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单词 Whispered
1. "He's gone," Rory whispered in sepulchral tones.
2. She leaned over and whispered something in his ear.
3. She leaned forward and whispered something in my ear.
4. "Bless you, Eva," he whispered.
5. John leaned over and whispered something into my ear.
6. He whispered something in her ear.
7. The story being whispered about the neighbourhood.
8. She drew me aside and whispered in my ear.
9. He whispered to me that he was afraid.
10. 'Keep your voice down,' I whispered.
11. 'Can you meet me tonight?' he whispered.
12. The story is being whispered about.
13. She whispered something in his ear.
14. The girls exchanged whispered confidences.
15. "Yes, " I whispered back.
16. The wind whispered in the pines.
17. She whispered that she felt very afraid.
18. "No, " he whispered through gritted teeth.
19. "Hush, " he whispered against her hair.
19. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
20. His ill luck has been whispered about the neighborhood.
21. 'It's magnificent,' she whispered in awe.
22. 'I've missed you,' he whispered in her ear .
23. 'I feel very afraid,' she whispered.
24. He drew me aside, and whispered in my ear.
25. "Let's go," she whispered to Anne.
26. 'No,' she whispered, almost inaudibly.
27. She leaned towards her nearest neighbour and whispered something.
28. I whispered him not to make any noise.
29. She leant over and whispered something in his ear.
30. His adventures have been whispered everywhere.
1. "He's gone," Rory whispered in sepulchral tones.
2. She leaned over and whispered something in his ear.
3. She leaned forward and whispered something in my ear.
4. "Bless you, Eva," he whispered.
5. John leaned over and whispered something into my ear.
6. He whispered something in her ear.
7. The story being whispered about the neighbourhood.
8. She drew me aside and whispered in my ear.
9. He whispered to me that he was afraid.
10. 'Keep your voice down,' I whispered.
11. 'Can you meet me tonight?' he whispered.
12. The story is being whispered about.
13. She whispered something in his ear.
14. His ill luck has been whispered about the neighborhood.
15. She whispered a few words weakly before she fell down.
31. "Be quiet!" a voice whispered in his ear.
32. 'Get the doctor,' he whispered shakily.
33. He bent towards me and whispered in my ear.
34. He whispered that he had got a new job.
35. He whispered the message to David.
36. He whispered the news to me.
37. Somebody whispered that films like that were illegal.
38. He whispered a word in my ear.
39. She whispered sweet nothings into his ear.
40. She whispered something to the girl beside her.
41. It is whispered that he intended to resign.
42. They exchanged whispered words of love.
43. A warm breeze whispered through the trees.
44. He whispered endearments in her ear.
45. Natasha whispered to Maggie in a conspiratorial tone.
46. 'Don't threaten me,[]' she whispered with false bravado.
47. She whispered a silent prayer that her wounded brother would not die.
48. Lou turned to Mark and whispered something in his ear.
49. He held her and whispered sweet nothings in her ear.
49. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
50. She whispered his name.
51. The person on my left turned to me and whispered "Not another speech!".
52. She whispered to me that his temperature was up again.
53. He whispered something in the old man's ears to jog his memory.
54. The girl came in and whispered something in the teacher's ear.
55. He gently rattled the cage and whispered to the canary.
56. She sat on Rossi's knee as he whispered in her ear.
57. She sidled up to me and whispered something in my ear.
58. A lie is as much a lie , when it is whispered or when it is proclaimed at the market cross.
59. It's being whispered about that Jack and Mary are to separate.
60. She whispered to me so no one else would hear.
61. She whispered a few words weakly before she fell down.
62. "What is the matter with Signora Anna?" he whispered, horror-struck at her vacant face.
63. "Come on,"he whispered urgently.
64. He leaned across the table and whispered to me, 'I'm really onto something.'.
65. What happened in the factory is being whispered about the neighborhood.
66. The woman prodded her neighbour and whispered urgently in his ear.
67. She whispered a story.
68. 'Go on,' he whispered, giving me a prod in the back.
69. She felt her eyes prickle. 'It was awful,' she whispered.
70. The Colonel bowed his head and whispered a prayer of thanksgiving.
71. Below, the water foamed and whispered.
72. She whispered her name to me.
73. "Are you awake, Lucy?" she whispered.
74. Sprinkleroom, I whispered, with a reverent snort.
75. Test the hearing to whispered voice or watch ticking.
76. And never shall I forget those whispered words.
77. She whispered her promise, and Odysseus took his leave.
78. McMurphy whispered and rolled over to sleep.
79. She bent towards me and whispered in my ear.
80. I whispered,(http:///whispered.html) looking out the window.
81. Her husband whispered something in her ear.
82. I whispered, ingesting them with joy.
83. The cold stone whispered to her.
84. ""Don't wake the baby,'' whispered Jemima.
85. Arianna, a voice inside her whispered.
86. Hua pushes on with these and other whispered aids.
87. These whispered that so far all was well.
88. Another whispered that the policeman was wary, unsure of what to reveal and what to hide.
89. Audible gasps rose here and there together with short, whispered words and the murmur of anticipation.
90. I observed Bea putting her arm around me with a detached curiosity and listened to the pet names she whispered to me.
91. Benjamin whispered to her and I heard her hissed reply, followed by silence.
92. At last he whispered with great embarrassment that what was upsetting him was a word that he had heard.
93. She leaned against him, crying, and he whispered something in her ear.
94. Magrat leaned over and whispered something in her husband's ear.
95. Naturally he had never so much as whispered this phrase to a living soul.
96. Toby nudged my arm. "That's the guy I told you about," he whispered.
97. He whispered sweet nothings in her ear while they danced.
98. That was when Margerine told Fong the story in detail, breathlessly, glancing around as he whispered.
99. The other bands whispered that Joseph would now head for Lapwai, abandoning them as Lawyer had done.
100. Gill seemed to overcompensate and whispered hers so that the registrar and I could only just hear.
101. It was whispered, Patsy said, that he couldn't cut the mustard.
102. He was right, a distant voice in her mind whispered mockingly.
103. His voice was whispered, incredulous; something about the curious paths of his own life caused him endless surprise.
104. But, a small voice whispered, that does not make Matthew Jenny's property.
105. Yet it began to be whispered secretly that he was dying.
106. She whispered his name over and over: Mr Sargent, Mr Sargent.
107. You had to learn things, she whispered, supposing that the activity which Gordon found difficult required practice, like tennis.
108. She felt a fleeting distant surprise as the cool night air whispered over her skin.
109. In Holly's ear Feldstein whispered of the circulation of the samizdat writings.
109. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
110. Hillary whispered in his ear and took his speech out of her pocket.
111. One of his soldiers leaned forward and whispered to hirn; the Prime Minister shook his head.
112. Nor were they inconsequential gossip and rumor being whispered by small-town idlers on local street corners.
113. Lois shook her head and whispered for Petey to go back downstairs.
114. She whispered that the Devil hid behind the curtains, a red devil with a feathery red tail.
115. The question whispered through her mind, fed with memories of the valley from her childhood when it had been her playground.
116. With the whispered warning, the three sharp-eyed men no longer seem so harmless.
117. She often showed up late for class, and she chewed gum and tossed her ponytail and whispered and giggled with Servio.
118. John Bryan and topless Fergie exchanged tender glances and whispered confidences like lovers do.
119. Before Paul D came and sat on her porch steps, words whispered in the keeping room had kept her going.
120. My mother, her mother whispered, had avoided acquaintance with the deathly versions.
121. Play him at his own game, a small voice whispered.
122. He had been told also, in whispered confidence, that two attempts against the target had failed.
123. She screwed up her face and whispered: you're so revoltingly fat you disgusting baboon.
124. A huge lifting crane that hefted cylinders of red-hot steel and moved them around the mill invited whispered superlatives.
125. A voice whispered that the work was nonsense, too far removed from the interests of the age to be of value.
126. She always warned him, in whispered anxious tones, whenever the Bogeyman was on the prowl.
127. They bumped into him as they went back through the wire and held a whispered council of war.
128. So I whispered to Mowat to collar the other feller.
129. A couple of Negro characters whispered in my ear about tea.
130. Inna whispered secret words of comfort and hope into Rachel's ear.
131. Their profiles looked like matching cameos as Lais whispered in her sister's ear.
132. Back in the kitchen the ladies whispered together,() then asked me how much I paid Chutra.
133. The sea crashing against the pebble beach whispered rumours of war in this ancient landscape.
134. She leaned forward and whispered ""I love you'' in his ear.
135. The recollection of those whispered words came rushing back to haunt her.
136. She had whispered her own last goodbye at a Liverpool dockyard gate, though she had not known it.
137. Little girls played tag and stoop-ball, hopscotch, skipped rope; big girls sat under the pine tree and whispered.
138. Sure enough, in a moment the rushes whispered, and the tiny drift of air came again.
139. He licked his lips and looked at my laughing mouth. Succubus, he whispered.
139. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
140. A little voice inside her whispered that Luke had never intended his generous words to be taken literally.
141. Whispered epics in the bouncing back of war chariots, chanted louder as the warriors attack - entirely in profile, of course.
142. Jessa-MYN, her Dead Daddy whispered in her inner ear, cain't you be more sociable?
143. He displayed an ordinary military radio and whispered a few words and made their village disappear.
144. I whispered, quietly yet urgently, that there was a bear nearby.
145. Could it be worse than her present situation? whispered a treacherous small voice.
146. She whispered that Klaus told her she must take the message from me after I'd read it.
147. Fran leant over and whispered something in her sister's ear.
148. She leaned across to two men on a neighbouring table and whispered urgently between their lowered heads.
149. Above him, the topmost twigs of the trees whispered interminably.
150. Glancing surreptitiously around, she glimpsed knowing smiles and heads drawn close as people whispered.
151. Sometimes when this is whispered in the ears of those near death, tears roll down their cheeks.
152. A servant scurried in, leaned over Sir Richard's shoulder and whispered in his ear.
153. The thin figure leaned over and whispered in the sleeper's ear.
154. I'd just like to know! she whispered to herself, barely aware of the tears sliding down her cheeks.
155. Then he leaned forward and whispered something into his left ear.
156. Then sharp words from on high were whispered in youthful ears.
157. They sang and giggled all their way to every quiet lodging house and noisily whispered goodnight on the pavements.
158. Some whispered that Miss Monti was a Communist because of her unconventional behavior and radical dress.
159. His hands whispered over her, light as silk, seeking out every pale hollow and rounded slope.
160. Ancient tradition remains powerful, and stories of witches and snake charmers are still whispered high in the remote mountain villages.
161. Some of the people whispered words in response to the priest's holy things.
162. It was a warm and friendly night, and the sea swished and whispered on the sand.
163. Lizzy's attempted suicide had been whispered around the station by now, she was sure.
164. I strained my eyes to see their faces, my ears to catch their whispered voices.
165. His conscience warred with the whispered promises of the semi-sentient sword.
166. I whispered again, but this time my mother only put her hand over my mouth and shook her head.
167. It was dark and people were drinking and I figured all sorts of mysterious things were being whispered.
168. Some officers privately whispered that Combined Fleet Headquarters seemed seriously to underestimate enemy capabilities.
169. Whispered in reverent and regretful tones, the rumors had been floating for the past few weeks that her condition had worsened.
169. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
170. I see unquiet ghosts and speak their whispered tongue.
171. The nurse whispered fatefully to call the priest.
172. The desirous Carrie was whispered to concerning her possibilities.
173. That leaves but the caress of your voice whispered.
174. Two in the back bench whispered.
175. It is whispered that he may resign.
176. "Eleanor, " he whispered huskily, bending. "Oh, God, Eleanor..."
177. "What do you want!" she whispered savagely. "Get out.".
178. Sherlock Holmes looked up at the stars and whispered.
179. They stopped, and engaged in a whispered colloquy.
180. He whispered slyly to his brother.
181. He whispered sweet nothings into her ear.
182. The wind whispered in the green pines verdant cypresses.
183. Please , doan holler agin!'she whispered, her voice shaking.
184. It is whispered that he is heavily in debt.
185. Ah Q whispered a while to Wang Hun's ear.
186. A love story is whispered in a solitude voice.
187. Meanwhile, the wafts from his old Home pleaded, whispered, conjured, and finally claimed him imperiously.
188. It was a few hours later. The news was now on, and I had just figured out that Beverly Sills wore a size "bix" when Jennifer whispered, "I'm sorry."
189. Next morning when the child was not to be found, it was whispered among the people that the Queen was a man-eater, and had killed her own child.
190. Love is not sweet nothings whispered in the ear. It is accepting the thoughts of others.
191. The song hovered, like a whispered benediction, above the crowd.
192. Fabrizzio whispered in awe, " It's the real thunderbolt. ".
193. Carreen and Suellen, emaciated and white, slept brokenly and awoke to mumble with wide, staring eyes in the tall four-poster bed where they had whispered together in better, happier days.
194. When you distill your own liquor, sometimes you end up with a bad batch , whispered Tom.
195. By now he had begun eyeballing thecomelier types, and, clasping some actress's hand with his rodent'spaw, whispered, "Little minx, I sense by those high cheekbones that youhave Cherokee blood in you."
196. Darrow had whispered, throwing a reassuring arm round my shoulder.
197. The wind whispered in the green pines and verdant cypresses.
198. As the cameras rolled and crowds gathered to stare at the fair-haired American with the local governmental leader, the villagers quietly whispered and joked among themselves.
199. The broker whispered that he knew a secret algorithm for the success, but he could not convince the mathematician.
200. And it's whispered that soon if all call the tune.
201. The broker whispered that he knew a secret algorithm for the success, but he could not convince the analyst.
202. It is whispered that he is suffering from stomah cancer.
203. She had whispered it to him first moment she looked at him.
204. "Dear, " Archer whispered, pressing her to him: it was borne in on him that the first hours of being engaged, even if spent in a ball-room, had in them something grave and sacramental.
205. Avery thumbed a solid-state switch in the Stanchion's stock. The weapon chirped twice, indicating its battery was fully charged. He performed two calming breaths, and whispered.
206. For a little while it seemed as if I must fly to pieces with the inward turmoil, when suddenly the still small voice whispered in the depths of my soul, "Be still, and know that I am God."
207. "I love you too, " Sarah whispered as she watched her son disappear in the blue bubble of the TDE.
208. The fatal affliction, let its name be whispered, is mass advertising.
209. 'Tike care no one 'ears you, ' she added, in a whisper, though why she whispered she did not know.
210. And it's whispered that soon if we all call the tune.
211. In case of necessity, whispered session can be held on the vessel.
212. They arrived at twilight, and, as we strolled out among the sparkling hundreds, Daisy's voice was playing murmurous tricks in her throat. "These things excite me so, " she whispered.
213. The sweet nothings that he whispered into my ear don't mean a thing to me.
214. I shook my head reprovingly, and then she blushed and whispered.
215. The tone differs from place to place — listening to a German official denounce deficits, my wife whispered, "We'll all be handed whips as we leave, so we can flagellate ourselves."
216. Morning coffee shop, as a young woman did not wake up, whispered a light swing music.
217. " Good - night, " he whispered, as the cab rolled away.
218. He whispered so softly that none but Julie heard him.
219. Standing on a branch, the turtledove whispered to her, "my dear friend, why are you crowing so gloomily?"
220. "And say, " he whispered, jovially , pulling Hurstwood over by the shoulder so that he might whisper in his ear, "if this isn't a good show, I'll punch your head.
221. Ken must have noticed my and whispered, claustrophobic, darling? I shook my head.
222. It was whispered that when as a youth he had visited houses of ill fame, even the most hardened and fearless putain, after an awed inspection of his massive organ, demanded double price.
223. Or maybe, just maybe, a small voice whispered in my head, it's not a joke, silly.
224. " Let's go down there , " whispered Ye Meng , pointing towards a large, half - lit rock.
225. It was really snore. Ah Q whispered Wang Hu's ear.
226. The playboy whispered sweet nothings to my ear with a bright moon in the sky.
227. ' whispered the little wretch, rousing a half-bred bulldog from its lair in a corner.
228. Just after Barney whispered, "five minutes gone" there was an audible "phut" and the link went down.
229. I whispered to Catherine that she mustn't, on any account,(http:///whispered.html) accede to the proposal.
230. He whispered, his arms folded on the side of my bed - place, staring through the open port.
231. The name evokes a shadowy terror laced with whispered details too gruesome to be believed.
232. The flattered and happy woman put her lips to his ear and whispered a princely name.
233. A voice, which must have come from God, whispered to me to drop the panga and thrust my hand in its wide open mouth.
234. At Timothy's it was whispered sadly that poor Roger had always been eccentric about his digestion.
235. They were about to go down. When Tum suddenly whispered.'sh ! Keep still. Don't move! "
236. Alice whispered to the Gryphon :'They can't have anything to put down yet , before the trial's begun.'
237. Romanov elbowed me in the side and whispered: 'No way! Have the swine decided to cross over to our bank?'
238. As she drew nigh, the arch-fiend whispered him to condense into small compass and drop into her tender bosom a germ of evil that would be sure to blossom darkly soon, and bear black fruit betimes.
239. Reaching Snape, she crouched down, pulled out her wand, and whispered a few, well-chosen words. Bright blue flames shot from her wand onto the hem of Snape's robes.
240. Lieutenant Colonel Eichmann is a remote evil name only whispered.
241. Gillenormand, the other was Comte de Lamothe- Valois , of whom it was whispered about, with a sort of respect: "Do you know?"
242. " It's a swell suite, " whispered Jordan respectfully, and every one laughed.
243. " Cheer up, old man, " whispered his companion. " We'll go around , anyhow.
244. " We've got to beat them down, " whispered Daisy, winking ferociously toward the fervent sun.
245. He hung up the phone, went to Sollozzo's side and whispered in the Turk's ear.
246. At IASB, meanwhile , Ian Mackintosh is whispered to have the inside track to replace Sir David.
247. I need you so, Eleanor, " he whispered huskily at her soft mouth."
248. "This is what they call the protection of civilians, " whispered the government man.
249. The Reverend Jesse Jackson's whispered comments are now reverberating throughout the presidential campaign.
250. Yue smiled at Ham's lovely face complacently. He held his little lover possessively in his arms and whispered in his ears. "You will always be mine, little one."
251. Defiler ! it whispered to him. The time has come to pay for your crimes.
252. It is whispered that Jim and Marry are to separate.
253. " Poor baby, " whispered Melanie, her hand creeping feebly toward the child and falling short.
254. He testified to overhearing whispered conversations about a smuggling plot while in an Australian prison.http:///whispered.html
255. The landlord whispered a word in the scullion's ear, and the child set off on a run in the direction of the town-hall.
256. Ham smiled at Yue's lovely face complacently . He held his little lover possessively in his arms and whispered in his ears. "You will always be mine, little one."
257. " Wouldst thou avenge thyself on the innocent babe? " whispered she. "
258. Three years after the death of Kalos, Musides despatched a messenger to the Tyrant, and it was whispered in the agora at Tegea that the mighty statue was finished.
259. Through our tears, we whispered our own "amons", all squeezing one another's hands in support of the rightfulness of the moment.
260. The dew fell, but with propitious softness; no breeze whispered.
261. The raindrop whispered to the jasmine, " Keep me in your heart for ever. "
262. Through our tears, we whispered our own "amens", all squeezing one another's hands in support of the rightfulness of the moment.
263. " Ma is so angry she can't think straight , " Miss Lin whispered urgently.
264. Ming - feng whispered a few words in Wan - erh's ear.
265. He whispered " to - morrow " passionately to Carrie, and she understood.
266. I was a fool to believe the sweet nothings that he whispered in my ear.
267. And suddenly Hassan's voice whispered in my head: _For you, a thousand times over_. Hassan the harelipped kite runner.




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