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单词 high-pressure
释义  Related topics: Toolsˌhigh-ˈpressure adjective [only before noun]  1. BUSY/HAVE A LOT TO DOa high-pressure job or situation is one in which you need to work very hard 给人很大压力的,非常紧张的 SYN stressful2  high-pressure sales/selling methods etc PERSUADEvery direct and often successful ways of persuading people to buy something 高压式推销/销售方法等 high-pressure sales techniques 咄咄逼人的推销手法3  TZcontaining or using a very high pressure or force of water, gas, air etc 〔水、煤气、空气等〕高压的 high-pressure hoses 高压水管Examples from the Corpushigh-pressure• A short-circuit set off an explosion in the high-pressure chamber, a fire brigade official said.• Scientists assume that those planets' high-pressure cores contain metal hydrogen.• The ease with which the dissolved high-pressure gases can escape from Hawaiian magmas leads to some very spectacular eruptions.• Workers used high-pressure hoses to clean the rocks after the oil spill.• She decided to give up her high-pressure job on Wall Street.• In branched polymers such as the older, high-pressure, polyethylene the molecular-weight between side chains is relevant.• A high-pressure pump would be fitted to the outlet and the mix pumped along solid piping to the second floor.• Next, the compressor in the outdoor unit compresses the gas into a hot high-pressure state.• These plant grains are heated under pressure till their water-content has turned to high-pressure steam.• In some places army reserves were called out to protect public property, and in Manchester high-pressure water-hoses were used against demonstrators.From Longman Business Dictionaryhigh-pressureˈhigh-ˌpressure adjective [only before a noun]1a high-pressure job or situation is one where you need to work extremely hardSYN STRESSFULHe helped launch the television network and then left the high-pressure job after disagreements with a colleague.2MARKETING high-pressure sales/selling methods etc very direct methods of selling that try to force people to buyThey used high pressure sales tactics to force unwary customers to buy securities that were worthless.ˌhigh-ˈpressure adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus in situation one high-pressure which Business job is a or you need




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