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单词 Continuum
1. These various complaints are part of a continuum of ill-health.
2. Many mini-theories involve the r - K continuum.
3. But still the image of a continuum persisted.
4. Mental development follows a set course along a continuum.
5. This subject is broadly termed continuum mechanics and is an academic discipline in its own right.
6. This continuum stretches from full repetition at one end of the scale to pronominal reference at the other.
6. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
7. The structure now reflects the continuum rather than the discrete units we perceive.
8. There is a vast continuum between bureaucratic behavior and entrepreneurial behavior, and government can surely shift its position on that spectrum.
9. On a continuum of possible policy outcomes, locate the preferred policy decision of each group. 3.
10. Of course, in reality there is a continuum between these and more informal types of conflict.
11. An unforgiving managerial continuum reaching from the father to the oldest remembered paternal relative sits in stony judgment.
12. The continuum between main secondary and post-16 education is more doubtful.
13. Inter-agency activity ranged across a continuum from the perfunctory to the innovative.
14. Life will be redefined as a continuum of different qualities.
15. The relation of the one continuum to the other is not possible using Newtonian mechanics.
16. The Creole language is really various dialects arranged on a continuum.
17. All the organisms in an ecosystem are part of an evolutionary continuum.
18. It's not 'left-wing or right-wing' - political opinion is a long continuum.
19. Romaine, Le Page and Tabouret-Keller and others have raised serious theoretical objections to the continuum hypothesis itself, as described above.
20. Usually these styles are presented as opposite ends of a continuum.
21. Different types of software have been placed on a continuum from machine orientated to user orientated.
22. Piaget conceptualized development as a continuous process along a continuum.
23. Rape and battering are merely one end of a continuum of aggressive forms of behaviour of men to women.
24. Different generations have tended to position themselves at different points on that continuum.
25. Some political systems are probably best classified on a continuum between totalitarianism and authoritarianism.
26. From a Piagetian perspective, development is appropriately viewed as a continuum.
27. These men were spread out all along the behavioral continuum.
28. Susan was followed on the program by Father Dougherty, who began his presentation by sketching a continuum on the blackboard.
29. What may appear in their presentation as polar opposites are in reality shifting points on a continuum.
30. It is through the conception of historical time as a continuum that the past becomes a coherent object.
1. The Creole language is really various dialects arranged on a continuum.
31. One importance of the continuum is that it is a more precise form of categorisation than the simple dichotomy.
32. Rather than being a dichotomy between the two, there may be a continuum.
33. As the first results came in, so too did the first signs of a strange disruption in the space-time continuum.
34. The language of continuum mechanics is increasingly being used in modern material science.
35. Secondly we assumed that, elastically, the material behaved as a continuum and obeyed Hooke's law.
36. We can think of the presence of the specialist teacher as being on a continuum of visibility.
37. You can precisely determine the orthodoxy of scientists' opinions by getting them to place themselves on that continuum.
38. In the Romantic tradition a preoccupation with suicide and death is merely a further move on a continuum of sensuality and eroticism.
39. Do you think it is appropriate to think of democracy and dictatorship as two ends of a single continuum?
40. Most of us are located somewhere on a continuum between these two positions.
41. For purposes of analysis, the continuum of development is divided into the four levels indicated earlier.
42. From terns to peafowl, there is a kind of continuum of different criteria.
43. The reason this is persuasive is that there is an infinitesimally graded continuum from small to large.
44. There is, however, no clear-cut distinction, rather a continuum exists between the specific procedures and general information gathering.
45. At the bottom of the continuum are commonly used labels ranging from autocratic to laissez-faire.
46. Lovelock's own position on the continuum has been a matter of great interest.
47. This new textbook describes the Boundary Element Method, a powerful and accurate computational technique in continuum mechanics.
48. It is more likely that a family will lie somewhere on the continuum between these positions in its behaviour patterns.
49. There is in fact a great need for research in this area of the applicability of continuum mechanics.
50. In large-strain elasticity and in continuum mechanics the stress-strain law is non-linear and W is no longer a quadratic function of the strains.
51. In this chapter, however,() we want to adumbrate the principal features of the continuum view of non-linear viscoelasticity.
52. The continuum mechanics approach Continuum mechanics is a more general theory than elasticity theory.
53. At the beginning of the century it was believed that everything could be understood in terms of continuum mechanics.
54. Bacon's search involves discrete steps in a finite set of directions, rather than steps through a continuum.
55. These values are assumed to reside in the cultural continuum which Bateson sees as stretching from 1200 to the present.
56. Besides, history never really operates as a continuum anyway.
57. It is at one end of the cost continuum.
58. The continuum of the corona is essentially radially polarized.
59. Continuum percolation theory and Archie's law.
60. Natural and agricultural ecosystems form a continuum.
61. The OQ data of different phonation types overlaps, which shows it is a continuum from creaky voice to breathy voice.
62. The fact is that language varieties exist along a continuum.
63. Fatigue life of the YB-3 polymethyl methacrylate at room temperature is predicted by the continuum damage mechanics model.
64. This paper focuses on the grammar character of the special words in factitive sentence, and points out that the developing of the causative words form a continuum.
65. The study on the third continuum of argon pumped by the relativistic electron beam was made.
66. The antidote to all-or-nothing thinking is thinking in shades of gray–opening oneself up to the continuum of possibilities for one's life.
66. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
67. When I wake, we appear to have passed through a space-time continuum and landed on Mars.
68. The very gravity distortion also effects the space-time continuum in the area, and creates a dimensional aperture field very similar to what occurs in the poles.
69. This situation makes the concept of elementary volume and Saint-Venant's deformation compatibility condition used in continuum mechanics problematic.
70. In the 1970s, several psychoanalysts argued that narcissistic personality disorder occurs across a continuum and is not impervious to treatment — a theory that continues to be refined.
71. The continuum functional relationships among system efficiency, blade angle, static head and flow rate of pumps are established based on the performance curve surface fitting method.
72. Producing enough antiprotons to bend the space-time continuum looks near impossible as far as our current technology goes.
73. Might this revision navigate science finally towards a first solution to combine Heisenberg's and Planck's quantum physics with Einstein's space-time continuum?
74. Spatial continuum inside the architecture represents a strong feeling of mobility.
75. The OC algorithm and the MMA (method of moving asymptotes) algorithm based on SIMP approach are deduced and used for the topology optimization problem of continuum structure.
76. And then there's funky: another London pirate continuum offshoot that's unshackled itself from the real.
77. Keep in mind as you read through this section that sexualitya continuum.
78. I'm guessing if you have a real wormhole, it would have a structure like a sponge, and if you wander off and get stuck in that space-time continuum, then all sorts of strange things would happen.
79. The coupling of the discrete particle with continuum gas was achieved by applying the principle of Newton's Third Law of Motion.
80. A detailed discussion is made on continuum model of solvent effects. Electrostatic model and self-consistent reaction field model are thoroughly reviewed.
81. I perceive time as a continuum, moments unwounded spool of moment to new sensation.
82. The solvent effects are carried out by the self-consistent reaction field theory with the polarizable continuum model in this work.
83. The detailed expressions of the damage effect functions are investigated by micromechanics, which enables us to relate the continuum damage mechanics with the microscopic damage mechanics.
84. Simulation of the solvent effects is carried out by the self-consistent reaction field theory with the polarizable continuum model.
85. HE ( rivers ) and XI ( small streams ) mean in Chinese different parts of a riparian continuum.
86. The statistical methods of classification and ordination allow community boundaries to be superimposed on this continuum.
87. A generalized equivalent - continuum method is presented for calculating variably saturated seepage flow in fractured porous media.
88. This paper deals with modal analysis of the flexible appendage of a typical rigid flexible coupling system based on the method of continuum mechanics.
89. Fluids: pressure, hydrostatics, Euler and Lagrange variables of a continuum, continuity equation, Euler equation of motion.
90. Topological optimization of the continuum structure with stress constraints. Journal of Beijing University of Technology.
91. Are all Creoles equal? The so - called Creole Continuum.
92. The change of transformation stress and the modulus of elasticity during cyclic deformation was analyzed from the continuum mechanical point of view.
93. The zone of aeration may be treated more efficiently as a single moisture continuum.
94. Did Einstein prove that the reason light bends when it passes the earth is a warp in the space-time continuum?
95. It advances the presence of the intermediate state of polar opposition adjective, and tries to establish more detailed typical continuum of the polar opposition adjectives.
96. Clare laughs. "If I've violated the space-time continuum it isn't veryobvious."
97. The discrete part creates the Higgs, whereas the continuum parts generate the gauge bosons , such as the W and Z particles,[http:///continuum.html] which mediate the weak force.
98. The arch axis of arciform aqueducts formed by the continuum topology optimization method was compared with the circular arch axis and the parabolic arch axis of the same span.
99. Present calculation results show that ionization continuum and positronium formation channels play an important role in positron-potassium scattering.
100. You can create a global continuum with the most individualistic societies — like the United States or Britain — on one end, and the most collectivist societies — like China or Japan — on the other.
101. Some businesses have already installed a rip in the space-time continuum in their break-room areas so that employees can report for work in the other dimension as soon as their Earth shifts end.
102. Relative continuum theory has been proposed in discrete state under the principle of continuity.
103. Based on the principle of continuum on frame-shear wall, the basic period, the apex displacement and the most story drift angle are obtained, an optimum method is presented.
104. The model in this paper uses one multi-product monopolist and a continuum of consumers, and there is asymmetric information.
105. A space-time continuum is simply the three dimensions of space combined with the dimensions of time.
106. The heavy particle collisions are investigated by the quantum-mechanical molecular-orbital close-coupling (MOCC), classical- trajectory Monte Carlo (CTMC) and continuum distorted wave methods.
107. If the message was not encoded properly, the continuum can help you identify more suitable materials, or you can adjust your utilization of the materials to produce more effective instruction.
108. POA and POF may, therefore, represent a continuum in phenotypical expression of different etiologies of premature ovarian senescence.
109. A new topological optimization method of dynamic continuum structures is presented based on nodal independent design variables.
110. The angular part of a continuum wave function is, of course, a spherical harmonic.
111. At the other end of the continuum is the small - t personality.
112. When crack starts to grow, the normal stress and average atom energy at the crack tip in atomistic simulation agree well with the results of continuum analysis.
113. This is a generalisation, of course, butbroadly speaking Europeans view football more as a continuum, the USand Japanese as a series of discrete events.
114. The polarizable continuum model is applied in the calculations in solution.
115. The future developments of Micro Flexible Mechanical Structure in MEMS are discussed and outlined, and the topological optimization method of continuum structure is introduced to the design of MEMS.
116. On the basis of the 4-dimensional geometric theory of the nonlinear defect continuum, the continuity equations of dislocations and disclinations are derived.
117. Continuum radiation was corresponsive to negative voltage signal of collector plate, and high-kinetic energy electron made ambient ionized.
118. Combined with Lagrange multiplier method, a new continuum structural topologic optimization method is proposed.
119. As a new motivation theory, self-determinism focuses on the degree to which human behavior is self-determined and regards motivation as a continuum of self-determination.
120. Due to varying degrees of osmotic and matrix interactions, water activity describes the continuum of energy states of the water in a system rather than a static "boundness".
121. So this thesis develops and studies direct-driving-type continuum rotary electrohydraulic servomotor of the simulation rotary stage and its control system.
122. The results show that the combined discrete-continuum model is a small standard deviation for the average error, although its absolute errors are larger than ones of continuum model.
123. Harder and easier choices are arranged along a continuum of choice.
124. This paper touches the progress in VLBI astrophysics concerning some high lights of extragalactic continuum astronomy, interstellar masers and pulsars and stars from VLBI observations.
125. The uninhibited use of free - body diagrams is of utmost importance to students of continuum mechanics.
126. In the dissertation, within the framework of the principles of continuum mechanics, large deformation elastoviscoplastic constitutive relationships are defined by torsion test with cylinder specimens.
126. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
127. You will experience living in the continuum, where all lifetimes are happening simultaneously, and you will travel back and forth between Earth and worlds with compatible energy levels.
128. Rarefaction effect on supersonic flow fields in the transition from near continuum to near free-molecule flow is analyzed numerically.
129. Theories of elasticity, plasticity, thermoplasticity , thermoviscoplasticity, continuum damage are often used to develop constitutive models for engineering materials.
130. You cannot separate one part of history from the continuum.
131. The grade X65 pipeline steel used for LSAW submarine line pipe has been developed at Baosteel, which is produced by hot continuum rolling processing.
132. We realize that they are all fused in an undifferentiated continuum.
133. The continuum equation and kinematics differential equation composed the dynamic model of mixed traffic flow.
134. If the Enterprise could warp the space-time continuum by expanding the area behind it and contracting the area in front, the crew could avoid going the speed of light.
135. Another girl's hobby is finding folds in the space-time continuum, through which she slips to remedy the world's past injustices.
136. Suspicion and knowledge are poles apart on a continuum of understanding.
137. The attosecond X-ray pulses strong field electronic dynamics of both bound and continuum electrons can be characterized by measuring the high energy photoelectron spectra yielded by recollision.
138. So can the Hudson River school landscape tradition, Renaissance realism and a prehistory-infused apocalyptic futurism in which humans shape but can't short-circuit the continuum of life.
139. By the linkage between the seepage coefficient, porosity and stress, the hybrid analysis model for coupled seepage and stress field in rock mass of equivalent continuum is established.
140. Predicted and experimental results show that the continuum damage mechanics model has good capacity for the fatigue life prediction of YB-3 polymethyl methacrylate.
141. Bremsstrahlung and compound radiation of electron were considered as main mechanism of continuum radiation.
142. The photoabsorption spectra in the valence-shell continuum region of C2H4 are calculated by the multi-scattering self-consistent-field method in the framework of the quantum defect theory.
143. The mathematical model of topological optimization of continuum structure for heat conduction under multiple loading cases was established by using independent continuous mapping(ICM) method.
144. Of the four equations the basic equation is the continuum equation of phase space for the guiding center which has its root in the Liouville's theorem.
145. The gas flow in the FMMR is in the transition and free molecule regions, for which the traditional numerical simulation based on the continuum assumption is not applicable.
146. The medical professional bodies reply that development from fertilisation onwards is a continuum.
147. How about the second movie, [ i ] Continuum, and its time - travel story?
148. Further, new fundamental first and second laws of thermostatics and thermodynamics for continuum mechanics are presented.
149. The quasicontinuum method is a multiscale method which mixes continuum and atomistic approaches.
150. "He exploits the space-time continuum," says Larry Silverberg, a professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering at North Carolina State University.
151. The reconciliation of variety and unity are addressed in reference to the space-time continuum and the unified field of relativity theory.
152. It is an importance for river continuum on the level of drainage basin and region to build a dam, and the running mode of reservoir will severe influence the safety of river ecosystem.
153. Dewey stressed the continuum between experience and nature and incorporated nature and things as parts of experience, which foreshadowed his effect-oriented relativist concept of truth.
154. Combined with the spatial distribution of continuum radiation intensity, the electron radiation mechanism was discussed.
155. Scrawled into Faraday's notebook is a reference to the "Lorenz Invariant," which deals with the time-space continuum and relativity.
156. The effect of quantum interference among many ionization channels on photo-ionization properties of an atom in a laser-induced continuum structure system is analyzed.
156. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
157. We say that the real number system is a continuum.
158. Many experts believe that the processes of daily torpor and hibernation form a continuum.
159. Moreover , some archival scholars advocated Theory of Records Continuum to replace Theory of Life Cycle.
160. An intruder of the preexisting which develops through sucking up data from the different experiences given in space-time continuum.
161. Starting with the nonlocal continuum theory, a new rational mechanics method is applied to study logically the cohesive stress law of ahead of a crack tip.
162. Our objective is to move progressively on a maturity continuum from dependence to independence to interdependence.
163. Like real history, ticket history cannot be changed (at least not without messing up the space-time continuum), so be aware that any comments you make about a ticket are permanent.
164. Because of the strong coupling of the excited perylene state to the band continuum of TiO_2 this control task seems more appropriate for a study in the experiment.
165. Deci and Ryan's (1985) self-determination theory just focused on them that were thought to lie on a continuum of increasing self-determination.
166. Electron radiation was bremsstrahlung from high-kinetic energy electron interaction with elemental species near the target, which was the primary mechanism of the continuum radiation.
167. A hybrid fuzzy - goal programming scheme for continuum topology optimization with static and dynamic objectives was proposed.




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