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单词 Line between
1. People dramatically cross very thin line between life and death.
2. The earth's axis is the line between the North and South Poles.
3. There was a fine line between the good guys and the bad guys.
4. There's a fuzzy line between parents' and schools' responsibilities.
5. The line between fact and fiction is becoming blurred.
6. There's a fine line between bravery and recklessness.
7. What's the dividing line between normal drinking and addiction?
8. There's a fine line between love and hate .
9. There is a fine line between superstition and religion.
10. This path marks the dividing line between my land and my neighbour's.
11. For many television viewers the dividing line between fact and fiction is becoming increasingly blurred.
12. There's a only very fine line between punishment and cruelty.
13. The river was chosen as a dividing line between the two districts.
14. Sometimes he found it hard to draw the line between work and pleasure.
15. There is a fine line between showing interest in what someone is doing and interfering in it.
16. There's a very thin dividing line between joviality and hysteria.
17. Where do you draw the line between genius and madness?
18. He was walking a fine line between being funny and being rude.
19. There is a thin dividing line between educating the public and creating a predisposition to panic.
20. The terms of the agreement respect the boundary line between the two countries.
21. The town is in a direct line between London and the coast.
22. The dividing line between luxuries and necessities is constantly changing.
23. There is no clear dividing line between what is good and what is bad.
24. It's a fine line between guilt and shame.
25. This blurs the line between words and phrases.
26. Where is the line between management and manipulation? 7.
27. The line between legal and illegal is very fine for doctors treating dying patients.
28. Adolescents often use drugs simply to try to draw a line between their own and their parents' way of life.
29. It is, however(/line between.html), not possible to draw a distinct line between the two categories.
30. The more individualistic the inner life of individuals the more clear-cut the demarcation line between our subjects.
1. The earth's axis is the line between the North and South Poles.
2. There was a fine line between the good guys and the bad guys.
31. I was walking a fine line between my old community and my new school.
32. Marriage teeters on the line between a cooperative venture and a form of mutual exploitation-ask any divorce lawyer.
33. But the case illustrates the fine line between acting in a public spirited manner,(sentence dictionary) and breaking the law.
34. Terror was the key, of course, for there's a fine line between paralysing dread and galvanising fright.
35. An important preliminary point is that the dividing line between an exclusion clause and a disclosure clause may be thin.
36. In the early days of archaeology, the dividing line between archaeologists and treasure hunters was all but invisible.
37. That proved to me what I had always thought, that there's a very thin line between feminism and apartheid.
38. I wondered what they were thinking, then pondered on the fineness of the dividing line between exhilarating adventure and irresponsibility.
39. The full report is likely to recommend the curriculum tread a line between principles and content.
40. The dividing line between acceptable and anti-social behaviour was often blurred.
41. The line between party and state was washed away under the old regime and has not been redrawn.
42. He adds that the line between accession and adhesion is poorly defined.
43. There is a very fine line between loving life and being greedy for it. Maya Angelou 
44. The reason is that there is no clear border line between what should and what should not count as money.
45. Warwick's opening gambit is to blur the line between consciousness and intelligence.
46. Where is the dividing line between normal use and addiction?
47. Where and how do we draw a line between ontological existents and fictions?
48. The system of dispute resolution attempts to tread a careful line between consumer and vendor interests.
49. But my purpose in building on this literature is not to make the line between genders any clearer.
50. One must insist on this clear dividing line between the two stages of writing.
51. A police spokesman warned that the vandalism could result in a tragedy on the main line between Belfast and Dublin.
52. Once the line between the conventional primary source and the secondary study is crossed, the flood is even worse.
53. The dividing line between health and gastronomy was finely drawn.
54. Yet throughout the narrative, Prost's awareness of the dividing line between professional respect and personal friendship is firmly evident.
55. If Holt thinks that this proposal would remove an arbitrary boundary line between adults and children, then he is mistaken.
56. In fiction, especially fiction that plays for laughs, the line between character and caricature can be dangerously thin.
57. The border line between the two states runs across the summit of Elbrus.
58. Once this fall was likened to a gigantic weir, its crest a straight line between Goat Island and the opposite shore.
59. The Chin tracks in India follow the most direct line between villages, regardless of gradient.
60. I want them to understand there can be a thin line between work and play.
61. There is a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore like an idiot. Steven Wright 
62. We have not passed that subtle line between childhood and adulthood until we move from the passive voice to the active voice- that is, until we have stopped saying "It got lost," and say, "I lost it.". Sydney J. Harris 
63. Before long, the explosive story is thoroughly media-wrenched, until the line between reality and sensational fantasy completely disappears.
63. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
64. The final section considers the fine line between the explication of research methodology and confession.
65. Clearly there are dangers involved in drawing a hard-and-fast line between the two principles of participation and identity.
66. The dividing line between them runs roughly from the Caspian to the mouth of the Indus.
67. You can't draw a hard line between international and national politics not these days.
68. The line between reportage and fiction, between social satire and sentimental snapshots, was blurring.
69. The dividing line between the two forms of agreement is often fine.
70. Accordingly, the law seems to draw a line between lack of consent and lack of authorisation.
71. For those in desperate straits the line between superstition and saving faith is finely drawn.
72. There is no dividing line between the pagoda and life outside.
73. The section of line between Wilton and Lackenby would carry power from the generators to the main overhead cable via a sub-station.
74. Hence, since the late 1960s there has been a gradual erosion of the line between sales promotion and advertising.
75. There's a fine line between clever and stupid and Warrant are nowhere near it.
76. We were on the dividing line between the inshore waters and the Kuroshio.
77. In practice, the line between the teacher and the learner will repeatedly be obscured.
78. Such an approach treads a thin line between the traditional pluralist and Marxist divide in media studies.
79. Most of his missionary activity took place north of the line between Dublin and Galway.
80. This was the time to draw the line between student and teacher.
81. The line between the two is said to provide the justification for judicial review.
82. There is clearly a fine line between stifling government intervention and encouraging creativity and innovation.
83. And there was in practice a very thin line between peaceful protest and the other variety.
84. This is indeed treading the fine line between glory and disaster.
85. Draw a line between right and wrong.
86. There's a very fine line between gleaning and pillaging.
87. Draw a line between A and B.
88. Curzon Line: Demarcation line Between Poland and Soviet Russia.
89. Is there a hard-and-fast line between good and evil?
90. For example, one fabricator installed an oil trap in the line between the vacuum pump and chamber in a lyophilizer with an internal condenser.
91. The mucosal epithelium of rectum transforms into stratified squamous epithelium abruptly at the end of the rectum. The boundary line between rectum and cloaca was very distinct.
92. There must be a spare line between each sensor and the alarm device.
93. The cost for a communication line between two stations proportional to the length of the line.
94. Furnishing the connecting line between the main station to the manual station.
95. Adopting multiplexing technique and making use of communication line between CSC (cell station controller) and CS to achieve simultaneous transmission of ISDN signal and electric power.
96. There is no distinguishing demarcation line between the good and the bad. So are the criminals.
97. How many twisted pairs of wires are typically used in a leased line between two routers?
98. The line between lateral semicircular canals and crista of digastric muscle is the mark of mastoid segment.
99. Eventually, both sides agreed to a technical definition of the dividing line between permissible programs and prohibited ones that allowed us to proceed with the TMD.
100. With a wrench he loosens the nuts which fuse the fuel line between tank and engine.
101. A line between two icons, or components, indicates a dependency relationship, where one component is used by the other.
102. Data Studio shows the mapping as a connecting line between the two end points.
103. If epiphysis cartilage is ossification and forms an inosculate epiphysis line between skeleton and epiphysis, bone will stop growing, people are no longer growing.
104. A diagonal line between words indicates that they can be found separately in the grid.
105. Sometimes the line between old behavior (the seeking of the geographical cure) and my inquisitiveness is faint.
106. Thus, in Magdalena Medio, staying on the air means walking the line between safe and unsafe discourse—remaining close to the flame without getting burned.
107. He thought Aster sometimes crowded the line between courage and rashness.
108. Where will the board draw the line between concerted activity and an employer's legitimate non-disparagement policy?
109. Milton's treading an extraordinarily fine line between the tremendous beauty of this image, on the one hand, and its potential impiety or just grotesquery on the other.
110. There will be stories about famous redheads: Vincent van Gogh, William Shakespeare, Woody Allen and Lucille Ball, thus illustrating the fine line between genius and insanity.
111. It is very difficult to separate completely International law and national law 's own legal. The demarcation line between international law and national law is becoming smudgy.
112. The boundary line between ore body and country rock is distinct, being a meso - epithermal filling deposit.
113. We must draw a clear line between a loss and a businessman's risk.
114. The Mobula is a jaw-dropping proposal for a massive, luxury transport vehicle which blurs the line between a cruise ship and a passenger aircraft.
115. The most fundamental dividing line between living organisms is that between prokaryote and eukaryote cells.
116. Outsider offspring inherit a position outside of the morph - line between Mommy and Daddy.
117. A river forms the boundary line between the two countries.
118. The boundary line between the countries was an apple of discord between the two countries.
119. An algorithm for computing the geodesic line between the two points of an algebraic surface was presented.
120. The feeder line between A and B does operate well.
121. HTNOWHERE On the screen background or on a dividing line between windows.
122. The more distal the humerus was, the smaller humeral head retroversion angle defined by a line between the epicondyles on two-dimension CT method was.
123. In light of the fine line between pleasure and pain, it has been hypothesized that BDSM is associated with an atypically high pain threshold.
124. Sometimes it's difficult to draw a line between backbiting and malicious gossip.
125. The line between the troposphere and the rest of the blue-colored atmosphere is called the tropopause.
126. The crown is located more or less along a line between two bright stars, Arcturus in the constellation Bootes the Herdsman and Vega in the constellation Lyra the Harp.
127. Avoid body insecurity overworked: Massage philtrum acupuncture point, this one point is mixed in nose needle on on the central line between the lip.
128. The dividing - line between permissiveness and sheer negligence is very fine indeed.
129. First commercial test of Morse's telegraph. The US Government paid for a telegraph line between Baltimore and Washington, D. C. It worked.
130. The law in this country draws a line between murder and manslaughter.
131. The best way to draw a line graph is to use an SVG element called the polyline. The polyline takes in pairs of values as X and Y points and draws a connecting line between the points.
132. To view from the angle of monitoring and prevention, this paper laid particular emphasis on the description of morphology of them, and drew a line between Syphacia obvelata and Aspiculuris tetraptera.
133. For Kendler , there is a clear, bright line between normal grief and clinical depression.
134. In other words, there is a boundary line between them and it can't be surmounted.
135. The origin of procerus was beyond the line between nasal bone and lateral nasal cartilage, and the insertion point was at the level of both medial eyebrows.
136. Western China is the dividing line between subtropical and temperate.
137. When his survival hopes take another hit the line between reality and imagination become blurred as the sky descends into a flurry of poignant crystal beauty.
138. Article 8 This company will draw a line between capital expenditure and revenue expenditure.
139. In paraphrase of a member of Spinal Tap, a fictional rock band of stupendous awfulness, there is a thin line between clever and stupid.
140. You should put a blank line between each group of imports.
141. Many geographers say that the Ural Mountains form the dividing line between Europe and Asia.
142. The demarcation line between ellipsoids and peripheral lymphatic tissue is obvious, and the acidophilic matter is mainly made up of fiber.
143. Software, too, has a pretty clear dividing line between goal - directed tasks and excise tasks.
144. Limiting privateers to the activities laid down in their commissions was difficult, and the line Between privateering and piracy was often Blurred.
145. But there's a fine line between taking the mickey out of solipsistic theatrical pretensions and exercising them yourself.
146. In our family, there was no clear line between religion and fly-fishing.
147. Tere is a very fine line between loving life and being greedy for it.
148. Graphic artist Antje Gerwien treads a fine line between groovy and grotesque, the the above bag designs illustrate so well.
149. The entire book of Proverbs in the Old Testament is written to help believers draw the line between wisdom and folly.
150. The years 1896 - 7 seem to mark a dividing line between spasmodic uprisings and widespread revolt.
151. A rational society should draw a line Between legitimate profit - making and exploitative profiteering.
152. These cases actually straddle the line between test - to - pass and test - to - fail.
153. The line is just this: it is the line between the part of logic which is neutral on the question of universals, and the part of logic which implies a Platonistic answer to the question of universals.
153. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
154. You may assume the subway runs in a straight line between adjacent stops, and the coordinates represent an integral number of metres.
155. But these crises drew a line between north and south, between the industrialised and developing world.
156. Because the dividing line between pottery and porcelain, care about quality white hard or semi-transparent, and the largest is the key to burning temperature.
157. The law must draw a line between murder and manslaughter.
158. Logan said the birds walked away in a straight line between her house and her neighbor's, and she went back inside to prepare a store-bought turkey dinner for her family.
159. Having said that, however , we should draw a line between poetry and painting.
160. The sample spectra were obtained with the cuvette holder in - line between the fibers.
161. Americans, every day, in all sorts of situations, tread the fine line between concern and nosiness, between propriety and indiscretion .
162. They continue to manipulate various factors, such as concentration and frequency, vainly trying to draw a parallel line between the animals and humans when there isn't one.
163. The dividing line between the two is not always sharp.
164. Where do we draw the line between normal, healthy, typical behavior and what we might want to call abnormal, atypical, deviant, unhealthy maladaptive mental problems?
165. The boundary line between the farms was a bone of contention between the two farmers.
166. The Huaihe is the actual line between northern and southern China.
167. As defender: always be in line between your opponent and your own goal!
168. Nearly 25 years of research has drawn a clear connecting line between depression and heart disease.
169. The first customer could be the planned high - speed line between S ? o Paulo and Rio de Janeiro.
170. It is not always to establish a meaningful border line between geology and geophysics.
171. In 1899, the arbitration tribunal defined the boundary line between Venezuela and British Guiana.
172. The real dividing - line between continents and oceans occurs at the foot of a steeper slope.
173. Most of them only provide the traditional analog interface to users, analog signal is transmited across the line between the user and the exchange, the rate is lower and is easy to be interfered.
174. The threading position located at the point of intersection of median 1/3 and superior 1/3 of the line between extemal occipital protuberance and mastoid apex.
175. Where does one draw the line between those who are poor and those who are not?
176. Inspired by his two-year relationship with salacious model Amber Rose, the song blurs the line between fantasy and reality, sex and romance, love and religion, until no lines exist at all.
177. Packet switching does not require a dedicated line between the sender and recipient.
178. There's a fine line between cuddling and holding someone down so they can't get away.
179. For penny-pinchers, the line between thrift and thievery turns out to be as tangled as a yard-sale yo-yo.
180. Today, the demarcation line between art and design become and more blurred.
181. The line between the combatant and non - combatant ship, already indistinct, had almost vanished.




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