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单词 supranational
释义  Related topics: Governmentsu·pra·na·tion·al /ˌsuːprəˈnæʃənəl◂/ adjective  PGinvolving more than one country 超国家的,多国的 a supranational organization 一个多国组织Examples from the Corpussupranational• Obviously there will have to be agreements on the division of labour between national authorities and the supranational agency.• It is a moot point whether a supranational authority is also required.• Confederation A confederation is an association in which states delegate some power to a supranational central government but retain primary power.• The final thesis is that international harmonization of competition policies is essential, and probably a supranational competition authority is needed as well.• The real essence of integration, however, is not multilateralism, but the creation of a supranational economy.• The High Authority, however, survived as a distinct body until 1965 when it was merged with the other supranational executives.• Early in 1965 Hallstein attempted to push the Community more firmly back on the supranational path.• It is not difficult to guess which countries will benefit from this supranational politico-economic Lego.From Longman Business Dictionarysupranationalsu‧pra‧na‧tion‧al /ˌsuːprəˈnæʃənəl/ adjectiveECONOMICS involving more than one countryWe will focus on the way supranational economic forces affect us.Origin supranational (1900-2000) supra- “above, beyond” (from Latin, from supra) + nationalsu·pra·na·tion·al adjectiveChineseSyllable  country than involving Business one more Corpus




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