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单词 Default
1. The company is in default on its loan agreement.
2. What do you use as your default browser?
3. He lost the tennis match by default.
4. The company is in default on the loan.
5. People who default on their mortgage repayments may have their home repossessed.
6. He was acquitted in default of strong evidence of his guilt.
7. The defendant made default yesterday.
8. He lost the world title by default.
9. He became world champion in 1990 by default.
10. On this screen, 256 colours is the default.
11. They accepted what he had said in default of any evidence to disprove it.
12. You can change the default settings to suit your needs.
13. Unless something else happens, the default is to meet at the hotel at 7.00 p.m.
14. The computer will take '0' as the default value, unless you type in something different.
15. The default is usually the setting that most users would probably choose.
15. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
16. The default toolbox contains tools for drawing lots of different shapes.
17. In default of experts'help, we shall have to rely on our own efforts.
18. Any default on your mortgage repayments may mean you will lose your house.
19. The corporation may be charged with default on its contract with the government.
20. I became a teacher by default rather than by design.
21. His car was repossessed because of default of monthly installment.
22. The default option is to save your work every five minutes.
23. The committee will not meet in default of a chairman.
24. It is in default on a loan agreement.
25. They never default on a payment.
26. Default: failure to repay a loan.
27. The default maximum size adopted by ISPublish is 32000.
28. He became an actor by default.
29. I would rather pay the individuals than let the money go to the State by default.
30. The bank can seize the asset in the event of a default in payment.
1. The company is in default on its loan agreement.
2. What do you use as your default browser?
3. The company is in default on the loan.
4. People who default on their mortgage repayments may have their home repossessed.
5. The defendant made default yesterday.
6. He lost the world title by default.
7. They accepted what he had said in default of any evidence to disprove it.
8. In default of experts'help, we shall have to rely on our own efforts.
9. His car was repossessed because of default of monthly installment.
31. Napoleon Kaufman will start Sunday, but by default.
32. The loan is in default.
33. Risk of unexpected changes in default premium.
34. It's usually set as the default.
35. Rescheduling was deemed better than default.
36. Type the following paragraphs using the default paragraph for-mat.
37. It won the last election by default.
38. Follow these steps to change the default settings: 1.
39. Therein lies the advantage of the default action.
40. Capital adequacy. To what extent have banks sufficient reserves of capital to cover the possibility of default by creditors?
41. Most Windows programs will install themselves by default in the Program Files folder.
42. The default value of 8 indicates that the next non-numeric keystroke that follows will be executed eight times.
43. The government could then instruct all banks not to push companies into default and not to dispose of any collateral.
44. Freedom and liberty lose out by default because good people are not vigilant. Desmond Tutu 
45. If you default on your loan,(http:///default.html) the bank can sell the car and recoup the rest of its money.
46. More often than not, browsing is presented to the user by default when the system fails to provide an exact match.
47. A high degree of safety implies that there is a negligible risk of default of the securities purchased.
48. You can do direct colour photo-copying using this set-up and the scanner will give one button scans using default settings.
49. A property that is not specified takes on a default value.
50. The commands a modem understands vary slightly among brands, as do the default settings.
51. Please check your protections on the Authorisation file and your default directory.
52. Type the first paragraph using the default paragraph format. 3.
53. To stimulate people to take the default risk of lending requires a positive money interest rate of 2 or 3 percent.
54. These attributes include maturity, currency of denomination, place of repayment, and default sensitivity.
55. If the borrower should default, the investor has legal recourse to the bank that made the first acceptance.
56. In fact, the description and icon would have acquired default values if you hadn't filled them in as well.
57. You can however change the names of the default directories if you wish.
58. The Crown may then seek further information within 21 days as in the case of a default action.
59. The Allies, however, had no intention of letting the armistice arrangements slide by default into a full-blown peace.
60. Third, it would seriously increase the risk of default on our national debt.
61. The latter is the default and assumed to be the case wherever a user name mapping does not exist.
62. The year saw widespread consultation on the issues surrounding the considerable cost to the profession of the minority of solicitors who default.
63. If the white farmers are thrown off, they will default.
64. The board may suspend a licence where there is default in carrying out the order.
65. If you do not get a satisfactory graph, try resetting the graph settings to the default.
66. The user can specify an issue number or use the default which is the latest version.
67. Now, I am not sure whether this constitutes a win for me by default.
68. Using the default settings, a new page starts after every 54 lines.
69. So using the default palette as the basis it is time for change.
70. Even now, the default name they gave the boy themselves has a hokey ring to it.
71. If this field is left blank, the Destination Account will default to the current directory.
72. There are no special menus to read and no format settings to make because the default format is already established.
73. It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all – in which case, you fail by default. J.K. Rowling 
74. By 1597 they were in default on rents and Royalties.
75. A woman could inherit the throne in default of male heirs.
76. All default settings should be used except the database size parameter.
77. If this field is left blank, the selection will default to Latest.
78. Agency is irrelevant unless there has been some default on the part of the agent which can be attributed to the principal.
79. We use the study of coinage in default of and particularly to supplement other sources of historical information.
80. For instance, the default risk on a loan to the United Kingdom government is practically nil.
81. The prison system became, by default, a major enforcer of repression.
82. Kirichenko warned that continued default by the republics would result in salaries to state employees and social security being curtailed.
83. A similarly high proportion end in a swift judgment because the defendant is in default or has no real defence.
84. Choose the correct driver, make the new selection the default printer and you're a real star!
85. In the example given below for each entry, the default settings are used when a parameter is omitted.
86. I imagine this is on the grounds that there can be no profitable reclamation of the goods in default of settlement!
87. The state government will pay off the mortgage in the event of a default.
88. Pichnarczyk noted most computers' default configurations are set to prevent the automatic execution of an attached file when delivered via e-mail.
89. In 1987 rent arrears and mortgage default accounted for 13 percent of homelessness.
90. The default is the setting or choice you get unless you deliberately choose something else.
91. The banks have decided that the company is in default on its loan agreements.
92. It helps loan officers identify people who may be likely to default on their payments.
93. More than 300 other schools with high default rates have been identified and may be dropped from aid programs this year.
94. In the event of default or bankruptcy, debenture holders become general creditors of the issuer.
95. Sometimes the party in default makes an offer to put things right, e.g. the seller offers to buy back defective goods.
96. Clinton and Riley predicted the student default rate will continue to decline as direct lending expands.
97. Loans are often refused to poorer borrowers because the risk of default is greater.
98. It is a summary remedy which should enable a person in default to be brought swiftly to account.
99. Now, by default, WordPerfect will page number and backup all of your documents.
100. By and large, individual programs allow you to set a default directory where files are always saved.
101. Press Enter to select the default format 5 for the first level.
102. This chapter describes how to change the default settings to suit your own needs.
103. Your company has one last chance to set aside the default and to try to keep the damages down.
104. Neither of them conforms to the default format, but they both work.
105. Highlight the desired file using the arrow keys, then press Return to select 6, the default Look option.
105. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
106. Leave those in the default settings and go back when you understand the questions and know your demands.
107. But to achieve these advantages, derivatives exchanges have had to devise institutional arrangements to ensure the absence of default risk.
108. Creditors are all too frequently obliged to terminate the consumer credit agreement because the debtor is in default.
109. The company must raise the necessary funds by next week if it is to avoid going into default.
110. These codes are built into the system and control default fonts, typefaces, sizes and column measures.
111. They feared that it would default on its debts, or even that its fixed exchange rate might collapse.
112. If the field is left blank, a default value will be provided and displayed.
113. When I entered Columbia Law School my military deferment was in default.
114. What started out as healthy competition turned into a victory by default.
115. It is reinforced further by the fact that they have a low default risk.
116. He won the case by default when no one appeared to represent Mr Walesa.
117. Default risk will be measured by the price spread on the two bonds being compared.
118. The default value for buffers is 0, so if you don't specify any, you won't get any.
119. Secondly it is a declaration that meritocracy does not operate by default.
120. Start WordPerfect. 2. Type the first paragraph using the default paragraph format. 3.
121. What did I want to be when I grew up? By default, I became a writer.
122. The improving default rate is a welcome sign, they say.
123. A bond promises a fixed interest rate, fixed maturity and guaranteed return of your principal, barring default.
124. The banks helped to fund a loan-loss reserve of $ 24,000 in case any borrower were to default.
125. If you do this, the box will default to having a tick in it.
126. You designed two uneven columns. the first column starts at the default left margin and is 20 characters wide.
127. The default risk on a bond is usually assessed in the form of a credit rating.
128. Jarvis thought he had better get on with it himself because anyone Tina found would very likely default on the rent.
129. The receivables merely serve as collateral in the event of default.
130. Task 14 Objective To reformat paragraphs Paragraph reformatting ... This means changing the appearance and/or position of paragraphs from their default settings.
131. That's fine as long as you do it deliberately and not by default.
132. The provisions are contained in Ord 9, r 2 which applies to both default and fixed date summonses.
133. In order to start at the logical beginning I went with the default selection, Title.
134. Another factor explaining higher corporate default rates is the greater volatility of company incomes.
135. The interest rates on junk bonds are higher because they are considered more likely to default. 12.
136. Please check the protection on your default directory and that you have sufficient disk quota.
137. However, by changing the default fonts themselves, you can combine fonts and create a number of effects.
138. The screen displays a list of the macros stored on your default disk drive.
139. Some of the causes of default, such as socioeconomic conditions, can not be changed in the foreseeable future.
140. There may also be a relationship between the default rate and inflation.
141. The average loan last year was five times larger than in early 1995, yet banks report an insignificant default rate.
142. The largely working-class suburbs pay higher rates for shared services to make up for the high percentage of Detroit residents who default.
143. Please check your protection on the Authorisation file and your default directory and ensure that you have sufficient disk quota.
144. Nor do they wish to condone the use of fighting or bullying by default[], which means inaction.
145. Meanwhile, some of the 70-plus councils involved in such deals have felt forced to default on payments due.
146. Most desktop publishing packages offer an automatic leading setting as a default and this should be generally over-ridden.
147. The Insert / Typeover setting allows you to select which mode is the default.
148. They created machinery to avoid extending them to those whose ascertainable record showed them to be untrustworthy and likely to default.
149. To have your mortgage insurance canceled, you must prove you meet criteria designed to show you are not likely to default.
150. As members are in fact borrowing from friends, neighbours or colleagues, the extent of default is minimal.
151. Treasury bills are default-free, and high-quality commercial paper carries a minuscule default risk.
152. Make your next selection from the menu, or press Enter to select the 0 default and return to your document.
153. Congress also has shifted from direct loans to loan guarantees: promises to pay back private bank loans if the borrowers default.
154. Winamp too lets you set it as the default player for all different types of sound files.
155. That has given the government the latitude to pay its creditors and not default on its borrowings.
156. Lenders will want to be compensated more for the risk of default.
157. This is a one-off payment which protects the lender in case you default on the loan.
158. Currently, the spread is about ten points, suggesting that the market expects a default rate of about 10%.
159. The dollar is benefiting by default from the weakness of the yen.
160. Option 2, Set Initial settings, affects all of the document creation and editing default settings.
161. Failure to comply with the terms of a Default Notice will normally result in the default being disclosed to credit reference agencies.
162. A number of factors besides increased gearing may also have contributed to higher corporate default rates.
163. If you change your mind, press Enter to accept the default response and leave the block intact.
164. Death, not life, is the default state of cells.
165. Default parameter values are also penalty-free.
166. If default route is not configured, just drop it.
167. They default ed in the badminton tournament.
168. Unrecognized unicode collation values, using default values.
169. The default user ID created during a default installation is dasusr1 and default group is dasadm1.
170. The default payment modality is that all growers will be given a stated amount as cash with the rest being deposited into their Foreign Currency Account.
171. These Rules do not apply to suretyship or conditional bonds or guarantees or other accessory undertaking under which the guarantor's duty to pay arises only on actual default by the principal.
172. Unfortunately, there is no EBCDIC encoder by default, so we'll convert the value to a UTF-16LE byte array (which just adds in a "0" byte for the second byte of each character).
173. The server sets these variables whenever the default database changes.
174. The basal states include attached pow ered , default, address, configured, suspended, etc.
175. There are several ways to extend the default DDX/DDV mechanism.
176. I seem to default into needing that security blanket, which has so often proven to be more a barrier to discovering a better path than real security.
177. Most games will run at full speed with default CPU clock.
178. You will see your file listed in the default group on the files tabbed page.
179. For the sake of simplicity, consider VARCHAR as the default type for every column that is not a primary or a foreign key.
180. TCP allows for multiple packets to be sent without an acknowledgment from the remote side, up to 64 kilobytes (KB) by default, which can be filled when talking to higher latency peers.
181. Nonmonotonic reasoning systems including default logic logic are important in the commonsense reasoning of artificial intelligence.
182. Table compression is on by default (if you purchase the option).
183. Step parameters: same guideline as Parameters, and have at least one parameter set as key field (default is NOT key field).
184. The same goes for placement of palettes, default tools, frequently used templates, and other useful settings.
185. As a typical species of generalized conversational implicature, scalar implicature falls well into the realm of Default Logic susceptible to systematic formalization.
186. Malvolio becomes, in default of competition, the play's moral centre.




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