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单词 Internally
1. He was internally disturbed to hear of her illness.
2. The building has been restored externally and internally.
3. This medicine must not be taken internally.
4. Her argument is internally inconsistent.
5. The argument is internally contradictory.
6. The matter will be dealt with internally.
7. The job should be advertised internally and externally.
8. The new posts were only advertised internally.
9. His argument is not even internally consistent .
9. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
10. A great deal has been done internally to remedy the situation.
11. The state is not a unified and internally coherent entity.
12. Internally, people did distinguish personal property.
13. Internally however, the most profound changes are taking place.
14. The instruments work using a hot wire internally.
15. They laboured to make the empire internally consistent.
16. Alternatively, in organisations where such postings are advertised internally, there may be only one candidate who comes forward for selection.
17. Advertise the job internally first or simultaneously in other outlets.
18. Then she meets Martin, another person alone and internally scarred, and their lives begin to have meaning once more.
19. Using committees internally to overcome restrictions on information and thereby arrive at a decision.
20. To correct imbalances arising internally within the organism requires the use of a therapy which can counteract such imbalances.
21. This medicine is for external use only and should not be taken internally.
22. Evening primrose oil is used on the skin as well as taken internally.
23. Although the man who had fallen looked all right(), he was hurt internally.
24. Some people fondly believe that chess-playing computers work by internally trying out all possible combinations of chess moves.
25. Watercolour papers undergo different sizing treatments at various stages of the papermaking process - applied internally or externally.
26. This activity will continue until the system breaks down internally or is subject to an intervention from the external environment.
27. The ink in your pen is a prospect, as is the next telephone number you dial - internally or externally.
28. Now the company is taking the whole notion one step further, embracing Internet technology both internally and for its client services.
29. The relationship of progressive rock and the counterculture is thus uneasy and internally contradictory.
30. Implicit in the conceptualizations of schema used here is the idea that schemata are internally constructed with experience over time.
1. He was internally disturbed to hear of her illness.
2. Her argument is internally inconsistent.
3. The argument is internally contradictory.
31. It will do no good at all if it leaves you fuming internally for the rest of the day.
32. The snag with this is that the suppressed feelings are still experienced internally rather than avoided or prevented.
33. Although milling ceased around four decades ago, the mill machinery both externally and internally is still virtually complete.
34. Internally the school is organized into separate departments, primary and secondary, which between them cover the entire school age range.
35. The mill section was supported internally by iron pillars, cast locally in the Soudley Forge.
36. The information will be largely internally supplied and will have frequent use.
37. The preference shown by the C57BLVCrgI mice was internally generated.
38. Internet and intranet services will provide continuous updates to the world and internally in the convention.
39. Most proposals are, in actual fact,(http:///internally.html) generated internally within departments.
40. Investigations of public law on taxation and social security reveal how internally the family is constituted by legal structures external to it.
41. It simply services all the other spending funds, by borrowing from external sources and lending internally.
42. Internally the house is bright and airy with stripped doors and has a light decorative style.
43. The first two will be assessed for certification by external examination while Investigating is assessed internally.
44. Internally, the only significant architectural feature was the two-storey entrance hall, and this is to be retained.
45. Two square halls would give the effect. externally. of solid massive buttresses, while internally they would serve as picture galleries.
46. Ruberlok is applied internally, under the roof, and all the work is carried out by our own operatives.
47. The Journal hears that an announcement on the sales force will be made internally this Monday and will not be made public.
48. And all the time, work going on internally while I wrestled with rigging and sails, mostly on the open deck.
49. The remaining segments are internally moulded into a truncated cone.
50. Cost documentation for the company's own plant and transport will be produced internally by the plant and/or transport department.
51. Cash of nearly £7m was generated internally and a rights issue raised £3.2m last June.
52. Not, miraculously, through any major blood vessels, or I would by now have bled internally to death.
53. To facilitate the exchange of goods and services both externally, among nations and internally, within a nation.
54. Internally, the mushroom bodies attain great size and complexity in Hymenoptera with elaborate behaviour.
55. Conservation Ruberlok is applied internally to the underside of the roof leaving the external appearance unchanged.
56. Many reptiles have a preferred temperature range within internally regulated diurnal rhythms.
57. Here are the most popular ways for entrepreneurs to finance their expansions: Internally Generated Funds.
58. In each case the idea was generated internally and driven by a dynamic chief executive.
59. Internally the value of the rouble decreased seventy-two times with regard to goods during 1922.
60. Hitherto they had deliberately promoted internally, which served to reinforce the already strong personal loyalty.
61. There are two ways to do this -- build an asset base internally or go out and buy one.
62. These minerals receive radiation both internally, from the ceramic, and externally, from the burial environment and cosmic rays.
63. These are sat under examination conditions and then marked internally.
64. Coutances is notable for its unity of design, internally and externally.
65. We are not internally controlled in our actions but more externally controlled, and one of the external factors is the guilt.
66. A modem can be fitted to your computer internally or attached externally via a serial port.
67. Once formed, the joints were internally sealed with pitch to prevent the escape of any obnoxious gases or liquids.
68. A job well-done internally should also earn a reward.
69. URN's not internally supported, use an HTTP proxy server./internally.html
70. Mount Baker periodically heats up internally.
71. And it doesn't necessarily mean one feels transformed internally.
72. Anagen Effluvium is usually due to internally administered medications.
73. Inspect components according to inspecting guidelines, ensuring the parts correct filling and reliability - both for internally and externally manufactured parts.
74. The ballute is internally provided with a soft intake pipe which is connected with the compressed air chamber in the truck.
75. Urban land-use-change belongs to a cross field, which evolves multi-disciplinary theories and methodologies, where factors of population, economy, land and natural conditions intertwine internally.
76. Adopting a similar carte blanche philosophy with services has led to applications that use Web services internally for every single application function call—not exactly a performant solution!
77. Acrylic acid elastic thick pellet material (SRA-06) is to be used for a diluent with Shimizu , contains the black idiozome making elasticity with extra care internally.
78. It is a kind of appearance that cannot control oneself internally, lose credit external.
79. In oil, telegraphic, railroad, civil aviaton in industry of 4 large rig, of civil aviaton course of study open internally go in thereinbefore far it seems that.
80. The annealer is internally cooled with a closed loop cooling system.
81. The author also studies the relationship between internally closed uniform bound and internally closed uniform convergence.
82. Based on some tests we have done internally we experience a major productivity increase: about 1/10th of code that would be normally needed to build a solution.
83. An internally mounted, tactical electronic-warfare system is installed, too, "identification friend or foe" system, electronic countermeasures set and a central digital computer.
84. Internally, however, the two computers are so different that programs cannot be switched from one to the other.
85. Then, we show that a firm's internally vertical control has the same effects as these competition strategies.
86. If a true copy operation is required, such that both the SDO graphs will contain the SDOs, an ObjectUtil.copyFrom operation should be used instead, since an EMF API is used internally.
87. The CIVE engineer will also investigate and update issues reported externally and internally and verify these.
88. It is not an herb you want to take internally however.
89. Each flyweight object internally stores a value of some undisclosed type.
90. Ensure that the benefits systems and practices are equitably implemented internally and operated efficiently.
91. Extend your legs behind you powerfully, and internally rotate your thighs.
92. The skeletal structure had collapsed internally to produce a head on a thickened stick.
93. Output format to generate. See details in the OUTPUTFORMAT section for available formats. The name here must match the 'NAME' of a user defined or internally generated OUTPUTFORMAT section.
94. An internally mounted, solid state positioner board accurately controls valve position from open to close.
95. The purpose for internally finned tube is to increase exchanger's area.
96. Applying tension to a popliteus or popliteofibular graft internally rotated the tibia, with no significant difference between the rotations caused by the tensioning of the two grafts.
97. Internally vented carburetors are part of the evaporative control system.
98. Coordinate APQP new product launch process internally and externally with the customer.
99. Protective circuit is set internally for over heat,() abnormal voltage to ensure safe operation.
100. If you do not have any leaks it is possible that the unloader may be leaking internally but lets look for the obvious leaks first.
101. We're striving for what we call internally a "progressive model" (paraphrased from "progressive tax").
102. Internally, JBehave ensures that your desired exception type isn't thrown (and, therefore, caught), a failure state is generated.
103. Silver: Before the dawn of antibiotics, silver was used on the skin as an antimicrobial agent and disinfectant and internally to treat epilepsy, gonorrhea and tropical sprue.
104. DB2 stored procedures are internally created in a temporary directory, compiled, and finally deployed.
105. Internally, Skyhook Wireless has begun developing applications for SpotRank data--including new ways to inform buyers of outdoor advertising.
106. FBML uses sanitization tags to enforce site standards both internally and on developers' applications created for the site.
107. Internally, the priority queue uses a token bucket that measures the offered load and ensures that the traffic stream conforms to the configured rate.
108. Beta radiation can cause skin injury and are also harmful to the body internally.
109. The output from Listing 3 will be identical to that of the target parser method in Listing 2 but ought to be much faster because lxml can optimize the event handling internally.
110. The DC excitation is internally converted to an AC carrier signal which excites the transducer's primary coil.
111. Leaders must foster this collaborative spirit by eliminating internal politics and parochialism and focusing on cooperation internally to be competitive externally.
112. Comfrey is added to lotion because it guards against dryness and helps prevent wrinkles and encourages skin cell regeneration. It is not an herb you want to take internally however.
113. Between 9 January and 5 March 2006, 37 suspected cases including 5 deaths (CFR 13.5%) have been reported in Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) camps in Gulu district.
114. on the other hand, in terms of their supervisory board system, suggests law-maker to adopt the model allowing the coexistence of supervisory board both set up internally and accredited externally.
115. Fish in the air, nearly wander around your window , waving in the wet shadow , swimming to and fro, resembles the drunk lotus, floating from time to time, internally dreaming.
116. The lymphocele is internally drained into the peritoneal cavity by excising a segment of peritoneum.
117. The request should also specify whether there are any preferences for sourcing it internally or externally, and whether it's a national specific job.
118. By then I realized that OS/2 faced an uphill battle, even internally.
119. Internally mounted displacer units shall be avoided except for extraordinary applications and shall only be used with approval by SECCO.
120. More complex regions can be stored internally in GDI as a series of scan lines derived from the original definition of the region.
121. The " pony " type of mixer is also a steel fabricated cylindrical tank and plain internally.
122. The compiler of EP consists internally of lexical scanner module, parser module, semantic analyzer, target code generator module, symbol table management module and error handle module.
123. When I was young I dreamt of flying, but never to go into a geode internally covered with transparent crystals.
124. The tubes are protected internally and externally with oil, which provides temporary protection against oxidisation when undercover.
125. The air sac can also be internally filled with a certain amount of gas generant which includes carbonate and pharmaceutically acceptable organic acid.
126. When exposed to ultraviolet light, azobenzene molecules rearrange themselves internally, a process called isomerisation.
127. Sandcastle is the API documentation tool used internally by Microsoft for the .NET platform.
128. A common low- cost , internally frequency-compensated op amp is chosen; it has the required bandwidth at a closed-loop gain of 10, and it would seem to meet the bill.
129. Special control switch setup operates like a solenoid valve through internally mounted control relay.
129. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
130. Video recording has been given a lift, as it now records 720p in AVCHD Lite (lower bitrate H.264) and captures internally at 60 frames per second, although it still outputs at 30 frames.
131. This design note lists platform-specific implementation details, such as the default demultiplexing mechanism, the number of threads created internally, and when threads are created.
132. The elliptical-section cabinet is massively internally braced to eliminate unwanted internal resonance, and finished in Black, Dark Apple or Maple to complement the rest of your Q Series system.
133. A global maximum value is calculated internally by WebSphere Portal based on these property values.
134. Choice created the app internally, and Brya says it took about six months to develop. It required a considerable amount of trial and error.
135. The characteristic is that the Common Snapping Turtle body contains flesh rates height internally , flavour is delicious , grow quickly , feed consumes low mainly.
136. Goldman has said publicly it would not give up its bank charter, but internally there have been discussions about doing just that, according to a person familiar with the firm's thinking.
137. xjmr.unmarshall internally calls queryDeserializer and then invokes unmarshall on the returned deserializer.
138. The information will be used internally only for web site traffic analysis.
139. Beidaihe is more complicated geological structure, internally diverse landscape types.
140. the amortization period in respect of intangible assets for which no useful life has been stipulated or which have been developed internally shall not be less than ten years.
141. If installed on a fire sprinkler system, all mechanical checks, such as alarm checks and backflow preventers, should be flow tested and inspected internally in accordance with NFPA 13 and NFPA 25.
142. Concatenating four strings incrementally (adding one string at a time to the new string) will internally produce seven string objects, since each addition produces a new string.
143. Advertisements should be announced internally before they are launched and the employees consulted.
144. The long-term budget deficits in these countries can't -- except maybe in Japan -- be funded internally.
145. CALIBRATION Internally generated signal provides a system check for repeatability of all parameters.
146. Externally, there is a new front end treatment with new front lights while internally, a new facia allows the installation of driver and passenger airbags.
147. Liars may seek internally to distance themselves from the lie as their ego and super-ego battle over what is right. As a result, they may use less personal pronouns (I, me, mine, etc.).
148. At this process integration level, the organization embarks on the early phases of SOA by defining and exposing services for consumption internally or externally for business partners.
149. In 1974, the Financial Accounting Standards Board determined that all research and development costs of internally developed patents are expensed as they are incurred.
150. A value of 0 or 1 represented internally in binary notation.
151. The base contour is enabled along with hidden line removal, and the sinc plot is created with the splot command using the internally available math library functions.
152. Generously dimensioned ball or roller bearings, case hardened forged and ground gears, and internally and externally reinforced gearboxes ensure a long, low maintenance service life.
153. Internally, the fit out by Ralph Applebaum Associates will offer an interactive experience, and a dynamic lighting design will reveal the exposed lattice shell of the structure.
154. Posterior multifragmentation of the femoral neck: Does it portend a poor outcome in internally fixed intracapsular hip fractures?
155. Clinically observe the cure effect of gout arthritis treated internally and externally.
156. The most telling discovery is that the prefrontal lobe in a baby's brain is underdeveloped, which limits the capacity for internally driven attention and goal-directed behavior.
157. RAINBOW (Reduced And Internally Biased Oxide Wafer)piezoelectric ceramics are a new type of stress-biased, unreduced -reduced composite ceramics, which have a special arc structure.
158. Take care when using four-sided faces ( quads ), because internally they are simply divided into two triangles each.
159. The key lies in our reactions — how we reenact , or restructure internally, what others say and do./internally.html
160. The internally heated immersion plating pot comprising non-metal electrothermal plates and trough-like pot is one immersion-plating equipment.
161. The nature worship of prairie culture is a kind of ecological ethics which returns to nature and pursues(naive) internally .
162. The pictorial representation of a font character, represented internally by a bitmap.
163. Have you ever wondered why religious teachings are invariably mysterious, confusing, and internally incongruent?
164. Internally this is expressed as a narrow picture rail shelf at 1800mm.
165. When the device node (special file) is created, it must sport the exact same major number that is used internally by the kernel.
166. Exocrine - Exocrine glands have ducts to release substances outside of the body rather than internally.
167. Teflon's principal shortcoming is that charges appear internally when it's deformed, causing spurious voltages and currents.
168. A flame tube of the fireplace is internally added with heat preservation stone.
169. We're all power users internally, so I navigate Gmail almost entirely through keyboard shortcuts and search.
170. The scarcity of internally - generated pollen may be overlooked.
171. When taken internally, croton oil produces burning pain in the mouth and stomach, bloody diarrhea, violent purging, tachycardia, coma, and death.
172. You don't need to understand much about how the internals of Rails works, or the techniques (such as metaprogramming) that it uses internally.
173. Provide valuable support internally or externally for operational analysis, and supporting of continuously process improvement.
174. The authorize() method internally invokes the dialog() method previously covered, but this time it passes a Login request for action.
175. You want to keep the value of information as a string internally so that it will be serialized as a string when ActiveRecord inserts it into the database.
176. It is said ten drops of croton , taken internally , will have fatal results.
177. Internally, decentralisation has made progress but more needs to be done.
178. Internally, reduce inventory, shorten production cycle of its mobile phone sales management have higher demands.
179. Since that time, I have learned much about protected mode and how the CPU handles it internally .
180. Protective circuit is set internally for over heat, abnormal voltage to safe operation.
181. While in loopback mode, driver outputs are internally connected to receiver inputs creating an internal signal path convenient for diagnostic testing.
182. Crossover functions may be implemented internally to a MAU or elsewhere in the twisted-pair link.
183. HS 6420 is an internally plasticised pure acrylic aqueous dispersion, developed specifically for film printing inks, over printing varnish, paints and primers.
184. Internal Reinforcement- The leading and back edge of door are internally reinforced with tubular steel to ensure flatness and strengthen the door panel.
185. The bacteris may gain entry and develop internally as in wilts and stunts.
186. The creators of "Modern Family" are tapping into a different, more self-regarding anxiety: less focused on how families interact with the outside world; more centered on how they function internally.
187. Undervoltage Lockout Adjust: With this pin left open, the UVLO threshold is internally set to 1.45V.
188. The bacteria may gain entry and develop internally as in wilts and stunts.
189. But moving backward is more complicated, because internally the iterator performs a depth-first, preorder traversal of the Rope, visiting each of its leaf nodes.
190. Methods: To fixup internally by Luowenke s needle on 48 cases of displacement clavicle fracture.
191. Slippery Elm (Ulmus rubra) bark was used both internally and externally by native Americans and early pioneer settlers.
192. Internally dirty fattiness in the same test that old people has also makes clear, bramble ketone conduces to prevent fat, alleviate by fat the disease such as the tall blood fat that cause.
193. In fourth part, liability of joint act of tort was analyzed both internally and externally.
194. The generic NFS mounter internally sends a request to the server asking for all the exported entries.
195. Conclusion:The patients with FD have personality tendency of neuroticism , psycholepsy in which personality characteristics are internally related to the morbidity of FD.
196. Dr. Muller says patients often find that their views are internally inconsistent.




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