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单词 Willingness
1. Workers'leaders have expressed their willingness to cooperate.
2. His presence is indicative of his willingness to help.
3. They manifested much willingness to go.
4. Patriotism is the willingness to kill and be killed for trivial reasons. Bertrand Russell 
5. It is unwise of them to advertise their willingness to make concessions at the negotiations.
6. The new government has shown a willingness to listen and learn.
7. The Russians have already indicated their willingness to cooperate.
8. He admired her willingness to buck the system .
9. Success in studying depends on a willingness to learn.
10. He began deliberately advertising his willingness to make concessions.
11. His letter bespeaks his willingness to help.
12. During our meeting, he indicated his willingness to cooperate.
13. Both sides have signaled their willingness to start negotiations.
14. His lack of experience was balanced by a willingness to learn.
15. Marriage counselling depends on both parties' willingness to try to solve problems.
16. In her willingness to help them, she quite forgot that she wasn't as strong as she had been.
17. His lack of experience was balanced by his willingness to learn.
18. They tried to assure him of their willingness to work.
19. Lack of willingness to compromise on both sides is the main/major stumbling block to reaching a settlement.
20. His willingness to help did not extend beyond making a few phone calls.
20. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
21. Strength of limb, willingness of spirit-that would be sufficient.
22. Hayward has expressed his willingness to continue in office.
23. Britain's willingness to compromise had been far less marked.
24. Kevin lacks a willingness to try new things.
25. And there is his willingness to play fast and loose with the facts.
26. But that willingness to push beyond the usual boundaries of electronic is precisely why Prodigy seems so, well, prodigious.
27. Ask young Harry to do it — he's still an eager beaver and wants to impress by his willingness.
28. The universities have shown few if any signs of a willingness to change.
29. One or two other teachers were encouraged by my willingness to argue against racial prejudice and became more vocal themselves.
30. I've never found therapy to be a sign of weakness; I've found the opposite to be true. The willingness to have a mirror held up to you definitely requires strength. Brooke Shields 
1. Workers'leaders have expressed their willingness to cooperate.
2. His presence is indicative of his willingness to help.
3. It is unwise of them to advertise their willingness to make concessions at the negotiations.
4. The new government has shown a willingness to listen and learn.
31. For at the core of its success lies a willingness to trust the spiritual integrity and moral judgment of its parishioners.
32. It could suggest Jacob's willingness to hand Esau back his birthright.
33. It indicates her willingness to be the dutiful wife yet refusal to be seen as part of a united couple.
34. He will also have demonstrated his willingness to leave a marriage.
35. A basic condition of joining is the willingness to be arrested, and the authorities have been swift to oblige.
36. More directors of trusts are indicating a willingness to draw on these reserves to maintain dividends or meet commitments.
37. Even when differences exist, the key is willingness to compromise.
38. Leapor's willingness to make jokes at her own expense is one of the admirable qualities of her work.
39. This year there's a willingness to hear the nationalist message as never before.
40. Recent high awards of damages in libel cases have led the Court of Appeal to a greater willingness to interfere.
41. Once one-person-one-vote is accepted, some have already signalled a willingness to surrender much of their power.
42. The admission that facts can be causes will not much improve our willingness to suppose that universal facts can cause universal beliefs.
43. That kind of instinctive, indefatigable willingness to engage is a gift, Mr Caen, as unteachable as it is unbuyable.
44. Past episodes of medical treatment will obviously affect an individual's willingness to obey the doctor's orders.
45. Britain is rich in its citizens' willingness to give time, effort and money to helping others.
46. No one has all the right answers but there is now a willingness to share information.
47. America has the moral sense and willingness to reform and change so as to become a better nation. Dr T.P.Chia 
48. Her great success has lain in her willingness to use the vagueness and flexibility of the Constitution to her own ends.
49. Nevertheless, there were times when he shocked me by his willingness to jump into dangerous situations.
50. In an Inland Revenue consultation paper, Mr Brown also signalled a willingness to disregard student loans when calculating tax credit levels.
51. His willingness to write checks, and to squeeze them from friends, was legendary.
52. There was a deep financial connection between the two: Both drew heavily on the willingness of investors to speculate in bonds.
53. Employee Attitudes to Relocation A lack of knowledge about employees' willingness to move can disrupt the most carefully laid relocation plans.
54. How do employers react to the supposed increased willingness of workers to offer more labour services resulting from a monetary stimulus?
55. To hear the industry's lobbyists tell it, this hinges on political willingness to fight unfair trade.
56. Older people have disposable income and leisure time, key factors in their willingness and ability to buy and use computers.
57. Still, the administration's willingness to change its policy carried symbolic weight.
58. Restoration often depends upon the willingness of both to communicate openly. Professional help may be needed.
59. Powell's willingness to enter government in a lesser capacity than as president was a major plus for Bush last year.
60. Both groups were reported to have expressed their willingness to support the Lakas-NUCD coalition in the new legislature.
61. Republicans hinted at a willingness to shave their net tax cuts to about $ 177 billion over seven years.
62. Or did they simply doubt his willingness to drive two strong-willed factions toward a resolution?
63. Through learning, children acquire not only their parents' moral code but also a willingness to act in accordance with the rules.
64. He respected Ray and his willingness to fight for his ideals, but this was a low blow.
65. Finally, a central motif of the Derveni commentary was the willingness to give a variety of names to the creator.
66. The mark of every successful entrepreneur is his or her willingness to borrow from family and friends.
67. The willingness to thin the office staff without let or hindrance.
68. What if we could summon up the willingness and wisdom to suspend our disbelief?
69. Obtain as much information as you can about his argument, his willingness to shift from the present position.
70. Their qualifications depend on their willingness to provide the prescribed curriculum for children in their classes.
71. Yet recorded crime fell by one-third despite increased willingness among the police and public to institute prosecutions.
72. Vulnerability is not weakness, and the uncertainty, risk, and emotional exposure we face every day are not optional. Our only choice is a question of engagement. Our willingness to own and engage with our vulnerability determines the depth of our courage and the clarity of our purpose; the level to which we protect ourselves from being vulnerable is a measure of our fear and disconnection. Brene Brown 
73. A looser structure, a willingness to compromise the party's programme and dilute its composition, would have been fatal.
74. There should always be a willingness to help and an understanding of the guests' anxieties and problems.
75. It indicated a willingness to descend to the political arena in circumstances other than those of national crisis.
76. They have also indicated a willingness to increase their contribution as the cost of Law Reports rises.
77. The only requirements are patience, a willingness to learn and a readiness to let go of the habits of a lifetime.
78. Filaret owed his eminence less to his holy office than to his son's willingness to treat him as a co-ruler.
79. This willingness by police and pickets to engage in violent confrontation was dramatically revealed during the 1984-5 coal dispute.
80. There appeared to be real individual differences in the managers willingness to admit mistakes and ask for help.
81. Their willingness to compromise their reproductive purity is a great help in understanding what keeps the various kinds apart.
82. Even where the willingness exists,[/willingness.html] can it escape the subtle inhibitions of a neutralizing state of mind?
83. Play instinct is redirected into working ability and willingness to perform tasks.
84. She especially appreciated his willingness, so rare in the men she knew, to reveal and analyze his feelings.
85. There is far greater willingness for action-both individually and collectively-to tackle market imperfections and market failures.
86. The willingness to share does not make one charitable; it makes one free. Robert Brault 
87. The Eid commemorates the prophet Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son at God's command.
88. He was able to manipulate their slavish willingness to serve in the name of patriotism.
89. In general, the higher the employee's seniority, the greater the willingness to move.
90. For such workers, the wage differential precisely measures their willingness to pay for safety.
91. This variant has even less relation to a willingness to pay for safety than does the discounted value of future earnings.
92. In Wallace's terms, self-respect is the willingness to form relationships with others.
93. While Curzon showed him every courtesy, Kitchener treated his willingness to compromise as weakness.
94. Ballater sensed obstinate refusal rather than a willingness to bargain.
95. Your most valuable asset can be your willingness to persist longer than anyone else. Brian Tracy 
96. The key to restoring any damaged relation ship is the willingness of both parties to try. 9.
97. Ratification encourages willingness to acknowledge a problem and develops commitment to its solution.
98. Locks shoot back like informed guards stepping aside out of obedience, not willingness.
99. Gains or losses from such investments tend to affect how wealthy people feel and their willingness to spend.
100. Previously, our research has been conducted in contexts where there was usually a willingness to claim a national identity.
101. It was also a result of the government's willingness to accept significant amendments to the bill.
102. Both often lack the capacity or willingness to fulfil their legal responsibilities.
103. Willingness to try new tactile stimulation strategies does sometimes turn up in unusual places, however.
104. This rise is due in part to our greater willingness to get into debt.
105. This depends on the patient's eyesight, manual dexterity and willingness.
106. The policy review was also encouraged by hints of a Soviet willingness to negotiate.
107. These call for fresh thinking and approach, and a willingness to change function.
108. A willingness to learn and perseverance are much more important than candles on a birthday cake.
109. In the face of repressive regimes, the peasantry have shown a capacity and willingness to organise and mobilise.
110. The willingness to bend the rules to authorize a major invasion of civil liberties contrasts sharply with the Spycatcher case.
111. One obvious element was his willingness to work at being a good lord.
112. Unfortunately, the prospects for progress beyond an apparent willingness to agree to share responsibility for Hebron are extremely poor.
113. The other is dominated by workers with few skills, other than their willingness to work the hours required by their employers.
114. Integrity simply means a willingness not to violate one's identity. Erich Fromm 
115. The Kansas senator indicated a willingness to make minor changes in the anti-abortion plank in the Republican platform.
116. The first step in repairing a relationship is a willingness to communicate.
117. The group raised the $ 3, 000 for the procedure, but no doctor has expressed willingness to perform the surgery.
118. At the same time Beaverbrook told the House of Lords of Britain's willingness to attend an international conference on civil aviation.
119. Tesfaye Gebre Kidan continued to appeal for a ceasefire and to impress on foreign ambassadors his willingness to negotiate with the rebels.
120. Their willingness to do so indicated a strong desire to participate in training.
121. The first, and most general, is the willingness of companies to pay over the odds when they acquire other companies.
122. Must we show our willingness to negotiate the non-negotiable and lay down our arms?
123. In particular, money managers will be asked to show greater willingness to support venture capital projects and start-up enterprises.
124. He was accused of treason against the nation for his willingness to negotiate with Texas and the United States.
125. Their power derives primarily from an active interest Republic affairs and a willingness to work hard for causes in which they believe.
126. It seems to me a good term, generous and open and suggestive of a willingness to cross established borders.
127. Third, two-year institutions have shown the most willingness to become involved in building school-to-work systems.
128. However, the biggest challenge we face today is a willingness by some in the entertainment industry to produce whatever sells.
129. For example the extent to which patients like or trust the doctor and nurse may affect their willingness to cooperate in their treatment.
130. He cited Liverpool's willingness to operate a 24-hour service as a key to the decision to switch to Merseyside.
131. He showed his willingness to trade his mordant wit for the required political cliches.
132. Permission to record the interview was sought after subjects had indicated willingness to participate.
133. The two parties have shown every indication of a willingness to compromise.
134. The willingness of part-time farmers to go on training courses demonstrates their determination to make the most of their farms.
135. With his usual courtesy and willingness to be of assistance he had granted several exclusive interviews on the spot.
136. Income for them includes taxation,() which provides no measure of the willingness of the community to pay.
137. To occasion change, then, requires a willingness to respond to changed perceptions, and changed circumstances.
138. As segregation and violence became commonplace, the national government expressed no willingness to enforce a new racial order.
139. Willingness to participate in oceanographic research cruises is mandatory.
140. Moreover, players with softball experience showed lower self-determination, higher external control motivation and more motiveless willingness toward baseball than those without softball experience.
141. We view this as a way that firms with the foresight, willingness, and courage can implement workforce accountability systems for line managers.
142. At any quantity, the price given by the buyer's WTP curve shows the willingness to pay of the marginal buyer.
143. His belief in the value of free thought and speech, and his merry willingness to defy authority, caused him to be an adamant opponent of McCarthyism.
144. The men's magazine praised Timberlake, 28, for his impact on fashion, his willingness to take risks and "knack for targeting trends" including hats, three-piece suits, skinny ties and beards.
145. The prisoners have become important as symbols of the government's willingness to court favour in the West, and to win reconciliation with the political opposition.
146. The Australian side expressed willingness of being a strategic partner of China in the field of energy and resources and maintaining its open and non-discriminatory policy towards Chinese investment.
147. It is the general mental effect that the well-selected word of encouragement, the expression_r of willingness to help, the uplifting effect of the first aider's evident capability can be given.
148. Though the story has been difficult to document, Bowser's willingness to risk her life as part of the Richmond underground is certain.
149. Their willingness to provide liquidity has prevented financial markets melting down completely, despite some hairy moments.
150. Traveling the world for free requires a blend of advance planning and the willingness to seize opportunities and go with the flow.
151. Objective To investigate the demand and willingness to the hospital at home service among the elderly with chronic diseases in Putian, Fujian, and analyze its influencing factors.
152. This combination of willingness and sensitivity requires modern Arabian horse owners to handle their horses with competence and respect.
153. I suspect that this willingness to risk is in part due to the short expected life span of the humans.
154. Mr Okada stressed the importance of Japan's half-century alliance with the US and his willingness to deepen the relationship.
155. Q: Paraguayan President-elect expressed willingness to develop relations with China.
156. Even our Party and government consistently express willingness to be subject to public scrutiny, so why do the Beijing Olympics have all-encompassing authority?
157. The text analyzes the influencing factors of private forest's cooperative management willingness, through constructing logistic regression model.
158. But because of a willingness to make a sacrifice for our shared objectives, we reached a spiritual consensus.
159. The one indispensable preliminary was the change in man from rebelliousness to childlike trust and willingness to obey.
160. Nutrition counseling should be tailored to the personal needs of the individual with prediabetes or diabetes and his or her willingness and ability to make changes ( E).
161. Investors they visited this week in Asia are questioning the willingness of governments to keep the euro zone together, they report: 'As a result investors may seek to disinvest from Europe.'
162. They indicated the willingness to make joint efforts to consolidate and develop China-Brunei good neighborly relations of friendship and cooperation on the present basis.
163. However, perhaps the biggest proof of the statuesque 5ft 9in Miss Bruni's admiration for Mr Sarkozy is her willingness to give up high heels.
164. Gallery: Adventure Photo Tips A fast-breaking sport requires a fast motor drive and a willingness to shoot a lot of frames.
165. Be proficient in and passes a willingness to embrace change management.
166. When they summon up the realm of the familiar, you step into an entirely new world with much knowingness or willingness yet find it hard to fathom their essential meaning.
167. No one, not even Dr. Lowry, has ever attempted to quantify Lincoln's full record as a pardoner, or to weigh it alongside his willingness to employ devastating weaponry.
168. Therefore, when property is traded, the demand side's willingness to pay for value decreases and the initial price becomes the decisive factor.
169. This need not be expensive, but it will require greater participation, an active dialog within the community, and a willingness to question some of our long-standing traditions.
170. It is believed Spa has a contract to host F1 until 2012, but the ongoing willingness of the local Walloon government to pick up the losses is in question.
171. At the bottom of Chinese pacificism is the willingness to put up with temporary losses and bide one's time.
172. Many top managers have expressed a willingness to trim their salaries and forgo bonuses.
173. In June, it signaled its willingness to engage both sides when Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi met the TNC leader Mahmoud Jibril.
174. Willingness comes from making a solid, consistent and persistent connection to your most meaningful purposes.
175. Luckiness and Willingness, Avoiding Evil and illness, Keeping Peaceful are the eternal theme in the world, for which people use Qingyang Perfume Bag to pray.
176. The banks also reported an increased willingness to make consumer installment loans.
177. I was very grateful for their willingness, on short notice, to honor a man we had all worked with and admired.
178. The central meaning shared by these adjectives is . willing or marked by a willingness to give unstintingly.
179. Therefore, this should reduce its expected cost of lending and increase its willingness to provide funds.
180. Luckiness and Willingness, Avoiding Evil and illness, Keeping Peaceful are the eternal theme in the world, which people use Qingyang Perfume Bag to pray.
181. President Obama's firm and unapologetic speech represents a willingness to shoulder the moral burden that war implies; in this, too, he follows in his predecessor's footsteps.
182. After the establishment of the new British Government, the leaders of the two countries expressed their willingness to make concerted efforts to push UK-China relations to a new high.
183. Carefulness and Patience in daily work, Willingness to Take Responsibility, Good Pererrorformance under certain pressure; Good Learning ability and Self-drive Capability.
184. Learning and growing require a willingness to look honestly and unsparingly at our shortcomings.
185. This willingness of Chinese officials to speak at length on both of these areas seems to have coincided with the 60th anniversary of the People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) on 11 November.
186. ECLECTICISM : Nor can we find any willingness to make common cause with false religiosity as long as Christianity is accepted as one among many legitimate viewpoints.
187. Analysts say it also shows China's growing concern about the fallout of the world crisis, and its increasing willingness to consult with other nations on major global issues.
188. Many of you believe that the evidence of true friends is what they do to show their loyalty, honesty, trustworthiness, or willingness to make a sacrifice when you need help.
189. But what is unusual in McKinsey's survey is the consulting group's willingness to think that the trend of the data depends on how long a slice of time you look at.
190. It 's our willingness to cooperate that make It possible for us to approach the manufacturer for an additional order .
191. In part the decline in this willingness has an economic base.
192. At its best, the tradition of New England reform, with its moral earnestness and its willingness to call on the full powers of a strong state, is a nonracial or postracial vision.
193. According to the willingness to pay for marginal capacity, approximate calculation of the generation capacity cost is established for each unit of load.
194. The Regency staff will impress you with their friendliness, discreetness and willingness to provide you with outstanding service.
195. The roaring trade in pharmaceuticals online —from antibiotics to endless adverts for Viagra —demonstrates the willingness of many to make their own informed decisions about personal risk.
196. Ian Rush believes a willingness to defend from the front has helped Fernando Torres become the top striker in English football.
197. That provides a measure of willingness to punish, even at a cost to the punisher.
198. The market knowledge of service providers and their willingness to keep on developing new portfolio elements allow clients to increasingly personalise and improve their communications with customers.
199. Robert I. Sutton, the key to success for a business leader will be the willingness to truly have the backs of their team members in difficult and trying situations.
200. Former President Ravalomanana had committed the Madagascan government to increasing protected areas on the island and had demonstrated a willingness to work with conservationists.
201. First, one has to make a clear-eyed assessment of management's willingness and ability to change,[http:///willingness.html] at every level.
202. And because we have not lost a war since Vietnam, there's a reluctance, a smugness, an arrogance , that works against the willingness to try to experiment to change.
203. Finally, Krugman ignores an important factor I emphasize -- the incentives of bankers and their willingness to seek out and take the wild risks that brought the system down.
204. Moody's downgraded Buena Vista's credit rating in June to junk from 'low credit risk, ' citing 'uncertainty about the city's willingness to meet its obligations.'
205. Competition spirit, spontaneous drive, Attic faith and brave opinion; Firm willingness and attention.
206. The wage rate determines the willingness of employees to work (the supply) and of employers to hire them (demand).
207. For people who are much more incomes, and much monthly fees pay, the more willingness to use MNP.
208. One consequence of this doc-trinal development was a willingness to borrow ideas from the West and to engage the West in a strategic dialogue.
209. METHODS:CVM in a specific case that was a research on shigellosis patients'willingness to pay(WTP)and willingness to accept(WTA)for shigellosis vaccine in rural area in HeBei Province was carried out.
210. People's willingness to hold money can change suddenly for a "psychological and spontaneous reason" , causing a spike in the velocity of money.
211. With willingness, buy at limit up and sell at limit down.
212. Many top managers have expressed a willingness to trim their salaries and logon forgo bonuses.
213. Having a willingness to take risks socially, to be assertive, to self-disclose, and be responsive to others are strategies to defeat loneliness.
214. Google has even shown a willingness to join Facebook in gingerly tapping the third rail of Internet marketing—behavioral targeting.




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