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单词 Pavlovian
1. As we have seen, modern theories of Pavlovian conditioning assume that stimuli can activate the representations of other events.
2. And it suggests Pavlovian, mechanistic efficiency. Press any given design lever and expect the appropriate response.
3. The Republicans responded like Pavlovian dogs, panting and salivating over a face-saving way out of a political mess.
4. I had become a Pavlovian parachutist.
5. What this comes down to is classical Pavlovian conditioning.
6. Her yawn was a Pavlovian response to my yawn.
7. That explains the Pavlovian impulse of people who are out with friends or dates to ignore them and check their BlackBerrys and cellphones, even if 99 out of 100 messages are uninteresting.
8. Pavlovian reaction conditions of the study belongs to such an act.
9. This Pavlovian technique resulted in the rats freezing up in nervous anticipation of the shocks every time they heard either sound.
10. Or would he develop a Pavlovian hatred for coffee and be busy elsewhere whenever you pass by?
11. The object of this sort of propaganda was to produce a Pavlovian state of dumb obedience.
12. One half was left in a natural state while the other had its intelligence boosted by Pavlovian methods, such as associating smell and taste with particular food or experiences.
13. Behavioral psychology was founded by the American psychologist Watson based on Pavlovian conditioning theory.
14. We guarantee the whole crowd will be singing along in Pavlovian unison by the end of the first verse.
15. A type of learning in which a conditioned stimulus is paired with an unconditioned stimulus to elicit a reflex response or respondent behaviour - Also referred to as Pavlovian Conditioning.
16. Capitalism, in its purest, simplest form, is little more than a Pavlovian response to our basic instincts: greed, selfishness, adoration of profit, and unshackled consumerism.
16. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
17. In Amdam's experiment, individual bees were strapped into a straw, where they learned to associate an odor with a food reward in a classic Pavlovian conditioning scenario.
18. Somewhere along the way I began to associate bedtime with sexytime and I now have a Pavlovian response that makes me both horny before bed and sleepy post-self-lovin'.




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