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单词 As soon as possible
1. Our economy must be restructured as soon as possible.
2. Yes. As soon as possible.
3. Places are strictly limited, so you should apply as soon as possible.
4. The commissioners agreed to restart talks as soon as possible.
5. We're hoping for a return to normality as soon as possible.
6. I was eager to get back to work as soon as possible.
7. The minister advised him to leave as soon as possible.
8. Please inform us of any change of address as soon as possible.
9. As soon as possible.
10. I hotfooted it out of there as soon as possible.
11. They were very keen to start work as soon as possible.
12. You should trash those silly ideas as soon as possible.
13. Go and see your GP as soon as possible.
14. He thought to go home as soon as possible.
15. We must correct our defects as soon as possible.
16. Please make your decision as soon as possible.
17. Please reply as soon as possible.
18. We need the repairs done as soon as possible.
19. Send in your entry as soon as possible!
20. We agreed to contact again as soon as possible.
21. We must weed out the yellow flowers among the onions as soon as possible.
22. The police told people to stay off the super-market and leave there as soon as possible.
23. Great pressure was put on the police to catch the terrorists as soon as possible.
24. Here's to the happy graduate for the job you have already done.And here's a happy future that is a most successful one.I pray you will as soon as possible make your name known in the world.
24. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
25. We should refer our application back to the manager as soon as possible.
26. He could heal you of your pneumonia, you'd better go to see him as soon as possible.
27. I now look forward to going back to work as soon as possible.
28. The old couple will attempt to leave the town as soon as possible.
29. There was total agreement to start the peace process as soon as possible.
30. Let's have a clear no-nonsense agreement to start work as soon as possible.
1. Yes. As soon as possible.
2. Places are strictly limited, so you should apply as soon as possible.
3. The commissioners agreed to restart talks as soon as possible.
4. Great pressure was put on the police to catch the terrorists as soon as possible.
5. We're hoping for a return to normality as soon as possible.
6. I was eager to get back to work as soon as possible.
7. The minister advised him to leave as soon as possible.
8. Please inform us of any change of address as soon as possible.
9. As soon as possible.
10. I now look forward to going back to work as soon as possible.
11. I hotfooted it out of there as soon as possible.
12. They were very keen to start work as soon as possible.
13. There was total agreement to start the peace process as soon as possible.
14. Please oblige me with a reply as soon as possible.
15. Please advise the date of shipment as soon as possible.
31. Please send it as soon as possible.
32. I need the money as soon as possible.
33. We'd like it as soon as possible.
34. I recommend that you resign as soon as possible.
35. Please come as soon as possible.
36. I'll replace the vase I broke as soon as possible.
37. It's important to get these people out as soon as possible.
38. Please oblige me with a reply as soon as possible.
39. I would be grateful if you could send the completed form back as soon as possible.
40. They have to replant the seedbeds as soon as possible.
41. He was never happy living at home with his parents, so as soon as possible he flew the coop and got his own place.
42. Report the theft to the police as soon as possible.
43. Please advise the date of shipment as soon as possible.
44. Please let me know your decision as soon as possible .
45. The problem lies in getting patients to a medical facility as soon as possible.
46. I phoned him so that he shall come as soon as possible.
47. The unfair wage system must be reformed as soon as possible.
48. All flood victims will be rehoused as soon as possible.
49. He hopes to have the problem settled as soon as possible.
50. It's a terrible situation and we should right it as soon as possible.
51. Let's get it over with as soon as possible, rather than drag it out.
52. Then one evening Harry phoned, asking me to come to their flat as soon as possible.
53. We hope to be operating a normal service as soon as possible.
54. It is wise to seek help and counsel as soon as possible.
54. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
55. You'd better radio your reply to me as soon as possible.
56. All gas leaks should be reported as soon as possible.
57. He was bent on getting married as soon as possible.
58. She soon regretted what she'd done. In the comparative or superlative or in expressions such as as soon as possible, soon emphasizes that something is done without delay:Please reply as soon as possible.
59. We're liaisoning with the department concerned so as to solve the problem as soon as possible.
60. I want to get stuck into the job as soon as possible.
61. Try and get the car fixed as soon as possible .
62. Flight times in the brochure are based on our best estimate, and will be confirmed as soon as possible.
63. They accepted his assurance that patients would be treated as soon as possible.
64. We need to send that letter off as soon as possible.
65. I'd be obliged if you would complete and return the form as soon as possible.
66. I'd like to leave as soon as possible and join my children, wherever they are.
67. Brown hopes to be back in the thick of the action as soon as possible.
68. If you would care to leave your name, we'll contact you as soon as possible.
69. You should register with a GP as soon as possible.
70. We will get your order to you as soon as possible.
71. I'd be very grateful if you could let me know as soon as possible.
72. We must pull our company out of the financial crisis as soon as possible.
73. Please get that report done as soon as possible — the sooner the better.
74. The plans have been okayed, so let's get started as soon as possible.
75. The government would like to see this new law on the statute book as soon as possible.
76. You should register with a doctor as soon as possible.
77. A small group of neo-Nazis have infiltrated the ranks. We must weed them out as soon as possible.
78. Please fill in the reply card and return it to us as soon as possible.
79. Thaw frozen meat in its packet and then cook as soon as possible.
80. If you would care to leave your name(), we'll get in touch as soon as possible.
81. Please send us your reply as soon as possible.
82. Please send entries as soon as possible.
83. Select and book shore excursions as soon as possible.
84. But whenever I have an idea, I need to act on it as soon as possible.
85. But today the walk was just something to be accomplished as soon as possible.
86. Booksellers interested in ordering copies should contact BA Marketing on as soon as possible.
87. Eat celery as soon as possible -- it does not keep well for long periods.
88. All foreign journalists have been told to leave the war zone as soon as possible.
89. There are still a few more places available if you are interested please send to the Office as soon as possible.
90. If you have to cancel a booking, please let us know as soon as possible.
91. So, it should strike while the iron is hot and go to the country as soon as possible.
92. Does he understand and accept that it is important that local authorities should receive reliable guidance as soon as possible?
93. Kindly rectify this as soon as possible and consult Betty Syrett if you have any doubts or queries on the subject.
94. A call for papers has been issued and abstracts should be submitted as soon as possible.
95. The Society is keeping in close touch with the appropriate authority and full information will be published as soon as possible.
96. It asked us to reserve our seats as soon as possible for this famous work by Shakespeare.
97. Meanwhile if you have any special requests or suggestions, please let him know as soon as possible.
98. As soon as Possible we will paint this area of the playground so that it can be clearly distinguished by everyone.
99. I will arrange for all our research information on various locations to be sent on to you as soon as possible.
100. Spread this across the surface of the slide with the other cover-glass, and view as soon as possible.
101. Mr. Nelson Because Governments obviously want to timetable their Bills and get their business through as soon as possible.
102. Combined Fleet nevertheless remained convinced that it must take the offensive somewhere as soon as possible.
103. That co-operation will be vital in getting to the bottom of this matter as soon as possible.
104. We accept that recommendation and will act on it as soon as possible.
105. I had to paint the gashes as soon as possible so that rust would not begin to bite into Wavebreaker's long sleekness.
106. Plant them as soon as possible after you buy them.
107. We will wish to introduce clear guidance and operational systems to expedite this as soon as possible.
108. But the estate agent had now found a buyer, one who was eager to move in as soon as possible.
109. Some have called for him to restore civilian rule as soon as possible.
110. Devices have to be specially constructed, and they will be delivered as soon as possible.
111. In view of the critical need to provide political alternatives to violence, the talks must be reconvened as soon as possible.
112. We feel she wants us out of there as soon as possible so we bolt down our food.
113. Basically the police will regard the child as lost property to be returned as soon as possible.
114. We will then let you know whether you are exempt or not as soon as possible. 9.
115. If you borrow a book make sure you return it as soon as possible.
116. The hospitals rush these lower-paid workers on the hospital floor as soon as possible.
117. Those at risk are being urged to have the vaccine as soon as possible.
118. Titles that Whitaker learns about after publication to into the list as soon as possible.
119. Make a habit of putting your AH-HAs into practice as soon as possible alter reading them.
120. Since we anticipate strong demand for this new product range we recommend you to place your first order as soon as possible.
121. You really want to get your brakes checked as soon as possible.
122. If anyone has any objections, please let us know as soon as possible.
123. If your battle plan is to charge headlong at the enemy and engage him as soon as possible chariots are ideal.
124. I can't see any way out but a subscription list, to be organised as soon as possible.
125. Get your tracksuit on as soon as possible; the quicker you do this, the less stiffness you will feel post-race.
126. The rift between them is now so bitter, it is believed they will take the final step as soon as possible.
127. Plant garlic, shallots and Jerusalem artichokes as soon as possible, early potatoes about mid-month.
128. We must enact as soon as possible the National Human Welfare Act in order to regulate the use of humans in research.
129. Contestant, Fiona, says she's just eager to get on with the game as soon as possible.
130. It is then wise to thresh as soon as possible to avoid loss to rats and mice.
131. Surely it would be right for the House to consider the Committee's amendments as soon as possible in this Session.
132. Confidently and calmly explain your predicament and write down the person's description as soon as possible in case you decide to contact the police.
133. Please collect counterfoils and money from your class members and send to Joan Daniels as soon as possible.
134. Contractors are working hard to make certain all the homes will be ready for occupation as soon as possible.
135. The course is very popular, so it's best to enrol as soon as possible.
136. And watched the clock so he could call a halt to it as soon as possible.
137. All of this is totally incomprehensible to the woman, who wants unification as soon as possible.
138. Even if it is not easy to make changes, it is important to begin widening horizons as soon as possible.
139. The post is initially for a period of two years,() commencing as soon as possible.
140. He went on to say he would introduce a scheme for voluntary union membership as soon as possible.
141. Management and councillors are anxious to get things moving as soon as possible.
142. They hope to sell the house as soon as possible but did not think it would go to a Vic Reeves fan.
143. And I think I should definitely be awarded my doctorate as soon as possible.
144. Please let me know your answer as soon as possible.
144. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
145. I want him back here as soon as possible, whatever the cost.
146. If you can offer a raffle prize or give a donation towards this please let Cicely Harris know as soon as possible.
147. In either case safety lies in finding either a windproof covering or a sheltered corner as soon as possible.
148. National Office was producing new packs as soon as possible and these would be distributed free to tutors.
149. If so, it was good to give him experience as a bishop as soon as possible.
150. As this dish contains fresh oysters, eat it as soon as possible - remember, the oysters are not cooked.
151. Slip re-attendance to be returned to the Office as soon as possible - Thank you. 5.
152. All this reinforced Attlee's determination to get a new governor installed as soon as possible.
153. Therefore it was important to establish a rapport with Dilip as soon as possible.
154. Will those members interested in participating please contact Co-Ordinator Zachary Taylor as soon as possible.
155. Please send me a sponsorship package and free t-shirt as soon as possible.
156. All US tourists and journalists are being advised to get out of the country as soon as possible.
157. Insist that they send you a comprehensive list of all your direct debits and standing orders as soon as possible.
158. If you are unable to meet this deadline please let me know as soon as possible.
159. Thaw frozen meat in its wrappings in the refrigerator and cook it as soon as possible after thawing.
160. He says he'll try and see you as soon as possible, but he has a lot going on this afternoon.
161. The church should make contact with new residents as soon as possible after their arrival.
162. Eubank would fight every week if he could to make his fortune secure as soon as possible.
163. If this happens remove as soon as possible, with a detergent.
164. I want you down at the track as soon as possible. Pack up my gear as well as your own.
165. In such circumstances details should be obtained as soon as possible after the announcement has been made and the Panel consulted.
166. If you do not send a payment as soon as possible, we must forward your account to our legal department.
167. May I urge him to press for a return to traditional standards of teaching in our primary schools as soon as possible?
168. As soon as possible afterwards, the existing legal obligations on landlords in regard to repair and maintenance should be put into full force again.
169. Once you have dragged yourself from your bed, go into the bright sunshine as soon as possible.
170. Followers of Kenny favored movement as soon as possible, which was hastened by hot packs.
171. Work will then start as soon as possible so that major conurbations at least are cabled by 1986.
172. Some would argue that these enterprises have no place in a capitalist system, and should therefore be privatised as soon as possible.
173. For further particulars and application forms, please contact the Centre as soon as possible by letter or telephone.
174. Those who need to know should be provided with the lessons learned as soon as possible.
175. Could you have Carol call me as soon as possible?
176. Full details of the travel arrangements will be published as soon as possible.
177. Lord Taylor refused bail,[sentencedict .com] but said the new trial should be held as soon as possible.
178. The trip is now fully booked and money for tickets should be paid in as soon as possible.
179. The Department of Trade is seeking further comments, which should be submitted as soon as possible.
180. Please contact Rita as soon as possible if you would like to attend.
181. The county should pave it as soon as possible.
182. I'll telephone the final result as soon as possible.
183. Wipe up chemical spills as soon as possible.
184. Flush contaminated area with large quantities of cool water or a diluted baking soda solution and expose the area to fresh air as soon as possible.
185. Treatment with the antiviral drug oseltamivir should be administered as soon as possible after symptom onset.
186. Again, it should go without saying that maintaining integrity requires that errors of fact be corrected as soon as possible.
187. Would you please clear off arrears work as soon as possible?
188. Please reply to our concerns by telegraph as soon as possible.
189. Please select from our Chart for Poplin No.4 and let us know as soon as possible.
190. As to the samples, we'll send them to you under separate cover as soon as possible.
191. With the gap in male and female life expectancy enlarging, as the most developed city in China, Shanghai could and should establish survivor insurance system as soon as possible.
192. Toe the line , as soon as possible after sleep!
193. You hope to upload the new photos as soon as possible.
194. Hope to read back from you as soon as possible.
195. Therefor , young cadres must build up a correct Weltanschauung and philosophy , strengthen exoterica accomplishment, endure test and training in exercise, and be mature as soon as possible .
196. "Our supporters need to be patient, we will do all that is needed to regain our top-flight status as soon as possible, but we need to stay calm, " added Del Piero.
197. Honorific customer, once receiving your message, we will give you the reply as soon as possible!
198. To construct perfect personality, we need to pay attention in the educational organum of fine-arts education and make it come to effect as soon as possible.
199. MILANELLO - Sandro Nesta commented on his operation, which is scheduled for tomorrow in Varese: 'I will be operated on tomorrow, but I hope to come back as soon as possible.
200. We should extricate ourselves from the predicament as soon as possible.
201. Kindly please send the statement of expense (RMB) to us as soon as possible so that we can arrange to pay the bill.
202. Three years to the day of the Hue non-event, Bill rang me in Athens and asked if I could get back into Saigon as soon as possible.
203. The Sub-Contractor shall be obliged to carry out any outstanding work or obligations or rectify any defects as soon as possible but without disruption to the operational use of the MHS facility.
204. However,[] limited partnership of the IPO issue should be resolved as soon as possible.
205. Section 2. Approval of Membership. National Committees shall forward the application form and annual subvention of new members to the ICOM Secretariat as soon as possible.
206. Accelerating the construction of concrete cushion as soon as possible can make full use of bracing effect on controlling the lateral deformation of retaining wall.
207. To make the distributed computer system more reliable, it is highly important that faulty processors are excluded from the system as soon as possible.
208. We plan to return confederative place court as soon as possible, make the cognizance proceed of the case.
209. Our stock has run low. I hope you will order from us as soon as possible.
210. Likewise, it is essential to reduce public spending and taxes, in order to increase the available income of heavily indebted economic agents who need to repay their loans as soon as possible.
211. China appeals that the international conference on the Middle East issue under the auspice of the UN Security Council should be held as soon as possible.
212. Detach the coupon and return it as soon as possible.
213. Brother worked hard day and night to pay the usurer as soon as possible.
214. It was suggested that normal pressure hydrogenation of acetone, an one-step process, be used, plant for production of MIBK be constructed as soon as possible, to meet the increasing need of MIBK.
215. Reflow solder paste in 2 hours as soon as possible after printing.
216. If we want to cure the statistics skulduggery thoroughly, the statistics the system must practise complete the perpendicular management and revising the "Statistics Law" as soon as possible.
217. The active exercise is the best method for rehabilitation of senior cortex motor area of frontal lobe, and should be adopted as soon as possible.
218. You could rest assured that we would make every effort to effect the shipment as soon as possible so as to meet your demand.
219. Lay the casualty down as soon as possible to prevent the flames sweeping upwards. Quickly put out the flames by dousing the casualty with water.
220. Please send us as soon as possible your program invoice, in quadruplicate.
221. To build distinctive image and human network as soon as possible, must fill in carefully on the website individual archives, expatiatory work experience.
222. The last part is peroration which point out that SAMS has great prospects and Chinese enterprises ought to develop this kind of way as soon as possible in order to meet the challenges of entering WTO.
223. Can say sex metathorax painful majority is more dangerous disease signal, answer to see a doctor as soon as possible.
224. The Testament is in force. I will join you as soon as possible.
225. Are you affirmatory today? Fast closing quotation, want to build a warehouse as soon as possible!
226. These problems should be put right as soon as possible.
227. As can be seen from the above description, make prevention and control measures as soon as possible reactive depression is the best means of treatment.
228. But Fletcher says the United players want the title wrapped up as soon as possible, preferably at OT.
229. ConclusionThe examination of TCT combined colposcope with pathological biopsy is as soon as possible in detecting the cervical procarcinoma and carcinoma.
230. With regard to purchase confirmation No.85 , please ship the goods as soon as possible.
231. As soon as possible after consolidation, it is advisable to apply a bituminous emulsion waterproof seal over the stabilized subsoil.
232. We want to have our electricity , gas service started as soon as possible.
233. You contrive to finish the report as soon as possible.
234. I have told security officials to restore normality as soon as possible.
235. If you have to make choice of purchase the product of my company, please fill in underneath of form, we would contact with you as soon as possible!
236. We will send you irreversible documentary Letter of Credit, and appreciate your shipping as soon as possible after your receiving our L/C, in case that we may be left behind in market.
237. Oh yes, Mrs. Chen. I will provide the marketing information for your reference as soon as possible.
238. A person Bitten by a venomous snake needs medical care as soon as possible. Antivenin must be specific to the type of venom, so the snake should be identified or accurately described.
239. As this article is in great demand, please reply as soon as possible.
240. Kindly check into it and reconnect the line as soon as possible.
241. "I would like you to return to the villa as soon as possible," she said without preamble.
242. First, we emend and perfect as soon as possible to mend actual resource tax measure gist and collection means, and we hasten saving mineral resource exploration.
243. The red algae are overproducing, we must clear the reservoir as soon as possible.
244. I will send the XXX as soon as possible after confirming remittance.
245. I am not sure which one of you has the paperwork, but can you please forward them to my attention as soon as possible?Thanks, Sigal.
246. NSW backbencher Steve Hutchins is understood to have told Mr Rudd "a number of us want this resolved as soon as possible".
247. I hope the CPS will get the case front of a jury as soon as possible.
248. It'suggests on - the - spot tests and simulation test on naturally heightening the dams as soon as possible.
249. The court's opinion was that the case should be heard inter parties as soon as possible.
250. He appealed to all countries to make concerted efforts to reach agreement on cutting greenhouse gas emissions as soon as possible before the Copenhagen conference to be held in December.
251. The warlord decided to attack the enemy as soon as possible.
252. However, the assignee should notify the debtor of his newly acquired rights as soon as possible.
253. The government aims to repatriate all Vietnamese migrants ( VMs ) and VIIs as soon as possible.
254. The present Treaty is subject to ratification, and the instruments of ratification shall be exchanged in Dar es Salaam as soon as possible.
255. It is the most effective method that diagnosing DIC early, supplying blood coagulation factor in time, applying heparin selectively and small-doses as soon as possible and removing uterus pat timing.
256. Second, installing CCS equipment as soon as possible should save money in the long run.
257. You can greatly reduce the parsing time by stopping the parsing as soon as possible.
258. This will help you sweat and emiction, regulate your temperature and also excrete bacterial virus in your body as soon as possible.
259. Bradycardia, if persistent, should be controlled by the insertion of a pacemaker as soon as possible.
260. In the same time, we expect the people who get ID information to contact with the Saker Research Group as soon as possible.
261. Convey the joyous news to her as soon as possible, please.
262. We do hope you can charter a container ship as soon as possible.
263. So the government should maps out housing allowance and laid-off damages, and settling endowment insurance and medical security of the laid-off workers as soon as possible.




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