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单词 Consequently
1. Consequently we are in the position to...
2. My car broke down and consequently I was late.
3. Mr Foster has never been to China. Consequently / Hence he knows very little about it.
4. They had children and were consequently tied to the school holidays.
5. She failed her exams and was consequently unable to start her studies at college.
6. The molecules are absorbed into the bloodstream and consequently affect the organs.
7. She was a bright and eager student and, consequently, did well in school.
8. Consequently, most celebrity cover stories are pretty lame.
9. This aroused their resentment, and consequently their respect.
10. Consequently, the poorest families will have even less money.
11. Consequently generalizations about survival after diagnosis may be problematic.
12. Consequently, most pilots are trained on flight simulators.
13. There was no fighting and consequently no casualties.
14. The dispute be-came, consequently, the subject of a lawsuit.
15. Consequently, many countries prefer alternative policies.
16. Consequently, this was a divination of deep significance.
17. Consequently, nonviolent direct action as a strategy endured.
18. Consequently, some patients allowed their conditions to deteriorate.
18. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
19. Consequently customer satisfaction had actually declined.
20. Consequently, these relationships enjoy unrestricted support and protection.
21. Consequently, both will change drastically in workplace 2000.
22. Consequently, the widescale sanatorium service was doomed, an enormously cost effective benefit for both developing and developed countries.
23. Consequently, he ruled, the Education Ministry had been perfectly within its rights to ban the book.
24. Consequently, this view is frequently referred to as mathematical Platonism.
25. Consequently, management performance is defined as a need to know whether money was spent wisely.
26. Man is always more than he can know of himself. Consequently, his accomplishments, time and again, will come as a surprise to him.
27. Most computer users have never received any formal keyboard training. Consequently, their keyboard skills are inefficient.
28. I spent most of my money in the first week and consequently had very little to eat by the end of the holiday.
29. This poses a threat to agriculture and the food chain, and consequently to human health.
30. Grandfather Dingsdale had sustained a broken back while working in the mines. Consequently, he spent the rest of his life in a wheelchair.
1. Consequently we are in the position to...
2. Most computer users have never received any formal keyboard training. Consequently, their keyboard skills are inefficient.
3. She was a bright and eager student and, consequently, did well in school.
31. Consequently, she had to exist on an average income of £26 per week from an evening waitressing job.
32. Both companies consequently emphasized providing leadership, developing subordinates, and maintaining long-term partnerships with clients.
33. The ancient realm of Solland in the far south and Drakwald in the north no longer exist and consequently have no counts.
34. Consequently he could see making car-purchasing a joint effort as an expression of love.
35. Less apparent on Mercedes' stand - and consequently ignored by most show visitors - was a prototype 190 electric car.
36. Consequently, they are roughly equivalent to the transracially adopted children.
37. Consequently, it can be planned so that it is raised at the most appropriate time for it to be dealt with effectively.
38. Consequently, this is the least favoured method unless you especially want to echo screen output to the printer.
39. Consequently, our club got a big play from any and all officer personnel on the base camp.
40. Consequently, the former could not owe their form to the latter, and so magical correspondences between them were eliminated.
41. Consequently, there follows a strong emphasis on the lack of any priority between the two.
42. Consequently pentecostals have gained a reputation for sobriety, punctuality, and honesty.
43. Consequently, that child may be studying with a teacher who has given only a cursory glance at these spiraled curriculum guides.
44. The replacement of free will with scientific determinism was consequently the crucial starting point for the new positivist criminology.
45. Consequently, the drug must be started in low dosage and built up very gradually.
46. Consequently, she feels she must work for a stay of execution.
47. Consequently, those laws tend to dictate impartial treatment and equal service to all members of the targeted group.
48. Sir Charles Trevelyan refused to withdraw or to curb his activities in any way and was consequently expelled from the Party.Sentence dictionary
49. Consequently, it hosts an excellent wild brown trout population and fish are pink-fleshed and fighting fit, averaging 10oz in weight.
50. Consequently some people become sucked into what they see as an exclusive club which will eventually pay them a hefty financial dividend.
51. Consequently, he was budgeting for a deficit of about A$5,600,000.
52. Consequently the standard formula for the objective row in Phase I applies.
53. Consequently the dates of total solar eclipses form a rather complex sequence.
54. Consequently internal policies were often dictated by the external situation.
55. Organisations may take giant leaps and consequently deal with the unfamiliar.
56. Consequently, fashionable women of 1910 could wear flowing, sinuous shapes in dramatic hues.
57. Clearly this operation greatly complicated matters and consequently added to the cost.
58. Consequently, the people of a single state can not confer a sovereignty which will extend over them.
59. They are fermented and, consequently, have a strong flavour, being mixed with soya sauce and salt.
60. Consequently they ought to owe the same duties as traditional insiders.
61. Consequently, its only approved use under-FDA regulations is in the treatment of cystitis.
62. Consequently, greater stock exposure has paid off with greater returns.
63. Consequently, in the intentional mode, there is a complex relationship between causal direction and temporal order.
64. Consequently, he was very diligent in doing his marketing homework, too.
65. Consequently, this was the group to whom they felt most beholden.
66. Consequently, it produced more smoke than flames and Ridley cried out in pain.
67. Our modern Western world is consequently run by captains of industry, commerce and business who have an underlying Eastern philosophy.
68. Consequently it is not possible in general to analyse the singularity structure in such detail.
69. The continents and other landmasses perch on top of the plates, and consequently likewise move relative to each other.
70. The grass in the centre was consequently beaten down and dry.
71. Consequently many cathedral organists find themselves occupied increasingly with diocesan work.
72. Our compliance will consequently depend to some extent on the opportunities for self-expression through conventional avenues.
73. Consequently, a Cain gene on an X chromosome can safety kill the Y chromosome and not risk suicide.
74. Consequently, many young people now see choral singing as less glamorous and challenging than playing in an ensemble.
75. Consequently, the manufacture of base fertilizers is concentrated amongst large-scale firms who tend to be part of the wider chemical industry.
76. Consequently, black youths in many instances are not keen on formal education in any case.
77. Many problems have a clear local manifestation; local initiative and self-help must consequently provide the most apt solutions.
78. Consequently there is a change in excitation and the motor starts to accelerate at a rate dictated by the load parameters.
78. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
79. Consequently the forms of paternalism signified by feudal relations are more likely to be a recent tradition rather than a distant memory.
80. Consequently dependency ratios for future decades are again only best estimates and not real facts.
81. Consequently, they may change the direction of their attitudinal expressions.
82. Consequently, there was no difference in kind in the formal position of teachers and taught.
83. Consequently the mayoral incumbent must perform a delicate juggling act to maintain constituent support.
84. Consequently, the subsequent discussion will focus on different analyses which may be pursued before or after the initial investment.
85. Consequently, the talk at the sand table or the block area is more apt to be teacher-directed.
86. It includes the overwhelming majority of the voters and is consequently more heterogeneous in its social and ideological composition.
87. Consequently, this fixation on the earliest, nurturing and nutritive superego-precursor seems increasingly to express itself in the form of drug-addiction.
88. Consequently they argue that if entry qualifications are ignored the universities produce a significantly higher proportion of good honours graduates.
89. Consequently, rather than earning a wage, they are likely to find themselves claiming a range of benefits, grants and allowances.
90. Consequently, these mutant cells rely exclusively on glycolysis for their energy requirements and require exogenous pyruvate and pyrimidines for growth.
91. Consequently in a static diamond there are no charged atoms to interact with the electric field of infrared radiation.
92. Consequently, Julius Caesar was dressed in Elizabethan costume because no one thought that he ought to be dressed any differently.
93. Consequently, we can describe with some confidence the type of feedback systems most Work-place 2000 companies will use.
94. Consequently there is no topic that is off limits for discussion, even if a few are off limits for experimentation.
95. Consequently, the larger creatures that prey on them, the raptors, are fleeing starvation too.
96. Consequently, the committee was not required to comply with federal campaign disclosure laws.
97. Consequently, is the coefficient of in the equation of the canonical form in which is basic.
98. There are, consequently, those who view her conversion to the cause as belated, possibly opportunistic.
99. It drapes beautifully and is consequently most suitable for curtains, with the added advantage that it is not affected by sunlight.
100. Consequently, when it came to deciding upon holiday locations, there were rarely arguments.
101. Consequently, the woodpigeon population has boomed, to the annoyance of farmers and gamekeepers.
102. Consequently, Terrell said Simpson may have to take other steps, such as filing for bankruptcy.
103. State power, and consequently that of the education authorities, may have been eroded, but it still controls formal education.
104. Consequently the basic concepts have been division of labour, organisational structure, job descriptions, but above all - hierarchy.
105. Consequently the complete criminal lawyer is no narrow expositor of black-letter legal rules and exhaustive conceptual analyses.
106. This will stimulate the speaker and consequently make your listening more enjoyable.
107. Each of these seems to derive something from the interruptable time of the television chronotope, and its consequently segmented narrative.
108. Consequently,[http:///consequently.html] the space in the hard copy directory may be exceeded although no volume is full.
109. Consequently, their improvements in most risk areas were less dramatic.
110. Consequently, we're seeing it more on the high street as casual wear.
111. Consequently, all that embryology tells us is that both areas are part of the neocortex.
112. Consequently these areas are the first to exhibit extra fat and the last to actually reduce.
113. Consequently he can not approve of any building that wants to draw attention to itself.
114. How can the supply voltage and consequently the phase current - be increased during acceleration or deceleration?
115. Consequently, he learned to be self-sufficient at a young age.
116. Consequently, the arguments presented in this section should not be used to dismiss centralized corporate planning.
117. Consequently the Bank satisfies itself that the borrower can meet the interest and capital repayments before making the loan.
118. Consequently, Muir believes, biotech fish could quickly decimate a fish population by their increased ability to produce damaged young.
119. It will also increase its equity base and consequently improve its gearing and its ability to borrow further.
120. Consequently the effective osmotic pressure that it exerts on biological membranes is far less than its osmotic pressure measured by an osmometer.
121. Consequently, choices judged politically feasible are not always economically optimal.
122. It is precisely there that they considered themselves the most competent and consequently interfered in all spheres of its life.
123. Thoreau, consequently, moves toward the other end of the scale.
124. Consequently it was bitterly opposed by some of the bishops.
125. Culture, and therefore male activity within this scheme of thought, are consequently seen as superior to nature and female passivity.
126. Consequently what does not fit neatly into existing experience is anomalous and apt to seem mystically dangerous.
127. Consequently, they were to be subjected to forced labour to pay the equivalent.
128. Consequently, the best institutional arrangement to use depends on the nature of the transaction.
129. More applications will consequently get through to the ultimate decision makers.
130. Consequently she becomes a less efficient shopper and a more frustrated one.
131. Consequently it is important to critically examine its basis in reality.
132. Our argument for the importance of considering individual speaker's topics in conversational discourse would consequently be weaker.
133. Consequently, rulers encouraged people to produce goods for export and devised high tariffs to discourage imports.
134. Consequently, on reaching the surface they have a comparatively low residual pressure and explosive activity is very limited.
135. Consequently, precipitation of luminal calcium by dietary phosphate should inhibit these effects.
136. Pressure from recreation on these open areas is usually considerable, with consequently much disturbance to birds particularly in the breeding season.
137. Consequently, a new diploma course had to be set up, new teacher trainers prepared and new books written.
138. Consequently,[http:///consequently.html] frontier controls were necessary to ensure that cross-frontier trade in goods adhered to the various national requirements.
139. Consequently, unlike other tumour suppressor genes, only one allele need be mutated to produce a phenotypic effect.
140. There are several techniques that Godard uses to produce distancing and consequently the disinvestment of desire in images.
141. Consequently, the crops over the ditch have a different growth rate.
142. Consequently, what forms the bane of middle-aged women's vanity can be used to your advantage.
143. Consequently there are no cases in our books which show what the appropriate determinate sentence is specifically for that offence.
144. Consequently, they have continued to dominate the style of psychiatric practice in many districts.
145. Consequently, the costs of strengthening and extending the probation service could be defrayed by charging a fee to the offending corporation.
146. Consequently, the fall in demand for building materials and construction workers will generate downward multiplier effects on other types of investment.
147. Consequently, they might remove the base, thereby removing the reason for a nuclear attack.
148. The image produced by a diverging lens is however frequently virtual and consequently the focal length does not seem easy to determine.
149. Consequently this section deals with identifying the needs that drinking fulfils and developing alternative ways of satisfying those needs.
150. Consequently, company after company has tried it and cast it aside.
151. Consequently, President Roosevelt dismissed the entire batallion of approximately 160 men and disqualified them from further military or government employment.
152. So no collagen and therefore no skeleton; no muscle and consequently no movement.
153. Consequently, the Franco regime could not institute a programme of land reform without arousing the hostility of the landowners.
154. Acrylic fibres are made into fabric which is soft and warm, and consequently has similar characteristics to wool.
155. Consequently, while corporate structures have developed apace since reorganization, it is questionable whether the corporate ethos has become deeply rooted.
156. Consequently the force of gravity at perigee is not enough to hold it in a circular orbit.
157. Consequently, age data contain a considerable error component that differs among surveys.
158. Consequently both perspectives need to be examined when considering what people understand and mean by terms such as health.
159. Ishmael, consequently, also investigates the antithetical approach, the method of pure subjective perception.
160. Consequently, the riders were escorted to the state line where Mississippi patrol cars took over.
161. Consequently, it was decided that he should no longer be fed, thus ensuring that he would die.
162. Consequently, this concept prompts Melville to emphasize the importance of contrasts in every aspect of life.
163. Consequently all the cryogenic tanks and pipes were pre-cooled by pumping cold gas through the supply lines.
164. Consequently, you will be able to judge for yourself how accurate we are in describing the abbreviated style in general.
165. Consequently banks have sought to reduce their overseas lending exposure in recent years.
166. All this put the emphasis on the content and was consequently responsible for the heterogeneous nature of literary studies.
167. Consequently, despite her thoughts to the contrary, she is irrevocably alienated from Zampano.
168. He consequently had to remain solely on his own surface,[http:///consequently.html] looking outward for sustenance.
169. The book has no narrator or main character. Consequently, it lacks a traditional plot.
170. These spines are capable of producing a deep gash, and consequently these fishes should be handled with care.
171. These differ from one culture to another and can consequently be misinterpreted and cause embarrassment or suspicion.
172. Consequently, after Frederick's burial, some of his followers were so devastated that they committed suicide.
173. Small firms are consequently forced to rely much more on trade credit to finance their operations.
174. Consequently, the only time the operating system refers to a file by its name is when it opens the file.
175. Consequently, the enjoyable show relied heavily on voluntary audience participation to act out the battle scenes.
176. Consequently the difference frequency should be precisely equal to the difference between the frequencies of the corresponding fundamentals.
177. Consequently, competition was eliminated and tariffs reached an excessive level.
178. Consequently, they had to drop concrete piles 8 metres into the soil to provide a foundation.
179. Consequently only short range variations and perturbations in the field need be considered when studying the behaviour of a particle.
180. Consequently, most professional artists need to exploit a variety of methods for selling their work.
181. Consequently, it appears that in principle at least, both corporations and their officials could be deterred, unlike their conventional counterparts.
182. The life. history material, consequently, can provide us with reports of personal experience at the hands of governmental authority.
183. Consequently, developments in the international financial structure have had a decisive influence on how wealth-creating activities are divided among nations.
184. Consequently such services have only been under the administration of health authorities for a short while.
185. The potential of graphs to communicate effectively is consequently being undermined.
186. Consequently, stand or fall of patient angina symptom.
187. Consequently, the existence of time optimal control is obtained.
188. Simultaneously or consequently genomes evolved protective-functional membranes, their organs.
189. Ensure Reasonable reactive power compensatory point and capacity, it can be maintained systemic voltage level and improved systemic voltage stability, consequently decrease loss of system.
190. Because oak pledges the ground sinks particularly forcedly , after consequently arboreous fell trees comes down, moisture is taken off it is difficult to be compared completely.
191. Consequently, it is important to take researches of combined lift technique in order to solve the problem of depth lift.
192. Since the filament is coiled, the increase of the filament current will consequently induces a larger electromagnetic force between the coils. We calculate the electromagnetic force of in...
193. Consequently the modern mission movement has been partly aresult of the decline of Calvinistic dogmatism.
194. Therefore, they have no effect on national savings and, consequently, on the current external account.
195. Consequently any stop motion must be sited in such a way as to allow sufficient time for any stop to occur before the broken end reaches the headstock .
196. Different person can give out to see problem plan differently, offer different train of thought, consequently Baidu knew to had become a kind to learn coadjutant communication tool newly.
197. This method can be used to design RD system of over four components, consequently RD graphical design method is developed.
198. Consequently a light total mass a small driving power a simple structure and a reliable operation.
198. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
199. Consequently the goal of robust tracking control was obtained and the asymptotical stability of adaptive sliding mode control systems was proved based on Lyapunov theory.
200. Generator design considerations determine the field current , field voltage and consequently , the power required for excitation.
201. This text discussed effect that the different filling are fractionated with experiment, consequently a better separate means is discovered, purer straight chain heptanes is distilled.
202. Better disk workload balance can be acquired in the homogeneous system, consequently, relative workload balance status can be reached in various nodes of the system.
203. In this method, the open region is transformed into closed region. Consequently, the boundary truncation is not necessary. The order of the matrix resulted from this method is small.
204. Consequently, the steerable wheel does not have to be positioned at a specific angle.
205. Consequently, the traditional management theories and methods are challenged and traditional management accounting has displayed inadaptability to the new environments.
206. Consequently based on the assumption of constant area of surface, the development of panel skin surface which adopted geometric modeling Method was researched in the article.
207. Lucy Stone becomes first woman on record to keep her own name after marriage, setting a trend among women who are consequently known as "Lucy Stoners."
208. Consequently, how to assay monensin rapidly and efficiently becomes the aspect of research at home and abroad.
209. Consequently, we use a number of different techniques to identify component licenses, including scanning the POM (Project Object Model) for Maven based projects, and scanning sources for all projects.
210. Consequently, rutile transformed into brookite up to the pH value of 10 and brookite became more while continuously increasing the amount of HMT.
211. Consequently, it was felt the best option was an event-driven framework.
212. ResultsSome Chinese herbal medicine can reduce or induce CYP3A4 isoform of cytochrome P450. Consequently it affected combined drug metabolism and resulted in drug interaction.
213. Consequently, the transport service must be convenient and easy to use.
214. This had the effect of making the men much less anxious about the interaction (actually about half as nervous as judged by independent observers) and consequently much warmer.
215. Consequently, the tolerance margins, which are so necessary in traditional building methods, can be greatly reduced.
216. Consequently, ion exchange strengthened cover glass can increase the reliability of solar cell, which can improve service efficiency and prolong the life of solar cell.
217. Consequently, SSR markers could be used for measuring genetic variation and assigning maize inbred lines to heterotic groups.
218. Consequently, if a data display format changes, you might need to update your application to use revised culture information.
219. Consequently, the metal interconnects of VLSI have smaller sectional area and carry increasing power density, which made the electromigration become one of the main latent damage modes.
220. As its added value is low, the appreciation of the RMB will affect China's export and consequently the overall growth rate of the national economy.
221. Consequently, a charge carrier is much more likely to strike the sidewall of the structure before it has a chance to ricochet from a defect.
222. Consequently, the heterogeneous data exchange system of Bank of Communications has been designed in order to solve the above problems.
223. Consequently, the pivoting movement of the holding-down and knock-over sinker (5) is forced to follow the back-and-forth linear movement of the knitting needle (4).
224. What the vaginal convulsion that says normally points to is to be in copulative before, the vagina produces intense systole, convulsion, the penis cannot be inserted consequently.
225. This interactive media immersion at a formative stage of life has affected their brain development and consequently the way they think and learn.
226. Consequently, The multi-industry enterprises have less and less vigor and can't acclimatize theirselves to the running rule of the market.
227. Objective:To probe into the methods for enhancing signal intensity of pathological changes via conduct of Brain MRI, consequently making a basis for automatic filtration for them.
228. Trauma, tumor, disease and congenital abnormalities may lead to genital organ damage or function failure, and consequently the requirement of its reconstruction.
228. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
229. Consequently, the songs on First Narrows are more organic and looser in nature than Morgan's previous work.
230. The paper describes the effective measures taken to reduce off grade product with home scrap, rhomb and horizontal crack, and consequently improving the quality of the continuously casting product.
231. The historian is like the connoisseur who recognizes the artist not by that which is characteristic of him (and consequently imitable) but by that which, so to speak, spontaneously 'escaped' him.
232. Consequently we have no written record of the common Indo-European language.
233. Consequently, to strengthen the research of supervision on the insider dealing is very meaningful.
234. Consequently, the paper points out some problems occurred in electromagnetic force calculation.
235. Consequently the wrinkles, or crow's feet, they cause temporarily disappear.
236. Consequently AFT will provide complete duplication of leaded gasoline performance advantages while satisfying the environmental concerns requiring lead elimination from the gasoline pool.
237. The silicide layer formed at interface was thought to induce the in plane magnetic anisotropy in the sandwiches, which consequently resulted in the high field sensitivity of GMR.
238. This System model is directly constructed by the primary data. Consequently it may avoid the restriction of mathematical formula and keep integrity of the primary data structure.
239. Consequently, an ISOS could provide a virtual computer with potentially 150 million times the processing speed and storage capacity of a typical single computer.
240. Feuerbach, consequently, does not see that the "religious sentiment" is itself a social product, and that the abstract individual whom he analyses belongs to a particular form of society.
241. Consequently, the detailed estimate is often used as the budget estimate since it is sufficient definitive to reflect the project scope and is available long before the engineer's estimate.
242. However, it consequently prices the ending inventory at the older, less realistic unit price.
243. Consequently, macrophage biology will be a major focus of the Keystone Symposia meeting on Molecular Basis of Vascular Inflammation and Atherosclerosis.
244. While medical wastes were incinerated in rotary kiln incinerator, medical glass was melted by the high temperature; consequently the molten glass resulted in slagging of rotary kiln.
245. Consequently, large as it was, the whole household, old and young, uncles and sisters-in-law, lived in perfect harmony.
246. They may be handsome thoughts, but, unlinked, they have no relation to the other thoughts in your paper. Consequently, they indeed are... disconnected and disjointed.
247. Very few studies on functional block structure were reported, consequently, the structure design of functional blocks was selected as the research object in this paper.
248. Consequently, Khiva khanate even failed to maintain its complete ruling power in economy at home and indeed was made a semi-colony of Russian Empire.
249. The data transfer rate of peripherals is usually slower than the transfer rate of the CPU, and consequently, a synchronization mechanism may be needed.
250. Since the filament is coiled, the increase of the filament current will consequently induces a larger electromagnetic force between the coils. We calculate t...
251. This paper describes a new method to control the behavior of windows by way of out-process call-back functions. Consequently the behavior of the object process can also be controlled.
252. Consequently, research and develop of electronic switching power unit which is large capacity, fast and multi-functions will be the main content of research, there is high practical value.
253. In these cities each kind of group or party communicates with each other and has been assimilated consequently it creates the multi-color city culture.
254. This confused sense of reality and possibility turns out Brutus's tragic flaw that underlies all the major decisions he makes and consequently results in his own ruin.
255. Consequently, Mr. DuBravac predicts that low-end models will see steep revenue declines in 2009.
256. The design of the utility model uses the one way stopping and retreating device to realize the manual reset, consequently enlarges the range of application, reduces the volume and reduces the cost.
257. Consequently, if measured only by economic returns, FlightSafety is an excellent but not extraordinary business.
258. Thus , culture influences end of message, which consequently affects the translation between two languages.Sentence dictionary
259. Consequently, evaporation loss of Mg element can be controlled in a reasonable range with insured fusion penetration by proper increasing of the three parameters.
260. Consequently, one and only one developer works at a record type at any given time.
261. Consequently I found that advocating for "freedom on academic" is the centre theory of this multiversity , somehow I was deeply attracted by this.
262. Mechanics behaviors of Sutong bridge were computed by this method, and longitudinal stress, transversal stress of plates of the girder and section stress distribution were discussed consequently.
263. So, the strain gradients and consequently the related gradients of mechanical properties are closely linked to hydric heterogeneities generated by non-uniform drying in the layer of material.
264. Consequently, it was found that a certain deformation zone length depending on the temperature distribution is necessary to satisfy the geometrical similarity law in cross section.
265. Force consequently requires solicitation from without: it works blindly: and on account of this defectiveness of form, the content is also limited and accidental.
266. Consequently it is a constant struggle for gondoliers to be seen as more than folkloric accouterments.
267. Consequently, reductionism tends to ignore the kinds of interactions that can trigger the emergence of order, patterns, or properties that do not preexist in the underlying physical substram.
268. Consequently, the mapping language is designed to provide greater flexibility and granular control over the entire process of decomposition.
269. Consequently, I plead you all to restrain from food these few days. After we have shrunk in size, there might be a chance to escape.
270. But at the end of 90's, due to consequently favorable income in foreign trade, our country became the second big gest country for foreign exchange reserve in the world in 1998.
271. Consequently, no load current flows through R6 because Q2, whose base-emitter voltage is now 0V, has turned off.
272. Consequently, the analysis of relationship between dynamic parameters and anchor-bar aixal force are performed, and the influence of dynamic parameters on anchor-bar aixal force are concluded.
273. The first question is about may I misidentify this is to people are not only rule breakers, but they often come in not even knowing the rules, and so consequently not tied to them.




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