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单词 As to
(1) Work expands so as to fill the time available. 
(2) It is as natural to die as to be born. 
(3) Everyone was curious as to why Mark was leaving.
(4) Rumours abound as to the reasons for his resignation.
(5) I'm at a loss as to what to do.
(6) He was uncertain as to which road to take.
(7) I have no doubts as to your ability.
(8) He inclined forward so as to hear more clearly.
(9) I'm at a loss as to what to say.
(10) I'm not so stupid as to believe that.
(11) You misled me as to your intentions.
(12) Would you be so kind as to lock the door when you leave?
(13) If you are in any doubt as to whether you should be doing these exercises, consult your doctor.
(14) There is nothing so fearful as to be alone in a combat situation.
(15) He read a lot so as to learn about the intellectual history of Europe.
(16) Nothing makes the earth seem to spacious as to have friends at a distance; they make the latitudes and longitudes.
(17) They recycle empty tins so as to use the metal.
(18) The lines were so finely etched as to be invisible from a distance.
(19) The question arises as to whether or not he knew of the situation.
(20) There was some confusion as to whether we had won or lost.
(21) He noted every detail so as to fix the scene in his mind.
(22) There are doubts as to the usefulness of this approach .
(23) So far, the police haven't got any clues as to the motive for the crime.
(24) I can not conceive of such cruelty as to take a child away from its mother.
(25) To hear a hundred times is not so good as to see once. 
(26) After the wheat crop has been gathered, many farmers burn the remains and plough the ash into the soil , so as to enrich the soil.
(27) My father's business is failing; he's mortgaged all his assets so as to save it.
(28) There are no hard and fast rules, but rather traditional guidelines as to who pays for what.
(29) Man's dearest possession is life. It is given to him but once, and he must live it so as to feel no torturing regrets for wasted years, never know the burning shame of a mean and petty past; so live that, dying, he might say: all my life, all my strength were given to the finest cause in all the world--the fight for the Liberation of Mankind.
(30) No one has come up with a definitive answer as to why this should be so.
(1) Everyone was curious as to why Mark was leaving.
(2) Rumours abound as to the reasons for his resignation.
(3) I'm at a loss as to what to do.
(4) He was uncertain as to which road to take.
(5) I'm at a loss as to what to say.
(6) I'm not so stupid as to believe that.
(7) Would you be so kind as to lock the door when you leave?
(8) If you are in any doubt as to whether you should be doing these exercises, consult your doctor.
(9) There is nothing so fearful as to be alone in a combat situation.
(10) After the wheat crop has been gathered, many farmers burn the remains and plough the ash into the soil , so as to enrich the soil.
(11) The lines were so finely etched as to be invisible from a distance.
(12) There are no hard and fast rules, but rather traditional guidelines as to who pays for what.
(13) The question arises as to whether or not he knew of the situation.
(14) There was some confusion as to whether we had won or lost.
(15) He noted every detail so as to fix the scene in his mind.
(16) There are doubts as to the usefulness of this approach .
(17) No one has come up with a definitive answer as to why this should be so.
(18) I can not conceive of such cruelty as to take a child away from its mother.
(19) After university she was still undecided as to what career she wanted to pursue.
(20) I can't believe you were so naive as to trust him!
(21) It contained so many errors as to render it worthless.
(22) It was virtually impossible to synchronise our lives so as to take holidays and weekends together.
(23) Local councils will be given some leeway as to how they implement the legislation.
(24) The dietitian was helpful, making suggestions as to how I could improve my diet.
(25) Speculation was rife as to whom the prince might marry.
(26) How could she have been so foolish as to fall in love with him?
(27) Don't be so naive as to be taken in by their lies.
(28) Daddy was trembling with anxiety as to how the talks would go.
(29) Questions abound as to the reasons for the president's decision.
(30) It was nip and tuck as to which boat would reach port first.
(31) After university she was still undecided as to what career she wanted to pursue.
(32) I can't believe you were so naive as to trust him!
(33) It contained so many errors as to render it worthless.
(34) Would you be kind enough to/be so kind as to help me?
(35) It was virtually impossible to synchronise our lives so as to take holidays and weekends together.
(36) Local councils will be given some leeway as to how they implement the legislation.
(37) The dietitian was helpful, making suggestions as to how I could improve my diet.
(38) Speculation was rife as to whom the prince might marry.
(39) How could she have been so foolish as to fall in love with him?
(40) Rumours were flying as to how the fire started.
(41) I'm baffled as to why she hasn't called.
(42) He was undecided as to what to do next.
(43) We were unsure as to what to do next.
(44) That applies to you as much as to them.
(45) He seemed strangely uncertain as to how to continue.
(46) He's not so daft as to listen to rumours.
(47) She was curious as to why he was there.
(48) I'll leave early so as to dodge the rush-hour.
(49) You couldn't be so heartless as to disown him.
(50) She enquired as to your whereabouts.
(51) I'm not so desperate as to agree to that.
(52) I'm still puzzled as to why she said that.
(53) Controversy exists as to how safe these drugs are.
(54) We questioned the natives as to the river's name.
(55) We went early so as to get good seats.
(56) He tilted the barrel so as to empty it.
(57) There is no dispute as to the facts.
(58) We can only speculate as to this man's identity.
(59) He didn't enquire as to my identity.
(60) We sorted the eggs as to size and colour.
(31) I'm in a puzzle as to what to do next.
(32) There's no stipulation as to the amount you can invest.
(33) The portrait was touched up so as to make it lighter.
(34) Two policemen held up a truck so as to inspect the driver's license.
(35) His injuries were not such as to need a surgeon.
(36) His failure to appear raises serious doubts as to his reliability.
(37) The test questions are kept secret so as to prevent cheating.
(38) We felt curious ( as to ) how she received the shocking news.
(61) I'm unclear as to what you mean.
(62) There are serious doubts as to the company's solvency.
(63) I don't know anything as to the others.
(64) You should exercise more so as to keep energetic.
(65) As to his plans, there's simply no telling.
(66) I'm not quite so innocent as to believe that.
(67) As to where we'll get the money from, we'll talk about that later.
(68) They mowed the field so as to provide the cattle with fodder.
(69) Many were sceptical as to whether the plan would succeed.
(70) There have been some differences of opinion as to exactly how the money should be spent.
(70) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
(71) The government went so far as to try to arrest opposition leaders.
(72) She was so kind as to phone for a taxi for me.
(73) They are undecided as to whether to buy a new car.
(74) Police are baffled as to the identity of the killer.
(75) We raced against the clock so as to fulfill our production plan according to schedule.
(76) I disagreed with him about / over / as to how we ought to deal with the backward.
(77) He didn't cotton to that his daughter had gone so far as to say that to him.
(78) Discussion continues as to the relative merits of the different schemes.
(79) They had a number of suggestions as to how the service could be improved.
(80) She has accepted your explanation as to why you didn't attend the meeting.
(81) Some government ministers had serious doubts as to whether the policy would work.
(82) He interacted closely with us so as to finish the difficult task.
(83) Auditors normally issue a report as to whether the company accounts have been prepared correctly.
(84) They went so far as to rip off banks in broad daylight.
(85) We now have an important clue as to the time of the murder.
(86) He kept his rivals guessing as to his real intentions.
(87) They must reduce the books price so as to bring them within the reach of all students.
(88) The player had to fade back so as to have room to pass the ball.
(89) We had our suspicions as to who did it, but nothing could be proved.
(90) There is no doubt as to where the guilt lies.
(91) Let us discipline ourselves so as to help feed a hungry world.
(92) At worst we'll have to sell the house so as to settle our debts.
(93) Will you sound John as to whether he would accept the post when offered?
(94) I wouldn't go as far as to say that he's a liar .
(95) Don't be so naive as to be taken in by their lies.
(96) Please address your letters properly so as to reduce delays.
(97) He searched her face for some clue as to what she meant.
(98) I always keep fruit in the fridge so as to keep insects off it.
(99) The pain in her foot wasn't such as to stop her walking.
(100) He made a wild guess as to how much the piano might cost.
(101) She told him he needed to be more creative, without being explicit as to what this meant in practice.
(102) A politician soon learns to swim with the tide and offer the voters things that they want, so as to gain their votes.
(103) Frank was very uncertain as to whether it was the right job for him.
(104) There is an element of doubt as to whether the deaths were accidental.
(105) These figures give a rough guide as to the sales we can expect.
(106) As to how many she invites, it's not really for me to say.
(107) As to tax, that will be deducted from your salary.
(108) The subject matter was so technical as to be beyond the ken of the average layman.
(109) Would you be so good as to lock the door when you leave?
(110) Considerable doubt exists as to the precise origin of this custom.
(111) I see that you have been so bold as to ask for food at this late hour.
(112) I took a careful note of where I had left the bag, so as to be sure to find it on my return.
(113) There's no decision as to when the work might start.
(114) The director insisted that there was no question as to the propriety of how the funds were raised.
(115) They differ with each other as to the precise meaning of this article in the contract.
(116) His comments were so general as to be nearly valueless.
(117) There was some debate as to whether the benefit scheme should be withdrawn or simply allowed to wither on the vine.
(118) The lumberers hacked away at the trees all day long so as to make room for the new railway.
(119) As to whether you should marry him - that's for you to decide.
(120) She angled the mirror so as to reflect light from a window.
(121) We are going to lay down a new railway so as to carry the coal to the riverside.
(122) A singer must learn to project his voice so as to be heard in a large hall.
(123) He has not expressed a preference as to which school he wants to go to.
(124) Medical authorities were baffled, both as to its causes and its virulence.
(125) They would like local authorities to be given greater discretion as to how the money is spent.
(126) Kemp knocked loudly so as to be heard above the high babble of voices.
(127) There is little agreement as to what our policy should be.
(128) Daddy was trembling with anxiety as to how the talks would go.
(129) His behaviour soon undeceived her as to his true intentions.
(130) Parents may be able to express a preference as to the school their child will attend.
(131) We need to provide a convincing argument as to why the system should be changed.
(132) Can you give me some indication as to your intentions?
(133) There was some doubt as to whether the government were behaving constitutionally.
(134) This gave me a clue as to the source of the problem.
(135) I'm not so simple as to think it will be easy.
(136) Questions abound as to the reasons for the president's decision.
(137) There's considerable uncertainty as to whether the government's job creation strategies will work.
(138) There was a difference of opinion as to the desirability of the project.
(139) The word itself is so rare as to be almost obsolete.
(140) It remains a mystery as to where he was buried.
(141) We rushed through the last few design drawings so as to go home early.
(142) The two girls dropped back so as to be alone.
(143) We're liaisoning with the department concerned so as to solve the problem as soon as possible.
(144) I was left with puzzlement as to the existence or non-existence of God.
(145) Guidance must be given as to what tasks the learner should attempt.
(146) The two lovers dropped back so as to be alone.
(147) And may I make so bold as to ask what institution sponsored your husband's expedition?
(148) There were some differences as to how to deal with the crisis.
(149) I drove at a steady 50 mph so as to save fuel.
(150) I have no idea as to how to worm out of the job.
(151) I left a message so as to be sure of contacting her.
(152) I did have some question as to his motive in coming.
(153) One man was so drunk as to be barely conscious.
(154) There was a lot of conjecture as to the extent of her wealth.
(155) I wouldn't go so far as to say that we agreed on the subject.
(156) One student made so bold as to argue with the professor.
(157) Our common practice is to sell the buildings in which our offices are and to lease them back so as to free large sums of money.
(158) As to correcting our homework, the teacher always makes us do it ourselves.
(159) It was nip and tuck as to who would win the playoffs, but Denver's determination helped them to beat a tough Washington team.
(160) Scientists are puzzled as to why the whale had swum to the shore.
(161) He is curious as to what we are going to do.
(162) How can faculty improve their teaching so as to encourage creativity?
(163) The announcement dispelled any doubts as to the prince's intentions.
(164) He got up at six so as to make certain of being in time.
(165) Medical opinion differs as to how to treat the disease.
(166) We shall advise with our friends as to what is to be done.
(167) They agreed as to the grand outlines,but quibbled over particulars.
(168) Tell me, if I may be so bold as to ask, precisely what you are talking about.
(169) As to whether she is the right girl for you,you have to rethink.
(170) His manner was such as to offend nearly everyone he met.
(171) Many theories have been advanced as to why some women suffer from depression.
(172) He gave us no indication as to what was the matter.
(173) How could you be so stupid as to believe him?
(174) Students should take notes so as to make revision easier.
(175) I kept off the subject of divorce so as to spare her feelings.
(176) They'll question them as to whether anyone was seen acting suspiciously in the area over the last few days.
(177) The question arose as to whether this behaviour was unlawful.
(178) The age of a wine is a determining factor as to how it tastes.
(179) All of which begs the question as to who will fund the project.
(180) Viewers make the final decision as to who should be eliminated from the competition.
(181) They were unsure as to what the next move should be.
(182) They paused at the top of the stairs, doubtful as to which way to go next.
(183) Women managers have a choice as to whether they wear trousers or a skirt.
(184) She was unwilling to believe anyone would stoop so low as to steal a ring from a dead woman's finger.
(185) Opinions differ as to when this wine should be drunk.
(186) Her success has been so remarkable as to defy explanation.
(187) A solicitor advised him as to the disposition of the money.
(188) As to our future plans, I think I need only say that the company intends to expand at a steady rate.
(189) It was nip and tuck as to which boat would reach port first.
(190) Could you give me some indication as to when I am likely to receive a reply?
(190) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
(191) I'm in a puzzle as to what to do next.
(192) We were completely in the dark as to his future plans.
(193) These tests were so seriously flawed as to render the results meaningless.
(194) He has got to hear it from the horse's mouth. Then he can make a judgment as to whether his policy is correct or not.
(195) He is in no doubt as to what is needed.
(196) The particles are so small as to be almost invisible.
(197) There's no stipulation as to the amount you can invest.
(198) I can't believe you would sink so low as to snitch on your best friends.
(199) Experience helps us to form judgements as to the best course of action in given circumstances.
(200) The referee remains baffled as to why his decision caused so much anger.
(201) There is considerable disagreement among archaeologists as to the age of the sculpture.
(202) You weren't so naive as to believe him, were you?
(203) The portrait was touched up so as to make it lighter.
(204) He provided no explanation as to why he was late.
(205) Two policemen held up a truck so as to inspect the driver's license.
(206) There is disagreement among archaeologists as to the age of the sculpture.
(207) To them, as to all Christians, this is a holy place.
(208) Investors must make an educated guess as to the company's potential.
(209) She modified her views so as to accommodate the objections of American feminists.
(210) Both performances were excellent, it's simply a matter of opinion as to whose was better.
(211) His injuries were not such as to need a surgeon.
(212) I wish you would be so kind as to bear with him a little longer.
(213) She isn't a practised public speaker, but she faced her audience as to the manner born.
(214) The speaker raised his voice so as to be heard.
(215) We have no clue as to where she went after she left home.
(216) Don't be afraid to ask questions as to why things are done in the way they are.
(217) Some physicists have gone so far as to suggest that the entire Universe is a sort of gigantic computer.
(218) There was wild speculation among the students as to the reason for cancelling the lecture.
(219) They laid the sails aback so as to stay on course in the storm wind.
(220) His directions as to how to get to the farm were quite clear.
(221) There has been some question as to whether or not the President will resign.
(222) We have been making forward projections as to future profitability of the firm.
(223) She has considerable discretion as to how the money is spent.
(224) The question is so obvious as to need no reply.
(225) There is a difference of opinion as to the merits of the plan.
(226) Opinion is divided as to whether the treatment actually works.
(227) Childhood experiences may provide a clue as to why some adults develop eating disorders.
(228) As to how long this war will last[Sentencedict], it's an unanswerable question.
(229) There is a plan afoot to pull down the old building so as to widen the street.
(230) They were all speculating as to the identity of the stranger.
(231) His failure to appear raises serious doubts as to his reliability.
(232) We are as tightly bound to the people we dislike as to the people we love.
(233) The test questions are kept secret so as to prevent cheating.
(234) Speak louder and clearer so as to make everyone hear you.
(235) We arrived early at the theatre so as to preempt the front seats.
(236) He fell into a sleep so deep as to counterfeit death.
(237) They should make decisions as to whether the student needs more help.
(238) He was so angry as to be unable to speak.
(239) The organizer will give instructions as to what to do.
(240) We are in total disagreement as to how to proceed.
(241) We felt curious ( as to ) how she received the shocking news.
(242) In June 1998 he went so far as to offer his resignation.
(243) The doctor was in a dilemma as to whether to tell the patient the truth about his condition or not.
(244) Don't be so innocent as to believe everything the politicians tell you.
(245) Be so good as to close the door when you leave.




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更新时间:2025/3/10 22:03:53