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单词 Drug
1 Drug traffickers operate across national boundaries.
2 The drug can be harmful if taken in excess.
3 They claim that the new drug normalizes blood pressure.
4 The drug is variously known as crack or freebase.
5 The drug is often prescribed for ulcers.
6 Ecstasy is widely misrepresented as a soft drug.
7 She helped him fight his drug addiction.
8 The drug is effective against a range of bacteria.
9 He's only 24 years old and a drug addict.
10 They're hailing it as the new wonder drug.
11 It has been demonstrated that this drug is effective.
12 He has admitted to acting as a drug courier.
13 I have never engaged in the drug trade.
14 This drug speeds up your metabolism.
15 The new drug will be generally available from January.
16 Drug manufacturing is the most profitable business in America.
17 The drug is only mildly addictive.
18 The drug gives some relief from pain.
19 The drug has no undesirable side-effects.
20 A journalist managed to infiltrate the powerful drug cartel.
21 Will the AIDS patients benefit by the new drug?
22 Teenagers are easy prey for unscrupulous drug dealers.
23 The drug is known to produce side-effects in women.
24 This experiment is designed to test the new drug.
25 Police are cracking down hard on drug dealers.
26 The drug is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream.
27 He became addicted to the drug.
28 a drug that constricts the blood vessels.
29 The drug should be taken orally.
30 The government intends to clamp down on drug smuggling.
1 The drug is variously known as crack or freebase.
2 The drug is often prescribed for ulcers.
3 Ecstasy is widely misrepresented as a soft drug.
4 He's only 24 years old and a drug addict.
5 They're hailing it as the new wonder drug.
6 It has been demonstrated that this drug is effective.
7 This drug speeds up your metabolism.
8 The new drug will be generally available from January.
9 She was a drug addict .
10 This experiment is designed to test the new drug.
11 a drug that constricts the blood vessels.
12 The drug should be taken orally.
13 Even moderate amounts of the drug can be fatal.
14 This drug has a cumulative effect.
15 Doctors are unanimous about the dangers of this drug.
16 The drug can no longer be legally prescribed.
17 Cocain is a kind of drug.
18 Why not try this new drug?
19 Evidence of links with drug dealers has discredited the President.
20 She alleged that there was rampant drug use among the male members of the group.
21 The bodies were identified as those of two suspected drug dealers.
22 The company has introduced random drug testing of its employees.
23 'Drugs' are associated in most people's minds with drug abuse.
24 Much of the crime in this area is related to drug abuse.
25 Mental disorders, drug use and hypnosis can all cause people to hallucinate.
26 The new drug has become the subject of heated debate within the medical profession.
27 The study showed improved survival of patients using the drug.
28 Severe migraine can be treated with a drug which constricts the blood vessels.
29 The drug must be taken from the onset of the infection.
30 Gynaecologists at Aberdeen Maternity Hospital have successfully used the drug on 60 women.
31 Even moderate amounts of the drug can be fatal.
32 Bold cry, tears the heart drug.
33 Troops could be ferried in to interdict drug shipments.
34 A drug treatment program was Ron's salvation.
35 This drug will relieve your discomfort.
36 This drug has a cumulative effect.
37 Alcohol significantly inhibits the action of the drug.
38 A drug trafficker was arrested by the police yesterday.
39 Doctors are unanimous about the dangers of this drug.
40 He was convicted of drug offences and deported.
41 The drug can no longer be legally prescribed.
42 He tended a drug store for his father.
43 Cocain is a kind of drug.
44 The drug is to be taken in drops.
45 The drug has undergone extensive clinical trials .
46 Why not try this new drug?
47 Evidence of links with drug dealers has discredited the President.
48 She alleged that there was rampant drug use among the male members of the group.
49 Even innocuous substances can sometimes register a positive result in a drug test.
50 The bodies were identified as those of two suspected drug dealers.
51 The company has introduced random drug testing of its employees.
52 He believes the government already is lenient with drug traffickers.
53 Sales of the drug have been stopped[Sentence dictionary], pending further research.
54 Queensland heroin users will be able to detoxify rapidly on Naltrexone after a two-year clinical trial of the controversial drug begins in Brisbane this week.
55 'Drugs' are associated in most people's minds with drug abuse.
56 The police have kept the nightclub under surveillance because of suspected illegal drug activity.
57 Much of the crime in this area is related to drug abuse.
58 The four men arrested were described as really big fish by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency.
59 It's you and your scent like a drug to me.
60 Drug abuse poses a major threat to the fabric of our society.
31 They don't really, in their ivory towers, understand how pernicious drug crime is.
32 The article raised doubts about how effective the new drug really was.
33 Most patients undergo some sort of drug therapy for leukaemia.
34 Sales of the drug will be suspended until more tests are completed.
35 Excessive dosage of this drug can result in injury to the liver.
36 Some addicts suffer violent mood swings if deprived of the drug.
37 Naylor acknowledged, in a letter to the judge, that he was a drug addict.
38 The drug is injected directly into the base of the spine.
39 Some experts are concerned that the new drug won't live up to all the hype.
40 The police have been given extra powers to entrap drug traffickers.
41 Patients who are given the new drug will be asked to monitor their progress.
42 Coming off the drug was a long and painful process for him.
43 The bar has become notorious as a meeting-place for drug dealers.
44 Several alleged drug lords are to be put on trial.
45 The new drug has great significance for the treatment of the disease.
46 Street children in this part of the world often fall prey to drug dealers.
47 This drug can make some people violently ill.
48 Drug - smuggling is a serious crime.
49 He went among the drug dealers in disguise.
50 After taking the drug she became completely irrational.
51 They're involved in a drug - smuggling racket.
52 Police did a roundup of suspected drug sellers.
53 This is a drug for stimulating nerves.
54 People who are truly hooked will go to any lengths to satisfy their craving for the drug.
55 Men's knickers went out of style and are now a drug on the market.
56 The drug improves the long - term outlook of migraine sufferers.
57 He was almost single - handedly responsible for the flourishing drug trade in the town.
58 Doctors keep trying to break her dependence of the drug.
59 There's been quite a scare about the possible side effects of this new drug.
61 Mental disorders, drug use and hypnosis can all cause people to hallucinate.
62 Under the influence of the drug my mind was filled with surreal images.
63 The child reacted to the drug by going into convulsions.
64 The new drug has become the subject of heated debate within the medical profession.
65 One of the side effects of the drug is an increased susceptibility to infections.
66 The drug is not harmful per se, but is dangerous when taken with alcohol.
67 But it's you ,your scent, it's like a drug to me. You're like my personal brand of heroin.
68 The study showed improved survival of patients using the drug.
68 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
69 Severe migraine can be treated with a drug which constricts the blood vessels.
70 The effectiveness of this class of drug has, however, led to their misuse.
71 The drug must be taken from the onset of the infection.
72 The effects of the drug naturally wear off within a few hours.
73 Gynaecologists at Aberdeen Maternity Hospital have successfully used the drug on 60 women.
74 Several customs officials have been accused of colluding with drug traffickers.
75 This drug may have the effect of speeding up your heart rate.
76 The police impounded cars and other personal property belonging to the drug dealers.
77 They don't really, in their ivory towers, understand how pernicious drug crime is.
78 The article raised doubts about how effective the new drug really was.
79 Most patients undergo some sort of drug therapy for leukaemia.
80 Clinical trials of the new drug may take five years.
81 The drug paralyses the nerves so that there is no feeling or movement in the legs.
82 Society largely turns a blind eye to recreational drug use.
83 During his twelve years in Congress he has tussled with the chemical, drug and power companies on behalf of the ordinary person's right to breathe clean air.
84 The quickest way to get her off the drug was to let her go cold turkey.
85 The drug increases the number of red cells in the blood, enhancing oxygen uptake by 10 percent.
86 In some areas, drug dealers openly ply their trade on street corners.
87 Sales of the drug will be suspended until more tests are completed.
88 The side-effects of the drug are as yet unknown .
89 Excessive dosage of this drug can result in injury to the liver.
90 These new police tactics have really put the wind up the local drug dealers.
91 It's the only way to deal with the menace of drug dealing.
92 At first, the drug does no harm, but cumulatively its effects are bad.
93 The Home Secretary has recommended the two drug dealers for deportation.
94 Back in the 1980s drug users were a public nuisance in Zurich.
95 Some addicts suffer violent mood swings if deprived of the drug.
96 Naylor acknowledged, in a letter to the judge, that he was a drug addict.
97 The drug is injected directly into the base of the spine.
98 Those who think this is a harmless recreational drug should wise up.
99 The men who arrived in the guise of drug dealers were actually undercover police officers.
100 Some experts are concerned that the new drug won't live up to all the hype.
101 In cases where the drug was taken during pregnancy,[http:///drug.html]its effects deformed the infants.
102 The police have been given extra powers to entrap drug traffickers.
103 The vaccine has been licensed by the US Food and Drug Administration.
104 Patients who are given the new drug will be asked to monitor their progress.
105 The estate is at the centre of a bitter turf war between rival drug gangs.
106 Coming off the drug was a long and painful process for him.
107 The bar has become notorious as a meeting-place for drug dealers.
108 You cannot generalize about the effects of the drug from one or two cases.
109 Several alleged drug lords are to be put on trial.
110 The new drug has great significance for the treatment of the disease.
111 Street children in this part of the world often fall prey to drug dealers.
112 The drug acts on the central nervous system.
113 Side effects from the drug are uncommon.
114 They freely admitted using the drug.
115 Jimi Hendrix died of a drug overdose .
116 The drug affects one's power of concentration.
117 Many users of this drug experience flashbacks.
118 Phillips was arrested on drug charges.
119 This drug was practically unknown in Britain.
120 The self-confessed drug addict was arrested 13 months ago.
121 The effects of the drug began to wear off.
122 Doctors are treating him with the drug AZT.
123 The big drug companies make huge profits.
124 There have been several successfulprosecutions for drug smuggling recently.
125 Local people banded together to fight the drug dealers.
126 His business was a cover for drug dealing.
127 The drug was tested over a five-week period.
128 The laws against drug use were very severe.
129 The drug was banned by an act of parliament.
130 She's checked into a private clinic for drug rehabilitation.
131 Work is a drug for him.
132 This medicine, or rather drug,[Sentencedict] has a violent effect.
133 This is a drug for stimulating nerves.
134 The new drug did not arrest the cancer.
135 Minor toxicities of this drug include nausea and vomiting.
136 The competitors will be subject to random drug testing.
137 The authorities have placed the drug in Class A(), the same category as heroin and cocaine.
138 The drug works more quickly if it is injected directly into the bloodstream.
139 She went on the game to pay for her drug habit.
140 This recent tragedy has put the manufacturersof the drug squarely in the dock.
141 Health services are lining the drug companies' pockets, according to the report.
142 After taking the drug, several patients suffered memory lapses .
143 The drug is effective but has a tendency to cause headaches.
144 He was brazenly running a $400,000-a-month drug operation from the prison.
145 You will begin to feel sleepy as the drug enters the bloodstream.
146 There is another drug called DHE that works in a similar fashion.
147 The drug works by increasing levels of serotonin in the brain.
148 A newer anti-HIV drug called pyridinone caused HIV to mutate into a form which could not reproduce or infect new cells.
149 The authorities believe these men are important figures in the drug trade, not merely mules.
150 The drug must first be tested in clinical trials to see if it works on other cancers.
151 A few shots of this drug cleared up the disease for good.
152 Her eyes, glazed with the drug, stared with half closed lids at nothingness.
153 The gang used the shop as a cover for drug deals.
154 The drug is said to give users a heightened sense of well-being.
155 He was almost single - handedly responsible for the flourishing drug trade in the town.
156 The new drug might help save the lives of cancer victims.
157 This drug has one important limitation. Its effects only last six hours.
158 An air hostess was arrested and charged with drug smuggling.
159 Police are trying to oust drug dealers from the city centre.
160 In the field of drug development,[] the culture of secrecy is deep and strong.
161 For drug addicts, the need to feed the addiction takes priority over everything else.
162 A police officer was accused of helping a drug gang eliminate rivals.
163 Doctors demanded the withdrawal of the drug after several cases of dangerous side-effects were reported.
164 The physician says that Father has to go on this new drug for his blood hypertension.
165 There's been a lot of stress on getting drug sellers off the streets.
166 Rawlins stresses that it is impossible to prove a causal link between the drug and the deaths.
167 Doctors keep trying to break him of smoking the drug.
168 Arguably, the drug should not have been made available before it had been thoroughly tested.
169 Scientists are puzzling over the results of the research on the drug.
170 The drug has had no significant effect on stopping the spread of the disease.
171 People tend to regard drug addicts as the dregs of society.
172 The drug is extremely potent, but causes unpleasant side effects.
173 The tragic irony is that the drug was supposed to save lives.
174 The police are waging war on drug pushers in the city.
175 There were reports that three companies were negotiating to market the drug.




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更新时间:2024/10/7 0:30:54