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单词 Looser
1. Some foreign automakers also use the looser belts.
2. The increase is due partly to looser borrowing requirements.
3. However, M33 is a much smaller and much looser system.
4. You might also prefer to work to a looser tension for this type of all over cable pattern.
5. A looser structure, a willingness to compromise the party's programme and dilute its composition, would have been fatal.
6. Their much-vaunted looser approach sees the band edging perilously towards becoming just another pop-rock band.
7. It was, however, looser, more flexible and far less permanent and structured than in the West.
8. A looser interpretation of the law would lead to more convictions.
9. While most designers showed looser fitting wide trousers and longer jackets with padded shoulders, there was a body conscious element.
10. Informal groups are looser, more erratic in their behaviour and often much more fun.
11. Here the somewhat looser interpretation of unity was used. with stress on the humanity side and moral choices.
12. Most other firms are also members of a looser group of some sort.
13. But standards for car loans are comparatively looser.
14. Looser lending rules would conflict with the higher cost of money.
15. His economic reforms and looser social controls resulted in an outburst of creativity.
16. Strung looser and they would be able to create more power.
17. Within Mr Quinn's own party, there will doubtless be those with looser morals than Mr Ashdown's.
18. She couldn't feel any direct effect from the brandy, but she felt looser and more able to talk.
19. A group is more enduring and supportive than two people interacting socially but is looser or less structured than an organization.
20. They had to create formal societies and cultures at the expense of looser indigenous ways.
21. T-shirt material is best and well worn cheaper t-shirt material with a looser weave is better yet.
22. In any debate format,() you would be described as the looser.
23. It may be that in some men the spermatic cord is looser and allows the testicle to twist around more easily.
24. The sewage soil disposal experiment is made mainly by using biochemical process of looser permeable soil horizon, and secondly by leaching and adsorption.
25. Ya, we are blowing off God and decided the looser scientists are smarter.
26. With Rebirth he takes things a step further, producing a series of self-contained songs rather than looser, looped beats.
27. What is the difference between a stiff back and soundboard, and a looser one?
28. The communities of perennial herb are characterized by consociation with single synusia consisting of pure population, and the structure of bush community appear looser.
29. Last time I tried a pin curl perm and a foam permanent. Set the wave a little looser than usual, please.
30. A type of yarn, usually three-ply and having one thread looser than the others, that produces a rough-textured cloth.
31. No, your terms of admission must be looser than that.
32. Focused on the discrete state system whose jitters are not exactly known but bounded in intervals, a looser sufficient stability condition is proposed.
33. The band could rock harder and looser than most others by this point.
34. The South-Chaihu's taproot is looser and crisper with remained fiber and aspergilliform residual roots.
35. Over the course of time, we've become looser in applying the term 'mental disorder' to the expectable aches and pains and sufferings of everyday life,( )" Frances says.
36. Consequently, the songs on First Narrows are more organic and looser in nature than Morgan's previous work.
37. They were looser than the tight pantaloon were favored for daytime wear while pantaloons were more evening attire.
38. Using a customized collation for the database may have an impact on the query performance since the number of possible string matches increases when you choose a looser UCA setting.
39. Voices in the City of London are also backing even looser monetary policy.
40. The players at Titan Poker tend to be looser than your average bloke, but if you're steady you can make a regular wage here beating up on these players.
41. Generally such articles are much looser and informal then hard news articles.
42. The next gravel section from the Picnic Ground is very loose, much looser than it was during testing and the grip level is low causing my car to slide easily.
43. Another reason for the looser fit is that it's non-stretchable, so a bit more room is provided in the right places to allow for freedom of movement without the jacket being pulled.
44. The markets suspect ultra-loose monetary policy may yet get even looser.
45. The endosperm structure of the soft wheat was looser than that of the hard wheat.
46. Willfully chipper, perhaps , barely hiding his hurt; but looser and less bottled up.
47. If desired, add a little more water for a looser texture.
48. Wheatley and Looser set out to pin down the point at which a face starts to look alive. Looser visited toy shops and took pictures of dolls' faces.
49. So when they're created the developers model products not looser cultural artifacts.
50. States with looser labour - and product - market regulations enjoy higher labour productivity.
51. Then, as I get looser, I might add some elements of movement from classical ballet and Horton technique.
52. Wheatley and Looser set out to pin down the point at which a face starts to look alive.
53. Giving up strict control is very good sometimes, if you still have looser constraints as a safety net.
54. The technology was helped by the density of houses and other buildings, made of mud brick so that they showed up somewhat clearly against the looser soil cover.
55. Policy-mix-wise, the normal procedure would be to support a somewhat tighter management of fiscal policy with somewhat looser reins on monetary policy.
56. It says higher incomes, looser travel restrictions and a strengthening currency are behind the surge.
57. This will prevent rocks in the looser soil near the top of the shaft being dislodged and jamming the rescue capsule.
58. Still, a New York Times story on the looser styles of dress and comportment in and around the West Wing can seem like the very definition of inside baseball.




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