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单词 bread
释义  Related topics: Food, dishldoce_036_gbread /bred/ ●●● S2 W3 noun [uncountable]  1  DFFa type of food made from flour and water that is mixed together and then baked 面包 Would you like some bread with your soup? 你喝汤时要吃点面包吗? a loaf of brown bread 一条黑面包 a piece of bread and butter 一块黄油面包 →5  See picture of loaf of bread 一条面包, bagels 面包圈, bread rolls 小圆面包 ... →4  See picture of 见图 bread2  your/somebody’s bread and butter informalJOB/TASK the work that provides you with most of the money that you need in order to live 你的/某人的生计[谋生手段] Writing is my bread and butter. 写作是我谋生的手段。3. know which side your bread is buttered on ADVANTAGE informal to know which people to be nice to in order to get advantages for yourself 知道该讨好谁才对自己有利4. MONEY old-fashioned informal money 钱 COLLOCATIONSadjectivesfresh 新鲜的Eat the bread while it’s nice and fresh. 趁着新鲜把面包吃了。stale (=hard and no longer fresh) 不新鲜的This bread’s stale – shall I throw it away? 这面包不新鲜了,我把它扔了吧?crusty (=having a hard crust that is nice to eat) 脆皮的,硬皮的Serve the soup with crusty bread. 汤和脆面包一起上。nmouldy British English, moldy American English (=covered with a green substance that grows on old food)All there was in the house was a loaf of mouldy old bread.white/brown bread 白面包/黑面包nWould you like white bread or brown bread?wholewheat bread (also wholemeal bread British English) (=bread made with flour that contains all of the grain) 全麦面包nWholemeal bread is good for you.home-made/home-baked bread 自制面包nI love home-made bread.phrasesa slice/piece of bread 一片/一块面包Can I have another slice of bread? 我可以再吃一片面包吗?a loaf of bread 一条面包He’s gone to buy a loaf of bread. 他去买面包了。na chunk of bread (=a piece that you pull off a loaf instead of cutting it)He tore off a chunk of bread and dipped it in the sauce.verbsmake/bake bread 做/烤面包We usually make our own bread. 我们通常自己做面包。cut/slice bread 切面包Could you cut some bread? 你切一些面包好吗?Examples from the Corpusbread• In a large mixing bowl, combine bread cubes and milk; let stand for 5 minutes.• Complete your meal with a selection of local cheeses, fresh bread and, of course, iced drinks.• Then he speared a square of fried bread and dipped it in, turning it about until it was yellow all over.• For this you have to pretend you are kneading bread.• We sat in our coats and ate a dry meal, bread and cheese.• He put another piece of bread in his mouth and chewed.• Please pass the bread.• Afrer two minutes of baking, open the door quickly and spray the bread again.Origin bread Old Englishbread noun →COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChinese  and Corpus a type water food from flour made of




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