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单词 supreme
释义  su·preme /sʊˈpriːm, sjuː- $ sʊ-, suː-/ ●○○ adjective  1  HIGH POSITION OR RANKhaving the highest position of power, importance, or influence 〔权力、重要性或影响力〕最高的,至高无上的 the Supreme Allied Commander in Europe 欧洲盟军最高指挥官 a country where the car reigns supreme (=is the most important thing) 汽车占绝对优势地位的国家2  [only before noun]MOST the greatest possible 〔程度〕最大的,极度的 supreme courage in the face of terrible danger 面对可怕危险时的极大勇气 It required a supreme effort to stay awake. 要保持清醒需要极大的努力。 a matter of supreme importance 极其重要的事情3. make the supreme sacrifice DIEto die for your country, for a principle etc 为国捐躯;〔为原则等〕作出牺牲Examples from the Corpussupreme• It was an interesting event for she has a distinct voice in which melody reigns supreme.• It has become the supreme achievement for humans to convert themselves into a property that can be marketed with ease.• Going in after the little girl was a supreme act of courage.• the supreme commander of the fleet• Rather, it was an expression of supreme confidence in the immutability of his creation.• They give this supreme effort for our entertainment.• Amun-Re was the supreme state deity of the New Kingdom.• A political society can not endure without a supreme will somewhere.reigns supreme• In the U.S., the automobile reigns supreme.• And it is not only in Washington that this belief reigns supreme.• But to do it without damaging the flora and fauna, horse power still reigns supreme.• It was an interesting event for she has a distinct voice in which melody reigns supreme.• Surely this is a show where the music reigns supreme.• Total confusion reigns supreme, and an atmosphere close to mass hysteria ensues.• His system of political patronage and agile intimidation of potential enemies reigns supreme in the economically depressed territories.• The wide-cut style still reigns supreme over slimmer styles, and are easier to wear.• The road lobby once again reigns supreme with rail freight raising prices to meet absurd Government targets.Origin supreme (1400-1500) Latin supremus “furthest above”, from superus; → SUPERIOR1su·preme adjectiveChineseSyllable  highest having the power, Corpus importance, of or position




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