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单词 Resentment
(1) She felt all her old resentment flaring up.
(2) All his resentment spilled out.
(3) Mercy should alloy our stern resentment.
(4) Don't let your resentment build up.
(5) She was filled with deep resentment at being passed over for promotion.
(6) A greater cause for resentment is the discrepancy in pay.
(7) Their seething resentment led to angry jostling between team-mates.
(8) He sensed an undercurrent of resentment among the crowd.
(9) All her feelings of resentment just came pouring out.
(10) He struggled to contain his resentment.
(11) Her manner concealed quiet resentment.
(12) He felt a spurt of resentment against his brother.
(13) The resentment festered in his mind.
(14) I bore him no resentment.
(15) that he can accept criticism without resentment.
(16) He still harboured feelings of resentment.
(17) He felt great resentment at having his ambition frustrated.
(18) Resentment was still bubbling inside her.
(19) He bears no resentment towards them.
(20) Resentment festered in her mind.
(21) She felt a wave of resentment surging inside her.
(22) Resentment ate away at their relationship.
(23) The measures fuelled resentment among students.
(24) His feelings of resentment have been suppressed for years.
(25) My resentment of her slowly began to fade.
(26) She's been simmering with resentment ever since the meeting.
(27) If they are unemployed it's bound to breed resentment.
(28) She had spent the evening smouldering with resentment.
(29) His daughters stared back at him with an expression of sullen resentment.
(30) When I walked out of the prison cell towards the door leading to freedom, I have made it clear his own pain and resentment if not able to stay behind[/resentment.html], so in fact I still in prison.
(1) She felt all her old resentment flaring up.
(2) All his resentment spilled out.
(3) Mercy should alloy our stern resentment.
(4) Don't let your resentment build up.
(5) She was filled with deep resentment at being passed over for promotion.
(6) His daughters stared back at him with an expression of sullen resentment.
(7) A greater cause for resentment is the discrepancy in pay.
(8) All her feelings of resentment just came pouring out.
(9) You are not doing yourself any good by storing up your resentment.
(10) She cherished a deep resentment under the rose towards her employer.
(31) She was still simmering with resentment.
(32) Maggie was filled with resentment about her treatment.
(33) The feelings of hurt and resentment lingered on for years.
(34) You are not doing yourself any good by storing up your resentment.
(35) Instead of discussing their problems, they bottle up all their anger and resentment.
(36) He felt considerable resentment towards Sheila for making him work late.
(37) She could not conceal the deep resentment she felt at the way she had been treated.
(38) Management is acutely aware of the resentment that their decision may cause.
(39) The rapid promotion of the director's son has itself fuelled resentment within the company.
(40) Already the awards are causing resentment in the lower ranks of council officers.
(41) She felt a prick of resentment when she saw them together.
(42) She expressed resentment at being interviewed by a social worker.
(43) Therewas an undercurrent of resentment in their acceptance of the plan.
(44) He feels/harbours deep resentment against/towards his parents for his miserable childhood.
(45) There's confusion and resentment, and it's almost never expressed out in the open. Take this office,[] for example.
(46) Although an agreement has been reached, rumbles of resentment can still be heard.
(47) I felt great resentment at having to work such long hours.
(48) Often I find that anger and resentment are at the bottom of the problem.
(49) I detect an undercurrent of resentment towards the new proposals.
(50) She cherished a deep resentment under the rose towards her employer.
(51) Instead of talking the matter over with him, she allowed her resentment to fester in her mind.
(52) Frustrated ambitions can fuel the fire of anger and resentment.
(53) Resentment edged his reply.
(54) You seem to be harbouring some resentment against your boss.
(55) She felt a surge of resentment.
(56) Of course, I knew my success would cause resentment.
(57) Only once did I bear resentment after being beaten.
(58) He felt a recurring flash of resentment towards Helen.
(59) The doctor took the full brunt of Moran's resentment.
(60) Resentment among Chapare farmers has exploded into violence.
(61) The result was intense resentment against noble exploitation.
(62) He'd been patronised and shown no resentment.
(63) An incautious word, I felt, could spark off resentment.
(64) This aroused their resentment, and consequently their respect.
(65) He drove home, his face stiff with resentment.
(66) Patricia stared at the other girls with resentment.
(66) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(67) Resentment is a method of self harm. Nelson Mandela 
(68) The slow burn of resentment smouldered inside her.
(69) Resentment and jealousy can often build up in relationships.
(70) This whiff of hypocrisy can only cause resentment.
(71) She seemed to have no resentment at all.
(72) Cain's bitter resentment shows a very different spirit.
(73) There was great resentment, and considerable passive resistance.
(74) Disablement arouses severe anxieties and strong resentment in people.
(75) The polemic against resentment runs throughout Nietzsche's writings.
(76) Confusion and resentment suffused the depopulated corporate corridors.
(77) There were two main causes of resentment.
(78) I feel an obscure resentment against her motherliness.
(79) Patrick stared at her with resentment.
(80) Pepys never expresses surprise or resentment.
(81) The students harboured hidden resentment and committed deceit.
(82) No more angry stoicism, or prideful unexpressed resentment.
(83) But Prodger incurred no resentment from his colleagues.
(84) When we feel resentment or act out of a sense of duty it can sometimes be seen and felt by the person concerned.
(85) The animosity of the community to the king is evident and reflects perhaps the resentment of a dependent people.
(86) But there was resentment also at the lack of industrial development in the city and its surrounding areas.
(87) This aroused the resentment of almost the whole front bench, but Wigg's hostility was not evenly spread.
(88) More than the economic backwardness and resentment at being made into the national symbol of anti-communist resistance is a sense of loss.
(89) From an early age, Beth had sensed the quiet sadness in her father, and the resentment in her mother.
(90) The place was suffused with struggle and resentment and frustration. Petty crime was commonplace.
(91) What was needed now was a major legislative victory that would change the atmosphere of political resentment and resistance on Capitol Hill.
(92) It brought back all the resentment at unjust accusations of 11 months before.
(93) Also, emotionally it is very important that we do not carry resentment towards each other.
(94) At the mercy of this resentment, this hateful millstone envy of the Calibans of this world.
(95) Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies. Nelson Mandela 
(96) For years, Mexico's primary feeling toward the US was one of lingering resentment.
(96) try its best to gather and create good sentences.
(97) It will clip her wings, but it won't clip Liam's, and that's where the resentment will start.
(98) But however bitter the resentment against purveyance, it was too valuable for the Crown to surrender.
(99) Legal regulation tends to create administrative burdens, resentment and loss of self-esteem through the undermining of professional autonomy.
(100) The majority of insured unemployed were subject to the means test and there was naturally widespread resentment of this.
(101) Historically, there have been waves of frustration and resentment against rational and scientific thought.
(102) I behaved with great dignity and showed none of the resentment I may have felt.
(103) Unfortunately(), the burgeoning seal numbers in Boston Harbor bring the same problem seal abundance has brought elsewhere: human resentment.
(104) Friction embraces resistance or resentment on the part of key people who have to implement the plan.
(105) Party leaders insist that they harbored no resentment toward Fox's government.
(106) However, instead of being welcomed warmly, Laura is greeted with chilly toleration and ill-concealed resentment.
(107) Lucien feared that if he told the other vibrancers he was working with Jeopardy, it would excite resentment among them.
(108) Such people are ready to give vent to their resentment whenever a Volunteer commits even a minor transgression.
(109) She felt again a burst of resentment against Treadwell and the Bishop.
(110) I flushed with teenage resentment of the female role I was supposed to assume.
(111) There was one section of the Treaty, however, that occasioned deep anger and resentment.
(112) After a moment Fernand emerged, an expression of sullen resentment on his face and a heavy crowbar in his hand.
(113) There seems to have been very little resentment that Eva should have such a unique opportunity.
(114) Dodging the issue like this only creates feelings of confusion, guilt or resentment.
(115) But there is much resentment over betrayed loyalties and dashed illusions.
(116) No longer will high status evoke deference and admiration or envy and resentment from those in less worthy positions.
(117) It could have led to a certain amount of resentment, particularly when the material benefits flowed in for Hannah.
(118) On these tours you still can hear the echoes of resentment over items and fortunes lost in the Civil War.
(119) Some people seem able to indicate disapproval without causing offence whilst others cause resentment even with the mildest expression of dissatisfaction.
(120) I never imagined it would leave room for feelings of resentment and indifference.
(121) This Remirro did, though at the cost of great popular resentment.
(122) Control of well-qualified and experienced managers and administrators in the state apparatus is difficult for less able party officials and causes resentment.
(123) Resentment and anger are bad for your blood pressure and your digestion. Desmond Tutu 
(124) The civilities of politeness and social etiquette may ensure that the locals' resentment is voiced only in their own social circle.
(125) In other words, we learn to fulfill the demands of social living without personal resentment.
(126) Damn Julius! she muttered to herself in a great surge of resentment.
(126) try its best to gather and build good sentences.
(127) The magazine exploited popular Catholic themes, such as anti-abortion campaigning and family values to channel middle-class resentment into a political movement.
(128) All Theda's earlier resentment faded with the onset of pity. How pathetic a creature she was, poor Lady Lavinia!
(129) His or her work must inevitably lie in an area where public anger, resentment and guilt are rife.
(130) The scandal fuelled popular resentment at time of high unemployment and economic austerity.
(131) None of this national resentment will really hit the Marlins fans.
(132) I have a deep and abiding resentment of the unfair attacks that are made on us as a profession.
(133) A certain resentment was becoming evident among them, which the sight of the desolate kitchen enhanced.
(134) The managers carefully channelled resentment towards the county council, who, they suggested, were in league with their headmistress.
(135) Despite my disappointment I could not focus any deep resentment on the maharajah.
(136) It caused resentment in Britain, after 1973 however, because Britain had an extensive coastline and a large fishing industry.
(137) The anger had turned to resentment, and now the resentment was replaced by maudlin self-pity.
(138) Her resentment and disappointment became part of the awkward thrust she made to fasten Robert's gardenia to her shoulder strap.
(139) The depth of the resentment Mrs Thatcher aroused was occasioned by the challenge she represented.
(140) The deep sense of frustration and resentment felt by leaders of the Nixon administration should not be dismissed as mere paranoia.
(141) Noble landownership, the prime source of peasant resentment, was far from fading peacefully away.
(142) Resentment of this magnitude was a clear indication of the failure of the avowed policy of pacification and Romanization.
(143) That meant rushing women to the head of the training line, causing great resentment among the men who were pushed aside.
(144) A coach is someone who can give correction without causing resentment. John Wooden 
(145) It is possible to let resentment and hurt linger on for years, when it should have been released long before.
(146) In fact, the behaviour of the janissaries bred a smouldering resentment which erupted from time to time into acts of armed resistance.
(147) Harriet finally let rip with 20 years of stored resentment.
(148) There also was resentment in the way that this recently qualified teacher talked of the rich.
(149) With each of my two promotions, her resentment toward me grew.
(150) When we are sinned against we have a decision either to forgive or harbour resentment.
(151) Blanche, whose enjoyment in wearing elegant clothes was matched only by resentment at their ludicrous cost, suddenly felt over-dressed.
(152) It is the suffering of ambivalence: the murderous alternation between bitter resentment and raw-edged nerves and blissful gratification and tenderness.
(153) Perhaps the only member of the family who at times showed resentment was Sam, the next in line.
(154) Bitterness, anger and resentment can act as emotional cancers, eating us up inside.
(155) Ezra had read it and was surprised by his resentment.
(156) For others it could create feelings of resentment about their material inferiority.
(156) try its best to gather and create good sentences.
(157) He felt the resentment building up in waves of pressure which threatened to burst his head open like an over-inflated balloon.
(158) This resentment of others' rejection of our kind of talk is found in speech communities everywhere.
(159) But anything which seemed to offer a challenge to what they regarded as their rightful status was certain to cause resentment.
(160) Property prices continued to rise substantially faster than inflation, and there was evidence of increasing public resentment towards speculators.
(161) Some local resentment over the Government's stance during the Camelford water poisoning incident in 1988.
(162) On major and minor issues you should give fair answers to queries about the job to avoid misunderstandings and resentment later on.
(163) This had become a source of irritation to her companions and only added to their resentment.
(164) It is the peculiar nature of the bureaucracy that sensible initiatives like this arouse great resentment and efforts at evasion.
(165) As a first cause of resentment against authority, falling out with employers was as common as falling out with landladies.
(166) She felt a stab of resentment for the Church's claims on her precious holiday.
(167) Before, I'd felt little resentment and shrugged off being labelled daft or deaf, never needing to cry in front of them.
(168) Yet, flickering behind the twisted snarl of resentment of self and the world, is a flame of human spirit.
(169) The first theory is that the move is a safety valve, to defuse popular resentment and a sense of alienation.
(170) She died of cancer at the age of 48, when her suppressed anger and resentment emerged as multiple tumours.
(171) She couldn't let go of her resentment over the divorce.
(172) He was by now a very powerful man and had created jealousy and resentment.
(173) She walked with a nose-up sprocket-hipped model-girl gait calculated to provoke maximum envy and resentment.
(174) Johnny Boy, according to some reports, was seething resentment in bodily form.
(175) Sam's resentment was, in all fairness, not without a certain justification.
(176) He reacted by helping to focus the resentment of the community as a whole.
(177) There's deep resentment from people who fear a lifetime of hard work could come to nothing.
(178) Passive-aggressive people cannot openly express angry emotions and deny feelings of resentment and anger.
(179) Then there was the resentment over the fur coat she was deprived of because I was sent to a fee-paying school.
(180) But Mr Mugabe isn't interested in a constructive solution; he's interested in politically exploiting lingering resentment at white landowners.
(181) Worse, when resentment over exploitation is recognized, how did it ever get reinterpreted as illness?
(182) Neither Mama nor Dad showed the slightest surprise or resentment toward the doctor.
(183) This in itself causes bitterness and resentment in teachers and taught.
(184) There was always a certain resentment, whenever they came to visit, at having to give up her study.
(185) The essentially transient regime left behind little but resentment and destruction.
(186) Given that Washington has for years refused to pay its dues in full, this discrepancy has caused resentment.
(186) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
(187) And Dexter tried to calm his faint resentment against her for casting a shadow over his optimistic mood.
(188) But when parenting is shared the lines of responsibility are blurred and formal assessments can lead to resentment.
(189) Anything more calculated to create anger and resentment can not be imagined, but worse followed.
(190) Fuelling the top end of the market in this way caused resentment.
(191) And equally they can recall the lasting resentment caused by a teacher's blatant unfairness, or by a public humiliation.
(192) In my teen years, both my desire to excel and my resentment at having to do so became evident.
(193) There was an unmistakable undertone of nationalist resentment in many of their remarks.
(194) The place was suffused with struggle and resentment and frustration.
(195) Our fatigue is often caused not by work, but by worry, frustration and resentment. Dale Carnegie 
(196) There is natural resentment when a number of our middle-distance stars spend all their time running abroad.
(197) The great majority of the children recovered very quickly after a quarrel and showed no evidence of resentment.
(198) Yet payments of fees on a means-tested basis changed the nature of the voluntary sector and caused widespread resentment.
(199) Celebrating such events now may lead only to social disharmony and resentment.
(200) In particular, there was widespread resentment against the police for the role which they had played in repressing the movement.
(201) Increasing their market share domestically might serve only to increase political resentment.
(202) I know the feeling of resentment, of anger, of a kind of twisted jealousy.
(203) A large part of the resentment against work wage equity came from the way it was implemented.
(204) Meredith's resentment was replaced by a warming sense of friendliness.
(205) Having nursed a certain amount of resentment about his high-handedness, Anne began to reassess.
(206) Sir Hugo marries and his wife bears three girls, but Deronda holds no resentment toward them.
(207) She stroked Anna's forehead, as much to quieten her own resentment as to soothe Anna.
(208) The repudiation now seemed too high a price, and in my resentment, I determined not to make any more concessions.
(209) For five months tourists flocked to the area, creating traffic jams and increasing resentment from some of the locals.
(210) To my real satisfaction there was not a hint of resentment from anyone.
(211) But the extension of the tax - for that is what it had become - to inland areas aroused resentment and opposition.
(212) The chain of unsavoury incidents in important matches was thus extended, deepening the sadness and resentment felt by cricket-lovers everywhere.
(213) Resentment flared at such an unmannered intrusion.
(214) There was hysteria in her cry of resentment.
(215) His criticism was so shrill that it provoked resentment.
(216) She simply laughed off her resentment at the intrusion.
(217) She harboured resentment against her stepmother.
(218) He felt resentment at the intrusion.
(219) Fundamentalism of all persuasions is corrupting governments and fueling fear and resentment.
(220) I should detest my own heart if I saw either pride or resentment lurking in me.
(221) Poland's economic success under the Tusk blunted the edge of public resentment over corruption and unfairness.
(222) To Fu child for, regular meeting causes not contented sensation, huffish even[http:///resentment.html], resentment.
(223) Police said the Polish woman was motivated by a personal resentment against the manager, and charged her with harassment and incidental damage to the castle.
(224) Resentment is a ball and chain; forgiveness sets you free again. Forgiveness offers you insurance against premature aging, a blocked heart, an unhealed past and an unhappy future.
(225) Hee Murong fatuity oppressive, heavy taxes, the people's pain, resentment everywhere.
(226) Tiger - Great fierceness and valor when enraged to combat; one whose resentment will be dangerous if aroused.
(227) In air not current air conditioning house stays too longly, make person bosom chokes with resentment frowzily easily, giddy dazzled.
(228) Missed opportunities, frenzied work hours, stress , overwhelm , resentment , and guilt are just a few consequences.
(229) Wal-Mart's Buy America campaign was a great success and helped to reduce resentment against the giant discounter for putting small-town merchants out of business.
(230) At first Connie suffered from the steady drizzle of resentment that came from the village.
(231) When you allow sinful anger and resentment to smolder in your heart, an explosion is inevitable.
(232) These people give in easily, but their hidden resentment can smolder into anger and rage.
(233) He must exert himself to subdue so proud a display of resentment.
(234) Rachel : Ooh, do I sense a bit of resentment?




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