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单词 Statistical
1. The report contains a great deal of statistical information.
2. Statistical graphs may be inaccurate and misleading.
3. They provided some useful statistical information.
4. Statistical anomalies can make it difficult to compare economic data from one year to the next.
5. We have eliminated all statistical tables, which are of interest only to the specialist.
6. The statistician diagrammed the statistical results.
6. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
7. They're making detailed statistical analysis.
8. Sophisticated statistical analysis was employed to obtain these results.
9. He showed the price fluctuations in a statistical table.
10. The reliability of the statistical estimates can be measured.
11. They were doing some type of statistical analysis .
12. All the statistical computations were performed by the new software system.
13. The 466-page book is a rich seam of statistical information.
14. By some statistical sleight of hand the government have produced figures showing that unemployment has recently fallen.
15. Laminin was the continuous variable for most statistical tests.
16. Student's t test was used for statistical evaluation.
17. Not so rapid are the statistical analyses.
18. Dedicated software permitted statistical analysis of the data obtained.
19. All statistical calculations were two tailed.
20. The atlas contains full statistical descriptions of each country.
21. A mathematical theory of statistical predictors and how to assess their accuracy has been developed by the principal investigator and others.
22. The extremes of a statistical distribution represent unpredictably rare individual events, which have very low values of statistical probability.
23. The equivalent statistical probabilities for the proven component of proven and probable reserves are 90 percent and 10 percent respectively.
24. But statistical data, financial reports, and tables are often printed across wider paper.
25. Statistical analysis was performed using the Mann-Whitney test and Spearman's rank correlation test as appropriate.
26. Given data which are free from bias there are further snares to avoid in statistical work.
27. We now realize that much of Burt's research was presented with a statistical sleight of hand.
28. Second, and more fundamentally, they drew attention to the difficulties of finding a satisfactory measure of performance in statistical terms.
29. Completed questionnaires of 786 middle-class men were subjected to comprehensive statistical analysis.
30. They will also work in Soviet archives, where a great deal of new statistical data has become available.
1. The report contains a great deal of statistical information.
2. Statistical graphs may be inaccurate and misleading.
3. They provided some useful statistical information.
4. Statistical anomalies can make it difficult to compare economic data from one year to the next.
5. Given data which are free from bias there are further snares to avoid in statistical work.
6. They're making detailed statistical analysis.
6. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
7. He showed the price fluctuations in a statistical table.
31. In applications for statistical or topological modeling, for example, inputs could be frequencies, spatial locations, and so on.
32. Further Work Statistical processing provides a simple, efficient method for picking the correct words based on local neighbourhood.
33. The Centre maintains a documentary resources centre and has recently set up a national ethnic minority statistical database.
34. What is particularly interesting from the historical viewpoint is the manner in which refinement of the statistical data has altered the record.
35. But, because of the statistical properties of the normal curve of distribution, they do have a large effect at the extremes.
36. Does it depend on the statistical probability of a crash?sentence dictionary
37. Overall, the statistical results confirm the relationship between economic development and democracy established by the comparative studies in the earlier phase.
38. Statistical methods of analysing the large amounts of data which can arise from such studies are at present inadequate.
39. Statistical analysis was performed using correlation coefficients, t tests, and Mann-Whitney U test.
40. Discussion Meta-analysis increases the statistical power of tests but does not eliminate causes of bias and difficulties in interpreting the results.
41. As for the art available,() a statistical look reveals a conservative and market-wary shift toward well established names.
42. Numeracy: the ability to use a range of arithmetical and basic statistical techniques to reach conclusions in practical situations.
43. We chose linear regression for describing the overall changes in mean sperm concentrations, but other statistical models have also been tested.
44. The variables with a skewed distribution were therefore log transformed for statistical calculation.
45. As far as we know, no other statistical analysis simulation software has even pro-posed doing this.
46. The neural network approach requires fewer resources than conventional statistical methods, and further, can process data in real time.
47. On the other hand, some archaeologists dismiss all leys as merely chance alignments without proper statistical investigation.
48. Comparing many countries is susceptible to statistical analysis, which helps eliminate possible sources of selection bias and spuriousness.
49. This paperback original is the first publication, with Blackwell Scientific doing a more technical statistical analysis at the same time.
50. I had, after all, accounted for two male children and thus done womankind something of a statistical favour.
51. In central government we have, for example, the Central Statistical Office offering statistical expertise. 2.
52. Many of these works contain important statistical material, but there exist also many purely statistical digests and collections.
53. The Census Bureau should use statistical sampling techniques to improve accuracy and minimize the risk of undercount.
54. The departmental network is linked to the University's mainframe computer services for statistical analysis packages and similar services.
55. Statistical techniques for manpower planning: Development of statistical methods for use in manpower planning.
56. The use of statistical techniques is not new to computational linguistics.
57. Your statistical method is, in the absence of any other published sales information, not unreasonable.
58. This use of probability information is susceptible to the problems of using statistical information outlined earlier and described by Sayre.
59. This approach is broadly statistical in nature, as it involves corpus analysis to determine the empirical likelihood of various syntactic combinations.
60. The problem with any such guesstimate is that, of course, we are basing our calculations on a statistical sample of one.
61. Their ability to map a statistical distribution, however, works well only with large networks.
62. Note that this method is open to the criticisms made of statistical methods above.
63. Statistical studies of both the age distribution of impact craters and the times of biological extinctions have suggested that both show clustering.
64. His conclusions adhere very closely to the statistical results and he is careful in specifying which effects are causally prior to others.
65. Shrinking numbers Falling birthrates and statistical ambiguities aside, there has none the less been a major exodus.
66. A statistical Part Three rounds off a well-presented book which includes over 160 photographs, a number in colour.
67. Again, this was confirmed by the application of simple statistical regression analysis.
68. It is hoped that the Lancaster workshop will make use of a new statistical laboratory equipped with Whitechapel workstations.
69. At our present state of knowledge, statistical calculations of what could happen are justified and achievable.
70. The fourth patient required local epinephrine injection in addition to repeated heater probe pulses and was considered a failure in the final statistical analysis.
71. Hence statistical processing of language is once more an important technique used by computational linguists.
72. The statistical significance of the difference between the mean value of groups was tested by Student's t test for unpaired values.
73. The curriculum expands to include hydraulics, basic pneumatics, electronics, and statistical process control.
74. They are now being prepared for presentation to the Royal Statistical Society.
75. I quite understand that psychohistory is a statistical science and can not predict the future of a single man with any accuracy.
76. Statistical analysis of the data was performed using the Mann-Whitney U test for non-parametric data and Spearman's rank order correlation.
77. His statistical analysis reveals a strong positive effect of per capita income on the level of democracy.
78. Control charts and statistical quality control generally became popular during World War Il and peaked in the late 1940s.
79. Scientific studies involving humans have a statistical threshold for causing harm to participants, and if passed they are discontinued.
80. This is in essence a chapter on basic statistical methods with some basic definitions in the beginning.
81. The process engineering people collected statistical data on 17 parameters involved in the fabrication of thin film circuits.
82. It may, of course, be easier to quantify risk for natural hazards because of historical records and statistical estimation of recurrence intervals.
83. Netbuilder will, according to the company, allow developers to build information analysis systems using multiple neural network and statistical analysis modules.
84. The statistical differences between the groups were the same at each infusion rate as that seen at 40 pmol/kg/h.
85. The discourses of these enquiries overlapped, from popular newspapers through statistical surveys and scholarly works to official boards of enquiry.
86. Enough of them eventually drop out, in fact, to disguise the otherwise decided statistical superiority of female performance in school.
87. The number of events in a study determines its statistical power.
88. All government statistical services carry out this measurement exercise: it is their core business.
89. This type of learning, a statistical mechanics method for solving complex optimization problems, has its basis in physics.
90. What was the probability - the unvarnished statistical likelihood - of such a coincidence?
91. The available statistical evidence bears out this crude relationship between years of education and earnings.
92. In a sense, this criticism is an extension of the issue of causation discussed earlier in relation to the statistical correlation studies.
93. Taxonomic research requires textual numerical and image databases, and statistical software.
94. Fortunately, our customer was running the same problem on a traditional statistical analysis program.
95. A quieter but potentially important project is currently under way by Sir John Boreham who has been seconded from the government statistical office.
96. This section has just presented some statistical data on such differences.
97. Statistical analysis of data requires an understanding of basic four-figure maths, algebra, probability theory,[] and calculus.
98. These showed no statistical difference in the concentrations of the various forms of gastrins between the different methods of sample preparation.
99. Governments in the 1990s have sometimes found it difficult to gather the statistical information they need to make and defend policy.
100. Statistical evaluation of these data indicate a significantly higher incidence of pseudomelanosis coli in patients with tumours of the large bowel.
101. A statistical analysis selected those strategies more frequently used in successful than unsuccessful situations.
102. How far can a style be identified with an aggregate of statistical features?
103. The annual cost of submitting the periodic statistical returns is anticipated by Customs to be about £40m.
104. This project will analyse multiple victimisation using statistical modelling techniques.
105. Psychologists and physiologists have always been resigned to using statistical analyses to extract meaning from and interpret their data.
106. The research is interdisciplinary, using several techniques: analysis of statistical sources, literature reviews, field studies and case-history material.
107. As late as the 1920s, apart from figures on population and foreign trade, official statistical data barely existed.
108. To identify the complex yet crucial inter-relationships between customers and their characteristics demands sophisticated statistical and marketing knowledge.
109. And it is with the statistical evaluation of leys that there is most controversy and where much work still needs doing.
110. Stochastic theories look to the statistics of the situation and ask what type of statistical processes will generate the observed result.
111. A survey is conducted and an interesting statistical effect of X on Y is discovered.
112. Some statistical data is always included and, again, care is needed to avoid any ambiguity.
113. Figure 7.8 illustrates the principles of statistical quality control leading to the most economic inspection technique for the degree of control required.
114. Much other statistical and record material also appears from time to time in major newspapers and economic commercial and industrial periodicals.
115. After all, the key to the proper use of statistical analysis is the correct identification of levels of measurement.
116. Most notable amongst them are methods of database management and statistical processing.
117. The first two studies find significant statistical evidence in support of a relationship between economic development and democracy.
118. He could become the first Buck to achieve the statistical feat for the season since Kareem Abdul-Jabbar did it in 1974-75.
119. More research needs to be done to attempt to understand these problems but statistical modelling is not appropriate.
120. Seismologists can also provide statistical estimates of the long-term seismic hazard.
121. The evidence supporting the assertion would presumably be the available statistical data.
122. Conclusions drawn from applying statistical techniques to incomplete data may be very misleading.
123. Such is the wealth of information that analysis could easily become a complex statistical exercise.
124. The response to that entry by the dominant firms via the advertising variable is being modelled using statistical ie econometric methods.
125. To point out that his statistical contribution in Seattle was negatively aberrant is to state the obvious.
126. Sections 5.2 and 5.4 show how such statistical information can easily be gathered by running automatic graph-searching procedures over the Chart output.
127. The statistical data is not sufficiently large to enable satisfactory significance tests to be performed.
128. The use of statistical process control by world class manufacturing companies shows how non-financial information can be used to improve performance.
129. Analysis of Directional Data; and statistical applications in agriculture, medicine, epidemiology,[http:///statistical.html] forensic science.
130. We will establish an independent National Statistical Commission to collect and publish statistics and improve their quality.
131. Moreover, the topics modeling of times series, possibilities of forecasting and statistical control of such models are included.
132. They are not saying that the Central Statistical Office is engaged in some deep-laid plot against the working class.
133. These are applied to construct appropriate statistical methods to analyse the course of technological development.
134. So the story behind the statistical shift from self-employment to wage labour is one of an exodus from the land.
135. The input may be partial or incomplete, as discussed later in the paragraph on intuition, prediction[], and statistical pattern-matching.
136. Simple statistical weighting schemes commonly used in previous methods are related to the simplest neural net approaches.
137. Second, it is more difficult to draw strong inferences from these data since they can not be subjected to statistical analysis.
138. Overton describes three different types of information obtained from automated systems - statistical, operational and analytical.
139. That is not a value judgment, but a statistical one.
140. Because of the difficulties associated with radiocarbon dating, each new date is given a statistical margin of error.
141. Britain's weak balance of payments was not, however, a statistical delusion or the result of a reaction to one.
142. That is, the position of a particle could not be defined with absolute certainty, but only by statistical probability.
143. These professional advisers will need statistical and analytical skills as well as expertise in drug therapy.
144. The Committee identified some of the gaps in research as related to inadequate statistical information, particularly in central government.
145. Severe contention exists about whether a rule-based or statistical approach should be used to apply syntactic constraints.
146. Moreover, to be able to perform a reliable statistical analysis the sample size must be considerably larger.
147. Analysis of variance and the Newman-Keuls procedure were applied to measure the statistical significance of means from different diagnostic categories.
148. They point out that bottom-up statistical methods are efficient from a computational point of view, but exhibit poor error correcting capabilities.
149. Scientific graphics Statistical computing has not been the only impact of modern technology on epidemiology since 1965.
150. Part 1 deals with test methodology and advice on the use of statistical procedures.
151. When faced with the same problem the compilers of the LOB corpus opted for a statistical approach.
152. The lexical look-up technique is preferable to statistical methods since it does not have a built-in error rate and guarantees lexical output.
153. The computer allows us to make almost unlimited calculations, and indeed the larger the sample the better for statistical applications.
154. The resulting type of statistical methodology is known as Bayesian, and is still controversial.
155. In fact this seems to be the critical variable, and statistical analysis of sign measures proves significant.
156. The study of the energy relationships and the statistical behaviour of large groups of particles is called statistical thermodynamics.
157. A wide range of software is supported, including specialist statistical packages, databases,[] and software for computer modelling.
158. The inputs corresponded to actual statistical data for thin-film processing thicknesses taken at five different time intervals during a day.
159. This will reduce the statistical power of detecting adverse effects that could be quantitatively important when used in low risk situations.
160. The statistical, financial and projection skills of actuaries are of particular relevance to this work.
161. The research is conducted by statistical analysis of secondary data on client companies and on market prices.
162. However, problems can and do arise even with statistical calculations, one of the commonest being the build-up of rounding errors.
163. Where policy has to be settled over such matters as public health or education, statistical and factual material is needed.
164. Cricket, an old and complex game, naturally lends itself to statistical analysis.
165. The democratic principle is one person one vote, as is the principle of statistical analysis.
166. But this is precisely the type of assumption statistical calculations of age-related dependency ask us to make.
167. After fully informed consent was obtained eligible patients were registered by phone at the central statistical office at the University of Vienna.
168. We can regard the statistical argument about numbers of planets as an argument of last resort.
169. In computer indexing, this will involve statistical analysis of the relative frequency of occurrence of terms.
170. Statistical analysis of language requires investigation of corpora to derive probabilistic models of the language.
171. Maybe it was nothing more than the statistical impossibility of everyone staying home all of the time.
172. Both products do calculations and supply a huge range of built in statistical and engineering functions.
173. Simple statistical analysis of the spreadsheets resulted in totals and percentages of responses to each question for each practice.
174. A senior official in the State Statistical Bureau warned that demand had to be controlled to avoid runaway inflation.
175. We can not directly infer a causal effect from a statistical effect.
176. Although platelet thromboxane generation was elevated in diabetics without clinical evidence of vascular disease, the difference did not reach statistical significance.
177. When various models or different genes are used, statistical measurements can provide strong support for contradictory phylogenies.
178. At the other end, a training manager may occasionally use some basic sampling methods and various evaluation techniques incorporating statistical methods.
179. It produces data that can easily be expressed in statistical form.
180. A case-study can be carried out, using almost any method of research, though the less statistical methods are usual.
181. Statistical accounts of those whose benefits have been cut under the Actively Seeking Work legislation to date were provided.
182. The Guttmacher study does not paint a clear statistical picture.
183. Similarly, a historian will make use of statistical techniques to give objective substance to intuitively sensed historical processes or trends.
184. The criticisms have been both technical and ideological and some of them apply just as much to the statistical correlation studies.
185. Numerous statistical studies find negative effects of family disruption on outcomes for children.
186. Statistical information about n-grams has been applied to the output to select a single most likely letter string result.
187. He developed statistical techniques to study the variability of wild populations and to measure changes in the range of variability over time.
188. We therefore test for model consistency with a model consistency check and a statistical test for omitted heterogeneity bias.
189. By January 1941 a Central Statistical Office was turning out regular reports on production figures, inflation,[http:///statistical.html] consumption and manpower resources.
190. It was therefore inadvisable to conduct statistical tests when missing data from some schools distorted the representativeness of the sample.
191. Medical experts put flesh on the statistical data for the audience.
192. The Mann-Whitney U rank sum test and Spearman rank correlation test were used for statistical evaluation.
193. Doctors who are aware of food intolerance and experienced in diagnosing it have a different statistical outlook.
194. Data from these two patients are included in the statistical analysis of the diagnostic anorectal manometry, as they were incontinent.
195. Comparisons to other technologies, such as statistical methods and expert systems, comprise the bulk of chapter 6.
196. The total length of the Aeschylean corpus, however, provides rather a narrow base for statistical treatment.
197. My duty was to run statistical information and other paperwork from trackside up to the press box.
198. A statistical analysis based on this data suggests that well over half the stars are being orbited by rocky terrestrial material.
199. Such statistical tests yield statements of probability about the likelihood of a particular result having occurred by chance.
200. Statistical Reports Future annual statistical reports will adopt the same format and will incorporate information similar to that contained in this Update.
201. The results are sent to the agency which then provides a statistical analysis of all results to each participating laboratory.
202. Brian works at Sexey's School and combines his teaching with statistical consultancy work with individual schools and local authorities.
203. Mellowes has assigned me to the duties of the administrative assistants, then to those of the statistical clerks.
204. They understood statistical process control, total quality customer service, reengineering, and the economics and finance of film manufacturing.
205. A statistical procedure called correlation is frequently used to calculate the agreement between two sets of figures.
206. Statistical theory originates practice, should apply at practice.
207. This is not a treatise on statistical theory.
208. The research methods include questionnaire survey and statistical analysis.
209. Statistical analysis was accomplished with SPSS soft package.
210. Recently statistical machine learning methods have been substantially attempted for this issue with some achievements.
211. This is predicted by various statistical models, and does not imply that earthquakes that are distant in location, but close in time, are causally related.
212. According to statistical theory, the numerical computation expressions of various parameters of crosslinking structure are derived, while the original molecules are distributed in Flory manner.
213. Big-data-based analytics today include rule-based systems, statistical analysis and machine-learning techniques such as neural networks.
214. Modern Applied Statistics with S-PLUS, 3rd ed provides a practical introduction to the statistical inferences that can improve processes and profits significantly.
215. Statistical data analysis, time series analysis, and error estimation will be discussed in the context of each lab.
216. Objective To survey the PPD positive rate after BCG vaccination in urban and rural children in Qingdao and to provide statistical basis for better prevention against tuberculosis.
216. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
217. The general evaluation method is based on statistical theory and analyzes the current data.
218. Given a set of subgrouped data, the Six Sigma Black Belt should be able to select and preqare the correct control charts and to determine if a given process is a state of statistical control.
219. Furthermore, the study cites only unexplained rashes as a health - related problem with some statistical correlation.
220. Finally, they used a statistical calculation to figure out which of the hundreds of mutations they'd found were likely to contribute to cancer.
221. Parameter estimation as minimization – intro to method of least squares, introduction to probability theory, conditional and joint probabilities, statistical independence.
222. Methods: Demonstrating the pilot patients'clinical pathway admittance by cluster sampling, qualitative interviews and statistical description.
223. In this paper, shipbuilding yard can get steady technologic process with SPC method and calculate the dimension compensation of the corresponding working procedure through statistical analysis.
224. Introduce a format of statistical curve fitted by multi - dimensions least square.
225. A biomedical data restoration algorithm based on statistical deformable model is proposed.
226. According to the laser speckle movement formula, the statistical correlation relates to the displacement or rotation of the diffusing point in real time.
227. It mainly includes signal acquisition, statistical analysis, time domain analysis, autocorrelation analysis, spectrum analysis, self-power spectrum analysis, etc.
228. Based on the principle of pole density statistics, and by applying the three-dimensional statistical method, the space analytic geometry is adopted to directly calculate the included angle.
229. Then, this paper introduces the application of COMS in statistical analysis, voice operation demonstrator and phonetic analysis .
230. To perform inspection of components as per Inspection Plan and provide documentation for Statistical Quality Control.
231. Techniques and software for statistical sampling, simulation, data analysis and visualization.
232. Disease resistance of the seedlings of 59 introduced Populus nigra clones seedlings infected with Marssonina brunnea and Alternaria tenuis were investigated by applying statistical analysis.
233. But as the radiometer on the Chinese FY-1 satellite has only one infrared window channel, Satellite Meteorology Center has to develop a statistical estimation method.
234. Arthur Toga, a brain-mapping expert at the University of California, Los Angeles, who didn't participate in the study, called the work well done and the statistical results strong.
235. Methods Summarize the clinical data of 111 cases of Naja naja bites. Make a statistical analysis on biochemical index.
236. Multi-scan program recipe capability standard with statistical report generating software to calculate standard deviation and mean.
237. Firstly, the initial noise power spectrum NPS is estimated by computing the statistical average of the silent segments.
238. The statistical simulation results under various conditions were given, which show the improvement in robustness and resolution as well as the high performance in precision.
239. The main statistical methods were analysis of variance (ANOV A), multiple comparison, nonparametric test, t-test, linear regression and correlation and X2 test.
240. Under the condition of given data statistical distribution, a new algorithm for statistical classification and quick sorting was implemented.
241. Finally, the writer expects the market trends and the predictive of statistical analysis system of wireless data access, and puts forward development proposals.
242. Statistical analyses of 11 indices, including age, sex, course of the disease, heart rate, systolic pressure, diastolic pressure, average arterial pressure, QS2I, PEPI, LVETI and PEP/LVET, were made.
243. But this cannot account for the scale of the recent rise in the statistical discrepancy because growth in trade has slowed since 2007.
244. A method for feature extraction of high resolution remote sensing image is presented which is based on the statistical model of the marginal distribution of wavelet coefficients.
245. In statistical language, we would say that the relative frequency become stable as the number of tosses becomes large(if we are tossing the coin under uniform conditions).
246. Production workers must be able to do statistical quality control; production workers must be able to do just-in-time inventories.
247. In a research context[sentence dictionary], the alternative hypothesis of a linear model needs to be established by theoretical and statistical arguments.
248. In this paper a statistical investigation has been made on the redshift-magnitude relation of quasars with radio components structure.
249. Nowadays there are three methods on the research of biomedical name entity recognition, including dictionary-based method, rule-based method and statistical machine learning method.
250. The statistical analysis of forecast result indicates that ADMS has more exact result than Regulatory model in forecasted region.
251. In statistical language , this estimate is called the between - column variance.
252. Methods: 688 college students were undergone PPD experiment for epidemiological findings and statistical analysis.
253. Studies that ask people to describe past behaviour are vulnerable to a well-known statistical phenomenon called recall bias.
254. Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) is the text translation by the statistical parameter models obtained from the training corpus, which has become the mainstream of machine translation research.
255. The writer has analyzed the data with SPSS15.0 statistical data analysis system.
256. This paper studied the different additives and determined a optimal recipe of the suitable additive, based on the results derived from orthogonal test and statistical data analysis.
257. The data were analyzed by means of Statistical Package for the Social Science Version 12.0.
258. The use of the function GLMMPQL( ) in the statistical package R is demonstrated through analyzing a real data set arising in a clinical trial.
259. So I'll go with Julius Erving, not only for his statistical accomplishments, but for his cultural impact, pioneering the artistry and athleticism the small forward position is known for today.
260. Puts the complete process and a way of statistical calculation of thermal conductivity, moreover points out the applicability of statistical theory in transit process and statistical mechanism.
261. Objective To discuss the computational methods and applications on the statistical indices of central tendency for spatial analysis.
262. This method includes the "bi-gram" probabilistic model, the statistical algorithm, the rich rules and rule-based algorithm for word filtering.
263. We find out that the relative importance has nothing to do with some basic statistical characteristics, such as volatility clustering, sharp peaks and fat tail distributions of stock yield.
264. Based on the theory of the probability interpretation algorithm, a statistical model of RLC interconnect delay in the presence of process variations was put forward.
265. The areas, grey levels of NF in the cell bodies and the numbers of axons in the anterior funiculus were measured and the statistical analysis showed significant difference.
266. The optimizer considers using multi-column statistics to detect a statistical correlation and estimate more accurately the combined filtering effect of multiple predicates.
267. A simple method is introduced to prove the third law of thermodynamics and the statistical exposition has been given for it.
268. As the causes of medical science and health work develops rapidly, the statistical forecast will play an important role in the quality control of hospital.
269. On the basis of the fault simulation for a liquid rocket engine and the statistical analysis for fire-test data in ground test, the major and important failure modes of the engine are summarized.
270. Methods: Uses the medicine use appraisal review research technique, carries on the statistical analysis to the department of pediatrics case antibiotics service condition.
271. The statistical characteristics of the laser log-intensity fluctuation and beam pattern in a turbulent atmosphere were studied systematically.
272. Firstly, an ideal background model is obtained by a statistical method from the video data acquired by the stationary cinematograph.
273. The results show that the Bayesian method is capable of handling both statistical uncertainty and fatigue fun-outs.
274. A typical algorithm of English character machine -linked recognition, based on statistical distinction of enormous drill data.
275. Statistical thermodynamics provides the link between the microscopic properties of matter and its bulk properties.
276. With the development of CAPPs application, the research of CAPP technology will be changed from self-generating of processing process charts to the self-generating of statistical process charts.
277. It is the first time that both distribution character and statistical parameter of the time-delay are obtained via Monte Carlo simulation.
278. The functional data was processed with software statistical parameter mapping 2 (SPM2). After at test to the region of interest (ROI) activated respectively by the three kinds of stimulation pictures.
279. In stratum pyramidale, stratum radiatum, stratum lacunosum of CA1, BDNF immune reactivity in NPY experimental group was higher than in control group and statistical analysis was significant.
280. The statistical algorithm is used to segment the image using the multidimensional feature function to determine the decision curved surface.
281. Artificial neural network is a kind of implicit expression without explicit expression as statistical regression model, and it is its disadvantage.
282. To ensure attendance, planning group did a lot of work not done before, such as the statistical distribution of professional dormitory,[http:///statistical.html] invited as a guest of the squad.
283. The test results are compared with Lugeon test results in the same borehole and statistical analysis of permeability test results in other areas.
284. Documentation method, questionnaire method, statistical method, comparison method and interviewing method are adopted in the course of my research.
285. With R, you can confirm that values obtained from a PHP math library agree with those obtained from a mature, freely available, open source statistical package.
286. IV. The caliber for materials in the book is the existing statistical table system of the state.
287. The leather fibre state was quantized signifying by sample method and statistical distribution parameter.
288. In the face recognition, important information not only exists in the picture element in two-order statistical property but also contains in the high-order statistical property.
289. The statistical report on energy consumption of public buildings is designed.
290. However, the addition of choleretic agents did not result in a statistical difference in stone size or rate of successful duct clearance.




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