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单词 Spiegel
1. Spiegel said Elizabeth Dole bought the apartment more than 10 years ago for $ 150, 000.
2. Der Spiegel magazine made Waldsterben a front-page issue in November 1981. Bitter scientific disputes soon developed.
3. The great movie producer, Sam Spiegel, was interviewing a few trust and estate lawyers to handle his will.
4. Also in the band are Jay Spiegel on drums and Eric Vermillion on bass.
5. SPIEGEL: Sind viele Asiaten so zornig wie Sie?
6. SPIEGEL: Was sollte sich konkret? ndern?
7. Wie oberfl? chlich malt ein Spiegel meine Gesicht.
8. SPIEGEL: Deutschland kritisiert auch die USA.
9. SPIEGEL : Inwiefern ist die Bundesrepublik Deutschland ein Verbrecher?
10. SPIEGEL ONLINE: Could this affair endanger German - Egyptian cooperation on archeological work?
11. SPIEGEL: Kann es sein , dass Sie in Wahrheit gar nichts von der Demokratie halten?
12. Sam Spiegel, the producer, had heard only his ten-minute score for a French film called “Sundays and Cybele”, written for bass, counter-bass, flute and table-harp.
13. SPIEGEL : Wie w ? re es mit : so schnell wie m ? glich?
14. SPIEGEL ONLINE: What will happen if you never get a reply?
15. SPIEGEL : Das rechtfertigt aus unserer Sicht den Einsatz f ü r Menschenrechte weltweit.
16. According to the German "Der Spiegel" argument, the couple worked for the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service,[sentence dictionary] engaged in espionage in Germany for 20 years.
17. SPIEGEL: Warum soll das ein gro ? er Fehler sein?
18. SPIEGEL ONLINE: Is It'so difficult to find this sort of evidence?
19. SPIEGEL ONLINE: So have you asked that Nefertiti be returned -- or not ?
20. SPIEGEL : Gilt die Menschenw ü rde eigentlich ü berall auf der Welt?
21. SPIEGEL: Monsieur Todd, in the middle of the Cold War, in the days of Leonid Brezhnev, you predicted the collapse of the Soviet system.
22. UNHCR Public Health Chief of Section Paul Spiegel says he was taken aback by the very dire situation in Dollo.
23. SPIEGEL : Herr Mahbubani , wir danken Ihnen f ü r dieses Gespr ? ch .
24. Weekly magazine Der Spiegel also referred to the letter in the advance copy of a report due to be published in its September 27 edition.
25. SPIEGEL ONLINE: What exactly do you still need to know?
26. SPIEGEL : Klingt fast so, als wollten Sie jetzt uns belehren.
27. SPIEGEL : Es gibt mindestens einen gro ? en Unterschied zwischen den Menschenrechtsverletzungen in China und in Guantanamo.
28. Professor Spiegel believes that if the physiocrats had been faced with a choice between laissez-faire and intervention on behalf of farm-price supports, they would have chosen intervention.
29. SPIEGEL : Was sollte der Westen von den Gesellschaften Asiens lernen?
30. The ajar-door policy got off to a rocky start last year when the newly appointed ISI chief, Lieutenant General Shuja Pasha, told Der Spiegel that the Taliban had a right to "freedom of opinion".
31. SPIEGEL: That sounds like a debatable view. Historians will complain.
32. SPIEGEL: For a time, Hitler survived by painting watercolor scenes of Vienna.
33. Items "Spiegel" and "Contour" Thermic plating had incorrect variations in the variations tab.
34. SPIEGEL : Wie k? nnen Sie dann Staaten verteidigen, die Menschenrechte ganz offensichtlich verletzen?




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