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单词 Horror
(1) To his horror, the bus caught fire.
(2) She fell back in horror/disgust.
(3) Her eyes widened in horror.
(4) I recoiled in horror from the snake.
(5) They exclaimed in horror at the price.
(6) The news filled him with inexpressible delight/joy/horror/pain.
(7) Our immediate response to the attack was sheer horror.
(8) He is a little horror.
(9) He was filled with horror at the sight.
(10) They're showing a triple bill of horror movies .
(11) Anthea's face was etched with horror.
(12) Many children acquire a phobic horror of dogs.
(13) Staff watched in horror as he set himself alight.
(14) To her horror, the man produced a gun.
(15) Her eyes were wide with horror.
(16) With a look of horror, he asked if the doctor thought he had cancer.
(17) She recoiled in horror at the sight of an enormous spider.
(18) To his horror, he could feel himself starting to cry .
(19) People watched in horror as the small plane crashed to the ground.
(20) She looked in horror at the mounting pile of letters on her desk.
(21) They looked at him with a mixture of horror, envy, and awe.
(22) We must go on to do all in our power to conquer the doubts and the fears, the ignorance and the greed, which made this horror possible. 
(23) He is closely associated in the public mind with horror movies.
(24) He leant forward to kiss her and she recoiled in horror.
(25) They have stripped the veneer of jingoism from the play, by showing war in its true horror.
(26) The thought of being left alone filled her with horror.
(27) He's a very versatile young actor who's as happy in horror films as he is in TV comedies.
(28) For a moment I thought he was going to kiss me. I recoiled in horror.
(29) The film is more of an ironic fantasy than a horror story.
(30) The thought of working nights fills me with abject horror.
(1) She fell back in horror/disgust.
(2) Her eyes widened in horror.
(3) They exclaimed in horror at the price.
(4) The news filled him with inexpressible delight/joy/horror/pain.
(5) Our immediate response to the attack was sheer horror.
(6) He is a little horror.
(7) He was filled with horror at the sight.
(8) They're showing a triple bill of horror movies .
(9) Anthea's face was etched with horror.
(10) Many children acquire a phobic horror of dogs.
(11) Staff watched in horror as he set himself alight.
(12) To her horror, the man produced a gun.
(13) Her eyes were wide with horror.
(14) He is closely associated in the public mind with horror movies.
(15) He leant forward to kiss her and she recoiled in horror.
(16) With a look of horror, he asked if the doctor thought he had cancer.
(17) She recoiled in horror at the sight of an enormous spider.
(18) To his horror, he could feel himself starting to cry .
(19) People watched in horror as the small plane crashed to the ground.
(20) The thought of being left alone filled her with horror.
(21) He's a very versatile young actor who's as happy in horror films as he is in TV comedies.
(22) She looked in horror at the mounting pile of letters on her desk.
(23) For a moment I thought he was going to kiss me. I recoiled in horror.
(24) They looked at him with a mixture of horror, envy, and awe.
(25) The film is more of an ironic fantasy than a horror story.
(26) The thought of working nights fills me with abject horror.
(27) It was quite a good film, as horror films go.
(28) Mary Shelley was just 18 when she wrote the horror masterpiece 'Frankenstein'.
(29) We listened to the news with a mixture of surprise and horror.
(30) The crowd cried out in horror as the car burst into flames.
(31) It was quite a good film, as horror films go.
(32) Mary Shelley was just 18 when she wrote the horror masterpiece 'Frankenstein'.
(33) We listened to the news with a mixture of surprise and horror.
(34) The crowd cried out in horror as the car burst into flames.
(35) Local people regard this idea of a motorway through their village with horror.
(36) She looked at me in horror.
(37) She was transfixed with horror.
(38) The horror of my experience has numbed my senses.
(39) She had a horror of hospitals.
(40) She can't abide watching horror films.
(41) TV viewers watched in horror as events unfolded.
(42) I stared in horror at his bloody mouth.
(43) His eyes rounded with horror.
(44) Little Tom's eyes were bugged with horror.
(45) Most people have a horror of speaking in public.
(46) Leonora's eyes opened wide in horror.
(47) She had a horror of pubs.
(48) Her son is a little horror.
(49) She threw her hands up in mock horror.
(50) The prospect filled him with horror.
(51) To her horror she saw him fall.
(52) The poor girl thrilled with horror.
(53) The terrorist crimes dripped horror.
(54) Her voice thrilled with horror.
(55) All eyes were riveted on her in horror.
(56) He surveyed the scene with horror.
(57) I have a deep horror of cruelty.
(58) Her family reacted with horror when she told them.
(59) Guilt and horror flooded her in waves.
(60) He stared at me in horror, his mouth working.
(31) Local people regard this idea of a motorway through their village with horror.
(32) They backed off in horror.
(33) The little witch put a mock malignity into her beautiful eyes, and Joseph, trembling with sincere horror, hurried out praying and.
(34) witch put a mock malignity into her beautiful eyes, and Joseph, trembling with sincere horror, hurried out praying and ejaculating " wicked ".
(61) He has a horror of snakes.
(62) Anna recoiled in horror as the snake approached.
(63) It's a spoof on horror movies.
(64) She froze with horror when she saw the body.
(65) I have a horror of snakes.
(66) They backed off in horror.
(67) She froze with horror .
(68) The film exposes the utter horror of war.
(69) Vince watched, his mouth agape in horror.
(70) Cold horror penetrated her whole being.
(71) Her son is a right little horror.
(72) She could just imagine her mother's look of horror.
(73) A horror movie completes this evening's TV line-up.
(74) "It's tragic!" swoons Jeffrey in mock horror.
(75) Her youngest boy is a little horror.
(76) In this section you'll find horror and science fiction.
(77) I'm trying to overcome my horror of insects.
(78) She was heard to emit a cry of horror.
(79) The prospect of parenthood filled her with horror.
(80) Some of these horror stories are real shockers.
(81) His eyes were wide with horror.
(82) A cry of horror broke from me.
(83) She stared in horror at the hairy black spider.
(84) To my horror the bank bounced the cheque.
(85) Spectators in the crowd watched in horror as the plane nosedived.
(86) He realized with absolute horror that he no longer had the money.
(87) She turned away in horror at the sight of so much blood.
(88) It may be childish but I have a horror of worms.
(89) Ben looked at me in horror for a moment and then dropped his gaze.
(90) His latest novel plumbs the depths of horror and violence.
(91) That's when I learned, to my horror, that she was coming here.
(92) I discovered to my horror that my passport was missing.
(93) To his horror, he saw a dead body lying beside the road.
(94) Many people recoil with horror when they see a big spider like this.
(95) She swung her head back in horror at the sight of so much blood.
(96) It is a bizarre tale and the author hits just the right note of horror and disbelief.
(97) We watched in horror as they pulled the bodies from the wreckage.
(98) At the sight of the blood he drew back in horror.
(99) He recoiled in horror at the sight of the corpse.
(100) You should have seen the look of horror on his face.
(101) Few journalists have managed to convey the full horror of the situation.
(102) Then I went to the toilets and, horror of horrors, discovered that my zip had been undone.
(103) We recoil in horror from the thought of subjecting someone to extreme pain.
(104) I have a/this horror of being trapped in a broken lift.
(105) I cringed in horror.
(106) She entered the room,then flung up her hands in horror at the terrible sight that met her eyes.
(107) The little witch put a mock malignity into her beautiful eyes, and Joseph, trembling with sincere horror, hurried out praying and.
(108) That night they plumbed the depths of treachery and horror, and murdered the king as he slept.
(109) Somehow he tells these stories without a note of horror.
(110) To my horror, I realised my shirt was wet with blood.
(111) The possibility of meeting him again filled me with horror.
(112) There were gasps of horror from the spectators as he fell off the tightrope.
(113) I watched in complete and utter horror as he pulled out a gun.
(114) His expression changed from bewilderment to horror as he realized what had happened.
(115) I used to regard public speaking as the ultimate horror.
(116) He appeared in the doorway, white as a sheet, eyes wide with horror.
(117) "Jacob's Ladder", the newest film by Adrian Lyne, is a post-Vietnam horror story.
(118) She once played the innocent victim in a horror movie .
(119) Television cameras are carrying the full horror of this war into homes around the world.
(120) Dense smoke surrounded them, adding to the horror of the situation.
(121) In his dreams he relives the horror of the attack.
(122) She raised her hands in mock horror when she saw my new haircut.
(123) That horror film we saw last night scared the living daylights out of me.
(124) The horror lies in the violence itself, which needs no amplification.
(125) The true horror of the accident did not become clear until the following morning.
(126) The little horror never stops playing tricks on his blind neighbour.
(127) The television pictures brought home to us all the full horror of the attack.
(128) I then realized to my absolute horror, that I had forgotten the present.
(129) She peeped into the box and drew back in horror.
(130) We sat in horror watching the scenes of violence unfold before us.
(131) They were trying to scare each other with horror stories about going to the dentist.
(132) As I watched in horror the boat began to power away from me.
(133) She took evident delight in frightening the children with horror stories.
(134) Her eyes dilated with horror at what she had done.
(135) The thought of speaking in front of so many people fills me with horror.
(136) What the book does convey very successfully is the horror of war.
(137) The public has been awakened to the full horror of the situation.
(138) The media have been filled with tales of horror and loss resulting from Monday's earthquake.
(139) He looked at me with a mixture of amazement and horror.
(140) She threw up her hands in horror at the idea.
(141) They flung up their hands in horror at the cost of the trip.
(142) Shock,(sentence dictionary) horror! Carl James was seen talking to a woman and it wasn't his wife.
(143) They threw up their hands in horror at his suggestion.
(144) The painter's depictions of the horror of war won her a worldwide reputation.
(145) After the horror attack the whole area was barred to the public.
(146) As we went forward, our fear was driven out by horror.
(147) This novel is not science fiction, nor is it Gothic horror.
(148) I felt intellectually superior despite — shock horror — my lack of qualifications.
(149) She felt horror and pity at seeing Marcus so ill.
(150) witch put a mock malignity into her beautiful eyes, and Joseph, trembling with sincere horror, hurried out praying and ejaculating " wicked ".
(151) She emerges as a full, three-dimensional character in a way that few horror genre heroines ever do.
(152) Only when the vehicle was lifted did the full horror of the accident become clear.
(153) Our laughter turned to horror as we realized that Jody was really hurt.
(154) The little witch put a mock malignity into her beautiful eyes, and Joseph, trembling with sincere horror, hurried out praying and ejaculating "wicked" as he went.
(155) There's nothing like a good horror film to get the adrenalin going .
(156) The full horror of the war only hit home when we started seeing the television pictures of it in our living rooms.
(157) The little horror never stops playing tricks on his parents.
(158) When I came down, I remembered with horror some of the things I'd said.
(159) He relives the horror of the crash every night in his dreams.
(160) The prospect of spending three whole days with her fills me with horror.
(161) It's hard to appreciate the full horror of life in a prison camp.
(162) The full horror of the accident was beginning to become clear.
(163) The tidy committee men regard them with horror,knowing that no pigeonholes can be found for them.
(164) With a gasp of pure horror, Lewis jumped up and ran.
(165) When she saw him, she let out a cry of horror.
(166) It isn't art-it's just a horror movie with knobs on!
(167) When she said she wanted to get a motorbike, her parents threw up their hands in horror.
(168) I realized to my horror that the description of the killer fitted me.
(169) They watched in horror as the aircraft crashed to the ground.
(170) These things filled me with dread and horror.
(171) I should have gasped and recoiled in horror.
(172) Horror movies give me bad dreams.
(173) Houellebecq's disgust and horror is not feigned.
(174) Politically, expressing horror at degeneracy was expedient.
(175) It can be the dreary horror of ribbon development.
(176) A look of horror crossed Ken's face.
(177) In seconds, the whole wreckage was engulfed in raging flames and happiness had turned to horror.
(178) There was only Friday night at the horror, and we watched it far into Saturday morning.
(179) To her horror, when she returned the Vauxhall Cavalier had vanished with her young daughter still inside.
(180) Their faces were filled with horror and fear when they saw me.
(181) Then I became the black sheep and I found to my horror that everyone thought I was off my bloody head.
(182) Horror stories are rife of ex-cons setting up their own security companies, with all the obvious risks that entails.
(183) But this face was bigger; swollen and bigger still than the horror in the car.
(184) He stopped dead in his tracks, rooted to the spot with horror.
(185) I think when the full horror of being fifty hits you, you should stay home and have a good cry. Josh Billings 
(186) Behind the mask of her dark blue eyes lurked horror and shock, perhaps even guilt.
(187) Fiver, as he listened, had shown a mixture of intense absorption and incredulous horror.
(188) Marge clung to Janey and stared at the blank door in horror.
(189) The programme focuses on the fascinating story of Mary Shelley, the woman who, at just 18, wrote the horror masterpiece Frankenstein.
(190) Horror coursed through Grainne, so that for a moment the stone room tilted all about her.
(191) The man who jumped him had gone and the crowd about him was drawing back in horror.
(192) I looked at the double doors in horror and wondered if perchance Toplis might be hiding inside.
(193) Only the extraordinary personal anguish expressed by the judges themselves reminds us of the human horror at the centre of it all.
(194) Anderson combines affection and horror in his version of the seventies while avoiding the trap of nostalgia.
(195) The horror receded as she came back to reality, breathing hard, glad of her cream duvet and calm hotel surroundings.
(196) To her horror it was every bit as bad as she'd feared, and possibly even a tiny bit worse.
(197) In this situation, many women find their minds turning to horror stories such as that of Marie Wilkes.
(198) Blanche gave a few more curt television interviews, voicing her horror at the murder and appealing for any information.
(199) The man sitting next to her grandmother wore the distinctive sharp-peaked cap of the Gestapo and Peach froze with horror.
(200) Sabine cried out in horror as the Peugeot swerved crazily, and plunged off the road.
(201) Accelerating violence and horror eventually hit maximum velocity and warp into nonsense, no matter how erudite the script.
(202) Sometimes the sheer scale of the horror may demand action.
(203) The thought of thousands of tonnes of radioactive waste being buried under their favourite stretch of countryside filled local residents with horror.
(204) Helen watched my grandmother with a peculiar horror, for my grandmother had abandoned all attempts to make herself presentable.
(205) He'd played in some eminently forgettable horror movies and I felt I could not seriously consider him.
(206) It was a fundamental assault on our sensibility and aroused a horror almost too deep for tears.
(207) This is the third in Raimi's Evil Dead series, which has so far been acclaimed by ghouls and horror fans.
(208) She watched it with pity and horror in her heart as it drifted slowly toward her.
(209) But if the guide helps corporations improve their writing, it could help investors avoid horror shows of their own.
(210) It made a noise like an old-fashioned horror film soundtrack whenever it came into contact with the keyboard.
(211) She flicked her eyes to Steve standing on the porch terrace eagerly awaiting admittance to a house of horror.
(212) The girl drew back in horror, but Hencke knelt down close, as if grieving.
(213) But I have to keep the reality and the horror at bay.
(214) In the early 1960s one result of shrinking cinema audiences was the Sunday double bill of low budget horror movies.
(215) Their screams of horror and cries for mercy only brought a smile to my face.
(216) Since my first attachment to seismology, I have had a horror of predictions and of predictors.
(217) Clare almost fainted from surprise and anxiety, horror and shame.
(218) These people endure decades of horror, and they set their shoulders and push forward.
(219) Spectators watched in horror as the 19-year-old daredevil smashed into the ground from the top of a crane.
(220) But the horror which writers such as Dickens expressed at the cruelty of his times was prompted by no such knowledge.
(221) At first Buzz saw nothing, but then she gasped in horror.
(222) A rare combination of horror, tongue-in-cheek humor and actual eroticism. 1976.
(223) As an experience to blot out the horror of her discovery on Brynteg it had been blissfully successful.
(224) But neither its strength nor her tightly closed eyes could shut out horror.
(225) Horror stories about the downside of anytime / anyplace work are increasingly rare.
(226) Taken at face value the words found sinister and can convey a false impression like some sort of second-rate horror movie.
(227) Holmes turned to urge the cabbie on, as the horror dawned on me.
(228) At the same time he was conscious of a deep and mysterious horror deep inside him.
(229) A glimpse into the world proves that horror is nothing other than reality. Alfred Hitchcock 
(229) try its best to gather and create good sentences.
(230) Perhaps the lie drew its life from a human longing for those chills of horror which are depraved forms of religious awe.
(231) Encouraged, and not noticing in his excitement the look of horror on his Rachel's face, Alfred let rip.
(232) He shakes his head again in horror and wanders back along the corridor in silence.
(233) Then I saw that his bloodless lips were pulled back from his huge white teeth ... I trembled with fear and horror.
(234) Perhaps harmonies such as these could form a suitable accompaniment to a horror film, but normally one would avoid such cacophony.
(235) His eyes, which, moments earlier, had been filled with fear and horror, were now clear, almost calm.
(236) To his horror he realised his hand was lying in the embers.
(237) The thought of a day, let alone months, spent on board a narrow boat would fill her with horror.
(238) Elizabeth watched with fascinated horror the forcible feeding practised on the poor children.
(239) As they watched in horror, they saw flames eating their way up one of the heavy curtains.
(240) It reminded him of the zombies he had seen in the horror film at the Empire.
(241) I know absolutely nothing about this authoress, except for the fact that she has written many other horror stories.
(242) I told her the whole ugly story, and step by step I crawled down into the horror of it again.
(243) It is the most intimate item of all, a disturbing look at the rude horror of sudden death.
(244) To his horror, a dark-bearded man came quickly in from Grant and looked, rather angrily, among the crowd.
(245) In the past, to the horror of soccer purists, broadcasters have cut away from live action for commercial breaks.
(246) This is essential reading for those seeking to place this horror in context and to understand its true meaning.
(247) Stanley Spencer had been through the war; he had experienced the horror, the vulgarity, of war.
(248) Of course we were fascinated by revolting food, and liked inventing horror meals.
(249) My eyes fell on the bed and to my horror something began slowly to stir under the blanket.
(250) Q: My 8-year-old has shown an interest in young adult horror books.
(251) He waltzed and pirouetted and then, to my horror, he lost his footing.
(252) Horror stories include kids chained to looms to prevent escape.
(253) With horror, I realised he was using his dinner money to feed his addiction.
(254) Running through the orange grove, which already had little green oranges on, past the chickens, she froze with horror.
(254) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
(255) Then the facts are burst upon them, and they shrink from their husbands in loathing and horror.
(256) Much of the credit for the rise of Holocaust awareness belongs to the survivors of the horror themselves.
(257) His head said not even his faithful border collie could survive a horror like falling down a manhole.
(258) Much to his horror he was swept off his fret and sent flying through the corridors by a roomful of water.
(259) Bishop carefully watched as first bitter disappointment and then professional concern chased startled horror from the woman's face.
(260) In fact, one friend decided to kill himself before the horror set in fully.
(261) The Frankenstein creature is kid stuff horror: one-dimensional, mundane, bumbling, awkward, clumsily destructive.
(262) She stared in horror at the whitened, frozen cadavers which lay there under a tattered, canvas sheet.
(263) I cannot endure the horror, the evil, which comes to self in solitude. Percy Bysshe Shelley 




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