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单词 Schism
1 Gradually I adjusted to the inner schism.
2 Much of the blame for the schism is generally attributed to Nikon, the overbearing prelate elevated to the Patriarchate in 1652.
3 There is a very real schism in the motorcycling community between people who ride Harleys and those who don't.
4 However, an anticipated schism in party ranks failed to materialize.
5 Worse, because once again the great racial schism in this country has been laid bare.
6 Only this, he believed, could overcome the schism between religion and culture in the West.
7 There was now schism in Cologne as well as Mainz.
8 The issues on which the schism turned have often seemed to Western scholars so insignificant as to be almost laughable.
9 The Schism, we may say, tragically helped to polarise increasingly strong nationalist attitudes towards the war.
10 The Labour Party, riven by schism and self-doubt, seemed in long-term, inexorable decline, for sociological as well as ideological reasons.
11 It seems that there is a schism in the ruling party over the plan.
12 It is a schism which may have contributed to the stalled development of GaAs as an alternative in digital technology.
13 The letter provided further evidence of the widening schism between the church and Downing Street.
14 In 1378 a schism, occasioned by a double election to the papacy, split the western Church.
15 In 1827, a fierce schism had shaken the Quaker community.
16 The Great Schism splits the Catholic and Orthodox churches.
17 A separation into subgroups or factions; a schism.
18 That crisis is the story of the Great Schism .
19 With the Anglican Communion on the verge of schism, can Rowan Williams learn anything from John Major?
20 We are much too apt to look at schism in our church as an unmitigated evil.
21 But the schism of the company, close to be not put in this problem.
22 In the late fifties, the Sino-Soviet Schism took place, and Communists were obliged to choose between Moscow and Peking.
23 The church seems to be on the brink of schism.
24 None the less, Henry did not rush headlong down the road to schism.
25 Wherever pentecostalism goes it evokes both joy and anger, gratitude and rejection, polemic 77 and schism.
26 This second founding congress, however, was marred by an immediate schism.
27 American, European and Arab diplomacy should now join forces to mend the Palestinian schism.
28 The 650-odd bishops who attended the once-a-decade Lambeth conference went home with open schism between the liberal and conservative wings of the worldwide Anglican Communion averted.
29 John Paul II stated that an end to the Great Schism was one of his fondest wishes.
30 This was the first time a pope had visited a predominantly Eastern Orthodox country since the Great Schism in 1054.
31 One highly placed man of the cloth has even warned about the risk of a coming schism as significant numbers of priests are refusing obedience to the Pope and bishops for the first time in memory.
32 The schism between science and the humanities has, if anything, deepened in this century.
33 As his theology became more syncretistic and eclectic, a schism developed, and the more conservative faction remained under the leadership of Tagore.
34 Another schism like that and they will wind up in bankruptcy.
35 Not pay off debt perhaps is not offerred assure, the company does not get amalgamative,(http:///schism.html) schism.
36 Instead, American, European and Arab diplomacy should now join forces to mend the Palestinian schism.
37 He devotes four chapters to the reprehension of their divisions, which did not really amount to anything constituting formal schism or heresy.
38 In 1054 the great schism between the eastern and the western churches took place.
39 They have warned Mr Netanyahu that the bill, if passed, would cause a schism throughout Jewry.
40 But the Chinese - American schism poses a dilemma for the next president.
41 The protective system of traditional MTS is made up of schism organs, but framework is complex and reliability is rather bad, which badly impacts the running stability of coal mining face.
42 Schism . Splits your mind into two independently functional parts.
43 The differences between the thinking in Byzantium and the west were most profoundly highlighted with the Great Schism, the division of Christendom.
44 While some predict schism, others predict a good old fashioned compromise.
45 Often initiates will schism over the same area the form again and again the ascent.
46 Segregator of data of one's voice in speech of general client side is equipment of one alone schism, offer by him face an user the circuit interface of indoor word engine and RTU equipment.
47 The separation between civilization and the wilderness began, and the schism widened gradually.
48 The schism that produced competitive health care professions, primarily traditional medicine, osteopathy and chiropractic shattered and scattered fundamental principles for the relief of pain.
49 When one intends to integrate a schism, so it will be.




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