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单词 Privatize
1 The government's first effort to privatize a company has been a roaring success.
2 The modern politicized Christians also privatize religion.
3 The government says it only wants to privatize one or two railway lines, but I think it's the thin end of the wedge.They'll all be privatised soon.
4 privatize one or two railway lines, but I think it's the thin end of the wedge . They'll all be privatised soon.
5 The government says it only wants to privatize one or two railway lines, but I think it's the thin end of the wedge.They'll all be privatized soon.
6 Privatize the national parks? They d never dare,[] would they?
7 Boris Yeltsin and his team wanted to privatize land after toppling the Soviet system.
8 Moscow city council decided on 27 June to privatize its housing stock.
9 We can privatize discrete steering functions, but not the overall process of governance.
10 He would end a corporate capital tax, privatize some government-owned corporations, tighten welfare rules and reduce trade-union powers.
11 Hungary has been very keen to privatize its major industries, following the democratic reforms of 1988.
12 The government has now abandoned its plans to privatize parts of the health service.
13 The government's attempt to privatize the prison service has been simply laughable.
14 Third, it is time to privatize Pemex, the inefficient state oil company.
15 Cut taxes and spending, privatize, and deregulate.
16 But in the rush to privatize, too little attention has been paid to these finer points.
17 The government says it only wants to privatize one or two railway lines, but I think it's the thin end of the wedge ...
18 They've told to privatize everything almost up to government departments.
19 Hutchison may want to privatize it and put the cash to better use.
20 Several efforts to privatize the airline have faltered because of political opposition.
21 And will BOC privatize BOC ( Hong Kong ) as the rumors currently flying around suggest?
22 Privatization of oil and gas fields A decision to privatize oil and gas fields was announced on Oct. 1.
23 Gazing into our crystal ball, we see Scott breaking her campaign promise to not privatize Tucson Water.
24 Chiluba pledged to reduce spending on the security forces and to privatize loss-making parastatal organizations.
25 Privatization bill On July 13 parliament passed the necessary legislation to privatize 7,600 state enterprises which comprised 80 percent of the economy.
26 In the near future, Tucson voters will be asked to decide whether to privatize Tucson Water.
27 In spite of adverse public opinion, the plan to privatize the railways continued.
28 During his budget speech Acharya also announced plans to privatize much of the business sector.
29 After the war, the Republican administration of President Warren Harding attempted to privatize the facilities, proposing that they be turned over to automobile magnate, Henry Ford.
30 Free - market reforms have moved governments everywhere to downsize, deregulate, and privatize.
1 The government's first effort to privatize a company has been a roaring success.
2 privatize one or two railway lines, but I think it's the thin end of the wedge . They'll all be privatised soon.
31 Daley's city has become an exemplar of a new strategy: where appropriate, privatize.




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更新时间:2024/10/7 0:58:19