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单词 highlighter
释义  high·light·er /ˈhaɪlaɪtə $ -ər/ noun [countable]   TZa special light-coloured pen used for marking words in a book, article etc 〔用来在书、文章等上标出重点的〕荧光笔 →4  See picture on 见图 Page A8 In the office 办公室里 →5 see picture at 见图 office, stationeryExamples from the Corpushighlighter• This will act as a highlighter, making your eyes look bigger and brighter.• So you have to make eight copies and then go through with a highlighter, one on each one.• To the rest of the eyelid, apply peachy, bronze highlighter.• Blend away any creases in your make-up and gently apply the new eyeshadow, highlighter and pencil, the blusher and lipstick.• Apply slightly lighter highlighter on the remaining two-thirds of the eye - I prefer something with a little sparkle.• Blend where the highlighter joins the socket shadow and outer third of the eyelid.high·light·er nounChineseSyllable  for light-coloured used special words a pen marking Corpus in a




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