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单词 Realistic
1, It isn't a realistic plan.
2, Malcolm is a shrewd and realistic businessman.
3, She is a realistic woman.
4, Police have to be realistic about violent crime.
5, These proposals represent a realistic starting point for negotiation.
6, You must set realistic aims and objectives for yourself.
7, Try to keep your ambitions realistic.
8, You aren't being realistic.
9, We have to be realistic about our chances of winning.
10, It's just not realistic to expect a promotion so soon.
11, It is not realistic to expect people to spend so much money.
12, Be realistic you can't expect a big salary at eighteen.
13, Training includes realistic simulation of casualty procedures.
14, We are now far more sober and realistic.
15, The price must be more realistic, i.e. lower.
16, The battle scenes were frighteningly realistic.
17, The special effects were so realistic.
18, You could make the hands a little more realistic.
19, We must set realistic goals.
20, My friends were quite realistic about my problems.
21, Is this a realistic target?
22, Managers must set targets that are realistic.
23, Establish deadlines that are more realistic.
24, Pictures should be in focus,[http:///realistic.html] with realistic colours and well composed groups.
25, It isn't realistic to expect people to work for so little money.
26, I can commend it to him as a realistic course of action.
27, We try to make these training courses as realistic as possible.
28, If all are the play, why should we played a less realistic.
29, The prediction of 4 million unemployed now looks horrifyingly realistic.
30, The plot of the novel relies too much on coincidence to be realistic.
1, It isn't a realistic plan.
2, Malcolm is a shrewd and realistic businessman.
3, Police have to be realistic about violent crime.
4, These proposals represent a realistic starting point for negotiation.
5, You must set realistic aims and objectives for yourself.
6, Try to keep your ambitions realistic.
7, You aren't being realistic.
8, We have to be realistic about our chances of winning.
9, It's just not realistic to expect a promotion so soon.
10, It is not realistic to expect people to spend so much money.
31, Is this a realistic salary for such a responsible job?
32, You should try to restrain your ambitions and be more realistic.
33, He expressed his appreciation for what he called Saudi Arabia's moderate and realistic oil policies.
34, Children's toy guns now look so realistic that they can often pass for the real thing.
35, He is said to have painted a trompe l'oeil of grapes which was so realistic that birds tried to peck at them.
36, It's best to set realistic goals that you can achieve.
37, You need to be realistic about the amount you can do in a day.
38, The decision is justified on the grounds that there is no realistic alternative.
39, To make the training realistic the simulation operates in real time .
40, He does not have any realistic chance of winning the election.
41, It's only realistic to acknowledge that something, some time, will go wrong.
42, The merit of the report is its realistic assessment of the changes required.
43, He will go down in history as a realistic poet.
44, Without realistic sanctions, some teachers have difficulty keeping order in the classroom.
45, The delegates outlined what they considered a realistic timetable for troop withdrawal.
46, Our income has got smaller, so we must be realistic and give up our car.
47, He was realistic enough to know this success could not last.
48, I don't think they have a realistic chance of winning.
49, Let's be realistic - I just can't afford to pay that much money.
50, A good artist can produce a very realistic effect using only light and shade.
51, Her plans are not realistic - they'll never be more than a pipe dream.
52, So do Portsmouth have any realistic chance of winning?
53, The exercises, like the explanations, use realistic contexts.
54, Wavetable sound cards generate more realistic instrumental sounds.
55, Be realistic, demand the impossible! Che Guevara 
56, Your original estimate, I think, was more realistic.
57, The film was frighteningly realistic.
58, Let's be realistic, the fact is crime does pay.
59, Players skate around the ice with realistic momentum, ie you have to slow down to turn round.
60, Robert Carnwath feared that the Act was so confused that we could not go to court with a realistic chance of winning.
61, Now a college education was a realistic and obtainable goal for young blacks.
62, Some say that the effect may be positive in that children will develop a more realistic sense of what life is like.
63, We hung out with a homicide detective, and we tried to make it realistic.
64, Aside from its cast, the show was lauded for its honest and realistic depiction of blue-collar family life.
65, The myth of philanthropy is quickly discredited by a realistic look at how older people lead their lives.
66, It may be advisable to consult with others regarding realistic periods of time for the completion of certain tasks.
67, The notion that spending and taxation would be balanced over some notional trade cycle was never realistic politics.
68, Often this arises from the absence of any realistic concept of the practical implications of retirement.
69, However, a more realistic approach is to see trips as forming a chain, linking activities through the day.
70, Alternative energy technologies will be successfully diffused only if realistic assumptions are made about the real economic situation in the Third World.
71, In order for the caterer to calculate a realistic cost per person, you must give as much information as possible.
72, In this way, individual operations can be shaped to be realistic rather than at odds with the likely outcome.
73, In a play so charged with realistic menace, such details are unimportant. 2.
74, But neither course should be embarked upon without a realistic assessment of the risks and rewards involved.
75, Being realistic about it, a bar code system that would directly provide text string is not a very practical proposition.
76, Although we weren't set any price limits, I decided to be realistic, and set myself a budget.
77, Before we can deal with the family in any realistic way, though, we have to do some family bookkeeping.
78, In this context neither the attendance allowances nor the SRAs are sufficiently realistic.http://
79, Sensitization scenes using realistic fears of the results of excessive drinking are constructed in a similar manner.
80, The student will learn realistic ways of ensuring good nursing care even when the workload is heavy.
81, To be realistic, government regula-tions that impose limits on media property ownership inevitably affect media content.
82, Bush too was being realistic when he made his move to stage her first live concerts.
83, Try to help them be objective and set themselves realistic, measurable targets.
84, George is quite realistic throughout the book and is in some cases, justifiably pessimistic.
85, Is it realistic to talk of a multiplicity of body plans in the Cambrian, far exceeding that of the present day?
86, Patients and their carers would have a realistic choice freed from fears of favouritism and unfair influence.
87, Ellman's goal is highly desirable , but unfortunately not realistic.
88, A realistic view of man Evil is all too apparent in our world.
89, Otis, who bore lifelong grudges over provocations infinitely smaller than this, was realistic enough to know when he was had.
90, Simulators are very realistic, but they don't compare to the actual experience of flying an airplane.
91, He said implementation of prior agreements has been delayed, and that a later date would be more realistic.
92, Failure to accept that a field landing is necessary Be realistic about the chances of finding lift low down.
93, They get to find out what is going on in the local employment scene.It helps them to make realistic career choices.
94, Ask friends what's worked for them or buy a paperback that offers a realistic diet and know you can keep to.
95, Extensive market research revealed that the site was substantially undervalued and a more realistic figure would be well over £100000.
96, In fact, I've always wanted to play a realistic, no make-up, bag lady.
97, The three-year project is designed to overcome prejudice about the construction industry and give children a realistic insight into its many occupations.
98, I see my weapons as reflections of a sensible, realistic caution - that of a true professional.
99, But Night Trap could not be exempted because it depicted violent actions involving realistic images of human beings rather than straight forward computer graphics.
100, By scorning concert-hall constants, Karajan was making a realistic attempt to put music on film.
101, I always like to look on the optimistic side of life, but I am realistic enough to know that life is a complex matter. Walt Disney 
102, That editorial reflected a realistic assessment of the dilemma created by any government-sanctioned attempt to regulate salaries.
103, Management does not have a realistic appreciation of the situation.
104, Your line manager will also discuss and agree realistic objectives with you.
105, There is now a strong case for a realistic dialogue between those studying glacier dynamics and those studying forms.
106, In such situations, hopes for a less active, more cautious and realistic, less expansive foreign policy were slim.
107, One is a realistic, pitch-dark forest of oaks - an ideal place for hide-and-seek in almost treeless Venice.
108, The answers should help you to keep a realistic grip on your decorating ideas and these should be as flexible as possible.
109, This was principally directed toward the gradual adoption of more realistic depreciation provisions.
110, Obviously this would have some realistic effect in satisfying the appetite.
111, Consider the hypothetical random disturbances shown in Fig. 11 which give rise to fairly realistic variations in real output.
112, Smith was realistic about human nature and idealistic about the necessity for the exercise of conscience in the marketplace.
113, Ted looked at him and then did this realistic slow-motion fall right on the grassy expanse to the side of the road.
114, The developers have tried to make it as realistic as possible and the game includes some of the sport's biggest stars.
115, Total elimination of seizures is often not a realistic goal in adults with partial or secondarily generalized seizures.
116, Rush hour lasts half an hour[Sentencedict], and bicycles remain a realistic form of transportation.
117, Therefore, a starting point for any discussion of community care must be a realistic appraisal of informal systems.
118, I think that the book is still very realistic and the boys are acting like animals.
119, It is also important that the patient be provided with realistic encouragement.
120, More recent data gathered in the six years since provides us with a realistic picture of the crisis we confront.
121, A more realistic threat could be posed by a disenchanted or jealous army officer.
122, The student is given the opportunity for self-appraisal and realistic goal setting.
123, She doesn't have a very realistic perception of the situation.
124, A General Council of all the Churches does not seem to be a realistic possibility in the foreseeable future.
125, Lastly to make the picture more realistic, some crew are placed on board, and on the floating pontoons.
126, They learn to then shift from negative, self-defeating internal dialogue towards positive, more realistic, and confidence-building self-speech.
127, Temperature can also be raised to realistic deep-Earth values, usually to several hundred degrees Celsius.
128, The team became more accepting and realistic about the time demanded by the investigation service.
129, Obviously this is not a realistic assumption. further, the greater the inter-dependence, then the greater the complexity.
130, Realistic gardeners encourage this diversity while remaining alert to early symptoms of disturbance.
131, The technique is free and realistic for such an early date.
132, Once Louis's advisers were involved these grandiose plans gave way to more realistic ones.
133, Change doesn't happen overnight so we must continue to address real concerns, use real science and aim for realistic targets.
134, The extremely limited possibilities of the machine yielded images which are at once frankly realistic and curiously mysterious.
135, Under careful analysis, however, the imagined alternatives do not stand up as realistic.
136, As a result, though the training may have been less intensive, it was probably more realistic.
137, Moreover, the Government's original standard spending assessment may or may not be realistic.
138, I personally feel that this decline in confidence is both healthy and realistic.
139, The realistic freedom this gives you is unparalleled,[] although it takes a while to master walking by moving the mouse.
140, A realistic portrayal of the life and times of the legendary outlaw well worth the visit.
141, In this way, we lost any realistic chance to reaffirm the essential truth of John Prescott's commitment.
142, Big howler RADIO Cleveland broadcast a warning that fireworks can frighten pets - accompanied by realistic sound effects that drove animals mad.
143, In other words, the type of full employment that he envisages is not realistic.
144, The educational problems we began with can be interpreted in a more realistic and systematic way.
145, Rather, you will create a strong, forward-looking tone that is realistic and convincing.
146, It appeared to Nizan as the only realistic method of conducting human affairs in a civilised manner.
147, Why Forbes thought that he stood a realistic chance of success this year is a question that baffled observers.
148, This, though a more realistic standard of judgement, was also not entirely satisfactory.
149, To explain the difference between the two structures, they are placed in a realistic context.
150, At the same time, realistic encouragement should be given to ensure that the patient remains hopeful about his eventual outcome.
151, To the extent that positivist criminology incorporates a realistic, manageable version of determinism, it becomes compatible with its classical predecessor.
152, Doubt is a question mark; faith is an exclamation point. The most compelling, believable, realistic stories have included them both. Criss Jami 
153, To best serve patients' needs, care givers must be realistic in their expectations.
154, In advanced stages of instruction students are guided towards techniques of self-defence, under realistic conditions.
155, It was so realistic a ceremony that several of the women cried.
156, But the next hurdle will be putting realistic plates on the surface.
157, It may be that August 1 would now have to be a more realistic target date.
158, Some are sufficiently realistic that young males try to chat up the female personas they represent.
159, Will you raise my profits?-Are you realistic about your chances of gaining this position?
160, Its aim was to examine scientific evidence on climate change(), assess environmental and socio-economic impacts and formulate realistic response strategies.
161, All items of the total landscaping package had to be measured in order to submit realistic costs.
162, Hopes, plans and pleasant memories are hard to keep in mind, and realistic worries take prominence.
163, In this manner a completely realistic simulation was made of the experiences of the astronauts on the way to the Moon.
164, Realistic programmes about crime only serve to generate fear among the public.
165, Male speaker It's absolutely excellent, really good fun, very realistic.
166, An additional advantage of this method of presentation is that it made the situation less realistic for subjects.
167, There is no question but that agency rulemaking is lawmaking in any functional or realistic sense of the term....
168, Second, the therapist is asking the client to be specific and realistic, so that the therapist has goals to aim for.
169, This healthy, realistic fear helps the organization resist the temptation to take the easy way out of a problematic situation.
170, Disney wanted to fill his studio with artists capable of a more fluid, more realistic animation than had ever been attempted.
171, Labour's safety-first approach would be more problematical were the Tories able to mount a realistic economic challenge.
172, It would be more realistic to measure the duration of the tantrums.
173, He accepted the arguments of an independent actuary that policyholders' realistic expectation they should benefit from inherited estates was limited.
174, The only realistic question that poses itself is whether Britain can help to determine the how and the when of reunification.
175, Competitive strategies therefore need regular review and modification within the realistic rate of change defined by the nature of the industry.
176, The avatar can be a realistic depiction of the actual person or a completely fanciful one.
177, Returning to competitions should be a long-term aim, provided the physiotherapist and the carers feel it is realistic.
178, Half the fun is working out where bizarre reality parts from realistic fantasy!
179, That something is whether or not your organization has a healthy system of valid core beliefs and realistic fears.
180, Be realistic from the outset, so that you don't become dismayed by your inability to keep to your own timetable.
181, The good news for Thames Valley cops is that the murder rate may now drop to a realistic level.
182, For ChangIng career to change your life more in-depth strategies and realistic ways to deal with these problems see the relevant chapters.
183, Stevenson, Anne Noted for her realistic, fast-paced stories, believable characters, and excellent use of dialogue.
184, Next, specific action may be agreed upon that is realistic and measurable with perhaps a contingency plan lined up too.
185, With certain safeguards for patients who, for example, may require liver transplants in Philadelphia full range fundholding seems a realistic possibility.
186, Evaluation of short-listed options Realistic evaluation of the options allows a clear decision on whether to proceed or not.
187, More realistic estimates are based on the assumption that fertility will gradually decline to around replacement level.
188, This derivation can be made more complex and realistic if the price level affects other variables.
189, What matters is that the creative solution has a credible and realistic basis.
190, As in commercial aircraft, going it alone was never a realistic option.
191, The mise en scene is pastoral rather than urban and contains numerous realistic details which provide local color.
192, The language is foul and the violence horribly realistic.
193, Does the art need the realistic visual power?
194, So to study the open fund business systemically has important realistic significance.
195, You can also follow the same track about 500 meters south to visit one form of realistic , lifelike worlds toad stone.
196, Set realistic goals, which Frank Typer defined brilliantly as those that are 'Beyond your grasp but within your reach.
197, It's important that you're realistic with your goals, both in number of transactions and credit amount.
198, In image-based product presentation, we design a new texture mapping and color mixing method for textile products. This method is simple and practical, can generate realistic texture-mapped images.Sentencedict
199, On the other hand, his realistic painting bears explicit modern consciousness, differing from former realistic classicalism, both in the form and in the spirit connotation.
200, As a subjective internal nonobjective good, moral needs to be surpassed by ethics that as a external and realistic good, because of its sidedness and limitations.
201, But it's not realistic to think the market will crash and prices tumble to the level of two or three years ago, " Wang said."
202, With these features, realistic forecasts of the financial result at the end of the accounting period can be made at any time.
203, The change from Year 82 to 89: de-emphasis on odd and even numbers; emphasis on realistic contexts, understanding vertical algorithm.
204, Any pattern of running pattern is rooted in the realistic social environment.
205, His historical sense is even less realistic than that of Chaucer who just a few years before had done for his own time costume romances, such as The Knight's Tale, Troilus and Cressida, etc.
206, The paper demonstrates that WEH Core construction is the realistic choice for the development of Wuhan Megalopolis through measuring the economic connection among cities in the megalopolis .
207, The cloud-castle is impossibly realistic, the daydreamer doesn't to become the affair that you want to do forever.
208, The total players were about 7 people, one was woman. It is real a filmic stunt perform, very realistic, adventurous.
209, The "sensual freeform curves" of a planned concert and congress hall outside the Czech capital appear more realistic.
210, Under such circumstances, the customary law of ethnic minority also plays a realistic role, to a great extent, to adjust civil order at the basic level besides constitutional law.
211, Because he has been on the 11th go on the road , from Mudanjiang to Anshan, Fushun to Lushun to, all the way around, very tired, but this trip was very realistic so that Tian Liang.
212, Under this background, the research of the foreign exchange risk seems to be realistic and important.
213, Secondly, the deep-laid significance of the army's constitutional management is proved, and offers realistic authorities for the constitutional management of our army.
214, The article emphasized finally and in the realistic meaning instantly for the influence that emotion characteristic and life intension of Rembrandt's self-portrait produce.
215, His works range from realistic to abstract: the Blue, Rose, and African periods, Analytical and Synthetic Cubism, Neo-Classicism, Surrealism.
216, As a result, it is especially imminent and important to resurvey the realistic transcendency in the proper realm of theory, by combining with specific creative activities.
217, The key problem is, what a social security tax system we should design that is fair and efficient itself but can fit to China in current realistic situation as well.
218, At the beginning of the new era, the realistic spirit of Chinese literature has been restored and carried forward step by step but the romanticist spirit still lags behind.
219, For this reason(), it is of great realistic significance to develop a high-speed and high-precision harmonic detector.
220, These images are symbolistic argots about realistic prospect of Chinese society.
221, The administration behavior of the administration organization infringes upon the public environment rights repeatedly in the realistic life.
222, On one side you had a combination of mean-spiritedness and fantasy; on the other you had a reaffirmation of American compassion and community, coupled with fairly realistic numbers.
223, It is a long paper genre painting created with highly realistic tactics .
224, The realistic representation of lighting effect is one of the key topics in real-time computer graphics.
225, The life-sized robot, known as HRP-4 , has a realistic face and movable features that are able to mimic the expressions of a human singer.
226, Because of this, along with society's progress and the development, a woman suffrage achievement vital realistic question becomes the multitudinous discipline research day by day the hot spot.
227, If you are forced to take a salary cut, financial planners advise creating a realistic new budget and sticking to it.
228, Above all, TV ad must be practical and realistic, must not exaggerated, vaunting, hit consumerofedge ball misdirect.
229, A trademark used for a motion-picture process designed to produce wide-screen(http://), realistic images.
230, In fact, my experience is skin - deep because I always stay in the tower of ivory and know little story about the realistic subsistence.
231, Identify and prepare realistic project list for the budget of the financial year.
232, Our price is realistic and is based on reasonable profit.
233, The result of the collaboration was a "patient" that is more realistic than other dummies down to a moving tongue and gag reflex.
234, So developing safe - protection monitoring system for offshore platform has realistic meaning to secure offshore platform production.
235, Finally, in view of the realistic question in feasible domain of economic cooperation, the article put forward the countermeasure proposal.
236, The paper explains the visible phenomena and mental state from the objective, realistic and historical perspectives and points out the instructive meaning of traditional idea to toda...
237, Mary Dykstra, a Grand Rapids, Mich., professional organizer, coaches people to set specific, realistic goals, then to break each goal into small, measurable steps, with a timetable.
238, Finally the realistic significance of spreading engineering quantity list valuation is given.
239, Introduces the pre-research projects all design. system structure. function characteristic and the technology realistic way.




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