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单词 Hen
1. Grain by grain, and the hen fills her belly. 
2. One chick keeps a hen busy. 
3. Better is the neighbour's hen than mine. 
4. Grain by grain and hen fills her belly. 
5. Better an egg today than a hen tomorrow. 
6. It is a sad house where the hen crows louder than the cock. 
7. If the hen does not prate, she will not lay. 
8. It is no good hen that cackles in your house and lays in another’s. 
9. The hen cackles when she has laid an egg.
10. She fussed around like mother hen.
11. The hen pecked a hole in the sack.
12. The hen gave a squawk when it saw the cat.
13. This is a hen.
14. The hen tucked her head under her wing.
15. The hen moved the chicks along with pecks.
16. The hen layed three beautiful speckled eggs.
17. The hen sits for most of the day.
18. The hen laid three eggs.
19. The hen brought off a brood of young.
20. The boy has got a hen sparrow.
21. The hen is brooding her eggs.
22. The hen laid a large brown egg.
23. The hen has hatched all her chickens out.
24. There were fresh fox tracks around the hen huts.
25. The police suspected that there was a hen on.
26. The higher officials knew there was a hen on.
27. A hen hatches chickens.
28. The hen hatches her young by sitting on the eggs.
29. This allows the pair to mate properly and stops the hen staying in the nest-box.
30. A male chicken is called a cock and a female chicken is called a hen.
1. The hen cackles when she has laid an egg.
2. She fussed around like mother hen.
3. The hen pecked a hole in the sack.
4. The hen gave a squawk when it saw the cat.
5. This is a hen.
31. The hen may not be able to feed its young.
32. The pheasant is a close relative of the Guinea hen.
33. He was having a go at the privet hen.
34. She'd acted like a silly hen.
35. You're like an old hen, Madge!
36. With the hen Jack could be content, since now all physical needs are permanently satisfied.
37. So goat jumped up and down, goose jumped up and down and hen jumped up and down.
38. The hen harrier is the commonest of our three harriers.
39. A hen is only an egg's way of making another egg. Samuel Butler 
40. The hen with yellow legs in his room on his documents and books was too much one day.
41. Hen harriers, merlins and short-eared owls may be seen in winter.
42. This was just as well, for I saw only just in time a hen crossing my path in the most leisurely manner.
43. The dominance hierarchies of primates are often more complex, overlapping networks, rather than the simple ladder of the hen hierarchy.
44. Other birds particularly under threat include the red kite, white-tailed eagle, golden eagle and hen harrier.
45. A young tom turkey is a young male turkey with the same characteristics as a young hen turkey. 4.
46. I shuddered when I heard the names: old hen, biddy, little old lady in tennis shoes.
47. The hen was taken out of the cage, held up and its throat cut.
48. Both Annie and Elizabeth were disturbed to find that each morning brought fresh fox tracks circling the hen huts.
49. Lydia, cooped up like a hen in her house, had branded herself victim, prey, alien and afraid.
50. Short and barrel-cheated, Rowley is feisty as a game hen, with a studied Oklahoma twang.
51. Earlier this month traces of Salmonella typhimurium were found in swabs taken from the hen house.
52. The next time up the stalk, Jack stole a hen that laid golden eggs.
53. They're ideal for special occasions like a hen night or retirement party.
54. In Orkney anyone killing a sea eagle earned a hen from every household in the community.
55. The hen had walked on off with all the hatched peeps trailing behind her.
56. The case was adjourned for reports Hens raid: Thieves raided a hen house in Ripon.
57. He'd go down a storm at hen nights as a one-man Chippendales.
58. Noise proves nothing,(http://) Often a hen who has laid an egg cackles as if she had laid an asteroid. Mark Twain 
59. These are the arctic fox and hen harrier assemblages, and there are three factors that suggest this deficit may be significant.
60. No point in inviting a rooster to a hen party, especially if he has a valid point to make.
61. A hen or stewing chicken or fowl is a mature female chicken, more than ten months old.
62. The hen harrier is also the least migratory of the three species, more able to tolerate the cold.
63. Spurless hen resembles many other speckled brown gamebirds, but can be told by chestnut patch on nape.
64. Once he put a broody hen on a clutch of eggs and ten little chicks hatched out.
65. How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wing.
66. A year ago a male fox got into my hen house and killed the lot.
67. Category 4 includes the kestrel and peregrine, while category 5 has the buzzard and hen harrier.
68. High protein foods are also needed in conditioning for spawning, especially for hen fish, and after spawning to restore condition.
69. A yearling tom turkey is a fully matured male turkey with the same characteristics as the yearling hen turkey. 6.
70. A yearling hen turkey is a fully matured female turkey, usually under fifteen months old.
71. She skirted a hen house, not in its first youth but stalwart enough to keep out foxes.
72. Birds of prey are frequent in winter, with sparrowhawk and hen harrier likely.
73. She thought the contents of a Cornflakes box were a jigsaw puzzle of a hen.
74. Birds under threat include dunlin, golden plover, black grouse, merlin and hen harrier.
75. Two seconds later this transpires into a hilariously raucous hen night at the local striptease.
76. The plan will be implemented next year and may be extended to other species such as hen harriers, buzzards and merlins.
77. A hen is a mature female chicken, more than ten months old.
78. They'd had a hen party on the strength of Muriel's coming wedding.
79. Now she fears for the one remaining like a hen for her only chick.
80. The final category, category 5, includes the diurnal raptors, the hen harrier, buzzard and red kite.
81. This roast hen is done to a turn.
82. The hen pecked up the grains on the ground.
83. Is that hen incubating chickabiddy?
84. The hen sits in the hencoop [ henroost ].
85. The hen scratched about in the henhouse.
86. The hen squawk when It'saw the cat.
87. The hen gave a squawk when It'saw the cat.
88. I have a hen party every few weeks.
89. A barren hen is always jealous!
90. Sunday lunch will be a hen party.
91. It's going to be a total hen party.
92. We heard the cackle of the hen.
93. Then the hen peeps out from under IT wing.
94. I see a big and fat hen.
95. The little red hen kept watching him rafter.
96. Fat hen lie few egg.
97. Nine, ten, a big fat hen!
98. Nine, ten, A big fat hen.
99. The hen laid a goose egg.
100. The hen raked up an earthworm.
101. Hen: Can you lay an egg?
102. The sorority had a hen party for its members.
103. Both chick and hen are chook, but their function is different due to the size and the gender.
104. However, Larry forgot the whole thing and the client was mad as a wet hen.
105. Chicken Little and Hen Pen ran till they met Duck Luck. "Oh, Duck Luck," said Hen Pen, "the sky is falling!"
106. "Oh, Hen Pen," said Chicken Little, "the sky is falling!"
107. He strut around like a rooster in a hen house.
108. When Tom played truant again, his mother as mad as a wet hen.
109. Mother Hen: My good children, it's time to have dinner. Let's go home to eat millet.
110. Sun Tzu, the ancient Chinese military commentator, prophetically observed 2, 500 years ago, "[W]hen the army marches abroad, the treasury will be emptied at home."
111. Through hatching egg by hen, the chicken would break the eggshell and see the world.
112. Characters: Tadpoles, Chicks, Mother Hen, Shrimp, Frog, Salamander, Crab, Tortoise, Baby tortoise and Goldfish.
113. I have a hen party every few weeks. We love to get together.
114. Colin: No way. It's going to be a total hen party.
115. Three glycoproteins have been tested, their inhibitory capacities in decreasing order were: porcine thyroglobulin, human serum transferrin and hen ovalbumin.
116. My wife had a hen party at our house yesterday, so I escaped to the movies.
117. Since when, another hen started sitting in chicken coop as well.
118. The cock listens for an answers , alert . But the hen knowingings IT is unanswerable. Cock - a - doodle - do!
119. In a country home, a mother hen and her cute chicks were living happily.
120. Green bristlegrass was dominant species, and fat hen and cockspur grass were subdominant species.
121. "It can be painful to the hen to lay a larger egg, " Tom Vesey, who keeps 16, 000 hens on 45 acres at Dingestow, Monmouth, told The Times.
122. The hen said, "Scat, " but the duck just sat.
123. Rip's sole domestic adherent was his dog Wolf, who was as much hen - pecked as his master.
124. Mrs Harris was mad as a wet hen when the rabbits ate her tulips.
125. After using the method of contrast, the influence of breeding effect of market hen by replacing anti-coccidiosis agent with coccidium vaccine is studied in this article.
126. There are more than 10 pests that are coton boll worm, field cricket, cut worm, leaf miner , and main weeds are common reed, barnyard grass , fat hen, common purslane and so on.
127. Teetotalism is against nature. Like a bishop waiting at a bus stop or a hen laying eggs at midnight.
128. Chicken Little, Hen Pen and Duck Luck ran on. Soon they met Goose Loose.
129. W hen the Earth moves from perihelion to aphelion, its radiation belts are expansion, and aphelion to perihelion contraction.
130. The hen has flown away and the eggs in the coop are broken.
131. The hen ate the grains of corn on the ground.
132. In actuality, color is simply an indication of the breed of hen.
133. "Because his bingy inflated like an egg. " The hen said.
134. The grandmother raised her head like a parched old turkey hen crying for water.
135. HEN is a very basic homebrew enabler is a true core to homebrew.
136. The weasel goes to pay his respects to the hen -- not with the best of intentions.
137. Especially, when GPS receivers were not locked in synchronism for a short time, the system would st ill keep the high positioning accuracy. T hen the reliability of the system has been increased.
138. Now the foreign goose - egg was set under the broody hen and in due time a wonderful gosling hatched out.
139. Another hen joined in. Pretty soon the yard was full of worried, clucking chickens.
140. And the crowns shall be to Helem, and to Tobijah, and to Jedaiah, and to Hen the son of Zephaniah, for a memorial in the temple of the LORD.
141. Chicken Little, Hen Pen, Duck Luck, Goose Loose and Turkey Lurkey ran till they met Fox Lox.
142. SE doesn't make the hen sick. It is also possible for eggs to become infected by Salmonella Enteritidis fecal contamination through the pores of the shells after they're laid.
143. Unexpectedly hen each is downhearted, always do not lay an egg.
144. After the cock had Wei elder brother, as expected with might doubled , trashy time of a day does hen of gallinaceous place some decided.
145. A speckled hen swaggered down the main street of the'settlement ", cackling foolishly.
146. How can an old hen keep her away from the killings of the own?
147. Annie: What made the old lady very sad was that the hen would not lay an egg any more.
147. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
148. Mae angen atgyweirio to a gwaith cerrig Fictoraidd yr adeilad, sydd yn hen lys ac yn adeilad rhestredig Gradd II.
149. Pinch design method of heat exchanger networks (HEN) can be done for a specific operational condition, however the operational condition always fluctuates in a certain range.
150. Litter in the hen coop beds down if it is not raked.
151. We, said the Wren , Both the cock and hen.
152. But one day Hector looked out on the farm beyond the hen yard. It bothered him to see the pigs and cows without a leader.
153. He was the size of a Cornish game hen, as his uncle put it.
154. The hen in fowl run lays in contemporaneity, egg size is identical.
155. HEN core: user mode can load now signchecked files from flash.
156. First, Little Red Hen mixes the flour, water, salt and yeast.
157. One bean could be traded for a tamale, while 100 beans could purchase a good turkey hen, according to a 16th-century Aztec document.
158. I digress. My tale does not primarily concern itself with the hen.
159. As it is customary for a hen to cackle after laying an egg, the chicken raiser accordingly credited the cackler with all the eggs that had been laid.
160. Mon was as mad as a wet hen when she found we had eaten the pie.
161. She is an old hen who knows not her intention.
162. "It can be "painful" to the hen to lay a larger egg, " Tom Vesey told The Times.
163. A cottager and his wife had a Hen, which laid every day a golden egg.
164. Colin: No way. It's going to be a hen party.
165. A hot , dry thermal sat there like a brooding hen.
166. Chicken Little and Hen Pen ran till they met Duck Luck.
167. While to most of us the idea of wearing a pair of rabbit ears on our heads may scream "hen party", it's a trend that's gathering momentum.
168. She watched over us like a mother hen over brood.
169. Look at the way she's watering those seedlings! She fusses over them like a mother hen.
170. Green-shell-egg Fowl rooster crossing with Taihe Silky Fowl hen or Langshan Fowl hen, soever cocks' or hens' of F1 generation Skin colour is black.
171. Ten red apples hanging on a tree. Yippee , fiddle-dee-fee! But they are not there for long. Horse, cow, donkey, pig, hen, and the other farm animals each eat one.
172. The author shows that the high-angle normal faults trending in NE and NW directions in the block faulted structure of Western Hen...
173. Objective: To study the discrimination between broom cypress fruits and fat hen fruits, and to provide the proof for accurately using Chinese herbs.
174. Johann von Goethe : The eternal hen - principle made it do it.
175. Beyond were a great tree of strawberry apples, the traditional privy, a modest barn, a hen house, a corn crib, and a pigpen.
176. My wife gets as mad as a wet hen whenever anyone drops ashes on the rug.
177. But surety , the hen is really much surer than the cock, in a different way.
177. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
178. Everybody that was not invited was as mad as a wet hen.
179. She was mad at her son for killing the brood hen.
180. The mother hen hatches out her young by covering the eggs with her warm feathers.
181. I have hen party every few weeks. We love to get together.
182. Just then he heard a hen clucking. He knew that hen was brown.
183. W hen 18th-century scientists first came across Australia's duck-billed platypus, they thought it was a trick .
184. So Chicken Little, Hen Pen, Duck Luck, Goose Loose, and Turkey Lurkey ran after Fox Lox.
185. " Mr. Fox asks surprisingly. "It's a big and fat hen.
186. He that will have egg must endure the cackle of hen.
187. If you cannot catch a bird of paradise, better take a wet hen.
188. Mom was as mad as a wet hen when she found I had eaten the pie.
189. The mother smiled, tell Edison that the hen is hatching the eggs.
190. The white wolf tells the big wolf of ash, egg in the lattice Call lead the egg, is to lead the old hen to lay egg of, if don't put an egg in the inside, the old hen know disorderly vessel.
191. Another of the accused, a coarse woman, not unlike a fat broody hen but with a spiteful tongue, was visibly worked up.
192. Hen B:He looks like a squashy tomato after lay the egg.
193. My own hen cockatiel Pearl, who characteristically used only one note most of the time, whistled a male cockatiel song as she masturbated, in the corner of her cage.
194. She watched over us like a mother hen over her brood.
195. She is mad at her son for killing the brood hen.
196. This paper discusses the influence of modified starch to the retentiveness the emulsibility and gel characters of hen surimi .
197. After the accident, people found a hen, which had been burnt into black, lying near where a high-tension wire was connected to the transformer.
198. Aunty hadn't been chatted up in seven months. Then a guy in a Prague bar complimented her "beautiful, cat-like" eyes while she was on a hen party.
199. If all goes well the screen should blank out and flash green showing that the HEN is loaded and all is well.




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