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单词 Intensely
1. His air of calm superiority annoyed her intensely.
2. The noise was beginning to irritate me intensely.
3. I found the delays intensely frustrating.
4. The novel is an intensely lyrical stream-of-consciousness about an Indian woman who leaves her family home to be married.
5. Steve was intensely curious about the world I came from.
6. I found the whole evening intensely embarrassing.
7. I was intensely curious to know more about him.
8. Her poems are well-wrought and intensely personal.
9. Susan and Deborah share an intensely selfish, egotistic streak.
10. He found her intensely desirable.
11. Gould was an intensely private individual.
12. I find that building intensely claustrophobic.
13. She began speaking intensely, without preliminaries.
14. The fast-food business is intensely competitive.
15. He sipped his drink, staring intensely at me.
16. I found the story intensely moving.
17. He was intensely aware of his own vulnerability.
18. She disliked her boss intensely.
19. He was intensely eager, indeed avid, for wealth.
20. Advertising is an intensely competitive business.
20. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
21. Alfred was intensely ambitious, obsessed with the idea of becoming rich.
22. She dislikes snobs intensely.
23. The sea here has been fished intensely over the last ten years.
24. Her parents were intensely ambitious for her and her younger sister.
25. She disliked him intensely.
26. He disliked Kate intensely.
27. Eisenhower was intensely aware of the need for long-range planning.
28. Contained within the rock strata is evidence that the region was intensely dry 15,000 years ago.
29. His strongest criticism is reserved for his father, whom he disliked intensely.
30. I could feel that a man was watching me very intensely.
1. His air of calm superiority annoyed her intensely.
2. The noise was beginning to irritate me intensely.
3. I found the delays intensely frustrating.
4. The novel is an intensely lyrical stream-of-consciousness about an Indian woman who leaves her family home to be married.
5. Steve was intensely curious about the world I came from.
6. I found the whole evening intensely embarrassing.
7. I was intensely curious to know more about him.
8. He found her intensely desirable.
9. She began speaking intensely, without preliminaries.
10. I found the story intensely moving.
11. She dislikes snobs intensely.
12. Her parents were intensely ambitious for her and her younger sister.
13. The fire flamed intensely.
31. A lot of leading ladies end up falling in love with their leading men simply because they are working together so intensely.
32. The fire flamed intensely.
33. There are some intensely lyrical passages in his first symphony.
34. One of the boys kept laughing, which annoyed Jane intensely.
35. They experience their feelings very intensely.
36. It can make government intensely responsive to the people.
37. She was intensely irritated by Emma's holier-than-thou attitude.
38. He is intensely competitive, she is not.
39. The emerging shape-shifting business organization remains intensely ambiguous.
40. The issue of global population is intensely controversial.
41. And his interest in the sport is intensely forward-looking.
42. She prayed so intensely, she sprouted facial hair.
43. Some people feel anxiety very often and very intensely.
44. Hers is a compelling and intensely dramatic performance.
45. This talk of money - she disliked it intensely.
46. I could see his fingers working signals behind the mitt so intensely the batter had to have seen too.
47. Then Sammler, making himself intensely observant, concluded after ten or twelve minutes that Gruner definitely knew.
48. He had always liked her, had grown very fond of her and now he was finding her intensely desirable.
49. A case involving the intensely competitive newspaper industry demonstrates what may happen.
50. But he is also said to be intensely loyal to the woman who stood by him during his 27 years of imprisonment.
51. Along with his intensely loyal family he struggles hard to achieve downward mobility.
52. There Amelia was, an intensely ambitious woman without any professional training,[sentence dictionary] blocked at every turn.
53. A personal viewpoint Landscape painting provokes intensely important issues for me.
54. From a purely aesthetic viewpoint, I must say that I dislike the design of the volume and tone pots intensely.
55. Whalley Range was, and still is, an intensely Bohemian area packed solid with aspiring and struggling bands.
56. Muriel disliked Paul intensely.
57. Prospecting continued in other provinces, though most intensely in Connaught and Ulster.
58. As for the unemployment issue, I have never, never, uttered one word about this sensitive and intensely sad situation.
59. A dapper man with an aristocratic air, he was boyishly handsome, compulsively social and intensely creative.
60. All were later to be intensely involved in the civil rights movement.
61. But it went unheard by the intensely hostile and suspicious Orthodox hier archy.
62. The church visitors were intensely embarrassed shortly after we had agreed to have door-to-door visitation for a forthcoming town mission.
63. Now despite years of steady disarmament they're all talking about nuclear war again, and more intensely than ever before.
64. Nevertheless, as combat approached, the pilots became intensely alive in a way that Skull could always recognise but never understand.
65. SemperFidelis I found the roundtable on fidelity fascinating reading, but intensely depressing as well.
66. Intensely painted scenes depict the gruesome martyrdom of countless saints.
67. The reader is subjected to an intensely self-absorbed analysis of countless trivialities.
68. Nobody wants to die but a brush with death makes you feel more intensely alive than ever.
69. The pair are said to dislike each other intensely - only the lure of the big bucks they make keeps them together.
70. Alfred was intensely ambitious, obsessed with the idea of becoming rich, and channeled all his energy into his career.
71. I have cared about them intensely in my younger days.
72. Reverence for the countryside and Buddha, dignity and pride run deep in this intensely respectful country.
73. Take care to be gentle, since these ear infections are intensely irritating and painful.
74. He looked at her intensely and she looked down at her hands which she was dabbling in the water.
75. His eyes, meeting hers, were intensely blue and lively and she noticed the fine laughter lines on his face.
76. Each night, Brian kept his lonely vigil, doing homework and listening intensely to what was going on behind the door.
77. Ironically, the message of all this activity is that the market is intensely worried about Saatchi's prospects.
78. The boiling off of liquids, he noted, leaves an intensely, sometimes unpleasantly bitter residue.
79. But his concern for profit margins kept wage levels low and he was intensely suspicious of trade unionism.
80. Raw berries should be cooked and sweetened before being eaten because they have an intensely bitter flavour.
81. John-Francis worked intensely with the neglected until, suffering from exhaustion,[http:///intensely.html] he died at the age of thirty-three.
82. Even an only child feels that other children have some great advantages over him, and this makes him intensely jealous.
83. And it annoyed her intensely, not least of all because she still felt a long way from figuring him out!
84. Looking out over the sea I recall an earlier time when I had been briefly but intensely curious about matters mystical.
85. Movies are intensely marketed; in cyberspace, you gain an audience one person at a time.
86. He has no enemies, but is intensely disliked by his friends. Oscar Wilde 
87. The style is massive, austere, finely proportioned and intensely durable.
88. The most intensely radioactive is high-level waste - typically a thousand times more potent than the intermediate level.
89. Generally, then, one would expect to find reciprocation in populations of highly social animals living in small intensely interactive groups.
90. I was intensely interested in journalism, and all the things around it, whether it was performing or actually playing records.
91. A libel trial is in large parts intensely soporific, if you are not on the receiving end.
92. But lately I have begun to feel intensely curious about Anna herself.
93. They are comfortably familiar tunes, but she interprets them in an intensely personal way.
94. His lips were intensely smiling and his false teeth shone.
95. An intensely private man, one can only assume the attractions of the year-round treadmill are wearing thin.
96. I remember watching a whole flock of female phalaropes badgering a poor male so intensely he almost drowned.
97. She knew now, consciously at last and with absolute clarity, why she had always reacted so intensely to Luke Scott.
98. Antony rose to his feet and stood gazing intensely at her.
99. This process of learning takes place more rapidly and intensely during the early years of childhood than in later life.
100. Tony Paignton, although only twenty-one and a merry-faced person bubbling over with fun, was an intensely serious young man.
101. Yet the volume closes with three sonnets which prepare the way for the intensely symbolic landscapes of Mascarilla y trebol.
102. The intensely flavored, spicy mole, with chocolate as its base, is the perfect foil for wild turkey.
103. His grey eyes stared back at me intensely(), as if right through me.
104. Scholarly and intensely hard-working, his otherwise serious nature was lightened by a streak of mischief.
105. All season these Bruins have been intensely competitive and highly vulnerable.
106. Despite his extraordinary flair in gaining publicity for the causes he believed in, McTaggart was an intensely private man.
107. But Sydney audiences took the piece in stride, and reviews ranged from respectful to intensely admiring.
108. The second is intensely combative performance art, and just about self-financing.
109. An intensely nationalistic native of Lorraine, he saw in overseas conquests the compensation for his lost birthplace.
110. The authors are intensely polite and agreeable,[] rendering the discussions somewhat rehearsed and far too sedate.
111. This California zinfandel displays intensely fresh, penetrating berry fruit and very good persistence on the palate.
112. The place was stark yet intensely present. Wild horse and donkey tracks skirted the bases of red, sedimentary hills.
113. Standing under an ancient oak I am intensely aware of the sheer concentration of life in the leafy canopy overhead.
114. Artificial light an intensely bright and broad beam.
115. Indian ink: Intensely black drawing ink.
116. Edmond was intensely interested. Suddenly the jailer entered.
117. Artificial light in an intensely bright and broad beam.
118. But for many transvestites , cross - dressing is an intensely sexual activity.
119. The resista nce decreases intensely when the slenderness ratio of the hot molding sand layer increases.
120. We think of them as signifying happiness, and indeed, researchers do find that the more intensely people contract their zygomaticus major muscles, the happier they say they feel.
121. Mr Putin resents the West's influence in former Soviet countries such as Georgia and Ukraine, and he dislikes the puckish Mr intensely.
122. The instilment thereof into her mind would probably have caused this aged sister to drop down dead, at once, as by the effect of an intensely poisonous infusion.
123. Intensely flavourful, vibrantly diverse and brilliantly colourful are just some of the expressions that capture the essence of Guizhou food.
124. After a nail-biting ballot, in which Naoto Kan, the prime minister, and Mr Ozawa, his brooding challenger, sat just feet away from each other, eyes shut, meditating intensely, Mr Kan won handsomely.
125. Her manner was that of one who is intensely disquieted and dissatisfied.
126. But craved intensely in the wilderness , And tempted God in the desert.
127. There are no climaxes in these stories. In fact they're not so much stories as nerdy shoptalk, the thinking-out-loud of an intensely interested man.
128. The back drawing-room has never produced a company of comedians so intensely and ostentatiously conscious of their own funniness.
129. When you see your third eye, you should concentrate on the middle of it or on the most intensely coloured part of it.
130. Today's wealthy, aside from being intensely private, are so pressed for time and overloaded with existing social commitments that they may have little interest in trolling the Web for new pals.
131. It has a distinctive colour and aroma, and a intensely flavourful palate which shows prime grapes and plum with a lingering aftertaste that really satisfies.
132. Hardware encrypting resists decryption intensely, but it use inconveniently for user.
133. Try to picture this scene: With 50, 000 men watching intensely, a 15-year-old young man, Trent—blindfolded and barefoot—begins stepping cautiously across an outdoor stage.
134. In examining our hypothetical Farm One environment, we've discovered that the database of the primary application is no longer accessed nearly as often or as intensely as it once was.
135. By 2011 debris in the center of the ring, which is about a light-year in diameter, was blazing more intensely as the supernova entered a new stage of stellar demise.
136. The freedom to paint such an intensely personal experience became a basic tenet of Expressionism.
137. The intensely red colored car made of soft quilt instead of hard steel, try to present the frequent traffic accidents caused by these machines in Beijing.
138. Carbon black: A fine, intensely black pigment obtained by burning natural gas or oil with restricted air supply.
139. He prayed intensely for her luscious aunt as he ran, or for a luscious girl friend.
140. He remains a paradox: an intensely private public writer who has dedicated himself in wondrously inventive ways to undoing the Big Lie.
141. Volcanic eruptive activities occurred from Cambrian to Permian , most intensely in Devonian and Carboniferous.
142. Blisters develop and the skin takes on an intensely reddened, splotchy appearance.
143. Burnside's intensely lyric poems occupy a borderland between two worlds.
144. Sufferers complain of intensely creepy-crawly skin and odd fibrous strands which protrude from open wounds.
145. Under the pressure to deal with intensely competition home and abroad and to lift administration level, the cigarette industrial enterprise is forced to feed up the pace to apply ERP.
146. We can feel intensely the writer's motherly affection, sympathy, lenience and kindness by reading her works.
147. Scorpio pets are intensely loyal and demand the strangers prove themselves.
148. Neil Armstrong, the first man on the moon, is intensely private and, in the eyes of the media, unforgivably normal.
149. The presence of Chiron signals the possibility of being shamed for your intensely passionate nature.
150. Of course, if we're full of self-disgust or dislike ourselves intensely, we'll find the summoning up of compassionate feelings for ourselves even more challenging.
151. It stars Natalie Portman who trained intensely to play the part of Nina Sayers, a ballerina with a New York ballet company.
152. In today's dynamic and intensely competitive markets, speed and decisiveness are essential for strategic success.
153. To find another life this century as intensely devoted to abstraction, one must reach back to Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951), who stripped his life bare for philosophy.
154. LDPC codes are now one of intensely studied areas in coding due to their near Shannon limit performance and parallel decoding architecture.
155. They experience feelings deeply and intensely, and their emotions are often mercurial.
156. Dongying movement in Bohai Bay Basin is an intensely regional tectonic movement occurred during late Paleogene.
157. In this paper, the principle, apparatus and advantages of the PIXE technique are briefly introduced, and the recent developments on its applications in oceanography are intensely reviewed.
158. It is an intensely personal and self-revealing account of one man's way of life.
159. Mr Putinresents the West's influence in former Soviet countries such as Georgiaand Ukraine, and he dislikes the puckish Mr Saakashvili intensely.
160. Frieden's tenure as New York City's health commissioner from 2002 to 2009 was intensely productive and attention-getting: under his direction, the city banned trans fats from restaurants.
161. The experimental results further showed Dioscorea bulbifera L. had intensely induced the expression of CYP1A2 and CYP2E1 protein in the initial period of the liver damage created by it.
162. If the smaller aft sponson is applied with displacement reduced considerably, the GZ curve does not decrease intensely.
163. The earlier-stage mineralization was intensely superposed by the tectono-magmatic thermal fluid of the later Mesozoic in the middle part of the Fujian Province.
164. He was reading widely and intensely during the first years of authorship.
165. The soft white pulpy flesh of ripe custard apple is intensely sweet.
166. Americans don't study it as intensely and they don't really understand the benefits of compound interest.
167. Bilberry may be of benefit for those working intensely with their eyes, eg airline pilots, students(), computer terminal operators and night drivers; or when doing fine detailed work.
168. Or is it that we wish so intensely for life to go on, that we create a theogony [origin and descent of the gods] in the first place?
169. From last Thursday until now, gold price Lian Lajiao under the length the hachure , competes intensely spatially.
170. Aroma: This wine is intensely aromatic, displaying passionfruit, gooseberry,[http:///intensely.html] kiwi and tropical fruit balanced herbaceous characters.
171. Sun-dried tomatoes are intensely flavored and can be added to sauces, salads, or soups. Available dried or in oil.
172. On day 14, CGRP LI markedly enhanced in the above regions with the development of polyarthritis. Sometimes many intensely stained long fibers could be seen in the posterior commissure.
173. That instinct may be especially strong on the intensely private issue of extramarital sex, which people tend to view as a problem concerning only the couple involved.
174. A fine, intensely black pigment obtained by burning natural gas or oil with restricted air supply.
175. We can feel intensely the writer motherly affection, sympathy, lenience and kindness by reading her works.
176. Mr Bush is a convert to an evangelical Christianity that emphasises emotion—particularly the intensely emotional experience of being born again—over ratiocination.
177. The real trouble was that Gerhardt had grown intensely morose and crotchety, and it was becoming impossible for young people to live with him.
178. Dickie disliked snobs intensely.
179. Meanwhile, 60 sheep intensely infected with helminth were allocated into 6 groups of 10 animals in each, and carried out the comparative deworming study of different anthelmintics.
180. Intensely red in color. Powerful, lively and full of spices. Very complex and flavourful palate finishes long on sweet cherries with an enticing mineral note.
181. Duncan Kennedy has described the law schools as "intensely political places", characterized by a "trade school mentality, the endless attention to trees at the expense of forests.
182. This movie lens film editing's rhythm and the rhythm can stimulate audience's emotion intensely.
183. Sun-dried tomatoes are intensely flavored and can be added to sauces, salads, or soups.
184. The intensely critical spirit is often the narrow - minded and ignorant one.
185. Bond investors are intensely focused on companies'ability to pay down debt.
186. A bright and intensely hot area in the sun's chromosphere, usually associated with a sunspot.
187. The subterraneous succulent roots were of intensely incrassate cortices, and there were lots of water cells in the cortices of the succulent and the aerial roots especially in the former.
188. In fact, Albert Einstein, the very poster boy of intellectualism, intensely disliked school.
189. You also jut your jaw out when you're playing intensely. Is that in the game?
190. Even so, they are intensely loyal and talk lovingly of their good-natured boss.
191. Of course Leo was intensely interested in this stupendous and unequalled sight.
192. User's increase meant sales personnel's busy, the market competition meant intensely the public relations work the unimportance, the medical drugs increase meant the sales management wants the nature.http://
193. The Malbec grape thrives in warm climates where it can create deep colored, intensely ripe and attractive gamy wines which are well worth aging .
194. Until recently, the remoteness of the Tarahumara's homeland—the canyons' deep, rock-lined gorges—has allowed these intensely shy people to preserve much of their native culture.




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