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单词 Papal
1. Archbishop Perier could hardly refuse the Papal Nuncio.
2. Within them was the small papal enclave of Benevento.
3. The burden of implementing papal decisions and the decisions of councils fell directly upon the bishops.
4. The offerings made at the altars of papal churches were shared by the pope with the assisting clergy.
5. So lofty were these papal prerogatives, that no further Council would ever be needed, or so it seemed to many.
6. In addition to the papal disregard of Canterbury's primatial claim over York, the monastic community suffered another grievous blow.
7. The papal reform tended to drive a wedge between the educated, celibate higher clergy, and the rank and file.
8. The archbishop came back under papal orders to avoid giving offence to the king.
9. Yet after 1337 no further papal taxation was levied until 1362.
10. Alexander was resident at the papal curia at the time of his election to Coventry in 1224.
11. A formal papal judgement on this point would have dispelled all doubts.
12. However, Talbot's days close to the papal throne were by then limited.
13. The decibel-diplomacy outside the Papal embassy continued yesterday with more top-volume rock music in spite of Vatican protests.
14. This text, without carrying official papal authority, truly maintains the spirit of Dei Verbum.
15. Innocent exhibited no change in previous papal policy on Sicily.
16. The papal letter which they brought was uncompromising in principle, though noticeably vague in its terms.
17. The religious houses fitted neatly into the papal hierarchical structure.
18. He tried hard to do this[], but he was fighting a losing battle here against the rising tide of papal authority.
19. The relationship between the popes and the religious houses could be used to papal advantage.
20. Of the Tuscan towns, Amelia and Otricoli were the only ones to accept papal domination without a murmur.
21. Desiderius responded to the Pope by raising an army and seizing Sinigaglia and Urbino, hitherto papal cities.
22. These rights were very extensive, but they were threatened by, rather than dependent on, recent papal legislation.
23. Meanwhile, against the pope's better judgement, Edward had recalled from the papal Curia another exile, Winchelsey.
24. The pope's intention now was for a diet of princes to be convoked - to be chaired by a papal legate.
25. They might even find that the trees prefer flute bands to papal choirs.
25. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
26. It was for him that St Bernard wrote his famous tract on papal power.
27. By 1411 Hus had become so influential that Prague was laid under papal interdict.
28. They were even more alarmed by hostility to the papal diplomatic service.
29. There were now not only two popes but two centres of papal authority, Rome and Avignon.
30. Papal indulgences which required payment and which greatly increased papal revenues served the same purpose.
31. Since he was already a papal vassal Sancho found the powers of the Church difficult to check.
32. His interests lay in power in the imperial court not in the papal court.
33. They stand above and beyond any particular attempt, papal or otherwise, definitively to interpret them.
34. Anselm supported Henry, and he did not make his support conditional on Henry's acceptance of the new papal decrees.
35. The idea of secular power in itself meant little before the propagandists of the eleventh-century papal reform mounted their assault on it.
36. Not for the first time, the legate had shown more enthusiasm for papal power than the pope.
37. The imprimatur was obtained from the Papal censor and the book was published in 1632.
38. The Uniates practised Eastern Orthodox rites but recognized papal authority.
39. Besides being one of Henry III's most frequent ambassadors to Rome, Alexander served many times as papal judge delegate.
40. Clerical subventions to Edward I did not end here, but in future they were to issue from papal taxation.
41. Otherwise, the towns were transferred in many cases from imperial to papal overlordship.
42. Burdensome as royal taxation was during the war, the clergy were mercifully free of papal taxation except on two occasions.
43. Another example of the tightening of papal authority concerned relics.
44. Further relatives were enlisted in the service of the pope in the Papal State.
45. Archbishop Stratford, however, ignored several papal letters urging him to resist royal encroachments on alien priories.
46. Had he not himself acted thus after hearing the papal decree against lay investiture and clerical homage?
47. He had spent his early years as a priest in the papal service under Pius X, whom he canonized.
48. Yet neither man could rid himself entirely of the killing - fields mentality which had disfigured papal rule for so long.
49. When it was issued in 1234, with full papal approval, it was addressed to the masters and scholars of Bologna.
50. His papal decrees were the foundation of canon law until their update in 1917.
51. Though there were two papal legates, the Council was an Eastern affair, to solve an Eastern problem.
52. In the halls of power Cistercians became papal confessors and were used by the popes as legates and preachers.
53. Largely due to Bernard, they were to come to the forefront of politics and to find a place within the papal court.
54. Firstly, he certainly thwarted some papal provisions by taking vigorous action against any bishop involved in the process.
55. Alexander Nevski's replies to the papal legates she had by heart.
56. It is possible that Offa would have liked Ecgfrith to have been consecrated either by the pope or by the papal legates.
57. By 1257 he was a canon of Lichfield and a papal chaplain.
58. The southern borders of the little Papal State now touched on the lands of the same family.
59. The natives are the ones manning the stalls selling papal T-shirts,(http:///papal.html) key rings and statues.
60. The sixth-century papal sacristy used during Lent has been located in the former wine cellar of the convent.
61. Without papal assistance, crown finances would have been in even more desperate straits than in fact they were.
62. Hugh was the most forceful advocate of the principle which the new papal decree embodied.
63. The establishment of fortified places in Latium, the papal castles, meant maintaining garrisons in each one.
64. The issue of papal authority was central to the encyclical.
65. So they too were at the papal Curia ready with their reply when the monks of Canterbury arrived.
66. Numerous changes followed, either by way of decree from the Sacred Congregation of Rites, or through direct papal intervention.
67. Normally feudal grants were made within the Patrimony and the Papal State in return for military service.
68. There would also appear to have been relatively little popular hostility towards papal authority.
69. They had a mass of worthless artefacts from crowns to Papal tiaras that they hired out.
70. Both reject papal centralization and papal authority as a means for discerning just government.
71. Mr. Banks I have been accused of many things, but never of being a papal legate.
72. Holiness aside, he was ill-suited for the papal office; he lasted five months in the Vatican.
73. Decisions taken, said the Code, require papal confirmation, but a Council exercises supreme jurisdiction over the Church.
74. But such enthusiasts were not numerous, and there were not many of them in the papal Curia.
75. The cardinals joined in all the rapidly growing administrative and judicial functions of the papal court.
76. The only protection for the petitioner at the papal court is the Purse.
77. Eck, however, made his way to Rome and got himself appointed papal nuncio.
78. These papal letters represent the high point in the campaign for a Church both spiritually and temporally independent of the lay ruler.
79. A: Are you going to attend the Papal mass?
80. The papal authority is sovereign.
81. He was threatened with a papal interdict.
82. A round seal affixed to a papal bull.
83. a papal visit to Mexico.
84. Papal diplomacy is almost as old as the papacy.
85. A Franciscan from Genoa, he enriched his family and the Papal States through simony and heavy taxation.
86. In the name of Christendom, kings and their knights rode off to crusades with papal blessing, as David and the hosts of Yahweh redivivus, cleansing the Holy Land of infidels.
87. After a papal legate investigating the Cathars was murdered in 1208, with the Count implicated, Innocent ordered a crusade against the region.
88. Charlemagne had won the undying support of Leo III by restoring him to the papal throne after an uprising.
89. But by recalling its papal nuncio from Dublin in order to take part in consultations in Rome, it is publicly recognising the seriousness of the situation.
90. The papal nuncio called on Al-Azhar, the highest seat of learning in the Sunni Muslim world, to refute the Byzantine emperor's argument.
91. Eck:German Roman Catholic theologian who opposed the reforms of Martin Luther and procured from Rome the papal bull that declared Luther a heretic (1520).
92. The decision to republish it in the Vatican newspaper gives it added papal endorsement.
93. Earlier, in 1298, papal and episcopal ceremonies had been standardized in the Roman pontifical .
94. After quelling the rebellious German nobility, he failed to subdue papal authority in Italy and conceded supremacy to Pope Alexander III (77). He drowned while leading the Third Crusade.
95. They came to rule Rome and its surrounding territories ( the Papal States ) as largely unchallenged masters.
96. The papal curia or court, reorganized and massively expanded, became the center of ecclesiastical finance and administration.
97. From Cantalupo [ a former papal villa near Rome ].
98. Barrow: English theologian, scholar, and mathematician who wrote about trigonometry, optics, and papal supremacy.
99. Make a stand against him and you can infiltrate papal affairs by rigging elections.
100. It'says that under Canon Law, excommunication is automatic for ordinations without papal approval.
101. The Papal State, extinct since 1870, was revived as the State of Vatican City, as a result of the Lateran Treaty.
102. Then normal candidates for Italian unification are Sardinia-Piedmont, the Papal States, or the Two Sicilies.
103. On the site of a Roman colony, it became part of the Papal States in '3. Population, 90,47.
104. They were commissioned by a papal envoy, Rodrigo Borja, a Spaniard who went on to become Pope Alexander VI in 1492.
105. Sometimes papal Rome was a den of corruption and uncleanness.
106. The Vatican City is not a survival , although there was a larger Papal State.
107. In 1848, an attempt to overthrow papal power in the Vatican was led by Freemason Giuseppe Manzini, which lead to a period of chaos and the fleeing of the Pope.
108. After quelling the rebellious German nobility, he failed to subdue papal authority in Italy and conceded supremacy to Pope Alexander III (1177). He drowned while leading the Third Crusade.
109. Statements by a pope that exercise papal infallibility are referred to as solemn papal definitions or ex cathedra teachings.
110. Note: The Sicilian Vespers is the name given to a rebellion in Sicily in 1282 against the rule of the Angevin king Charles I of Naples, who had taken control of the island with Papal support in 1266.
111. Walsingham was the spy-chief who introduced the concept of Extraordinary Rendition (he persuaded pirates in La Rochelle to attempt the kidnap of the papal legate to Paris).
112. Popes residing in Avignon oversaw the walls’ construction, but they built even stronger barriers around the Papal Palace.
113. You don't,for example,have papal infallibility declared as a doctrine until the early twentieth century.
114. However, the problem of papal rule has been rendered more difficult by nineteenth century Roman declarations of papal infallibility.
115. His book on the poverty of the clergy isn't favored reading in papal palaces.
115. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
116. Popes seldom weigh in on economic matters and rarely in the form of an encyclical, one of the most authoritative forms of papal writing.
117. On the site of a Roman colony, it became part of the Papal States in 1631. Population, 90,147.
118. The Apostolic Library is next door to the Vatican's Secret Archives, which contain centuries of Vatican diplomatic correspondence and papal documentation.
119. The central meaning of his pontificate is to restore papal authority ( Conor Cruise O'Brien ).
120. In December 1520 Luther received his Papal Bull of excommunication and then later burned it.
121. The papal captain have vainly endeavoured to induce his wife to remain behind him.
122. Towards the 15th century there were among the city-states five main ones—the Duchy of Milan, the Republic of Florence and Venice, the papal states and the kingdom of Venice.
123. In the rich world one respecter of papal clout is Britain's new prime minister, Gordon Brown.
124. Solar panels are being installed on the top of the papal audience hall.
125. Royal backing of the English Reformation was left to his heirs, the devout Edward VI and the renowned Elizabeth I , whilst daughter Mary I temporarily reinstated papal authority over England.
126. In which he foretold accurately the personality of the Papal succession by means of mottoes and numbers.
127. Infallible papal pronouncements would be seen as tentative, revisable, like Supreme Court decisions, which have the force of precedents but can be and occasionally are overruled.
128. In 1870, Italian troops took control of the Papal States, leading to the unification of Italy.
129. For this reason, if for no other, we should take this papal bull seriously.
130. Twice in Padre Pio's lifetime papal emissaries investigated him and branded him a fraud.
131. The new Antipope will get a considerable boost in piety, making him one of the top-candidates for the next papal elections.
132. This article introduces the current situation of the papal government in the Vatican.
133. But the solution would represent such a dramatic reversal of age-old Catholic doctrine as to undermine any pretense of papal infallibility.
133. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
134. Papal diplomats , all priests nowadays , are trained at the Pontifical Ecclesiastical Academy in Rome.
135. Prior to 1870, the pope's temporal authority extended over a large area of central Italy, the territory of the Papal States that was formally known as the " Patrimony of St Peter".
136. It is during this time period that Secret Societies took action, causing revolutions, overthrowing Monarchical and Papal powers and taking hold of the banking system.
137. He was wearing his usual dress, the white papal robe.
138. A woman in extravagantly high heels heads to her office, housed in 17 th - century papal palaces.




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