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单词 homegrown
释义  home·grown /ˌhəʊmˈɡrəʊn◂ $ ˌhoʊmˈɡroʊn◂/ adjective  1  MAKE FUN OFmade or produced in your own country, town etc 本国制造[出产]的;本地制造[出产]的 homegrown rock stars 本土摇滚明星2. GROW PLANTS, VEGETABLES ETChomegrown vegetables and fruit are grown in your own garden 〔蔬菜、水果〕自家园子里种植的Examples from the Corpushomegrown• Not all of the violence in Miami was spillover from abroad; some of it was homegrown.• Watercress: make use of homegrown crops with a free recipe booklet.• homegrown entertainment• The women grill greasy pieces of beef for lunch, with homegrown maize and potatoes.• But between 1991 and 1999 net immigration averaged 104,000 a year, compared with a homegrown population rise averaging 107,000.• Finally, there's a bevy of Aussie and homegrown soap stars in Aladdin at the Apollo in Oxford.• The Grant Street Band rounds out the homegrown sound with intense harmonies and fine traditional and contemporary arrangements.• But businesses in the United States are discovering that a homegrown version of work-based learning can yield benefits.home·grown adjectiveChineseSyllable  own in made or town produced your country, Corpus etc




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