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单词 Broadening
1. The police are broadening the scope of their investigation.
2. They are broadening the bridge to speed up the flow of traffic.
3. By broadening the tax base , he could raise more revenues.
4. Traveling with the bands was a broadening experience for the musicians, who were usually self - taught .
5. By broadening the tax base the chancellor could raise more revenues.
6. By broadening the tax base he could raise more revenue.
7. But education is said to be a broadening experience.
8. Heroin use for these individuals meant a broadening of social contact.
9. The character of international relations was now broadening and their essential nature altering.
10. Brodsky countered that the broadening of the auction houses' public accountability could only help the market.
11. I advised her to consider broadening the range of possibilities.
12. Organizers soon hit on the idea of broadening the January take by asking people to send money directly to the White House.
13. The broadening of the higher bands reflects progressively shorter lifetimes for the final highly-excited vibrational states.
14. You are now broadening your knowledge of jobs and their requirements.
15. His thought is broadening considerably.
16. The weltanschauung of European man was ever broadening out.
17. Reading is good for broadening our knowledge.
18. Spectroscopic measurements in 1960 indicated that small-scale motion of the plasma was producing the doppler broadening of the spectral lines.
19. Instead they are interested in building on a range of other products, thus broadening their base.
20. Extensive traveling induces a feeling of encapsulation; and travel, so broadening at first, contracts the mind.
21. First, it is linked with the East by a broadening continental land mass.
22. Their first choice is not always available but the week should achieve the aim of broadening their horizons and their experience.
23. Therefore the development of democracy in production is the most important trend in deepening and broadening socialist democracy as a whole.
24. His best work is done far in advance, and he is intent on broadening his base.
25. Second, that in general this means reducing the value of allowances and broadening the tax base rather than increasing marginal tax rates.
26. To a considerable degree, it was Social Darwinism which led the way in so broadening the claim for the market./broadening.html
27. Many readers of Historical Romances also read historical novels, broadening the field of selection immensely.
28. The immediate success of these fillings, and the brown bread they came in, reflected John Bull's broadening palate.
29. To learn how to cope in such fraught situations and to survive can be a broadening experience.
30. His partnership strengthened the Balbirnie team in shareholding terms, broadening its equity base.
1. Traveling with the bands was a broadening experience for the musicians, who were usually self - taught .
31. I'm glad to see that your ideas are broadening out.
32. One of the benefits of traveling is broadening one's horizons.
33. A self-absorption correction model based on the information of spectral broadening is introduced to calculate the true value of spectral line intensity, which refers to the elemental concentration.
34. The neutron streak image tube also can be used to determine the temperature of the plasma of the implosion of DT-filled targets by measuring the Doppler broadening.
35. The current world crisis calls for an immediate broadening of the scope of the G20, said Professor Muhammad Yunus at the G20 Young Entrepreneurs Summit in France.
36. This variety of controls contributed to a broadening use of the toolbar.
37. TCM permeation is increasingly emphasized in clinical gynecology, its application is broadening.
38. It demonstrates that high order dispersion compensation can eliminate pulse edge's oscillating, its peak shift and also avoid pulse broadening.
39. Simply scrapping these distortions—in other words, broadening the base of taxation without any new taxes—could bring in some $1 trillion a year.
40. Our mistake lay in broadening the scope of the struggle.
41. The analysis results show that it is an effective method to reduce the probability of error of the system by increasing the pulse broadening factor.
42. As a result, we accurately estimate the effective signals in high frequency band and better the noise suppression, thus broadening the effective frequency band.
43. Jilin Provincial Pawnbroking is facing the opportunity of the broadening of their target customers and the strengthening of pawning business functions.
44. The pulse fluctuation characteristic and the pulse broadening effect are investigated.
45. Thirdly, the Australian - China trade relationship is growing but also broadening and diversifying.
46. It has been shown that the broadening tuning range of dye lasers, the increase of laser efficiency of some dyes and dual wavelength laser oscillation in the dye mixtures are feasible.
47. Demand for temporary workers remains strongest in the light industrial sector, Krause said, but has lately been broadening to other areas, like mortgage banking and technology.
48. Cohesion and angle of internal friction decrease along with the broadening of water content and the better linear relation exists in the moistening process.
49. At the same time, however, it would be unfortunate if an excessive broadening of the taxable base made it impossible to attain the equally important goal of providing relief.
50. The Doppler spectral broadening due to nonstationary movement of target and radio-frequency clutter will decrease the veracity of target detection by high frequency ground wave(HFGW)radar.
51. Nevertheless, there do exist such pointed problems as insufficiency of production service industries, broadening of the gap between transportation industry and shipment turn-round volume, etc.
52. The effect of the broadening of the ICC's power was at once apparent.
53. Peak Broadening of Neutral Solutes on Reversed - Phase Capillary Electrochromatographic Column.
54. In the case of homogeneous broadening only one mode can normally oscillate.
55. But broadening our military mission to include regime change would be a mistake.
56. The debate is broadening out to include questions about the structure of French education.http://
57. And the interlocked operation of the rural merchantable products is an important way for further broadening the rural mark et and increasing the living standard and living quality of the farmers.
58. The amplification of highly chirped pulse with broadband in in homogeneously broadening amplifier is investigated.
59. The principle of this algorithm is taking the advantages of homogeneous broadening and gain compensation between two stages.
60. Meanwhile the effect of the anisotropy will also cause the broadening of the distribution of grain size and the increase of the number of grains with few less number of edges.
61. The defect properties in chemical vapor deposition diamond films doped by sulfur and boron were investigated by the Doppler broadening measurements and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR).
62. I thank Rotary for broadening my perspective and changing my life.
63. The PMD-induced pulse broadening may cause degradation of receiver sensitivity and has negative effects on the power spectrum of received signals.
64. So the author suggests that strengthening practical training and broadening the knowledge field of students should be emphasized in the reform of agricultural engineering education in China.
65. Base broadening often keeps pace with a rate cut, and many countries have put more emphasis on tax preferences for scientific innovations.
66. These results contribute to a better understanding and a broadening application of indentation test method.
67. A reform of corporate taxation, therefore, should start by reducing tax rates, cutting subsidies and broadening the taxable base.
68. It has been reported that addition of trace quantity of DCl to NMR solns. of alkaloids resulted in extensive broadening signal of protons spatially closed to the nitrogen lone pair.
69. For a time he hesitated before the epic immensity of this broadening task.
70. Based on the characteristics of linearly chirped pulse, a numerical model for amplification of broadband chirped pulse in the inhomogeneous broadening system has been established.
71. Thus, the nonthermal broadening in the stars' spectral lines above has been explained abstractly by the theory of spectral lines broadening in plasmas.
72. He talked of broadening Lowrey's responsibilities, of eventually bringing him into management.
73. By making photonic crystals in ferroelectric and ferromagnetic materials, field-provoked tunability of photonic crystals is broadening the interest in new applications of on-chip photonic devices.
74. Electromigration dispersion ( EMD ) is one of major effects on zone broadening in capillary electrophoresis.
75. The experiment and comparison results show that the ultimate shear stress, cohesion and angle of internal friction decrease along with the broadening of water content in the expansive soil.
76. For Soul Story he has occasionally added Hammond organ to complement his piano, broadening and deepening the trio's soundscape.
77. Travel is a very good means of broadening a person's perspective.
78. Drawing and learning is spontaneous behavior and broadening knowledge yourself.
79. Process implementation types will explore the broadening capabilities of process and task based solutions, such as collaborative flow.
80. Inner diameter of capillary has important effect on the spectrum broadening when used to restrict filamentation in high pressure gas.
81. The system of USB HOST in this paper is designed to the application of embedded system, broadening the field of microprocessor application.
82. Optical absorption spectra and positron annihilation radiation Doppler broadening were measured at room temperature.
83. The pulse spectrum broadening and dispersion compensation compression phenomenon when focusing the laser pulse into bulk media are experimentally investigated.
84. Analysis of S wave envelope broadening can be a powerful tool for quantitative study of random velocity inhomogeneity in the lithosphere.
84. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
85. It is concluded that at the boundary of Brillouin Zone there is a strong broadening in the magnon linewidth and softening, and the influences of the parameters are also illustrated.
86. He wants to lower France's wealth tax by broadening its base.




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