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单词 Idealistic
1. The scheme was criticized as too idealistic and impracticable.
2. I don't think her idealistic plans will ever materialise.
3. I don't think her idealistic plans will ever materialize.
4. Idealistic young people died for the cause.
5. It'seemed to an idealistic and illusory dream.
6. He set forth an idealistic view of society.
7. She's still young and idealistic.
8. The drama takes an idealistic, even a naive view of the subject.
9. When I was young and idealistic I believed it was possible to change the world.
10. People say that students are by definition idealistic and impatient.
11. But because it was idealistic it was the more persuasive when he preached it to his young contemporaries.
12. He seems increasingly to distrust the idealistic visions of humanity that typify his early works.
13. Anna was a fiercely idealistic woman whose prematurely white hair flared like flame from her freckled face.
14. Voters have tossed out the coalition of young, idealistic, inexperienced and fractious liberal parties that won in 1996.
15. The years of being branded impulsive, scatterbrained, too idealistic rushed back to mock her.
16. The idealistic arm of animal protectionism also includes its fair share of extremists, such as the now infamous Animal Liberation Front.
17. Smith was realistic about human nature and idealistic about the necessity for the exercise of conscience in the marketplace.
18. One can be more idealistic by valuing the restlessness that can be found in certain dedicated scholars.
19. The significance of adolescent idealistic feelings for adolescent behavior are explored later in this chapter in the discussion of adolescent egocentrism.
20. Law was seen as a noble profession, and idealistic young people flooded our law schools with applications.
21. In business, the pragmatic approach to problems is often more successful than an idealistic one.
22. The harshness of recent reality disenchanted her of her idealistic hopes.
23. It would be very easy to become starry-eyed and idealistic about the land ownership study.
24. Henry, who later became the amiable vicar of Cannington, was never a likely recruit to idealistic schemes for emigration.
24. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
25. One of these was Roslyn. During her adolescence she had been deeply and profoundly idealistic.
26. Open admissions proved to be a chastening experience for some of the most idealistic people at City College.
27. There is no sense of possible anticlimax when reality cuts across Kemp's idealistic view of the girl.
28. An even higher dropout rate, 28. 1 percent, correlated with those who were especially idealistic and people-oriented.
29. John Ridd's sense of honour is practical as well as idealistic and his motives are relevant outside their historical context.
30. Athenian politics will be the poorer without this charming and peculiarly idealistic buccaneer.
1. The scheme was criticized as too idealistic and impracticable.
2. I don't think her idealistic plans will ever materialise.
3. I don't think her idealistic plans will ever materialize.
4. In business, the pragmatic approach to problems is often more successful than an idealistic one.
31. We can understand an idealistic -- but unworkable -- idea like this coming from a fresh-faced political neophyte like Downing.
32. During her adolescence she had been deeply and profoundly idealistic.
33. Making money and turning out literate graduates are themselves formidable tasks, made none the easier when burdened with idealistic moral baggage.
34. OVERVIEW: This year, idealistic Aquarius shines brightly.
35. This idealistic concept is at variance with reality.
36. He felt daring and idealistic and cosmopolitan.
37. You are idealistic and self-sacrificing.
38. Many will be pretenders, consciously or unconsciously, because traditionalistic and idealistic models of the world serve their sexual interests.
39. Poly relatively high real estate liabilities, cash flow is not too idealistic.
40. Young and idealistic, Friedrich von Hayek enrolled at the University of Vienna.
41. Weird, futuristic, idealistic and anything different will be occupying the mind of the Water Bearer.
42. In contrast to a materialistic, competition-centered model of the world, the traditionalistic, idealistic model may, for men, be much more egalitarian.
43. His philosophical draft Perpetual Peace was no idealistic pipe dream.
44. The surroundings helped extinguish any idealistic fervour that might have existed.
45. As the unified regime collapsed in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, clerisies then got free from idealistic durance and came to their self-consciousness, thinking over the existence of the individuals.
46. It is quite as important to recognize that the reversionary-technophiliac synthesis it symbolizes is as naive as it is idealistic.
47. In the course of Chinese innovation, the Chinese people have broken many old idealistic vallum, admitted some new working quomodo , and given many entrepreneurs many working space.
48. PROJECT STATEMENT: A landscape design reinterpreting the idealistic Chinese lifestyle and responding sensitively to the context.
49. The spirit of christianism is the requisite and intrinsic idealistic ingredient in Helin's New Ideology of Mind.
50. A new style of architecture emerged to reflect more idealistic notions for the future.
51. It was easy to see why he had been so shy, so unsophisticated, so idealistic.
52. As tribes continue to pursue their own interests ever more zealously, the idealistic rhetoric of multinational organizations will become ever more risible.
53. AMATOYA is an idealistic concept, yet it does address a number of issues in the field of fire appliance design that seem to beg attention.
54. He was no wheeler-dealer; more of an idealistic scholar whose linguistic gifts were so remarkable, and hence so subversive, that he was drawn into high religious politics.
55. CAROLINE GLUCK: Yeah I think practitioners like Ward are still quite idealistic about how they want wiki to develop.
56. In some cases they are too idealistic, seeking relationships that are hardly possible. They should be wary of impractical forms of cultism or strange religious beliefs.
57. An idealistic, almost Utopian document, it defines Bolivia, wordily, as "a United Social State of Plurinational Communitarian Law".
58. In latter - day, YanFu was the famous idealistic torchbearer , Caiyuanpei was the famous educationist.
59. Or is he merely a presidential version of Alden Pyle, Graham Greene's idealistic, clever Quiet American who wants to change the world, but underestimates how bad the world is—and ends up causing harm?
60. The aesthetic system of Schopenhauer is based upon the idealistic philosophy of voluntarism, meaning that all phenomena of beauty are the presentational forms of the objective nature of Ideas.
61. You are more sensitive, impressionable, dreamy, or idealistic at this time also.
62. Mozilla is a public benefit organization, cares about the Internet and the Internet alone, which as noble, good and idealistic as it sounds, I still have to see any evidence that proves the opposite.
63. Kollontai's upper-class upbringing made her too idealistic and an unfit for any kind of leadership position.
64. Older mothers tend to be too idealistic about the pleasures of motherhood.
65. So this article wants to hand out with ambiguities in this poem, hackle emotional skeleton and idealistic patriotism, show the special value of it.
66. And in their idealistic single-mindedness, they can wind up unintentionally portraying society's have-nots as monochromatically as a bigot might.
67. Among these factors, Wilsonian idealist diplomacy was the most important, which deeply influenced America's diplomacy during this period, and cast an idealistic color on it.
68. When I first started as a caseworker, I was a lot more idealistic.
69. "America"wasn't at war with communism. Idealistic democracy was. At any rate, the"red scare" is over, and for good reason.
70. The harshness of everyday reality disenchanted him of his idealistic hopes.
71. It to do violence to something which, from the most idealistic standpoint, is in itself desirable.
72. Women, of course, are not really asked in idealistic[Sentencedict], traditionalistic societies.
73. Billie was a hard-boiled, gravel-voiced, tough-talking woman who'd seen it all but never lost her consuming, idealistic passion for politics.
74. The resource development of the folk-custom is not idealistic now.




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