intermediate shades represent grassland and sugar beet.
158. It was not quite dark yet and the evening sky on the high tops was still aglow with delicate pastel shades.
159. Grated crayon added to paint produces interesting effects and can give different shades of colour.
160. Clasen combined these blonde tones with deeper, warmer shades of camel or vicuna.
161. Color is news for guys, who in the past have been stuck with old-man shades like navy, maroon and beige.
162. The browns this year come in all shades, from chocolate and cafe au lait to coppers and russets.
163. It is the pale, icy blues and strong medium shades that are now the most popular.
164. Masterfully, in that moment, Pennington shades Peter's love innocent rather than tawdry.
165. So look for a neutral tone carpet, in shades of blue, pink or green with perhaps a delicate floral design.
166. The program contains 100 colour palettes, each containing eight shades, or colour tones, all of which are infinitely adjustable.
167. In the fall, the woods are full of countless shades of brown, yellow and orange.
168. Increasing the number of displayable colours or shades of grey requires more memory to store the image.
169. Strong or dark shades are normally only found in nomadic and tribal rugs.
169. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
170. In the low lands, miles of rice fields stretched out like handwoven carpets in different shades of green.
171. Am I to be troubled by a skinny old fool in mirror shades?
172. Window shades were drawn against the afternoon sun and the light in the house had an amber cast.
173. These two directions or shades of opinion are not necessarily as starkly polarised as may appear.
174. Pond keepers are extremely fortunate to have a vast selection of waterlilies to choose from, available in many shades of colour.
175. Bamboo shades and screens contribute a pleasing serenity to quiet spaces.
176. From a sociologist's point of view, work has shades of meaning which are individual to each of us.
177. The elegantly draped silk scarf was two shades paler than his hair.
178. Pastel shades are extremely versatile and blend with most traditional Western furnishings and interior designs.
179. When investing in a new kitchen, most people still go for easy-on-the-eye neutral shades, pure whites and sophisticated greys.
180. They viewed the world through dark wrap-around shades beneath pork-pie hats or stingy brims.
181. Spreading shades of dusk cover the earth.
182. All shades of red, sable and brindle .
183. His naturalism shades over to obscure fantasy.
184. They pulled down the shades and broke the Sabbath.
185. dressed in sombre shades of grey and black.
186. Dark shades bring edginess to summer dressing.
187. These voltages make the crystals untwist in varying degrees to filter light into varying shades of color.
188. A type of English walnut, patterned with swirls and curves in shades of brown or with occasional black streaks, used for veneer and cabinetwork.
189. The antidote to all-or-nothing thinking is thinking in shades of gray–opening oneself up to the continuum of possibilities for one's life.
190. The lights were on and the shades all drawn at the square triple-decker.
191. Each features muted metallics in shades of seafoam, periwinkle, gold, and aubergine .
192. Isla Fisher andandand daughter Olive Cohen were and about wearing oversize shades.
193. A multi-purpose palette housed in a white and silver Dior Logomania case includes shades for face, lips(), and eyes.
194. The focus is on fresh pastel shades like aqua green, pale pink and blue as well as the classical ecru, white and black.
195. I feel a satisfying sense of reality which at once turns the two Archbishops and the Lord High Chancellor to the shadows of shades.
196. Elsewhere, Fix Ya Face has shades of the brilliant Kelis.
197. Above-normal temperatures appear in shades of red, and below-normal temperatures appear in shades of blue.
198. The crowd that heard these boding words gave them different interpretations, according to their different shades of ignorance and of fear.
199. Turquoise, aquamarine, and sea green are your best colors, and use those shades in your makeup, especially in eye shadow, since your eyes are one of your best features.
199. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
200. The new Bodum collection, BISTRO toaster in all shades of the rainbow.
201. The less common shades are yellowish brown and greenish brown.
202. Protanomaly makes it difficult to differentiate shades of green, red, brown and purple.
203. Nail polish is another affordable pick-me-up, but it now offers all kinds of crazy new shades to inspire the recession-prone splurge.
204. The storm track appears in shades of peach, coral, and red.
205. We need black and white Check and other colours (must be high slub silk)We need White, baby pink and baby blue shades in Dupion Silk.
206. Yellow refers to the smutty type, and grey or black to spam messages, many of which offer products or services of various shades of legality.
207. The tight layering of the cards creates a brilliant striped pattern, and, as Shaheen notes, the different shades of yellow resemble wood grain.
208. The coat has various shades of olive - brown to brownish - black.
209. Tom Cruise shades; charcoal suit; porkpie hat; looks about 40, like her dad.
210. There are glen plaid s, tartans, feminine shades , crinkled finishing, and subtle patterning.
211. In these images, buildings and paved areas appear in shades of gray or beige, the clearest example being the McCarran International Airport near the bottom center of each image.
212. For lips and cheeks, there are three cool shades of Pot Rouge.
213. We use shades of gray to outline maps and to outline the aircraft planform shown on various subsystem formats, such as fuel, flight controls, and weapons.
214. Create a glimmering a gradation of colour from sophisticated dark to light shades with every move.
215. Celebrity manicurist Deborah Lippmann says those with fair skin shouldopt for blue-based shades with soft shimmer, which will look crisp—notgoth—even on porcelain hands like Liv Tyler's.
216. Seek: Beyond black. Chocolate, wine, charcoal and navy absorb light, so they slenderize. Keep to a single or close shades. Avoid: Lighter colors that reflect light and expand silhouettes.
217. Feature: The wine has a very vivid rose-color with light violaceous shades.
218. Basilisks'hides range from dark chestnut shades of brown to mossy green and ocean blue.
219. We used shades of gold and green to give the room a fresh, autumnal look.
220. On a background of softest seafoam, with a wing-shaped fin worked in shades of fuschia, periwinkle and teal, she is a part of the mysterious, impetuous sea captured forever on canvas.
221. Jade has many colors, green is the main color, fine jade is the jade green shades affordable.
222. Even the air shaft is a masterpiece, tiled in shades of azure, deep-tinted at the top and gradually lightening to spread sun evenly to all floors.
223. Visiting here is like spending your vacation in a vintage shop. Old men in dapper Fedora hats and antique Italian shades haunt Harnet Avenue, the palm-studded main drag in Asmara, the capital.
224. The researchers used high-resolution images, made in shades of grey, of 101 paintings which were either by Van Gogh or in his style.
225. The main mineral in this material is calcite. It is Greenish-brown in colour and is a porous material with a wide variety of shades ranging from dark to light brown.
226. Photo Gallery: Rocks The Colorado River has eroded these schist formations into fudge - like shapes and shades.
227. The glass walls surrounding the larger room, up front, are different shades of bottle green.
228. Adds silvery brightness to gray hair and neutralizes brassy tones in all shades.
229. Today, I spent $100 for deposit for a new pair of spectacles and clip-on shades, with the balance of $320 due next week when I collect.
229. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
230. But American humour, with all its shades, is in part a response to American didacticism.
231. Heaven lies about us in our infancy ! Shades of the prison close upon the growing boy.
232. Grab your chips, put on your shades and saddle up to the table.
233. Ruthenium - plated brooch set with crystals in blue, violet and grey shades.
234. All shades of red, wheaten, black and tan or grizzle .
235. Dramatise a smart casual look with this sophisticated and exquisite gold-plated frontal necklace. It reflects shades of red as it elegantly adorns your neck.
236. They unfold their wings and pace up and down in the shades of tress.
237. The colors are black, various shades of gray and various shades of tawny.
238. And a strange penultimate chapter on the Irish potato famine in which the potato blight is the villain, responsible for many deaths and massive emigration (shades of McNeill?).
239. Brilliant blue and brilliant violet shades on wool, polyamide, cotton and leather with very good fastness to light and wet - treatment achieved.
240. These days, Evening Dress, wedding gowns come in different shades from white to eggshell, Bridesmaid Dress, ivory and ecru.
241. No single document could encompass all the shades of interpretation.
242. " I'm not dead enough for you to pull down the shades -- though I might as well be.
243. It's a little higher and faster, but with odd, devastating pauses and saturnine shades of mockery.
243. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
244. In addition to tall windows, Martha has a glass-paned kitchen door. Translucent, lightweight shades can be lowered for some privacy, while still letting daylight through.
245. Modulated colours from skin pink and paler shades to a more intense mauve.
246. As the desire-cutting carrier, there hides many undesirability and helplessness behind the interlaced neon lights and shades.
247. And, at every turn of his instrument, the old modes took on unthought-of shapes and expressed new shades of feeling.
248. Dark colours give an aura of authority while lighter pastel shades suggest approachability.
249. The first shades of evening were showing themselves when Bathsheba reached home.
250. One closes behind one the little gate of mere boyishness and enter an enchanted garden. Its very shades glow with promise. Every turn of the path has its seduction.
251. Look for some petal earth tones like canary yellow and light natural shades like aqua! There will be soon a dramatic transformation in your wedding that soon forms a fab.
252. Or go for darker shades of greens. Romaine lettuce, for example, has nearly seven times the vitamin C and twice the calcium of its paler iceberg cousin.
253. The bra and panty line comes in 20 different skin tone shades, so chances are you'll be able to find one that matches yours (although very dark-skinned women seem to have been left out of the mix).
254. Nobody cared in Germany whether a Jew went home and pulled down the shades and said " Shema 'Yisroel" or "Our Father.
255. grey-pink shades of sky deepened and paled behind the pensive trees . . .
256. fireworks, Fourth of July, United States, Independence Day Peacock Feather/Dragonfly: Pyrotechnicians agree that the blue-violet shades of this peacock feather are the most challenging to formulate.
257. Gray scale In computer graphics, a series of shades from pure white to pure black.
258. Choose bedding in shades of blue and wear blue pajamas.




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