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单词 Former
1 The very remembrance of my former misfortune proves a new one to me. 
2 He pleaded not guilty to murdering his former wife.
3 There is goodwill between the former enemies.
4 Despite everything, she bore her former boss no animosity.
5 My former husband is a journalist.
6 In former times, people used to fight with swords.
7 The house, a former barn, has been attractively converted.
8 The family never quite regained its former influence.
9 The former option favours the married man.
10 The former priest denied allegations of sexual misconduct.
11 He duplicated his former mistakes.
12 Shevehenko made an emotional return to his former club.
13 All his former friends turned against him.
14 Of swimming and football he much preferred the former.
15 The electors declared against their former Member of Parliament.
16 Australia is a former British colony.
17 Australia and New Zealand are former British colonies.
18 Our former process was too costly.
19 Allow me to present my former teacher to you.
20 Her arrogance has disenchanted many of her former admirers.
21 Zhukov was a marshal of the former Soviet Union.
22 John chanced upon a former colleague of his at the airport.
23 She has become a grotesque parody of her former elegant self.
24 A disgruntled former employee is being blamed for the explosion.
25 A former student has donated a munificent sum of money to the college.
26 Many support the former alternative, but personally I favour the latter .
27 If a jewel falls into the mire, it remains as precious as before; and though dust should ascend to heaven, its former worthlessness will not be altered. 
28 There are only two powers in the world, the sword and the pen; and in the end the former is always conquered by the latter. 
29 Where unemployment and crime are high, it can be assumed that the latter is due to the former.
30 The bank had to pay to buy out most of the 200 former partners.
1 He pleaded not guilty to murdering his former wife.
2 There is goodwill between the former enemies.
3 Despite everything, she bore her former boss no animosity.
4 My former husband is a journalist.
5 The house, a former barn, has been attractively converted.
6 The family never quite regained its former influence.
7 The former priest denied allegations of sexual misconduct.
8 He duplicated his former mistakes.
9 All his former friends turned against him.
10 Of swimming and football he much preferred the former.
11 Australia is a former British colony.
12 Australia and New Zealand are former British colonies.
13 Zhukov was a marshal of the former Soviet Union.
14 Where unemployment and crime are high, it can be assumed that the latter is due to the former.
15 The bank had to pay to buy out most of the 200 former partners.
16 She has become a grotesque parody of her former elegant self.
17 A disgruntled former employee is being blamed for the explosion.
18 A former student has donated a munificent sum of money to the college.
19 In France's former North African colonies, anti-French feeling is growing.
20 The community has dwindled to a tenth of its former size in the last two years.
21 She has been heard to make threats to her former lover.
22 Their farm has been reduced to half its former size.
23 The centre will act as a clearing house for research projects for former nuclear scientists.
24 Turkey and Greece were buffer states against the former Soviet Union.
25 It was a strange spectacle to see the two former enemies shaking hands and slapping each other on the back.
26 The owner of that shop is Mr Brown — the former owner was Mr Johnson.
27 His former chauffeur is claiming unfair dismissal on the grounds of racial discrimination.
28 Southampton fans gave their former coach a hostile reception .
29 The Prime Minister seems to be trying to rehabilitate the former defence secretary.
30 The former hostage is in remarkably good shape considering his ordeal.
31 In France's former North African colonies, anti-French feeling is growing.
32 The community has dwindled to a tenth of its former size in the last two years.
33 She has been heard to make threats to her former lover.
34 Their farm has been reduced to half its former size.
35 The centre will act as a clearing house for research projects for former nuclear scientists.
36 Turkey and Greece were buffer states against the former Soviet Union.
37 It was a strange spectacle to see the two former enemies shaking hands and slapping each other on the back.
38 The owner of that shop is Mr Brown — the former owner was Mr Johnson.
39 He'll go to great lengths to get his child back from his former wife.
40 The sight of his former wife dumbed the words in his mouth.
41 His former chauffeur is claiming unfair dismissal on the grounds of racial discrimination.
42 Southampton fans gave their former coach a hostile reception .
43 The Prime Minister seems to be trying to rehabilitate the former defence secretary.
44 The former hostage is in remarkably good shape considering his ordeal.
45 When he became rich, he broke with his former friends.
46 Of the first three franchises to be awarded, two went to management buyouts led by former BR executives.
47 Teacher, who educate children, deserve more honor than parents, who merely gave them birth; for the latter provided more life, while the former ensure a good life.
48 The committee made no allusion to the former President in its report.
49 The city reverted to its former name of St Petersburg.
50 The former MP found himself back in the headlines again.
51 This beautiful old building has been restored to its former glory.
52 That forceful young woman edged out the former headmaster and is now headmaster herself.
53 The pub is said to be haunted by the ghost of a former landlord.
54 In former times a murderer who was found guilty would be condemned to death.
55 Fourteen people, waiting to be hanged for the murder of a former prime minister,(http:///former.html) have been reprieved.
56 Both Democratic and Republican parties are courting former supporters of Ross Perot.
57 He's a former champion and is expected to win the bout.
58 When a marriage ends, the former husband and wife often contend over the children.
59 Doctors are now able to cure people of many diseases which in former times would have killed them.
60 The former chairman was a key player in the deals that pushed the bank to the top.
31 Of the first three franchises to be awarded, two went to management buyouts led by former BR executives.
32 The committee made no allusion to the former President in its report.
33 The city reverted to its former name of St Petersburg.
34 The former MP found himself back in the headlines again.
35 This beautiful old building has been restored to its former glory.
36 That forceful young woman edged out the former headmaster and is now headmaster herself.
37 The pub is said to be haunted by the ghost of a former landlord.
38 Fourteen people, waiting to be hanged for the murder of a former prime minister, have been reprieved.
39 Both Democratic and Republican parties are courting former supporters of Ross Perot.
40 He's a former champion and is expected to win the bout.
41 When a marriage ends, the former husband and wife often contend over the children.
42 The former chairman was a key player in the deals that pushed the bank to the top.
43 The president's former aides were called to testify at his trial.
44 Some of them bitterly attacked their former friends.
45 She is very virulent about her former employer.
46 A former company executive describes him as the embodiment of Nike's image.
47 In former times there were far fewer people dwelling on earth than there are now.
48 The former minister was relieved of his post in last month's extensive government reshuffle.
49 In February 1967, she began a dalliance with Robin Douglas - Home, 35, a talented and troubled pianist and the nephew of a former prime minister.
50 In former times, only property owners could be registered as voters.
51 It will take a lot of repair work before the theatre regains its former splendour.
52 In Milton's poem, Satan, even after his fall, dimly reflects his former glory.
61 The president's former aides were called to testify at his trial.
62 The US and the former Soviet Union were co-signatories of/to the treaty.
63 When we opened on the former things good record,the face will unconsciously reveal the truth's smile.
64 We will need references from your former employers.
65 The man battered his former wife about.
66 His former colleagues have denounced him as a spy.
67 One former director embezzled $34 million in company funds.
68 The palace has been restored to its former splendour.
69 Her article showed no charity towards her former friends.
70 He expressed goodwill towards his former colleagues.
71 The knives are out for the former president.
72 In former times, 12 pence went to a shilling.
73 The former president is planning a return to politics.
74 Some of them bitterly attacked their former friends.
75 She is very virulent about her former employer.
76 He turned against his former friends.
77 He resumed his former position with the company.
78 The company is suing a former employee.
79 His former workforce of 1,300 now stands at 220.
80 She seems more like her former self.
81 He distanced himself from his former wife.
82 She's been dining off her former husband for days.
83 In former times(/former.html), prisoners were chained to one another.
84 Morris was mouthing off about his former team.
85 The former option would be much more sensible.
86 The government granted an amnesty for all former terrorists.
87 We no longer keep statistics on former employees.
88 Lennox seemed like a shadow of his former self.
89 She felt estranged from her former existence.
90 The new town takes in three former villages.
91 Her former associates refused to see her.
92 The former owner had not left any forwarding address.
93 Seeing her former husband, she stood aside consciously.
94 He entered into a contract with his former employer.
95 A gulf had opened up between the former friends.
96 Former low domes were planated by wave erosion.
97 Has Alice got over her former boyfriend yet?
98 She brought a civil action against her former employer.
99 The move is spearheaded by a former MP.
100 She's a former ambassador to the United States.
101 Does he have references from former employers?
102 The former colonial possessions are now independent states.
103 The former president paid an unofficial visit to China.
104 Is Alice still fretting over her former boyfriend?
105 The FBI keeps files on former White House employees.
106 He was accused of polishing off his former partner.
107 The club's new manager is a former England striker.
108 She was pregnant by a former client.
109 Their former enemy is arming again.
110 Suspicions against the former prime minister remain.
111 India was Britain's former overseas possession./former.html
112 He had renounced his former associates.
113 Of the two suggestions(), I prefer the former.
114 He was labelled a traitor by his former colleagues.
115 She underfed his former wife's children.
116 Other former captives spoke of pathetically inadequate food rations.
117 The former heavyweight champion was outwitted and outfought.
118 A former art student fronted the band .
119 She has excellent references from former employers.
120 The witness disaffirmed her former testimony.
121 His former home is for sale at £495,000.
122 She corresponded regularly with her former music teacher.
123 She's a former council employee/employee of the council.
124 We can call on our former teacher tomorrow.
125 He's a former world heavyweight boxing champion.
126 The court took into account his former delinquencies.
127 Monuments to the former leader were all pulled down.
128 They lauded the former president as a hero.
129 The team's a shadow of its former self.
130 Of the two possibilities, the former seems more likely.
131 The president extended the hand of friendship towards the country's former enemy.
132 He was forced to turn for aid to his former enemy.
133 There was only the husk left of his former self.
134 The association needs to win back former members who have allowed their subscriptions to lapse.
135 The former tennis star's comeback trail hit the buffers yesterday when she lost in straight sets.
136 A former company executive describes him as the embodiment of Nike's image.
137 His drug addiction had turned him into a husk of his former self.
138 We will contact your former employer as a matter of course.
139 The former dictator still keeps a tight grip on power.
140 In a gesture of friendship(), the president invited his former enemies to a reception.
141 The former footballer will front a new television sports quiz.
141 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
142 A school has honoured one of its brightest and most promising former pupils.
143 The house has now been restored to its former glory.
144 He caught a glimpse of his former lover in the theatre last night.
145 He had realized that Britain could not have peace unless she returned at least some of her former conquests.
146 A large majority of the population is demanding the restoration of the former government.
147 The former leader was today restored to power in the first free elections for twenty years.
148 Since the scandal, the former minister has become public enemy number one.
149 She used to be a great player, but now she's only a shadow of her former self.
150 She tried to escape the unwanted attentions of her former boyfriend.
151 When Henry became King, he cast aside all his former friends.
152 The former footballer is now mixing with movie people in Hollywood.
153 The former president has agreed to act as an intermediary between the government and the rebels.
154 The former wild man of rock has reinvented himself as a respectable family man.
155 The former president has been forced to flee the country.
156 Viewers had been promised a no-holds-barred interview with the former mayor.
157 In former times the British army kept lots of soldiers at Fort William in Scotland.
158 In former times, prisoners' heads were impaled on pointed stakes.
159 He has been accused of betraying his former socialist ideals.
160 I hid behind a pillar when I saw my former teacher.
161 The former president has agreed to mediate the peace talks.
162 In the film 'Cape Fear', a lawyer's family is threatened by a vindictive former prisoner.
163 He is conducting a point-by-point rebuttal of charges from former colleagues.
164 Up to 2,000 former employees have filed personal injury suits against the company.
165 The former world champion imparted a few words of wisdom to the young runners.
166 Many women have been able to pick up the threads of their former career.
167 Of the two the latter is far better than the former.
168 Most of his former supporters stopped away from the polls.
169 The former minister faced questions concerning his role in the affair.
170 In former times there were far fewer people dwelling on earth than there are now.
171 The former manager of the company repined against his cruel fate.
171 try its best to gather and create good sentences.
172 She knew that with a holiday he would be back to his former self.
173 They were surprised by his sudden repudiation of all his former beliefs.
174 He campaigned relentlessly to bring charges of corruption against former members of the government.
175 Only 29% of lone parents receive financial support from their former partners.
176 The Brady Bill is named for former White House Press Secretary James Brady.
177 The priest remains in hiding after threats by former officials of the ousted dictatorship.
178 Did he go there by air or by train? The former seems more likely.
179 The United States says they are not prepared to join in normalizing ties with their former enemy.
180 He was accused of battering his former wife and child.
181 Loyalty to the former king still persists in parts of the country.
182 The teacher always puts in a good word for his former pupils.
183 Fans were saddened to see the former champion play so badly.
184 After the accident he became a pathetic figure, a shadow of his former self.
185 He now frankly admits that much of his former playboy lifestyle was superficial.
186 This new car gets away faster than any of our former models.
187 This could mean that we end up with a revolving door Congress, in which former members return as lobbyists.
188 His complicity with the former government had led to his downfall.
189 He was involved in a punch-up with Sarah's former lover.
190 These planes are outclassed by the most recent designs from the former Soviet Union.
191 He had enjoyed a personal rapport with the former president.
192 They accused the former prime minister of being a backseat driver.
193 She sent a testimonial from her former employer when applying for the post.
194 He had to choose between giving up his job and giving up his principles. He chose the former.
195 The former rebels were given positions of prominence in the new government.
196 A former injury was hindering him from playing his best.
197 After years of neglect-ing, the palace has been restored to its former glory.
198 Given the choice between a pure white T-shirt and a more expensive, dirty cream one, most people can be forgiven for choosing the former.
199 We got word of their plan from a former colleague.
200 The Sunday Mercury accused her of trying to revenge herself on her former lover.
201 The building has been painstakingly restored to all its former elegance.
201 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
202 Now that she's jumped to one of the most famous vocalists, she doesn't deign to visit her former friends.
203 How long can she dine out on her former success?
204 He may be a former athlete, but he still has to watch his weight.
205 The former president still has a small band of supporters.
206 Newspapers have been fulsome in their praise of the former president.
207 He's a former heavyweight champion and is expected to win the bout easily.
208 The former president still holds a place in the nation's affections.
209 He was the first member of the former government to face criminal charges.
210 She remarry her former husband ten year after their divorce.
211 Britain was mandated to govern the former colony of German East Africa.
212 The restaurant was hopelessly mismanaged by a former rock musician with no business experience.
213 The eighteenth-century building has been restored to its former glory.
214 The former leader now has to watch his successor unpicking much of what he strived so hard to achieve.
215 She finally settled with her former employers for an undisclosed sum.
216 The former dictator is under house arrest in his country mansion.
217 At my suggestion, Bernard went to see his former teacher.
218 The judge upheld her claim for damages against her former employer.
219 Former students of this school are now working in the four corners of the earth.
220 In an exclusive interview with David Frost, the former president made many revelations.
221 He is accused of complicity with the leader of the coup(), former Colonel Gregorio Honasan.
222 He is too proud now to be seen with his former friends.
223 No one wants to employ somebody who bad-mouths their former employer.
224 The former president stands accused of lying to the nation's parliament.
225 A former associate of Mr. Pierce's was among the project's boosters.
226 The former minister has been making himself unpopular recently, sniping at his ex-colleagues.
227 That politician is too closely identified with the former government to become a minister in ours.
228 The victorious nations are demanding huge indemnitiesfrom their former enemies.
229 It was more in sorrow than in anger that he criticized his former colleague.
230 In 1918 the Romanian majority in this former tsarist province voted for union with Romania.
231 She used the article to make a sustained assault on her former political allies.
231 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
232 The bond between the mother country and her former colonies grew stronger.
233 Miss Snowden yesterday launched a vituperative attack on her ex-boss and former lover.
234 The buildings have now been restored to their former glory.
235 In former times, only property owners could be registered as voters.
236 Renshaw reveals 20 bizarre ways in which women have got their own back on former loved ones.
237 He would want you to remember him as he was in former years.
238 In former times, criminals could take sanctuary inside a church.
239 The former leader of the terrorist group has called for an end to the violence.
240 Getting a former professional player as coach was a major coup for the club.
241 He came home from hospital cured of the disease but a shadow of his former self.
242 The city is regaining a little of its former splendour.
243 They were discussing the best way to foster democracy and prosperity in the former communist countries.
244 His former employer agreed to act as a referee for him.
245 The former Olympic champion was invited to speak at a charity dinner.
246 This area of former farmland was worked as a gravel pit until 1964.
247 The former President was demanding that he should be either put on trial or set free.
248 Propaganda has turned the former president into a heroic myth.
249 He found it demeaning to work for his former employee.
250 Your former employer has to reply within 14 days in order to contest the case.
251 Part of the gentleman's duty in former times was to hand a lady in when she entered her carriage in great Britain.
252 From talking to former prisoners in the camps, an obvious conclusion is that they have been starved.
253 She remarried her former husband ten years after their divorce.
254 She stiffened when her former husband walked into the room.
255 It will take a lot of repair work before the theatre regains its former splendour.
256 Following their latest defeat, soccer fans are urging the club to bring back the former manager.
257 He made a public recantation of all his former beliefs.
258 A former politician has been appointed Chancellor of the university.
259 The former manager gave his first news conference since being sacked.
260 When the new ruler came to power, he made peace with all his former enemies.
261 They spent $10 million restoring the theatre to its former glory .
261 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
262 It's clear that the party of the former Prime Minister has suffered a major reverse.
263 Former soldiers often struggle to readjust to life outside the army.
264 They want to restore the castle to its former glory.
265 There was intense speculation 18 months ago that the former foreign secretary might be parachuted into the Scottish Parliament.
266 He made the mistake of leaving his valuable record collection with a former girlfriend.
267 We hope to restore the garden to its former glory .
268 A former Finance Minister and five senior civil servants are accused of fraud.
269 The former prisoner of conscience was elected president of the new democracy.
270 The former newsreader is being tipped as a possible successor to the outgoing Head of Broadcasting.
271 The poor quality of his work this year cancels out his former improvement.
272 All her former pity had withered up through bitter experience.
273 Accusations of harbouring suspects were raised against the former Hungarian leadership.




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更新时间:2024/10/5 3:44:57