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单词 style
释义 Word family  noun style styling stylishness stylist stylistics stylization adjective stylish stylistic stylized verb style adverb stylishly stylistically  style1 /staɪl/ ●●● S2 W1 AWL noun  1  way of doing STH 做某事的方式 [countable, uncountable]WAY/MANNER a particular way of doing, designing, or producing something, especially one that is typical of a particular place, period of time, or group of people 〔尤指某个地方、某个时期或某个群体的〕风格,作风 an attempt to use Japanese management style in a European business 将日本的管理方式用于欧洲企业的尝试style of different styles of handwriting 不同的书写风格Baroque-/Swedish-/country- etc style Cuban-style black beans and rice 古巴特色的黑豆和稻米 a Colonial-style house 殖民地时期风格的房子 The dinner will be served buffet-style. 晚餐将是自助式的。2  SB’s way of behaving 某人的行为方式 [countable] the particular way that someone behaves, works, or deals with other people 〔某人行为、工作或待人的〕方式,特点 Children have different styles of learning: some learn by seeing, some by hearing, some by doing. 儿童的学习方式各不相同: 有的通过观察,有的通过聆听,有的通过动手。be more somebody’s style (=used to say that you prefer something) 才是某人所喜欢的;适合某人 I don’t think the parachuting weekend is for me – the art class is more my style. 我认为周末去跳伞不适合我,上美术课才是我喜欢的。 I like your style (=approve of the way you do things), Simpson. 我喜欢你做事的方式,辛普森。 I can’t ask a man out – it’s not my style (=it is not the way I usually behave). 我不会约男人出去,那不是我的作风。3  art/literature/music 艺术/文学/音乐 [countable, uncountable] a typical way of writing, painting etc that is used by a particular person or during a particular period of time 〔某人或某时期的〕风格 The paintings are in an expressionistic style. 那些画作是表现主义风格的。 Hemingway’s direct style 海明威的直白风格in the style of somebody/something a play in the style of classical Greek tragedy 希腊古典悲剧风格的戏剧4  fashion/design 时装/设计 a) [countable] a particular design or fashion for something such as clothes, hair, furniture etc 设计,款式 SYN fashion Car styles have changed radically in the past 20 years. 在过去 20 年里,汽车的款式彻底改变了。traditional/modern style The rooms are furnished in a modern style. 那些房间是以现代风格布置的。 b) [uncountable] the quality of being fashionable 流行式样,时髦 young women interested in style rather than comfort 注重款式而非舒适性的年轻女性in/out of style Long skirts are back in style. 长裙子又流行起来了。5  attractive quality 吸引人的品质 [uncountable]STYLE/ELEGANCE a confident and attractive quality that makes people admire you, and that is shown in your appearance, or the way you do things 风度,气派,格调 → stylish You may not like her, but she certainly has style. 你也许不喜欢她,但她确实有风度。 The team played with style. 球队打得很有气势。 → stylish6  correct writing 正确的写作风格 [uncountable] a way of using words or spelling that is considered correct 正确的文体,语言规范 It’s not good style to use abbreviations in an essay. 在文章里用缩略语不够规范。7  in style STYLE/ELEGANCEdone in a way that people admire, especially because it is unusual, shows great determination, or involves spending a lot of money 有气派;有风度;摆排场in great/grand/fine etc style Nadal won the match in fine style, not losing a single game. 纳达尔一局未失,赢得非常潇洒。 → cramp somebody’s style at cramp2, lifestyleExamples from the Corpusstyle• The women were wearing '50s style housedresses.• The new library is a blend of various architectural styles.• an authoritarian style of leadership• The bureaucratic style can be very efficient in a stable environment and when the organisation is of a large size.• It was built in Colonial style to match the old part of the city.• Hundreds of novelists have tried to copy Hemingway's direct style.• I tried to write them in an easygoing style, which was my hallmark.• There Angela sat smoking but not in her usual sensual and elegant style.• Several of her early paintings were done in an expressionistic style.• Her friendly style of management works well with small groups of people.• The Thompsons always entertain in style.• Whitaker went out in style, beating Pernell comfortably.• Cameron found my style aggressive, although I thought I was just being direct and honest.• a completely new style of painting• It has evolved over the years from a nouveau style to a more weighty red wine with distinctive black raspberry fruit.• You will come up with your own favoured tactics based on your own preferred style of play.• Pollock's style is instantly recognizable.• What she lacked in looks she made up for with her sensational style.• At this publisher, it isn't style to spell "worshipping" with one "p."• It does not really have the style and elegance of other luxury hotels.• He met this challenge by manufacturing a sense of drama through his theatrical style of rule and through his ambitious policies.• The fashionable and becoming gown and girdle were her only concessions to style and conformity.• The cool narrative economy and unforced style recall early Fassbinder.• If you want a cellphone with style, this is the one for of• Hammill's favorite style of cooking? Mexican.• They have over two hundred styles of wallpaper to choose from.• Our style of play is difficult for them to cope with.• Neville has a unique style of more somebody’s style• Collegeeducated and schooled in black culture, Williams' s more urbane style was characteristic of many of the early black deejays.• Our current top 10 bestsellers include seven self-help books, so Airlift is more our style.• It was more than a style, more than a look.• Bloomsbury and St Ives were more their style.• Leggings and sweatshirts were more her the style of somebody/something• And giant superstores, fastened to the bypass, and built in the style of the farmer's bothy.• Thurlow concentrates on vividly detailed description of his races, mostly in the style of the time.• He had indeed redone my office in the style of the 18705.• When Keating painted in the style of Palmer, he was picked up by the Fraud Squad.• The campy dramatics are presented in the style of a live television broadcast.• What assertions about the nature of reality reside in the style of the traditional novel?• The collector will know that it is faked up in the style of an earlier period.• The place was fitted out in dark, polished wood in the style of the twenties.traditional/modern style• Modern style After studying the above ballets it may well be asked what is modern style?• The bedrooms are furnished in a traditional style and have double glazing.• Classic and modern styles, glowing with lights, colour, and gilding.• A.R. What do you feel about working in the more modern style of play after your classical work with Stratford?• Valldemosa A small traditional style village which was the source of inspiration for some of Chopin's most romantic compositions.• The pension is recently built, but is finished off in the traditional style.has style• Sue may be hard to work with, but she definitely has style.• You'd have to say Greg Norman has style.• She may be wicked, but she has style.Related topics: Designstyle2 AWL verb [transitive]  1  AVDto design clothing, furniture, or the shape of someone’s hair in a particular way 设计,把…制作成某种式样 These shoes have been styled for maximum comfort. 这双鞋子设计力求舒适。 She has her hair styled by Giorgio. 她请乔治奥为她做头发。2  style yourself something formalNAME OF A PERSON to give yourself a particular title or name 称自己为…,自称为… They style themselves ‘the terrible twins’. 他们自称“可怕的双胞胎”。3. style it out British English informal to make an effort to appear relaxed and confident, especially when you have done something embarrassing 〔尤指做了难堪的事之后〕故作镇定 → self-styled→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusstyle• The car was styled and engineered by Ford and Mazda.• It was definitely easier to style and I would use it again without a doubt.• Nygaard styles herself as a bruiser, reluctant to leave the interior.• I only let Betty style my hair.• However researchers might style themselves-methodological individualists or collectivists-all social scientific research adopts a methodology that is implicitly individualistic.From Longman Business Dictionarystylestyle /staɪl/ noun [countable]1a way of doing something, designing something, or producing something, especially one that is typical of a particular time, place, or group of peoplestyle ofthe Japanese style of stock investment1980s-style excessive spendingAmerican-style shopping malls → house style2the particular way that someone does something or deals with other peoplestyle ofan authoritarian style of leadershipHis tough management style has upset some executives.3a product with a particular design, shape, and appearanceEach diaper comes in ‘girl’ and ‘boy’ styles.This is one of our new styles, a $135 dress shoe with a rubber sole.4LAW the official name or title of a companyThe company traded under the style of Macron Ltd.Origin style1 (1200-1300) Latin stilus “pointed stick, stylus, style of writing”style1 nounstyle2 verbChinese  designing, Corpus doing, of particular a Business way




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