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单词 homeward
释义 Word family  noun home homelessness adjective homeless homely homeward verb home adverb home homewards  home·ward /ˈhəʊmwəd $ ˈhoʊmwərd/ adverb  1  (also homewards British English)HOME towards home 向家;向家乡 She turned and made her way homeward. 她转身往家走去。2. homeward bound literaryHOME going towards home 向家,朝着家 —homeward adjective his homeward trip 他归家的旅程Examples from the Corpushomeward• It was five o'clock and they began the trek homeward.• Now the wedding procession started homeward.• They beg Ahab to turn the ship about and sail homeward.• Frances made her way homeward along the old sea wall.• And then he's made it, horror shy, homeward bound.• So on the third day she turned homeward, for what else could she do?• Mrs Chatterji points the child homeward, then turns to Maya, who has folded her hands in traditional Bengali greeting.• At least once in every watch period Bowman would look homeward through the antenna-alignment telescope.• As in Las Vegas, we never see the great mute herd trudging homeward with their pockets empty.home·ward adverbChineseSyllable   towards home Corpus




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