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单词 wise
释义  wise1 /waɪz/ ●●● S3 adjective  1  decision/idea etc 决定/意见等SENSIBLE wise decisions and actions are sensible and based on good judgment 〔决定和行动〕明智的,合理恰当的 SYN sensibleit is wise to do something It’s wise to check whether the flight times have changed before you leave for the airport. 出发去机场之前核实一下航班时间是否有变化,这是明智的做法。be wise to do something I think you were wise to leave when you did. 我认为你当时走掉很明智。 a wise precaution 明智的预防措施 I don’t think that would be a very wise move (=not be a sensible thing to do). 我认为那样做不是很明智。2  person 人INTELLIGENT someone who is wise makes good decisions, gives good advice etc, especially because they have a lot of experience of life 〔人因阅历丰富而〕英明的,有智慧的 a wise old man 睿智的老人 At the time I thought he was wonderful, but I’m older and wiser now. 那时我认为他很了不起,但是现在我长大变聪明了。 As a manager, Sanford was wise in the ways of (=knew a lot about) company politics. 作为一名当家人,桑福德深谙公司政治之道。► see thesaurus at intelligent3  be none the wiser/not be any the wiser a) to not understand something even after it has been explained to you 〔解释后〕还是不明白,仍然不懂 Charlie explained how the system works, but I’m still none the wiser. 查利解释了系统是如何运作的,可我还是不明白。 b) used for saying that no one will find out about something bad that someone has done 谁也不会知道〔某人做的坏事〕 He could easily have taken the money and no one would have been any the wiser. 他本可以毫不费力地拿走这些钱,而且就算他拿了也不会有人知道。4  get/be wise to somebody/something informalFIND OUT to realize that someone is being dishonest 意识[察觉]到某人/某事有诈 Teachers quickly get wise to students who are cheating. 老师会很快发现作弊的学生。 → wise up at wise25  wise guy informal especially American EnglishANNOY an annoying person who thinks they know more than they really do 自作聪明的人 OK, wise guy, shut up and listen! 好了,聪明人,闭上嘴好好听着!6  be wise after the event REALIZEto realize what you should have done in a situation after it has happened 事后聪明 It’s easy to be wise after the event. 放马后炮很容易。 —wisely adverb Invest the money wisely. 钱要明智地投资。 He nodded wisely. 他聪明地点点头。 → wisdom, → sadder but wiser at sad(6)Examples from the Corpuswise• If that were all, I'd applaud it as a wise and public-spirited action and I hope it starts a trend.• "I've decided to apply for that job." "I think that's a very wise decision."• Buying good health insurance was a wise decision.• Burton didn't like what he was hearing, but he was wise enough to keep his thoughts to himself.• Do you think it's wise for him to travel alone?• a wise investment• He thought it might be wise not to tell her what had happened.• She was a wise old woman, and we all valued her advice.• If our species is extinguished, others will be wiser or luckier.• If at all possible, it's wise to discuss attitudes to communal living before jointly moving in.• Perhaps it would be wise to telephone first.• One thing is certain: It has never been wise to underestimate Yeltsin.• The wise use of time can be a crucial element in other wise to do something• It's wise to start saving money now for your retirement.• And it might be wise to keep a particular eye on your son.• He was sailing home and they would be wise to do the same.• Rover was wise to stay away from the Motor Show, thus saving itself more than a million quid.• Statistically my time is limited, so would I be wise to leave things as is?• The old tramp has served his purpose, but beyond this point it would not be wise to go.• With more serious problems it would be wise to seek professional counselling.• Would it be wiser to use a more conventional vehicle for a down payment?• It was wise to be happy, she believed, whereas he was complacent to be wise.older and wiser• Or call them simply older and wiser.• Or were they really older and wiser?• But its author, William Powell, now says he is older and wiser, and has renounced violent direct action.• He felt both older and wiser now.• She is older and wiser now.• She might have been soft-hearted and vulnerable once, where he was concerned, but she was a lot older and wiser now.• The Prince had become older and wiser since his previous attacks.• Sensed somewhere below the thinking mind, somehow older and wiser than consciousness, there is ... ... Something.wise2 verb  1 wise up phrasal verb informal REALIZEto realize the truth about a bad situation 知道,了解〔糟糕的真相〕 Wise up, Vic – he’s cheating you! 清醒点,维克——他是在骗你! to Consumers need to wise up to the effect that advertising has on them. 消费者应当认清广告对自己产生的影响。→ See Verb tablewise3, -wise /waɪz/ suffix  1  price-wise/time-wise etc informalABOUT used for saying which feature of a situation you are referring to 价格方面/时间方面等 Time-wise we’re not doing too badly. 时间上我们控制得不错。2  crosswise/lengthwise etc DIRECTIONin a direction across something, along the length of something etc 横向地/纵向地等 Cut the carrots lengthwise. 将胡萝卜纵向切开。 → clockwise, streetwiseOrigin -wise Old English -wisan, from wise “way, method” wise1 Old English wiswise1 adjectivewise2 verbwise3 suffixChinese  wise good based are Corpus decisions and actions and on sensible




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