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单词 Holy Spirit
释义  Related topics: ChristianityˌHoly ˈSpirit noun [singular]  RRCGod in the form of a spirit according to the Christian religion 圣灵 SYN Holy GhostExamples from the CorpusHoly Spirit• It was as if the Holy Spirit had taken his hands off and was standing back, observing, watchful.• For many of us, prayer in the Holy Spirit is something about which we know very little.• I began to see the key to this as being the fullness of the Holy Spirit.• She ended her address by describing her personal image of the Holy Spirit.• For all practical purposes, the Holy Spirit could be discounted.• Do you quench the Holy Spirit?• But it is possible that the Holy Spirit was doing something much larger and more all-encompassing than they could have imagined.• And, as we know so well, the Holy Spirit fell on the day of pentecost with tongues as of fire.ˌHoly ˈSpirit nounChineseSyllable  the to form Corpus spirit the according Christian a of in God




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