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单词 idolize
释义  i·dol·ize (also idolise British English) /ˈaɪdəl-aɪz/ verb [transitive]  ADMIREto admire and love someone so much that you think they are perfect 崇拜,极度喜爱〔某人〕 They had one child, a girl whom they idolized. 他们只有一个女儿,对这个孩子宠爱有加。► see thesaurus at admire→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusidolize• He is both idolized and despised within the Union movement.• And he helped her by showing that she had married a man of her own color who was idolized by all.• Monroe was idolized by movie fans all over the world.• Susan idolizes her mother.• It was a pleasure to flog her, to defend her, to scrutinize, criticize and idolize her.• As a child, Ted idolized his father.• Denied parents for so much of the year, Angel had idolized Pedro.• But no, he idolized the girl from the start.• In the late seventies, when Ian was starting out as a pro, he idolized Watson.i·dol·ize verbChineseSyllable  and love to much Corpus someone admire so




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