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单词 Pledged
1. The government pledged to rehouse the refugees.
2. Guerrillas have pledged to intensify the armed struggle against the new government.
3. Germany and France pledged to maintain the differential between their two currencies.
4. The UN pledged to help supervise the clearance of mines.
5. The minister has pledged his whole-hearted support for the scheme.
6. Junior and middle-ranking civil servants have pledged to join the indefinite strike.
7. They have pledged to end racial discrimination in areas such as employment.
8. He pledged his gold watch to pay for her birthday gift.
9. He again pledged to forge ahead with his plans for reform.
10. The government has pledged to reduce the amount of chemicals used in food production.
11. My brother pledged Sigma NU.
12. The government pledged their support for the plan.
13. The new governor pledged to reduce crime.
14. The group has pledged that they will continue campaigning.
15. The government has pledged to clean up industrial emissions.
16. The group has pledged to continue campaigning.
17. They have already pledged billions of dollars in aid.
18. They have pledged their support for our case.
19. Japan has pledged $100 million in humanitarian aid.
20. Trade unions pledged themselves to resist the government plans.
21. I've been pledged to secrecy.
22. Employees were pledged to secrecy .
23. The government has pledged itself to root out corruption.
24. A host of showbusiness celebrities have pledged their support.
25. They pledged their loyalty to the king.
26. They were all pledged to secrecy.
27. The two lovers pledged to stick by each other in fair weather or foul.
28. The president pledged to respect the existing frontiers between the two countries.
28. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
29. He pledged that there would be no whitewash and that the police would carry out a full investigation.
30. The company has pledged to investigate claims that its products are unsafe.
1. The government pledged to rehouse the refugees.
2. Guerrillas have pledged to intensify the armed struggle against the new government.
3. Germany and France pledged to maintain the differential between their two currencies.
4. The UN pledged to help supervise the clearance of mines.
5. The minister has pledged his whole-hearted support for the scheme.
6. Junior and middle-ranking civil servants have pledged to join the indefinite strike.
7. They have pledged to end racial discrimination in areas such as employment.
8. He pledged his gold watch to pay for her birthday gift.
9. He again pledged to forge ahead with his plans for reform.
10. The government has pledged to reduce the amount of chemicals used in food production.
31. I pledged my watch.
32. The treaty pledged mutual assistance in the event of an attack on either country.
33. The local council has pledged to clamp down on litter louts on the beach.
34. Moore pledged $100,000 to the orchestra at the fund-raising dinner.
35. She pledged her jewellery as security for a £50 000 loan.
36. The PM pledged to make life better for the poorest families.
37. He pledged his cooperation.
38. Mr Dudley has pledged to give any award to charity.
39. He pledged undying love/loyalty.
40. Many TV celebrities have already pledged their support to the appeal.
41. Herrera pledged that his company will give aid to schools.
42. The government has pledged to give the promotion of democracy higher priority.
43. The President pledged himself to increase taxes for the rich but not the middle classes.
44. The superpowers pledged to maintain symmetry in their arms shipments.
45. The government has pledged itself to send aid to the famine victims.
46. He pledged that he would never lie to the American people.
47. Several European governments have pledged to work together to crack down on child pornography and sex tourism.
48. He pledged that his party would listen to the voice of the people.
49. They have pledged that they will always remain faithful to each other.
50. Donors pledged a total of $1,000 million in relief aid.
51. Moore has pledged $100,000 to the symphony.
52. It has also pledged a further £15,000.
53. Salinas pledged to modernize Mexico when he was elected.
54. The U.S. has pledged aid to the country.
55. He expressed his hearty agreement and desire for a compromise between the various church factions, and pledged his active support.
56. It offers to those who demand quality the abolition of the Audit Commission, something to which it is pledged.
57. The town remained prosperous and pledged its loyalty to its new owner in a rebellion against the Lancastrian government in 1452.
58. Dole has pledged to balance the federal budget and cut taxes.
59. More than 400 Wensleydale Smokebusters have pledged to help support some one wanting to give up cigarettes.
60. Mr Patten pledged to continue fighting for greater democracy for the colony.
61. Then he pledged loyalty to Frick and to his leadership.
62. He pledged that his administration would defend the principle of states' rights, which augured poorly for civil rights enforcement.
63. The force has pledged to hire 5,000 more ethnic minority officers by 2009.
64. Later Tesco pledged to replace the trees at Golden Hill, Bristol.
65. Schatz pledged that the parents would be fully informed of the inquiry's findings.
66. Both clubs have pledged to ensure travelling fans are strictly vetted.
67. In the district that Mr Baburin represents in parliament, 68% of those who voted pledged support for Mr Yeltsin.
68. The Soviet leader Vladimir Lenin was helpful toward that end and pledged monetary support.
69. Yannis Papantoniou, the economy minister, has pledged to speed long-awaited structural reforms.
70. It has pledged to end the deeply unpopular draft and to reduce the 80,000-strong army.
71. The new group did not in fact achieve its target of 100,000 pledged supporters and had faded away by March.
72. The new owners of the seventeenth century hotel have pledged to retain its charm and character.
73. Mr Christie immediately pledged to try to restore trust and harmony to the club's warring board.
74. The U.S. government has pledged about $ 9 million to help the victims.
75. Britain has pledged £1.3 million to the UN for refugee work.
76. Each pledged to desist from slander, vilification and acts of sabotage.
77. He has pledged to increase support by 10 percent above the rate of inflation for the next three years.
78. Having pledged its support for the environment and the poor, there is mounting pressure for it to institutionalize some safeguards.
79. The film companies, however, were pledged to fight the new medium to the last ditch.
80. Chiluba pledged to reduce spending on the security forces and to privatize loss-making parastatal organizations.
81. Netscape Communications also pledged its support for the new operating system.
82. It pledged to put cute little Colonial-style dormers on the store.
83. In April President Clinton pledged his administration to a target of reducing emissions to 1990 levels by the year 2000.
84. But giant telecommunications firms that have already pledged tens of billions for highway construction favor a less regulated market.
85. Is it not short-sighted for both Opposition parties to be pledged to the abolition of this scheme?
86. The President has pledged to make welfare reform a success.
87. Labour has pledged to cancel the City Technology College programme to release £100 million immediately for repair and decoration of dilapidated schools.
88. The £10m they have pledged towards a £13m rescue package has yet to materialise.
89. Time allowed 00:20 Read in studio Labour has pledged to cut crime on an estate notorious for joyriding.
90. As she had pledged that she was innocent, she offered no account as to why she allegedly hated her husband.
91. He pledged that pensioners using the earmarked homes for short stays and for day care would be found alternative facilities.
92. Despite calls for his head, Taylor yesterday pledged to stay on until his contract expires after the World Cup in 1994.
93. Cardoso pledged that inflation will continue to fall and the economy will continue to grow.
94. The amount loaned depends mainly on the credit reputation of the borrower and the quality of the receivables pledged.
95. He said that the Government had only pledged itself to employ the successful barracks architects, but not the Government Offices architects.
96. The Co-op pledged yesterday that it has no plans to re-introduce charges.
97. She has pledged to reduce pay differentials to single figures within five years by making pay more transparent through annual surveys.
98. On the following day he apologized for his actions and pledged his allegiance to the government.
99. By 1980 the Republican Party platform had become antiabortion; and a president who pledged to outlaw abortion altogether had been elected.
100. Instead, Mrs Thatcher pledged to reduce total SO2 emissions by 30 percent by the year 2000.
101. The government pledged to provide at least half of the money, and industry is expected to come up with the rest.
102. Letterman said that Buchanan pledged to put a fence around her.
103. It pledged to continue the struggle for democratic representation but appealed to its supporters to continue to exercise restraint.
104. He pledged not to accept a paycheck until the Bears won a game.
105. One local authority's already pledged ten thousand pounds towards the study.
106. To help attract the firm, the City Council pledged $ 1 million over four years.
107. Drug Administration has pledged to issue regulations curtailing certain types of cigarette advertising and distribution.
108. The government has pledged £500,000 worth of aid to the drought- stricken area.
109. General Vladimir Fyodorov led an ultranationalist government to power in 2002 on a platform pledged to eliminating organized crime at any cost.
110. Clinton has pledged to refocus attention on the crumbling cities of the United States, with a new urban policy.
111. The Labour Party has pledged that, if elected, it will introduce credit controls as an alternative to high interest rates.
112. Yet most judges I know are beholden to Power-by that I mean unalterably pledged to the dominant force of the system.
113. The employers pledged to provide summer and after-school jobs for young people and to give priority hiring to public school graduates.
114. One week earlier he had pledged $ 8 billion for drug control.
115. With his hand on his heart and tears spilling down his cheeks, Charles Prince pledged his allegiance to the flag.
116. The countries involved have pledged to offer mutual assistance in the event of a spill.
117. If unsecured, no specific assets are pledged as collateral for the loan.
118. Now,[http:///pledged.html] Barak has pledged to do exactly that no later than July 7.
119. On Nov. 7 he named his government and pledged to rebuild the country's economy.
120. He also pledged that Midland did not intend to end free banking for personal customers in credit by introducing new charges.
121. He might have pledged it to pay his debts, or sold it.
122. But he pledged the killers would be brought to justice.
123. Lang has also pledged himself to an increased emphasis on the teaching of art history at secondary school and college level.
124. Accounts receivable may be pledged, assigned, or factored as a means of obtaining short-term loans.
125. The Government stopped it and pledged to save the mountain.
126. After a 12 percent cut this year, the government had pledged to make a further 15 percent cut next year.
127. The Pact did not provide any machinery for enforcement: it merely pledged the nations to outlaw war.
128. And to top it all, it has pledged to maintain high employment and an annual economic growth rate of 1.9 percent.
129. Only those who pledged allegiance to the musicians' brilliance, mesmerized by daredevil improvisations, were welcome.
130. Abisala pledged to retain the majority of ministers in their posts until legislative elections, scheduled for Oct. 25.
131. Reviewing the US$86,000 million already spent or pledged, it was agreed to improve co-ordination among both donor and recipient countries.
132. Weeks after he signed the very welfare-overhaul bill that cut the immigrants off, he pledged to restore legal immigrants' assistance.
133. And he pledged that the hospital will be only one facet of a much wider menu of mental health programs.
134. Bush has pledged cooperation until Clinton's inauguration on January 20 and seemed almost relieved to be through with a vicious campaign.
135. Shares in the company had rallied after the government pledged to sell it to private industry before the end of October.
136. At the end of the meeting, it was announced that donors had pledged US$1,200 million in aid for 1991.
137. Many rock stars have pledged to support the campaign to save the rainforests.
138. But last night a spokesman for the Portadown business community pledged that life would go on despite the outrage.
139. The owner, a mercantile agent, pledged bills of lading with Lloyds Bank.
140. When my friends or classmates pledged allegiance to the flag, I remained seated and silent.
141. The Agency has also pledged to triple the number of cleanups of contaminated sites conducted under the Superfund programme by 1993.
142. Pete Wilson has pledged funds to prosecute and jail these men.
143. In a speech on March 30 Hammadi pledged that his government would introduce major democratic reforms.
144. He said the council is pledged to quality service throughout the town and cars parked in gardens did not match that pledge.
145. Grounded Graham, 33, has pledged to try again to wed the 27-year-old engineering worker.
146. He was pledged to secrecy.
147. Marco Di Vaio has pledged his future to Genoa.
148. There improbable friends pledged to be blood brothers.
149. Improbable friends pledged to be blood brothers.
150. Belarus on Monday pledged 20 tons of humanitarian aid to China.
151. Unions pledged to fight any compulsory redundancies "tooth and nail".
152. All the workers in the factory pledged themselves to fulfill the task ahead of time.
153. Of the $ 1 billion needed to complete eradication, $ 725 million is pledged or projected.
154. He pledged tough penalties on corporations and chief officers who falsify accounts.
155. All their current assets have been pledged on another loan.
156. As it has non - forfeiture value, life insurance policy has the possibility and reality to be pledged.
157. Something pledged, especially an engagement by contract involving financial obligation.




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更新时间:2024/10/5 3:47:19