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单词 Hatch
1) The eggs take three days to hatch.
2) The female sits on the eggs until they hatch.
3) When will the baby chickens hatch out?
4) She passed food through the hatch from the kitchen.
5) Leave the hatch open.
6) We handed our trays through the kitchen hatch as we left.
7) As soon as the two chicks hatch,[http:///hatch.html] they leave the nest burrow.
8) How long do the eggs take to hatch?
9) The engineer was peering into the service hatch.
10) The eggs are about to hatch.
11) After fourteen days the eggs hatch.
12) The eggs hatch in 26 days.
13) He stuck his head up through the hatch.
14) They got out through the escape hatch.
15) The chicks hatch out after fifteen days.
16) The eggs hatch after a week or ten days.
17) The eggs quickly hatch into larvae.
18) When will the eggs hatch?
19) The eggs eventually hatch inside the mother's pouch.
20) She lifted the hatch and slid it away from the opening.
21) The female must find a warm place to hatch her eggs.
22) After the egg has been fertilized, it will hatch in about six weeks.
23) When the eggs hatch the larvae eat the living flesh of the host animal.
24) No one knows how the new plan will hatch out.
25) She opened the serving hatch and put the soup on the counter.
26) She stumbled down the gangway to the hatch.
27) The oil spill will affect next spring's hatch.
28) During these periods the birds will lie on the cage floor as if trying to lay or hatch eggs.
29) One full revolution of the knob will open the hatch.
30) The bird mistook the pebble for egg and tried to hatch it.
1) The eggs take three days to hatch.
2) The female sits on the eggs until they hatch.
3) When will the baby chickens hatch out?
4) She passed food through the hatch from the kitchen.
5) Leave the hatch open.
6) We handed our trays through the kitchen hatch as we left.
7) As soon as the two chicks hatch, they leave the nest burrow.
8) The chicks hatch out after fifteen days.
9) When will the eggs hatch?
10) The eggs eventually hatch inside the mother's pouch.
11) No one knows how the new plan will hatch out.
12) The bird mistook the pebble for egg and tried to hatch it.
31) The eggs should hatch any day now.
32) We were shouting at them through the hatch.
33) All three seeds hatch the same adult.
34) After all, up the lads and down the hatch.
35) The submersible, hatch open, pitched into the sea.
36) Did some one forget to close the hatch?
37) She had fallen from the hatch.
38) A two-way hatch facilitates the serving of carefully calculated meals and the removal of waste products in the appropriate receptacles!
39) They hatch very quickly and at the same time a new generation of workers and soldiers emerge from the stored pupae.
40) There they also hatch and develop, sustained by the yolk with which she has endowed them.
41) Turtles lay their eggs deep in the sand and leave them there until they hatch.
42) By the time she reached the bottom he had the saloon deck hatch open and was sitting at the table.
43) When the Discus spawn the eggs will hatch in 60 hours.
44) White twisted round in his seat to start opening the hatch.
45) The loch has some splendid fish and, in late June and early July, a wonderful mayfly hatch.
46) Although normally kept shut, there is an escape hatch for the after cabin in each of the cockpit seats.
47) Kids are looking for an escape hatch from the pressures of home.
48) The eggs need to be put in a warm place to hatch.
49) Some species attach the cocoons to stones underwater and others carry the cocoons with them until the young hatch.
50) A crash in a Formula 3000 race at Brands Hatch left him seriously injured and his career in jeopardy.
51) The glassy rear hatch opens wide and the boot has low loading lip.
52) After a while, through the partially open cabin hatch, she heard the bed creak beneath his weight.
53) Hatch resigned his appointment in 1892 and went to work as a mining engineer in Johannesburg.
54) Its designer shows how it can be fitted through a small kayak hatch in its assembled state.
55) She too embarks on a lazy plot of catastrophic collapse, winding up confined in a local booby hatch.
56) The parents stand guard on the eggs until they hatch and the fry reach, within a week, the free-swimming stage.
57) The most important thing in an argument, next to being right, is to leave an escape hatch for your opponent, so that he can gracefully swing over to your side without too much apparent loss of face. Sydney J. Harris 
58) The Hatch Act prohibits political activity by federal employees during work hours using government facilities.
59) They hatch out in 3-4 weeks and the larvae bore into the wood.
60) Surtees started racing bikes in 1950 and had his first win at Brands Hatch on a Vincent in 1951 when only 17.
61) Spotting a hatch in the far wall, she walked across and gingerly opened it a crack.
62) As soon as the eggs hatch you will need to provide a plentiful supply of the plant that the caterpillar feeds on.
63) But the Senate, prodded by Hatch and Kennedy, took the proposal further.
64) Doors of the hatch can be hinged or sliding, or even a lift-down flap, as long as it's got adequate support.
65) He then added his own slapstick comedy, each night diving head first through a serving hatch and generally being thrown around.
66) An electric yoghurt-maker is also a good place in which to hatch the eggs.
67) By the time the eggs hatch,[/hatch.html] she is very hungry indeed.
68) Brands Hatch, the famous racing circuit, is a fifteen-minute drive away.
69) When the eggs hatch, the young struggle slowly to the surface of the mound, emerging ready to fend for themselves.
70) The astronauts were fixing a hatch aboard the Mir space station.
71) Where design permits, the old-fashioned serving hatch can come in handy: it's the dumb waiter of the less-palatial home.
72) If the kitchen had had a serving hatch, I could have scared the living daylights out of them.
73) He was quite surprised to find Roz Hatch in the room with him.
74) Then the chief stepped forward and stood by the conning tower hatch.
75) Despite his age, Len Hatch was still a man to be reckoned with.
76) Certainly, reed warblers with an additional egg in the clutch often fail to hatch all their own eggs.
77) It is only when intrusive ethologists steal and hatch eggs that the wide tolerance of the goslings is revealed.
78) As we closed the hatch after us we heard a key turning in the lock of the door to the flat.
79) After the egg has been fertilized, it will hatch in about 6 weeks.
80) Children pick up the eggs from contaminated food or pets, and the worms hatch out at night.
81) In that case, seat backs must be pushed forward before the hatch can be pulled inside the aircraft cabin.
82) She was in the cargo hold, standing on the ribbed floor of the shuttle next to the loading hatch.
83) These constraints made the hatch difficult to get out of in full spacesuits with lunar backpacks.
84) It should have started at Brands Hatch, but Jackie crashed it and had to race again in the 003.
85) He would try to detonate the hatch bolts when he was about a hundred metres above the river.
86) Hatch has rushed on, as well, to the further excess of denouncing appellate judges appointed by Clinton for dissenting opinions.
87) Even more important, birth control has a crucial escape hatch.
88) The court heard that a desperate financial crisis and debts of more than £40,000 drove Shooter to hatch his unsuccessful plot.
89) Rare and widespread flooding gave the locusts the damp soil they need to hatch new eggs.
90) Taking hold of a strong branch, he finally cleared the escape hatch with his legs and dropped to the ground.
91) Depending when the eggs hatch, the larvae will feed on the tender vine shoots, the flowers or the fruit.
92) Some experts suggested that the escape hatch might have been damaged.
93) For a few seconds, he studied the small metal hatch with its four wire-secured locking nuts.
94) Kalchu went to the chicken coop and lifted the hatch.
95) No direct rays could enter, and I knew that, as soon as I closed the hatch, I'd be travelling blind.
96) A face forced its way through the hatch which led from the control room.
97) You can then treat the timber by spraying or brushing on two generous coats,[http:///hatch.html] working backwards towards the loft hatch.
98) The root gives off a chemical which incites the worms to hatch and crawl into it.
99) The egg, if injected, would hatch into a wasp grub that would consume the caterpillar from the inside.
100) Instead, it lays its eggs in nests of other birds, and depends on others to hatch and raise its young.
101) Breeders can increase production by taking an egg away and putting it in an incubator to hatch.
102) Was it malformed, or merely hypothermic, the last to hatch?
103) Cheryl palmed the access lock on the medlab door and the hatch rolled open.
104) Researchers doubted if any of the three remaining eggs would hatch.
105) And so the Tortoise now began To hatch a very subtle plan.
106) By moving the hatch a fraction of an inch we could hear what went on below, but we could see nothing.
107) Young birds are left to fend for themselves soon after they hatch.
108) Eventually the hatch window was completely obscured by the smoke inside.
109) The warm eggs hatch as larger babies than the cool ones.
110) The two sides were now on a collision course: Khrushchev could not allow West Berlin to remain as an escape hatch.
111) Now there was the sound of a seeming kiss as an airtight hatch in the bottom of the saucer was opened.
112) Another escape hatch that Olson slams shut upon us is the device of distinguishing between Pound-the-man and Pound-the-poet.
113) The sweaters hung beneath the open hatch, the sink was empty and the oilskins stowed away.
114) Neither propriety nor the federal Hatch Act forbidding solicitation of political funds on government property was violated, Clinton asserted Wednesday.
115) The fireplace, dating from the castle's foundation in 1625, has been converted into a hatch leading to the kitchen.
116) Hatch started off demonizing a Clinton appointee who let four likely cocaine dealers free on an iffy technicality.
117) The eggs hatch and the tadpoles develop at a spectacular rate.
118) He uses his enlarged tail fin to regularly splash them with water, until they hatch about two days later.
119) There was also an escape hatch in the inner hard cocoon.
120) If you hit a bump you banged your head on the top of the hatch.
121) It must time the laying of its eggs so that its chicks hatch when caterpillars are most abundant, and most palatable.
122) She says the adult birds can't be trusted at this stage to hatch the eggs properly.
123) On the mobile launcher the white room at the end of the swing arm connects with this hatch.
124) Those that survive and hatch are then pounced on by water beetles, dragonfly larvae and many kinds of fish.
125) Brine shrimp, which are eaten by birds and ducks, hatch in the ponds.
126) He slid the companionway hatch cover forward and fastened the doors, shutting off the interior of the yacht.
126) try its best to gather and create good sentences.
127) Here the air-lock doors of a cargo bay; there a communications nacelle, a launch pad, a service hatch.
128) Miles gazed out into space through the circular hatch in the roof of the chamber.
129) As Rostov watched, the lieutenant dropped his weapon and pitched forward out of the hatch.
130) She climbed higher and at last managed the difficult transition from the top of the ladder to the edge of the hatch frame.
131) Loose eggs will hatch if vigorous aeration keeps them in constant motion.
132) Eggs on Apis cerana pupae do not hatch.
133) Rick met his adjutant at the hatch.
134) To Adopt artificial hatch, oosperm hatched rate is 89%.
135) Inspecting fitting accuracy of hatch coaming on board.
136) Hatch our minds from the egg of conceptuality.
137) Sadly, the egg didn't hatch.
138) Eggs that reach fresh water hatch into ciliated miracidia.
139) This is an escape hatch for any unforeseen requirements.
140) What's more, don't bang against the hatch coaming.
141) An incubator is used to hatch chickens.
142) What's more, don't bang against hatch coaming.
143) Nuclear sub escape hatch can be opened, Norwegians say.
144) Inspection welding seam and dimension of cargo hatch cover.
145) Inspecting welding seam of hatch coaming after welding.
146) Within a week, small footless larvae hatch out.
147) Morrison passed through a hatch into the engine room.
148) He went through hatch to the upper deck to look at the sunrise.
149) Inseminated females of the blood-red ant invade wood ant nests, steal the pupae, and the ants that hatch are made to work for the strange queen.
150) Lacewing larvae are cannibalistic, so females lay their eggs at the end of filaments the size of human hairs, keeping them out of reach of one another when they hatch .
151) When the fledglings hatch, Pipit teaches them the same survival skills. She feeds them beetles , worms and caterpillars and teaches them how to fly and sing.
152) European toad whose male carries the fertilized eggs wrapped around its hind legs until they hatch.
153) I'm a tallyman of this hatch. Are you a Quartermaster?
154) His daily commute to work involved him taking five lifts to the 160th floor, climbing through a further seven tiers on vertical ladders, then squeezing into the 6ft wide spire and out of a hatch.
155) Would you like a carbon copy of the tally sheets for Hatch No.3?
156) The driver was in an even worse situation: his hatch could not been opened until the machine-gun turret rotated out of the way. If this turret was jammed, the driver couldn't escape at all.
156) try its best to collect and build good sentences.
157) Hatch mounted portables: Your alternatives start with a portable unit like the Carry on, a good choice for cooling the small cabin of a cuddy cabin powerboat or overnighter sailboat.
158) Leave yourself one escape hatch and get on with it.
159) Tiny worms hatch from the eggs in the water, and use snails as an intermediate host until they're large enough to float freely in the water.
160) Tightness test ( opening and closing test, emergency opening and closing test ) for cargo hatch cover.
161) It already has the A1 supermini and the A3 compact hatch, so if you subtract 1 from 3, you get 2. Add an 'A' up front and voila; you have the return of the A2 nameplate.
162) The frame number marks, made of steel plate shall be welded and painted on the hatch coaming and bulwark at the place of every 10 frame-space and at every bulkhead.
163) Chief tallyman, please tell the stevedore at Bay 10 on deck that the hatch cover of that bay is now pressing on a lashing bar. To avoid damage to the cover, you must take out the bar.
164) Uneasy but eager, the whole family waited for the eggs to hatch.
165) Some linen fabrics were torn in Hatch No.3 owing to the lack of cargo batten.
166) Yet, thinks Professor Catling, amid this wild desolation, Darwin began to hatch a plot.
167) Under proper conditions of humidity, they hatch in approximately 1 month.
168) Eggs: long 0.5 mm, ovate, slightly flat, yellowish-white, hatch change before dark brown.
169) Flexibility and hosing test for small watertight hatch cover(water tight door and window).
170) Loading at Hatch No.4 stopped owing to the breakdown of the winch.
171) They know the meaning of these sounds from the time they hatch.
172) Aim:To investigate the effect of morphine on fetal movement, heart rate, hatch weight, hatch days and hatch rate.
173) In hatch No. 1 lower hold we found many bags stained by sweat.
174) Notice of readiness to load shall be tendered with clean holds hatch open and ready in all respect to load at any time after vessel has arrived at loading port whether in berth or not.
175) Some modern ship, such as containership, is characterized by wide hatch openings.
176) Our main products are various forms of marine lifting block, eye plate , eye ring, turnbuckle , shackle, steel wire socket , spring towing hook, as well as dragging components, such as hatch cover.
177) Sea Catfish: A male sea catfish keeps the eggs in his mouth until they are ready to hatch.
178) However it does have a refreshed grille and a coupe - style swooping rear window and rear hatch.
179) Please put them in both sides of No. 5 deck, leaving a passage between the hatch coaming and the cargo.
180) In the wild, ducklings are exposed to pathogens and parasites as soon as they hatch, and small differences in immune function could determine whether the hatchling survives or not.
181) The most amazing (and badass) characteristic of the komodo dragon is that the female can lay eggs that hatch without being fertilized by a male (this is called parthenogenesis).
182) The aft bulkhead of No. 2 lower hold was punctured about in area due to the swing during the lifting of tween deck hatch pontoons from No. 2 hold.
183) Kid, please consider, if Edison squat down on the egg, can he hatch a chicken?
184) Please unload a part of the weldless steel tubes in Hatch No. 3 hatchway for the present so as to the stevedores can use the opening to fill in the lower hold.
185) I raced out back, wobbling up the rope ladder and through the hatch under the guise of conducting a wind-worthiness test.
186) The natural history museum, a single 100003600 million years ago pterodactyl egg mysterious hatch. The whole city is in terror of sky.
187) Whale sharks are ovoviviparous , meaning that eggs hatch within the mother's body, and then are released.
188) Hatch set off to make rounds, leaving Dick in a muse.
189) The United States embassy was no longer a haven or an escape hatch.
190) Cali, Colombia: A pink flamingo (Phoenicopterus ruber) looks at one of the 10 eggs waiting to hatch at the city zoo.
191) Based on experiment method, two drying technologies named constant low temperature drying and variable temperature drying were experimented on a hatch type circulating paddy drier.
192) Through aisle to hatch, the cleanly wind with ocean special gamey smell blowing my face, spirit got up. Looking up at the hatch, sun is too big, sky is too blue.
193) The short cycle, as laid out by Northwestern University assistant professor Victor Shih in his 2007 book Factions and Finance in China: Elite Conflict and Inflation, is the escape hatch.
194) The imperfection to sheet cover badly affected anticipative function of cylinder liners plateau cross hatch.
195) A father sea catfish keeps the eggs of his young in his mouth until they are ready to hatch.
196) The watchful snatcher dispatched a batch of combatants to the hatch.
197) He helped Lucy into the Black Cat prowler and closed the hatch.
198) In this paper, minimum weight design of a hatch cover of box cross section is made by geometric programming. The analytic optimal solution is obtained.
199) Along with the yolk sac absorption, stomach and duodenum, were differentiated 3 days post hatch, respectively.
200) It is thought they also can remain in a dormant state for years, or even centuries until favorable conditions occur, and then they hatch.
201) When no one's looking, pop open the control-panel hatch with a paper clip or bobby pin.
202) As missile-vertical-launcher hatch and bomb crevasse in war vessel would weaken ship hull's torsional stiffness, it was full necessary to study naval vessel's torsional strength.
203) The cuckoo explained with disdainfulness, "It's literally a waste of time and stupid to stay in the nest and hatch eggs.
204) To be positioned and handled by hatch cover gantry crane.
205) The honed cross hatch in cylinder bore of engine and the cylindricity of cylinder bore shall affect directly the operating mode and life of engine.
206) Seeing the eggs hatch out for the first time is a moment that I will never forget.
207) At the on-ramp to the expressway leading to the city center was a burnt-out tank, with people crawling in and out of its turret hatch.
208) The episodes in the hatch bring science to the forefront in the series, and remain intriguing for the jury-rigged nature of the computers and other equipment.
209) All turret hatches are open, including the rear loading hatch.
210) At corners of cargo hatch opening, plating to be well rounded and ground according to Rules.
211) The rest of the Aden paraffin are arranged in Hatch No. 4 lower hold fore part. Maybe it's omitted in the plan.
212) The speediness development of scientific spurs many enterprises to search new escape hatch.
213) Although it may get you in trouble with your mother, the Caddis Fly hatch on Mothers day is legendary.
214) Every year, thousands of loggerhead sea turtles hatch on the beaches of Florida and flap desperately toward the sanctuary of the surf.
215) The rate of loading should be 300 metric tons per workable hatch.
216) The diffusate of root is one of the most important factor on egg hatch.
217) The acetic acid is corrosive. Please put them in both sides of No. 5 deck, leaving a passage between the hatch coaming and the cargo.
218) Biological effects of microgravity on brain cells were simulated by rotating chicken embryos in a clinostat during their hatch.
219) Many fish larvae hatch without fully formed pectoral fins and all hatch without a swim bladder, so similar problems could occur for them.
220) A koel bird never makes her own nest. She lays her eggs in other nests and when they hatch, what do they do?
221) Take away their algae, and spotted salamander babies hatch smaller and less mature.
222) A key component of the land-grant system is the agricultural experiment station program created by the Hatch Act of 1887.
223) The aft bulkhead of No. 2 lower hold was punctured about in area due to the swing during the lifting of tween deck hatch pontoons from No...
224) But one link to the past remains -- Dante's Down the Hatch.
224) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
225) Gnea slid to the deck, then Bela did, taking Halidarre's bridle and leading her toward the shuttle's open freight hatch.
226) During the summer months, the pupae soon hatch into the next generation of butterflies and the cycle continues.
227) Margo: Performance number one thousand of this one, if I play it that long, will take place in a well-padded booby hatch.
228) Caspian led them down a ladder into the after hatch.
229) The special trimming for the fluorspar in Hatch No.2 is up to our requirements demands .
230) Bones meal and menthol oil should be stowed against the fore bulkhead of Hatch No.3 deck.
231) The nearly century-old red-brick structure and clocktower are where the film's patriotic students hatch their plan to assassinate a Japanese-allied Chinese spy.
232) The paper explains the micro-structure optimization of honed cross hatch on cylinder bore surface, determines its main characteristic parameters and proves them in test bed .
233) Please leave a passage two feet wide a two - foot - wide passage around Hatch No.2 hatchway for walking.
234) When the hatches were closed, the gunner aimed his weapon using a periscope in his hatch. When the hatches were open, he used a US Navy Mk IX reflector gunsight.
235) After slipping the watch back on my wrist, I transferred wallet, cigarettes, and lighter, took the dungarees aboard the Topaz, and snapped the padlock on the companion hatch.
236) Five trays of eggs would hatch out a huge number of silkworms.




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